MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 981 My demon pill~~ is gone! !

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  Chapter 981 My demon pills~~ are gone!

The vortex in the magma is getting bigger and bigger, and it sinks deeply. The roar that is pulled by the rushing torrent slowly emanates from the depths of this vortex, like thunder, gradually getting louder, and in the end, it has It was deafening, and even overwhelmed the dragon chant of the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon in midair.

  When the rapidly rotating magma had already spun rapidly to the point of madness, the huge vortex was several feet wide, and from the deep vortex, there was a loud thunder.

  'Boom! '

In an instant, the sky shook, and a fiery pillar shot straight out from the huge lava vortex. It was completely composed of magma, and it was as thick as ten people hugging. Proportionate Montenegro old demons and a few remaining old demons rushed forward.

   Sweeping everything, looking down on the world!

  As if this is the truly incomparable power!

  The power of fire, the essence of fire!

   Under the torment of that crazy power, first the weakest thousand-year-old ghost king died in the power of fire, and then a minotaur with a human body turned into a delicious roasted whole cow in the blink of an eye~~

   Above is the Fire Dragon of the Eight Desolation, which is watching tigers for a long time; all around, is a sea of ​​​​crazily burning flames; under the feet, there is an irresistible pillar of lava and fire rushing forward!

"Hey~~ This Black Mountain old demon is really strong and tough!" Hao Shuai, who has ears and eyesight, heard the panting in the firelight, and couldn't help admiring: "However, no matter how strong you are, you will never be able to escape from this fire. The Eight Desolation Mysterious Fire Formation that surpasses everything in the world!"

  As Hao Shuai increased the output of mana, the fire dragon in the midair suddenly roared, and the dragon roared and roared, rumbled out continuously. The surrounding flames rose instantly together, as if they were also dancing wildly, watching this carnival of the end of the world.

   After a while, the rising lava slowly fell, the rapidly rotating magma slowly slowed down, and the huge vortex began to shrink. Only the terrifying pillar of fire seemed to be still above the sea of ​​lava, standing still for a moment.


  The entire city lord's mansion seemed so quiet at this moment, only Hao Shuai's short breathing was left in the air.

   This is the first time Hao Shuai has felt his body being hollowed out since his debut!

   It is the kind of being hollowed out in the true sense, not the kind of "emptied out" with a cigarette afterwards.

  At this time, Hao Shuai's body was empty, and he had lost all his true essence and mana.

   As the saying goes, the more powerful you have to master, the more you should pay!

  The Eight Desolation Black Fire Formation is very strong, and the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon summoned can burn everything~~

  However, it is beyond the limit of the Eight Desolation Xuanhuo Formation to wipe out several Yinshen Realm bosses, dozens of Jindan stage big monsters, and nearly a hundred demons and ghosts in one go.

  According to the law of energy conservation, in order to wipe out all the monsters in one fell swoop, Hao Shuai can only continuously provide the required true energy and mana for the Eight Desolation Xuanhuo Formation.

   Fortunately, it’s a bit illusory, but the effect is still good. Under the cover of the fire dragon, all the demons and ghosts are turned into scum~~


   It turned into slag! ? !

   "My demon pills!! All gone!" Suddenly, Hao Shuai's heartbroken cry sounded from the city lord's mansion that had been reduced to a pile of ashes.

  It was only at this moment that he remembered the purpose of his trip, and thought that he had burned dozens of demon pills to slag. Hao Shuai had the urge to hammer himself twice.

  Holding a trace of fantasy about whether he could leave some scum behind, Hao Shuai chanted a spell and put away the Eight Desolation Xuanhuo Formation.

  As Hao Shuai put the Xuanhuo Jian into the space, the huge gap where the tyrannical Eight Desolation Fire Dragon was located began to shrink slowly.


  Bahuang Fire Dragon let out an angry roar, full of unwillingness, as if he really didn't want to return to that dark space, but with its tyranny, it couldn't stop its huge head from being swallowed by that mysterious space again.

   "Huh~ Is there something there?"

  With the disappearance of the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon, the fire light in the sky gradually dimmed. At this moment, Hao Shuai suddenly had a dark light flash in a corner of the ashes.

   "Could it be the demon pill of the old demon of Montenegro?!" Hao Shuai was overjoyed, and knowing that he might guess right, he blew lightly on the ground.

  Suddenly, a strong wind blew up, and all the thick ashes on the ground were swept into the sky and drifted into the distance.

   "What the **** are these three thick black ones? Why do they look like the top of a mountain?"

  As the ashes were removed, Hao Shuai also saw that the black light should be from the three black things in front of him.

  Hao Shuai looked at it for a long time, but he didn't fully understand what it was. He just guessed that the lower part of it should have sunk into the ground due to the melting of the ground.

   "Brother Hao~ Are you okay?"

   Just when Hao Shuai was about to get this thing out of the ground, Yan Chixia's concerned words came from his ears.

"It's Brother Yan! I'm fine. Those monsters and ghosts are the ones who are in trouble." Hao Shuai turned around with a smile, but saw Yan Chixia who was in a mess and pale, and was shocked and said: "Well~ Brother Yan, you this is?"

   "Brother Hao will catch you naturally." Yan Chixia looked at Hao Shuai with reverence and fear in her eyes, and said, "As for me, it's nothing serious, I just killed some little monsters with my hands."

  Don't look at Yan Chixia who looks very calm on the surface at this time, in fact, he is physically and mentally exhausted at this moment.

  Physically exhausted because Yan Chixia blocked a large wave of little demons preparing to rescue when Hao Shuai launched the formation before, so that his mana was exhausted and his body was a little weak.

   And the inner exhaustion was scared by Hao Shuai.

  He only felt that what Hao Shuai had done just now had completely exceeded his cognition.

  The ability to summon the mighty fire dragon with every gesture is not an ability that ordinary monks can have.

   Yan Chixia had a non-questioning question in her heart, that is, is Hao Shuai a fairy? !

  Say yes~~

  But as far as Yan Chixia knows, today's era has long been an era when immortals and Buddhas do not appear, and gods and Buddhas in the sky have long since disappeared. Logically speaking, Hao Shuai shouldn't exist either.

   Said Hao Shuai is not a fairy~~

  Then how can he explain that he killed countless big monsters and giant monsters including the old demon of Montenegro with just one move?

   Yan Chixia, who was in a very complicated mood, could only try her best to communicate with Hao Shuai with a normal heart.

"Brother Yan, thank you for your hard work this time." Although Yan Chixia said it was fine, Hao Shuai could see his ins and outs at a glance, hurriedly took out a pill, handed it to him, and said, "This one is The panacea to replenish vitality, Brother Yan, take it quickly."

  Yan Chixia was not polite, took the pill and swallowed it in one gulp, and asked curiously at the same time: "Brother Hao, what were you looking at just now?"

  Hao Shuai pointed to the three peaks, and said, "This is the only thing left in the entire castellan's mansion. I'm planning to get it out to see what it is."

  (end of this chapter)

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