MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1064 Mothra was sold because of a USB flash drive!

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   "Old chief, please~~"

  Hao Shuai replied politely, and then walked side by side with the old man towards the armed helicopter parked aside.

  Amidst the sound of 'da da', Hao Shuai was invited to the command base. For Hao Shuai's arrival, the people here, even the elders in the far north, reported an optimistic attitude.

   Such an optimistic attitude quickly turned into joy after Hao Shuai removed the illusion covering his face.

  Black hair, yellow skin, authentic Chinese, and Hao Shuai's attitude, all of which suggest that this 'god'-like man in front of him has a deep connection with them.

Hao Shuai didn't think as much as the old man did. After arriving at the conference room of the base, he drank the good tea and said straight to the point: "My goal this time is the giant monster Mothra in Yunnan Province. , that is, the dragon butterfly in your mouth, I just greet you out of politeness when I see you."

   "Mothra belongs to our country, and no one can take it away." The old man said seriously.

   "Oh~ are you confident that you can stop me?" Hao Shuai smiled.

  Hao Shuai's words shocked the minds of the people present, and they couldn't help feeling uneasy.

   They can't be blamed for being so cowardly, but Hao Shuai's achievements along the way are really too tough.

   "Instead of caring about a titan that you can't control, it's better to think about how to develop technology and improve national strength. That's the right way." Hao Shuai continued to speak without paying attention to the expressions of the old man and the others.

"We also want to develop, but the West has blocked us, so we can only rely on our own efforts, but even if we have bravely caught up, we were too far behind before, and there is still no way to close the gap between us and the United States." The old man smiled wryly. .

"Okay~ I don't have time to listen to your complaints. Find someone to take me to the base of the Emperor Organization in Yunnan Province." Hao Shuai interrupted the old man roughly, put down the teacup in his hand, and then stood up and walked out. "I'll give you ten minutes to think about it."

   "You~~" The old man wanted to say something, but suddenly stopped.

  Because before he saw the teacup that Hao Shuai was drinking, he saw a strangely shaped USB flash drive.

  The old man, who didn't understand at first, quickly reacted, grabbed the USB flash drive, and said loudly: "Quick, bring a laptop."

  At this time, the people present also saw the USB flash drive in the old man's hand, and a subordinate hurriedly brought a military laptop.

  When the old man plugged in the USB flash drive and looked at the dense data in the laptop under the circumstances that everyone was watching, everyone showed expressions of disbelief.

  Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, hypersonic fighter, space carrier, controllable nuclear fusion technology~~~

   "Is this all true?"

  After a long while, someone finally came to his senses and asked such a question.

   And it was this question that reminded the old man, who suddenly shouted: "Guard!"


  As soon as the old man finished speaking, four armed guards walked in.

   "Pass my military order. From now on, everyone here is not allowed to leave here without my order. At the same time, their mobile phones and other communication equipment will be confiscated immediately." The old man ordered loudly.

   "Yes." After the guard received the order, two people stood guard at the door immediately, and the remaining two began to collect the mobile phones of the people present, while the old man picked up the confidential phone and dialed the number in the north.

  No one objected to the old man's order, and they all cooperated obediently. Having seen the contents of the USB flash drive, they knew that no matter how strict they were at the moment.

  After the guards finished their tasks, the old man just finished calling, and then ordered: "Arrange a plane back to the capital immediately, and from now on, arrange four people to protect me 24 hours a day."

   After finishing speaking, the old man solemnly put the USB flash drive into the inner pocket of his clothes, turned around and walked outside.

  As soon as the old man came out of the conference room, he walked straight towards Hao Shuai who was looking at the scenery outside. Behind him were four guards guarding him with full vigilance.

   "Thank you for your USB flash drive." The old man said to Hao Shuai gratefully.

   "No thanks, we are just a deal, isn't it!" Hao Shuai waved his hand.

   "Yes~Yes~~" Since Hao Shuai has said so, the old man can only follow his words, "I will arrange someone to send you to Yunnan Province, sir."

   After finishing speaking, the old man called his deputy and asked him to immediately arrange for a helicopter to take Hao Shuai to Yunnan Province.

  From the beginning to the end, the old man and the others did not doubt the authenticity of the materials in Hao Shuai's USB drive.

   But it’s true, with Hao Shuai’s strength, there is no need to shake them when they are full. After all, if Hao Shuai really wants to **** Longdie (Mothra) by force, they can’t stop them at all.

  Actually, the old man and the others didn’t know that the technology Hao Shuai gave them was already the most basic version in his hands.

  Of course it’s not that Hao Shuai doesn’t give them more awesome black technology, but with their current technology level, too advanced technology is not suitable for them.

   As the old saying goes, you have to move forward step by step, and you can’t take too big a step at once, otherwise it’s easy to mess up!


   Emperor Organization Outpost No. 61, Rainforest of Yunnan Province.

When Hao Shuai arrived at the outpost established on the ruins of this ancient temple and browsed around, he knew that the Emperor Organization had dug a huge scientific research base in the deep mountains and old forests in the hinterland of Yunnan Province. Even if Hao Shuai was killed, he wouldn't believe it.

  After all, my hometown is not some other place that can make people mess around under my nose without anyone noticing.

   Especially Hao Shuai remembered that in the plot, there were foreign militants who could break into the scientific research base of the Emperor Organization in Yunnan Province with steady firepower? !

  This is so outrageous!

   Only Hollywood blockbusters in the United States dare to act like this, but now it is the real world. If you let those militants try, I am afraid that there will be no corpses under heavy fire.

  Of course, none of the above has anything to do with Hao Shuai. Now that he is here, Mothra belongs to him, no, it belongs to Godzilla, and no one can change this.

   But when Hao Shuai looked at the huge cocoon in front of him, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought: "Is this Mothra still alive? Otherwise, why doesn't it have any energy?"

   In this regard, Hao Shuai turned his head and looked playfully at an Asian woman who accompanied him in, and asked, "Why is Mothra not moving at all?"

  This Asian woman is Dr. Chen Ling from Outpost No. 61 of the Emperor Group. She is a senior myth expert with deep research on ancient books such as "Shan Hai Jing", and she is also the first to discover the "Monster Queen" Mothra in the form of a larva.

   It's not right either, it can't be said that she discovered it alone.

  In addition to Chen Ling, there is also her twin sister, Chen Ailin who is far away at the headquarters of the Emperor Organization.

   This is why Hao Shuai is interested in her.

   After all, it is the 'International Zhang'! It's still the "International Zhang" of the twins, it's exciting to think about it!

Read The Duke's Passion