MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 505 Pit son's Fu Ye

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Shen Qingyi waved his hand. "Nothing, I will pick him up now."

"That little sister-in-law, Hengyi will be handed over to you, I will go first." Jiang Chenxi said with a very eye-catching look.

"Okay, be careful on the road." Shen Qingyan sent Jiang Chenxi to leave, and then regained his gaze to see Fu Hengyi.

Fu Hengyi looked at Shen Qingying who appeared in front of himself and raised his eyebrows. "How come you?"

Shen Qingyu looked faint. "If I don't come, where are you going to live tonight?" Fu Hengyi licked his lips.

Shen Qingyi opened the door and looked at Fu Hengyi, who was standing still there. "Not on the bus yet?" Fu Hengyi walked slowly and sat in the co-pilot.

Shen Qingyi sent a message to Shen Junyi, I took him home first.

Well, drive carefully on the road and call me at home.

Shen Qingyi returned a gesture and was about to drive, only to find that Fu Hengyi's seat belt was not tied, and he leaned over to help him wear a seat belt.

Fu Hengyi closed his eyes. I didn't know if I was asleep or closed my eyes. I noticed that Shen Qingyi was close, and suddenly hugged her and buried her head in her hair. "Qing, how come you come to me now?" He waited for her for a day, but she didn't even send him a message.

His body with a touch of wine, not bad smell, with his tone of grievances now, Shen Qingyi's heart is soft.

"I am waiting for you outside." She actually came after receiving the information sent to her by Shen Junyi, but she was waiting outside for Fu Hengyi.

"Why don't you go in and find me?" It was probably drunk, Fu Hengyi's tone was soft, and it sounded a bit of Anan's taste when he was spoiled. Shen Qing's heart was unusually soft.

"You want to see me when you come out," she said softly.

"You are fooling me again, you still ignore me in the morning. You are a big flicker." Fu Hengyi, who was dominated by alcohol, faded away from the cold coat and became somewhat naive, but unusually soft.

"Is still angry about things this morning?" Shen Qing asked softly.

"Nothing is angry." Fu Hengyi did not admit that he was because he was thrown angry by his wife.

Shen Qingyi heard the words and instantly laughed. "Fu Hengyi, do you think that I love Anan more than I love you, so I am jealous?"

Hearing this, Fu Hengyi’s eyes instantly became resentful, and Shen Qingyi knew that he must have guessed it.

"I feel that since the birth of the stinky boy, my status has plummeted, and there is no me in your eyes." Fu Hengyi whispered, he couldn't remember how many times it happened like this morning. Every time An An is going to cry, Shen Qingyi will leave him to comfort his son.

Shen Qingying's eyes are more intense, patted Fu Hengyi's face. "Stupid, you will always be the first in my heart." If that was not her child with Fu Hengyi, she thought she could not love Ann. Although the mother loves her own child, it is natural, but because this is the child of her own and the most loved man, Shen Qingyi has a more love for the house and love.

Fu Hengyi did not believe, "You have said this many times." The result is still for An An to leave him.

I heard that the resentment in his words, Shen Qingyi did not know what to say, this naive man. Put Fu Hengyi's hand on his chest. "Fu Hengyi, can you hear my heartbeat?"

Fu Hengyi can of course feel the beating of the heart under the palm of his hand, only to hear Shen Qingyi say, "Fu Hengyi, you are in the most important position in my heart, my heartbeat is accelerated because of you."

"Clear, in your heart you are also the most important, more important than An An." Fu Hengyi said softly, looking serious.

Shen Qingqi was sour in his heart and held him firmly. "Well, I know." She always knew that this man loved her and saw her more important than his own life.

"Let me go, I will take you home now." Shen Qingyi gently opened his mouth.

Fu Hengyi shook his head, he didn't want to go back now.

Shen Qingyi was allowed to hold her by Fu Hengyi. The two of them sat in the car and no one spoke. After a long time, Fu Hengyi let go of her, leaning on the back of the chair, reaching for her forehead, drinking a little at night, and began to have a headache.

The slender and slender hand fell on his temple, gently pressed, the cool fingertips seemed to have magical power, gradually smoothing his headache, Fu Hengyi's frowning brow stretched out, after a while, Fu Hengyi pressed Living her hand, "Clear, yes."

"Press for a while." Shen Qingyi did not stop, and pressed for a while, then let go, help Fu Hengyi to tie the seat belt.

Fu Hengyi's wine is very good, drunk and just quietly there.

Shen Qingyi stopped the car and turned around and saw Fu Hengyi close his eyes and was already asleep. She quietly looked at Fu Hengyi's side face, and the light suddenly suddenly turned to look at Fu Hengyi's ear. There was a white hair there. Looking carefully at Fu Hengyi's eyes, there was already a trace of fine lines. It is not obvious to look seriously.

Shen Qing’s eyes have become complicated. She has been with Fu Hengyi for five years. For five years, for many people, it may not be very long, especially in a marriage relationship. Five years is even very Short, but this is a short five years, she and this man have experienced many people will not experience life.

They have lived and died, shared troubles, and had a sweet relationship. They are the most intimate people in the world. They are the most important people in their hearts. Shen Qingyi used to think that the rest of his life is very long. They have a lot of time to slow down. Slowly accompanied by the old, and the child is growing up, the chicks leave home, so free to soar, so she wants to accompany her son to grow up, and then accompanied by Fu Hengyi to grow old, but forgot to grow up in Anan while Fu Hengyi is slowly aged.

Time is fair to everyone, no less, no more than a second.

At this moment, Shen Qingyi also reflected in his heart. In the past, did he really put too much energy on Anan and ignored Fu Hengyi.

She raised her hand and gently pinched the white hair of Fu Hengyi. His hair was short and it was not easy to pull. Shen Qingyi just wanted to find the scissors to cut the white hair. She remembered that there was scissors in the car. But was caught.

It turned out that Fu Hengyi woke up and slept on the way back for a while. Fu Hengyi’s wine woke up a lot.

"You have a white hair in your ear, I will cut it for you." Shen Qingyi said warmly.

Fu Hengyi held her hand and shook it gently. "You don't have to cut it. I have more than one on my head. I will be more and more in the future. You can't cut it." He is 36 years old and already close. Passed one-half of life.

"Clear, I am old." Fu Hengyi's voice is very light, but it slammed into Shen Qing's heart.

Shen Qingxi smiled. "Who said that you are old, in his thirties is the age of a man."

Fu Hengyi heard the words and turned to look at her. "You are a flower."

"I am a flower among women. You are a flower among men, so both of us are flower-aged and perfect."

Fu Hengyi smirked, smiled in the chest, and he reached out and squeezed Shen Qing's face. "When did the skin become so thick?"

Shen Qingqi let him hold his eyes, his eyes full of smiles. She did not mention that Fu Hengyi left home today, just as tonight, he was going out with friends to drink a few more cups.

That night, Shen Qingyi still took a pair of scissors to cut the white hair on Fu Hengyi's head, a total of five. When she was not paying attention to Fu Hengyi, she wrapped the five white hairs and carefully caught them on the last page of the album.

Early the next morning, when Fu Hengyi opened his eyes, Shen Qingyi was in his arms. "Husband, early." She took the initiative to give Fu Hengyi a good morning kiss.

Fu Hengyi raised his eyebrows slightly, "early, wife."

This morning, Fu Hengyi found that Shen Qingyi rarely ignored Anan, just as An An wanted to eat eggs and wanted Shen Qing to strip.

Shen Qingyi just said, "An An, you have grown up, you have to learn to peel your eggs."

An An wants Shen Qing to send him to the kindergarten, and Shen Qingyi just pushes to Fu Hengyi. "Let my father send them these days."

When Fu Hengyi sent An An back, Shen Qingyi waited for Fu Hengyi in the living room. "Fu Hengyi, let's go out on a date."

Her face had a light makeup and she changed her clothes.

Fu Hengyi looked at her unexpectedly, "Now?"

"Yes, now."

"Did you not agree to Anan today to learn to make cakes for him to eat?" This was when Shen Qingyi promised Anan when she had breakfast yesterday morning.

"I have already said to Liu Wei, she will help me well, you also know that my cooking is not good, making cakes is a waste of food, even if it is." Liu Wei is better than Zhao Wei, An An I have always liked it.

Shen Qingyi looked at Fu Hengyi, "Fu Hengyi, I want to invite you to dinner today, are you willing?"

Fu Hengyi is of course willing to smile, "I am honored."

Fu Hengyi went up and changed clothes, and went out with Shen Qingyi. They didn't drive. The two walked on the street. They saw a nice restaurant and went in. They ate a morning tea and went to see it. A movie.

"Fu Hengyi, let's ride a bicycle to the beach." From the cinema, Shen Qingyi proposed.

Fu Hengyi should have a good voice.

In the past two years, the city has launched a shared bicycle, which can be borrowed by a mobile phone. The two ride bicycles and ride in the direction of the suburbs. Their speed is not fast and they are swaying.

Along the way through a higher education park, there are many colleges and universities. There are also couples riding bicycles along the road, but they are all dressed up by students. The ages like Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi are really unique.

Someone looked at them curiously, and some people cast envious eyes on them.

Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi ignored these eyes and talked and laughed along the way.

In the evening, the couple went to pick up An'an to leave school. This is the first time that Fu Hengyi and Shen Qingyi went to pick him up.

When Anan walked out of the school gate, he saw the father and mother standing outside the school gate. His eyes suddenly turned bright and he ran toward Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi. Fu Hengyi hugged his son and put him on his shoulder. "Go, go home." Hey."

Anan sat on Dad's shoulder and could hear his laughter from afar.

The next day is Saturday, An An does not have to go to school, Fu Hengyi and Shen Qingyi decided to take An An to the amusement park to play. An An is very happy. Very excited along the way.

"Dad, I want to play a roller coaster. The last time my brother said that the mountain bike is fun, I want to play the pirate ship, and..." An An counted the amusement park project that he had told him.

"Dad, can these be?"

"Some can, some of you are too small, can't play now, wait until you grow up, grow up to your brother, I will take you to play."

An An was a little disappointed, but this little disappointment was instantly forgotten by him when he saw a wide variety of rides in the amusement park.

Fu Hengyi is responsible for playing An An, while Shen Qingyi is responsible for taking pictures of both father and son.

It was still early from the amusement park. The family of three went to eat again. In the afternoon, Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi planned to take An An to the Children's Palace to pick up the interest class. As a result, Shen Qingyi received a call from Xu Xiangyuan, saying that it is very important. The guest wants to see her.

"You go first, I will take An An." Fu Hengyi said.

Shen Qingyi thought about it, just choosing a course, no trouble, so he nodded and got off the car and hit a car.

Fu Hengyi took his son to the Children's Palace. This is the first time An An came over. He looked at everything curiously. "Dad, can I play these things?" He pointed at the building blocks, and Fu Hengyi nodded. "Go, but don't go far." ""

Anan said a word.

Fu Hengyi is learning about the courses in the various training courses in the Children's Palace, and An An is playing with other children in the playground of the Children's Palace.

Fu Hengyi selected a few suitable for An An's age, and then handed it to An An to choose. Finally chose painting and craft. Fu Hengyi went to determine the class time, and by the way, paid the fee.

"Dad these photos look good." After a photo studio, Anan suddenly pointed to the publicity photo outside the photo studio, this is a children's photography studio, the photo studio is attached to the photo photos of the children.

Fu Hengyi looked at his son, "Want to shoot?" Anan nodded hard. In fact, every year, Shen Qingyi will take An An to take a photo, and Shen Qing’s own photos are taken on weekdays. There are many photos of An An at home. However, since he wants to shoot, and Fu Hengyi just has this time, he will be satisfied.

Fu Hengyi found a place to park, holding An An and went in. An An took a small suit, and the studio staff was about to take An An to change clothes. Fu Hengyi’s sight fell on a pink princess dress on the hanger. .

His eyes turned around on his son, not knowing what he thought of, pointing to the skirt and saying, "Try this for him."

The staff of the photo studio was surprised to see Fu Hengyi, "This pink?"

Fu Hengyi's look is unchanged, "Just this one." He went straight up and took the pink princess dress in his hand, and Ann looked curiously at the clothes in his father's hand.

When the father and son came out from the photo studio, Fu Hengyi had a more disk in his hand. Inside was the electronic version of the photo taken this time. The washed photo was not so fast and it took a few days to receive it.

When Shen Qing went home at night, An An couldn't wait to tell Shen Qingyi that he was taking photos with his father today.

Shen Qingyi raised his eyebrows, "Photo?" Anan nodded. "It can be beautiful, in Dad."

Shen Qingyi was very interested in the beautiful photos in Anankou and went upstairs to find Fu Hengyi.

Fu Hengyi is reading the photos on the computer in the study room. Seeing her come in, she is beckoning to let her go.

When he saw the photos on the screen, Shen Qingyi widened his eyes in surprise.

An An in the photo is wearing a pink princess dress with a shawl wig on her head and a beautiful pink lace hat with a blush on her face and a flower on her forehead.

Shen Qingyi raised his eyebrows and looked at Fu Hengyi. "How do you wear a girl's clothes for him?"

Fu Hengyi's eyes are full of smiles. "You don't think that An An wearing a skirt is very beautiful, is it cute?" If he ignores his gender, this is the cute daughter he has been looking forward to.

Shen Qingyi looked at Fu Hengyi silently. Now Anan’s concept of men and women is still vague. When he grows up, he sees these photos and estimates that he will hate him.

But then again, An An put on the look of women's clothes, it is really a pretty little girl. If you take it out, others will definitely not think that An An is a boy.

"Fu Hengyi, An An is a boy, you can not wear him women's clothing, will confuse his concept of men and women." Shen Qing said seriously.

Fu Hengyi did not agree, "I used to pass."

Shen Qingyi suddenly laughed out, but she forgot the shackles. Did Fu Hengyi go through the women's clothing for the task? Still Shen Qingyi personally gave him the makeup.

Do not say anything else, Fu Hengyi and An An, who wear women's clothes, are very beautiful. This person is well-preserved.

The photo was taken, and Shen Qingyi sat down and followed Fu Hengyi to enjoy his son's beauty.

However, Shen Qingyi seriously suspected that Fu Hengyi wore women's clothes to An An, because he used to go through women's clothing and wanted to find a balance from An'an.

Shen Qingyi looked at the photos one by one. "Fu Hengyi, you are not afraid of Anan and blaming you."

"Then wait for him to grow up and say." Who makes him small now?

Fu Hengyi also showed the photos to the two fathers. The two old men looked at them with a smile. "Hey, Anan looks like a female doll." Father Fu touched his beard and said with a smile, full of kindness.

Off topic

Today’s explosion is over and will continue tomorrow.

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