MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 507 Invitation from the First Lady

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"Su Qing, you are careful," Bruce said. He said that he would turn and leave. Su Qing stopped him. "Bruce, are you leaving like this, are you afraid to be punished?"

Bruce's footsteps turned and turned to look at her, Su Qing smiled. "He didn't let you kill me?"

Bruce's pupils shrank and only listened to Su Qing. "I want to know how I know it? Bruce, I know him." She even knew that the man didn't really want to kill her, but wanted her to be every day. Living in the pursuit, one day she will feel tired, can not stand such torture, and willingly return to his side, let him be at the mercy of being obedient.

"Bruce hands, or you can't tell me when you go back." Su Qing said faintly, although standing still looks casual, it is already a prepared posture. From the moment she saw Bruce, she has been waiting for Bruce to start. As a result, this fool is really planning to leave without doing anything.

Bruce's fist shook his head and lowered his head. "Su Qing, I won't do it with you." Then he turned and left.

Su Qing looked at his back in silence, and for a long time, she left.

After Bruce returned to the base, he handed the u disk to the man. The man’s mouth twitched with a cold smile. “It’s really the best person I have personally trained, and I got the intelligence in a month.” His Su Qing is so good, so he is so willing to let go.

"Do you do what you did?" The man looked at Bruce.

Bruce bowed. "I am not her opponent, I have failed."

Hey, the man is on the chest of Bruce, "useless things."

Bruce snorted, licking his chest, and the blood was flowing out of the place where he was smashed. The man’s eyes were slightly stunned. “Is it hurt?”

"Yes, I haven’t played it, please ask the owner to punish."

"It’s true that even a woman can’t beat it.” The man snorted, “Go yourself to take the penalty.”

"Yes." Bruce stood up and slowly walked out of the room. At the foot, it was a blood trail that stretched all the way.


Shen Qingyi accidentally looked at Fu Hengyi. "You mean let me go?"

Fu Hengyi nodded. "The news I received is like this. I said that the queen of the other party likes your painting very much. I always want to see you, but I have no chance. This time, the first lady visited the country, and the other queen proposed hope. Your side, so the First Lady wants to invite you to walk with her."

Shen Qingyi frowned. "I am just an ordinary painter. Why do the queens of the country of G want to see me?" She couldn't figure out what, more importantly, how the above leaders would agree to such a request, knowing that the first lady visited g. The country is a foreign affairs. According to the truth, she should not let her go.

"This aunt will also go together." Fu Jingting was originally a diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Although she retired at home in the past two years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will occasionally hire her to participate in some activities, and she has been in the country for several years. The culture there is very familiar, and this time it was specially invited.

"Then should I go this time?" Shen Qingyi asked her husband.

"You can go, if you really don't want to go, you can refuse." Although the rejection will make the first lady feel that Shen Qingyi does not give face, but it is not impossible.

"Come on." Shen Qingyi also thought of this question, "How long does it take to stay there?"

"Up to ten days."

" OK, I am ready."

This time, the first lady’s visit to the country of g is a very important thing for the z-state, and this time the security lineup is naturally the highest level.

Even Shen Qing’s side has sent bodyguards, which is a beautiful woman, and she is almost the same age as Shen Qingyi.

"Mrs. Fu, my name is Ye Qing. I will be responsible for your safety during this time." Ye Qing had a short, straight hair and dressed in a straight suit. Shen Qingyi shook hands with her and noticed her hand. With a thin shackle, this is a pair of hands that are held all year round.

"This time is bothering you." Shen Qingxiao smiled.

"This is my duty." Ye Qing said.

Shen Qingyi knew that the queen of country g liked her paintings. This time she went to visit the country of G, so she specially prepared a painting for the queen, which was a gift she gave to the queen.

And Ye Qing came over today, in addition to reporting to Shen Qingyi, but also came to take this picture, and after the departure, Ye Qing will protect Shen Qingyi twenty-four hours.

In the evening, Shen Qingyi was sorting out the luggage, Fu Hengyi was on the side of help. This time the security was not Fu Hengyi, they were responsible, so Fu Hengyi would not go along, finishing half, Shen Qingyi asked Fu Hengyi, "You said that I am with that leaf. How do you win the green people?"

Fu Hengyi folded the clothes one by one. "You are big."

"Do you have confidence in this? People come out of the special forces." And those responsible for this level of security are the top soldiers in the ranks. According to Shen Qingyi's prediction, Ye Qing is the kind of blood that he has actually seen.

Fu Hengyi personally tried with Shen Qingyi, and she also saw her serious look. She knows her skill very well. Although Ye Qing is good enough, Shen Qingyi is slightly better.

"Don't forget to call me after going out, pay attention to safety." Fu Hengyi yelled at her.

"Fu Hengyi, I am only accompanying this visit, there will be no things." Regardless of whether it is the z-country or the g-country, such a major diplomatic activity will definitely do the corresponding security measures, and naturally there will be no accidents.

Fu Hengyi also knew that his fears were superfluous, so he said casually.

"But this experience is quite novel. I have never been so protected before." Twenty-four hours of personal protection, it is to follow the toilet, not to talk about it.

Fu Hengyi just smiled and quickly helped Shen Qingyi to organize the suitcase. Her luggage was not much, and she had several sets of clothes.

Early the next morning, Fu Hengyi personally sent Shen Qingyu to the airport. This visit was a special plane. When they arrived, Fu Jingting was just arrived.

"Aunt, Qing dynasty will be handed over to you this time." Fu Hengyi said warmly.

Wen Yan, Shen Qingyi faintly glanced at Fu Hengyi, he really regarded her as a child? Parental care is also needed.

Fu Jingting just smiled. "I know, my aunt will take care of your baby wife."

Until the plane took off, Fu Hengyi went back. After he went back, he also packed up and returned to the military area. He should have returned yesterday, but because Shen Qingyi had to leave for a few days, he deliberately stayed for one day.


President's Office of Lloyd Real Estate.

Lu Jincai looked down at the business manager in front of him, "has been taken away?"

The business manager is sweating on his forehead. "General Lu, we have tried our best."

Lu Jincai was cold. "You have tried your best. If you don't try your best, do you want to go directly to the northwest wind?"

He said, the documents in his hand were squatting at the feet of the business manager. "A group of waste, holding such a high salary, but even a hairy boy can't fight, I want you to use anything."

"General Lu, although the other party is a hairy boy, but there are people pointing behind others." The manager of the business department is also wronged, even if he can be tolerant, can you compare Shen Junyi?

But then again, no one expected that a small company could develop to that size in just a few months, and also snatched a lot of their business, just this month, they robbed They have gone through several big business.

Lu Jincai looked at him coldly. "The other party is just a small company of less than 300 people. We are a big company of thousands of people. Even if there are people behind you, you have no way to take people. Isn't this incompetent?"

The business manager only feels embarrassed that the company is small, but there is a huge thing behind the people.

"General Lu, there is the Junyi Group behind Bokai. We don't dare to die, and if we continue to fight like this, we don't have any benefit to us. It is better to shake hands with them, and isn't Shen Junze your nephew?" ”

Lu Jincai looked at his eyes more coldly. "What I want you to do is to fight Bokai so that they can't continue to grow and develop, instead of talking to me about what to shake hands with."

He and Shen Junze have long been torn apart, and there is still the possibility of shaking hands.

"In the next month, if the results you handed in are still the same, then you will give me a go." Lu Jincai said coldly.

The business manager can only nod and promised to retreat. Just after getting out of the office, his face sank completely and looked at the president's office door behind him with hatred. This Lu Jincai did not have the skills himself, but he even put the responsibility on them.

Lu Jincai sat alone in the office thinking about countermeasures. A few months ago, Shen Junze resigned from Junyi Group and officially entered a company called Bokai Real Estate.

Bokai Real Estate is a small company that existed two years ago. It has been quiet, and no one has taken it seriously. Lu Jincai naturally cannot pay attention to a small company with dozens of people.

Even if Shen Junze stayed at Bokai Real Estate, he did not take him seriously. But who can think that after Shen Junze entered Bokai Real Estate, this insignificant small company has grown at a rocket-like speed. In just one month, it has expanded from a small scale of only 20 people. Hundreds of people then expanded to people.

Not only that, but at the land auction, it has repeatedly won the land they are looking for at a price higher than the Lloyd's property.

Lu Jincai does not believe that a small company that has just started to have such a large financial strength, behind the ten ** is still supporting Shen Junze.

Lu Jincai guessed it correctly. Shen Junyi did give financial support. Although he said that he would not manage Shen Junyi again, he gave him a lot of financial support in private. It’s just that the money is not in the name of the Junyi Group, but in his own name, and it is also the money he lends to Shen Junze.

At the same time, Shen Junyi also gave him a lot of constructive opinions on the development of the company, and introduced him to several business circles. It is precisely because of this that Shen Junze can develop the company in a short period of time.

In fact, Lu Yaqin had already told Lu Jincai about Shen Junze’s own establishment of the company, but he did not take this matter to heart, or even sneered at it. In his view, even if Shen Junze grows up, it is impossible to grow up to such a height. He does not fear threats at all, and Bokai Real Estate is in his eyes a small company that can no longer be small, even if it develops again. It is not enough to look at him. With a little bit of it, he can let him declare bankruptcy.

When Bokai began to develop rapidly, Lu Jincai did indeed move this idea. He not only moved, but also put into action, but was secretly blocked by Shen Junyi, and he also offended a builder and lost one. With the money, Lu Jincai knows that this is Shen Junyi’s warning to him. Naturally, it is impossible to block the development of Bokai Real Estate, so as not to really anger the Junyi Group, thus causing trouble.

That is to say, his laissez-faire attitude has made Bokai real estate development unimpeded. Until now, Lu Jincai regretted his hesitation at the beginning. He knew that he should risk the offense of Shen Junyi. He first bought Bokai.

Lu Jincai’s assistant, his wife, Zhang Wenli, saw the business manager go, took a cup of coffee and walked in, put the coffee in front of Lu Jincai, and comforted him softly. “What are you angry about?”

Lu Jincai can not be angry, in the past few months, their profits have dropped by 5 percentage points. 5 percentage points, it seems not much, but it is amazing.

"Who can think of Shen Junze, this kid can actually have today." Lu Jincai hated. The original Shen Junze was a pile of mud that could not be supported on the wall. Otherwise, he did not dare to treat him.

Zhang Wenli didn't take it for granted. "This thing also blames you. You said that you did what you did at the beginning. You don't know his relationship with Shen family. Is it not good to maintain a superficial peace with him? You are now Do things absolutely, people don’t hate you."

Lu Jincai heard the words, black face, "You are my wife, who do you help?" When he knew that Shen Junze would repair the relationship with Shen, he would not be so stupid with Shen Junze.

Zhang Wenli helped him to look at his forehead. "Nature is helping you. However, now that Jun Junze has the support of Junyi Group, you will definitely not fight him. It is better to shake hands and talk."

"Handshake and talk? I made trouble with him. He hates me. Can he shake hands with me?" Lu Jincai can't believe it.

Shen Junze was born from a young age. What kind of temper is this kid? He is clear.

"You can't, but your sister can."

Referring to Lu Yaqin, Lu Jincai’s heart has just calmed down and he has come up again. “You don’t mention her, I’m angry.”

"What are you mad at?" Zhang Wenli is puzzled. Lu Yaqin has always been with them. Isn't that good?

"Do you say that she has any use? Even my son can't control it." Lu Yaqin can't let Shen Junze obey, this is the place that makes him most angry.

"How can she not control Junze, Junze is still her son, Junze can't care about his mother's life and death, I have already inquired, Junze said that regardless of his mother, but every month to his mother's account There is a lot of money on the game. This shows that he still cares about his mother. You let Yaqin talk to Junze well and say that you know that you were wrong and want to shake hands with him. As the saying goes, the father and son, Although you and Junze are not fathers and sons, they are better than fathers and sons. Two people are fighting in the air. It is cheaper to be outsiders. It is better to join hands and both sides are profitable."

Lu Jincai calmed down and seriously thought about his wife. "But the kid hates me so much, can he agree?"

"He hates you, but don't forget, he is now a businessman, a businessman profiting, in the face of interests, what is the past grievances? And he minds that you took the company from his hands, but he He also holds shares in Lloyd's real estate. The depreciation of Lloyd's real estate stocks has nothing to do with him."

Zhang Wenli did not say that Lu Jincai had forgotten that the shares of the Shen Group were originally under the name of Shen Junze and have not yet been recovered.

"You go to Yaqin this evening, talk to her, and let Yaqin persuade Junze."

Lu Jincai felt that his wife was very reasonable. He went to the mall to buy some gifts before he got off work, and drove to the place where Lu Yaqin lived.

Fan Yanghong opened the door. Since Shen Junze knew the relationship between Fan Yanghong and Lu Yaqin, Fan Yanghong did not cover up and moved directly into Lu Yaqin’s home.

At the beginning, Lu Yaqin disagreed. I was afraid that Shen Junze would go home and see Fan Yanghong feel that she should, but in the past few months, Shen Junze did not say that she went home, and she did not even call her on a phone call. In addition to the monthly living expenses of her account on time, she and Shen Junze are like strangers.

Plus Fan Yanghong has been telling her about this. Lu Yaqin also agreed to half-push.

"Big Brother, come here, come in quickly." Fan Yanghong said with a smile.

Lu Jincai entered the door and did not see Lu Yaqin. "What about Yaqin?"

"She went out to buy food, she should be coming back soon, big brother, you should sit for a while."

Lu Jincai sat down on the sofa like a grandfather. Hearing, "These things are also bought for Yaqin. That bag is for you."

Fan Yanghong screamed, "Big Brother, you are here, come with something."

“It’s just a little something, what is the family’s politeness?”

Fan Yanghong should be connected again and again.

Lu Yaqin bought food and saw Lu Jincai still had some accidents. Her big brother, however, did not come to her.

"Big Brother, how come you?" Lu Yaqin asked.

Lu Jincai saw Lu Yaqin and said with a smile. "I always wanted to come and see you, but there are so many things in the company. I can't get away. If I have time, come over and see you. How are you?"

"That's right, it's not bad." Lu Yaqin put the dish on the table. "Yang Hong, you should take the dish first."

Fan Yanghong knew that their brothers and sisters had something to say, and they went into the kitchen with food.

"Big Brother, is there anything you are looking for today?" Lu Yaqin knows the character of Lu Jincai. This person has nothing to do with the Three Treasure Hall.

"Big brother can't come to see you." Lu Jincai said with a disappointment.

Lu Yaqin smiled and did not accept this.

Lu Jincai saw that she did not take the move and had to say it directly. "Have you been back in the past few months?"

Referring to Shen Junze, Lu Yaqin’s smile faded and shook his head. “No, he is busy with his company.”

Lu Jincai sighed, "Yaqin is not me, you are so busy, why don't you go see him?"

"Jun Ze, he didn't want to see me."

"Because of Yang Hong's business?"

Lu Yaqin nodded. "Not all."

"I know, Junze is still remembering this child. But Yaqin, Jun Zeji hates me is one thing, but you are a relative mother and child, what is the night of hatred between the mother and the child? Since he is not going home, then he will go to see him and care about him. He is a face-in-love, and may not be able to pull this face. Then you take the initiative, and the mother and the child will not reconcile?" Lu Jincai confessed.

Lu Yaqin knows that the biggest problem between her and Shen Junze is not this at all, unless she is willing to sever the relationship with Lu Jincai and Fan Yanghong, otherwise Shen Junze could not forgive her in this life.

"Big Brother, Junze's thing will be said later. If you come over today, you will eat at home. I just bought more food today." Lu Yaqin is not willing to talk about Shen Junze again. This son is hurting her heart. .

Lu Jincai did not refuse. Lu Jin did not leave after dinner, but he took Lu Yaqin again and sat down. "Yaqin, I will tell you something."

"Big brother, you said."

"This is the case. Because Junze was young and ignorant, and I didn't want to look at my brother-in-law's industry, I took over the company. This took over the company, but Junze didn't understand this. I thought I had robbed his father. The company has always hated me. Now he started the company himself. It has developed very well in the past few months. I am very pleased to see it. But after all, it is a small company. In development, it is necessary to encounter some problems. It’s going to be a lot of people to help me with this road. I think about it. The things between the two of us have been in the past few years, is it time to find a chance to settle the settlement."

This made Lu Yaqin somewhat surprised. He looked up at him. "Big Brother, do you want to reconcile with Junze?"

"Jun Ze is my nephew after all. I can't always care about my nephew. Let's talk about it. When you go to the father and son, you say that your brother-in-law is not there. Then his child is my child. In the past few years, the company has developed. It's also very good. If I reconcile with Junze, I can help him in the mall, right?"

Seeing that Lu Yaqin is not making a sound, Lu Jincai knows that she is a heartbeat and continues to say, "Now I don't want to help him, but he still hates me in my heart, don't let me help. I am powerless."

"But this thing, Junze, I am afraid he will not be willing." Lu Yaqin knows Shen Junze's hatred of Lu Jincai, this is not something that can be resolved overnight.

"You don't try to know how he doesn't want to? This way, you will let Junze come out, let us talk about the two, and some things will be fine."

Lu Yaqin was shaken by Lu Jincai. If Shen Junze and Lu Jincai can really reconcile, then she will not have to be embarrassed.

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