MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1053 Come on~ brother, spit 'phlegm' on the ground~~

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  Chapter 1053 Come~ Brother, spit ‘phlegm’ on the ground~~

   Knowing that he has such a powerful genetic researcher under his command, Hao Shuai did his best and decisively brought Dr. Wu to the world of Monster Universe.

   As for whether Dr. Wu is willing to come to Skull Island?

   Isn't this nonsense!

   I didn’t see that since Dr. Wu arrived at Skull Island, he was as excited as a mouse falling into a rice vat.

   It's just that Dr. Wu is excited, and the creatures on Skull Island are unlucky.

  As long as it is a unique creature on Skull Island, it is hard to escape the bad luck of entering his laboratory. Even if it is King Kong, if Hao Shuai didn't stop it, Dr. Wu would like to try to dissect it and study it.

   Although King Kong escaped from the laboratory in the end, Dr. Wu also left a large bucket of blood and a large piece of meat on his butt.

   So much so that when King Kong saw Dr. Wu, he ran away immediately.

   Now that he knows that Hao Shuai has brought back Godzilla, Dr. Wu naturally leans forward again.

   "I knew you would want it, so take it." Hao Shuai laughed.

   After finishing speaking, Hao Shuai waved his hand, and several wooden barrels appeared under his feet, which contained Godzilla's tissue samples and blood, which Hao Shuai did after Godzilla was injured before.

"Thank you boss." Dr. Wu excitedly commanded the robot to move these wooden barrels to his laboratory. Hao Shuai thought he would be eager to do research, but he asked again: "Boss, how is the exploration of the earth's core channel going?" How is it?"

   "It hasn't started yet." Hao Shuai looked at Dr. Wu with black lines and said, "Why are the creatures on Skull Island not enough for you to study, and the creatures in the earth's core world?"

   "Boss, it's okay if I don't know. After knowing that there is a world in the center of the earth with a unique ecosystem in it, I really feel itchy!" Dr. Wu didn't care about Hao Shuai's face at all.

   "The skeletal reptiles living in the tunnel haven't been wiped out yet. I'll let you know when it's done." Hao Shuai had no choice but to take the scientists under his command.

   After finishing speaking, Hao Shuai was afraid that Dr. Wu would get entangled in the issue of entanglement in the inner earth world, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "What happened to the alien eggs brought back earlier?"

  Seeing that Hao Shuai asked a professional question, Dr. Wu said seriously: "Based on my research on aliens, the alien queen should hatch within a few days."

  Hao Shuai scanned the corpse of the female Muto in the distance with his divine sense, sensed the beating alien egg inside, and said to Dr. Wu: "Get ready, we will go to the inner world when the alien queen hatches."

   "As for those skeleton reptiles, tomorrow I will let King Kong and Godzilla clean them up."

After all, Hao Shuai saw that it was getting late, so he was ready to go back to rest. Before leaving, he didn’t forget to face King Kong and Godzilla who were squatting on the left and right next to the nuclear power plant to absorb radiation: “You two give me Be honest, don't fight, otherwise~~ hum!"


  Skull Island, the land of death on the north side.

  When Hao Shuai came to this place of death for the second time, it was already noon the next day.

  No way~~

  Who told Hao Shuai to go back to Datang to rest last night, so happy that he forgot the time, when he returned to Skull Island, it was already noon.

  But who made Hao Shuai the boss, even if he got up late, who would dare to say a word.

  So Hao Shuai waited until he had eaten the special meat from Skull Island before Shi Shiran brought Godzilla and King Kong to the Land of the Dead.

   "Hey~~ I ran even further." Standing at the entrance of the skeleton reptile lair, Hao Shuai sensed that the skeleton reptiles ran farther than yesterday.

  Yesterday, Hao Shuai counted 40 to 50 skeleton reptiles in this cave, most of them are the kind of small ones with a body length of only ten or twenty meters, and one fist of King Kong.

   Upwards are the main force with a length of 30 to 40 meters, and there are about a dozen of them.

  The last is the ancestors of the two skeleton reptiles of more than 90 meters discovered yesterday.

   It’s just that these pests from Skull Island are crawling deeper into the cave one by one. Hao Shuai probably smelled the smell of Godzilla and was instinctively afraid.

   But no matter how far those ugly skeleton reptiles run, there is only one end today, and that is death!


   King Kong roared, eager to fight, I don't know if it was because his old opponent was watching, King Kong was full of fighting spirit at this moment.

  Hao Shuai slapped King Kong angrily, and said, "The passage below is so complicated, how long are you going to fight?"

   Then he said to Godzilla: "Come on, brother, spit at the entrance of this hole, no, it's a high-power atomic breath."


  Hearing Hao Shuai calling himself, Godzilla looked at King Kong proudly, walked to the entrance of the cave swaggeringly, and the sword ruler on his back continuously lit up with azure blue light from its giant tail

   And like a marquee, it quickly spread along the blade-like spikes on the back!

  When it reached the head, Godzilla opened its giant mouth, facing the underground hole, and spewed out a blue beam of light!


  Amidst an ear-piercing roar, the places where the energy of the rich atomic breath passed were blown up and turned into dust in the air.


   A burst of wailing came from the cave, it was the last words of the skeleton reptile before it died.

   "Okay~ Shut up!"

   After a while, Hao Shuai, who felt similar, stopped Godzilla. After all, Hao Shuai just wanted to open up the passage to the underground world, not to string the earth.

  As the elder brother stopped his atomic breathing, the land of death finally returned to tranquility. At the same time, a stench mixed with the smell of blood floated out of the cave, spreading towards the entire land of death.

Hao Shuai then remembered that skeleton reptiles live in the dark underground all the year round, eat, drink, and scatter underground, and they are not that particular about food, even rotten food. And I don't know what the taste of the underground caves where they live will be.

   "I'll go back first, you two will clean up the remaining skeleton reptiles." Hao Shuai, who was choked by the smell and had no desire to do anything, decisively handed over the finishing work to King Kong and Godzilla.

   Not all the skeleton reptiles were killed by Brother Zong's atomic breath, but a few were lucky enough to escape, including the two largest ones.

  Anyway, Hao Shuai made up his mind that he would not enter the underground passage until the smell dissipated.


   After a few days~~

  On the giant cocoon where the alien queen was, Hao Shuai looked expectantly at the alien queen who was about to break out of the shell in Muto's brain.


   Cracks appeared on the giant cocoon, and suddenly a 'huge' alien queen rushed out of the giant cocoon, roared, and ran towards Hao Shuai quickly.

"This is what you look like after evolution?" Looking at the shape and color of the alien queen in front of him, which is somewhat similar to the female Muto, but lacks a pair of legs and has a sharp long tail, Hao Shuai is also speechless .

  Because the original height of the alien queen was eleven or two meters, after evolution, she became smaller, and now she is only three meters tall.

  Although he is still tall compared to Hao Shuai, he is not enough to step on the Titans with one toe.


  (end of this chapter)

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