MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1057 Godzilla, the walking nuclear reactor!

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  Chapter 1057 Godzilla, the walking nuclear reactor!

  At this time, Dr. Wu and the others have at least three to four times the physical fitness of ordinary people. As long as they are not exposed to such an environment for several months in a row, they will be fine.

   And even if something happens, it is just a small problem for Hao Shuai who has the healing machine in hand.

  Thinking of this, Hao Shuai waved his hand to signal Dr. Wu that they can come down.

   "Huh~huh~" Dr. Wu, who just got off the spaceship, took two deep breaths of air, came to Hao Shuai, and said, "Boss, the oxygen content here is still high! I'm almost drunk with oxygen."

   "That's right! No wonder the animals and plants here are so huge." Hao Shuai nodded in agreement.

   The monsters in the earth's core world, nourished by the abundant radiant energy and the oxygen content far exceeding 35% of the prehistoric earth, even herbivores, can grow extremely huge, let alone those carnivorous monsters.

   "However, boss, what's wrong with King Kong? It seems that the mood is a bit wrong!" Dr. Wu pointed to King Kong who suddenly became very depressed.

   "I can't find my people, I'm lonely." Hao Shuai explained.

   "You mean this was originally the territory of the King Kong clan?!" Dr. Wu pushed his glasses, a little in disbelief.

"Is this unusual?!" Hao Shuai walked up to a scattered skeleton of a giant beast, and with a move, a huge primitive battle ax fell into his hand, "Did you see this ax~ This is a weapon of the King Kong clan ~~"

  The skeleton of the giant beast in front of him was huge, a single skull was 20 meters in size, from which it can be deduced that the body of the giant beast was at least nearly 100 meters long.

  Such a huge monster died on a primitive and simple battle axe, which shows how sharp this ten-meter-long battle ax is.

   According to analysis, the skeleton in front of him is probably the skeleton of the atomic dinosaur, that is, the skeleton of Godzilla, and the tomahawk is also made of the dorsal fin of the atomic dinosaur family.

  Hao Shuai tried to inject some real energy into it, but the battle ax actually absorbed it.

  Hao Shuai, who was very interested, immediately increased the infusion of real energy, not wanting just a small dorsal fin, like an oversized sponge, to continuously absorb Hao Shuai's real energy.

   After a while, Hao Shuai, looking at the battle ax with white lines shining due to the absorption of true energy, said with emotion: "I didn't expect that Godzilla's dorsal fin can still store energy after so many years."

  Hao Shuai was not very curious about the energy absorbed by Godzilla's dorsal fin.

  Because as early as a few days ago, Dr. Wu and the others performed a full-body test on Godzilla, and Hao Shuai knew why Godzilla could breathe out atoms at that time.

  It turns out that Godzilla has many energy pockets in his body, that is, the internal organs can withstand high temperatures of 100,000 degrees. Godzilla, who feeds on nuclear waste, also has many uranium bags to store nuclear fuel. Godzilla also has a thermonuclear energy converter organ in the body of the biological atomic furnace. When spraying atomic breath, the physical organs need to cooperate with each other. , ejecting a powerful atomic breath, the entire body structure is almost a bio-nuclear energy machine.

  When the nuclear fuel is digested by Godzilla's stomach, it turns into viscous liquid and enters the small intestine. The small intestine absorbs radioactive elements and sends them through blood vessels to the kidneys where they are concentrated and then sent to the heart, the nuclear reactor. The viscous fluid enters the large intestine, completing the process of concentration. The lighter excess waste above is excreted through vomiting. When atomic breathing is required, Godzilla will push all the nuclear fuel and waste in the large intestine into the throat pouch at one time, and then contract the muscles to trigger a chain reaction.

  So to put it simply, Godzilla's atomic breath is a bionuclear reactor in the body, which reacts the nuclear atoms in the body and spits out with heat energy!

  And when Godzilla does not emit atomic breath, its excess energy will be temporarily stored in the dorsal fin.


  In order to prevent Godzilla from seeing the ax and knock out the dog’s brains with King Kong, Hao Shuai decided to put the ax away first.

   As for King Kong?

  Leaving aside the rough processing of this battle ax, the material is not hard and sharp enough. Apart from being able to absorb energy and become sharp, it is basically useless.

   Just say monkeys are not born to be good at juggling sticks? !

   Shouldn’t King Kong be more powerful with a stick? !

   "Boss, are you planning to set up the base of the Earth's inner world here?" Dr. Wu stepped forward and asked. After he saw Hao Shuai put away his axe, he looked around the empty hall.

"Don't you think the location here is good?" Hao Shuai squatted down and picked out a blue-glowing stone from the ground, and said, "At least we don't have to worry about energy, and we can better study how the Titan absorbs energy." of."

  Dr. Wu also felt that what Hao Shuai said was reasonable, and immediately said: "Okay, I will build the base as soon as possible."

   "It's not urgent, pay attention to safety while building." Hao Shuai said: "Especially be careful with these little things."

   After speaking, Hao Shuai pointed to the top of the hall.

   "That's ~~ a bat??" Dr. Wu said with narrowed eyes.

  The main hall is really too big, and the light is not very good. Even with the vision enhanced by Dr. Wu's serum, I can barely see many animals hanging upside down on the top of the main hall.

   "That's Kamazotz, a bat-like creature with a tail." Hao Shuai explained.

  In order for Dr. Wu and the others to have an in-depth understanding of Kamazotz, Hao Shuai flew into the air, grabbed a Kamazotz and returned to the ground.

  Devil-like horns and facial features, the mouth is full of dagger-like sharp teeth, and the eyes may have become extremely pale because they are used to living in the dark. Huge wings are covered with blade-like feathers, and the body is covered with extensive plate armor.

  Looking at the Kamazotz standing only two meters tall in front of him, Dr. Wu, who had checked the information of the Emperor Organization, wondered: "Didn't it mean that Kamazotz is also a titan? Why is it so small?"

   "Kamazotz is not allowed to have grandchildren!" Hao Shuai explained with a smile: "The real Kamazotz should still be sleeping in a dark place in the inner world."

  Kamazoz first appeared in the movie novel of "Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters", and officially appeared in the prequel comic "Kingdom King Kong" of "Godzilla vs. King Kong".

   Its name comes from the bat **** in Mayan mythology. In Mesoamerican mythology, Kamazoz is an evil **** who travels at night, symbolizing night, death and sacrifice.

According to the research of the Emperor Organization, Kamazotz's blood is dark black, like oil. It inhabits the dark caves in the earth's core world. It used to go to the surface through the passage of Skull Island many years ago, and was adopted by the indigenous people at that time. The Uighurs saw it and left ancient hieroglyphic records.

  In the comics of "Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters", Kamazoz is also one of the many ancient titans awakened by Ghidorah, and it brought its army of bat monsters together to destroy the city of San Diego at night.

  The Emperor Organization finally cooperated with a large number of fighter jets to barely repel Kamazoz's bat army.

   Since the retreating Kamazoz did not receive the sound waves transmitted by Orca, he did not go to Boston at the end, but chose to return to his lair in the inner earth world...


  (end of this chapter)

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