MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 525 Capture power two

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Lu Jincai grabbed the documents in the hands of Shen Junze and looked at the above-mentioned shares of the transfer of the book, and the proportion of shares held by Shen Junze, almost a spit out of old blood.

He looked at Liang Tian with death. This person transferred all the shares in his hand to Shen Junze, and Shen Qingyu and Shen Junyi gave the shares of Shen Junze soaring and directly surpassed him.

At the beginning, he thought so many ways, he wanted to take the shares from Liang Tian’s hands, even designing his son, and let him fall into economic difficulties. He thought that Liang Tian would come to him, he would be cheaper from Liang Tian’s I bought the shares in my hand. Who knows that waiting to wait, not waiting for Liang Tian, ​​but a share transfer book.

No one knows how much the psychological shadow area of ​​Lu Jincai at this time is. Is this a marriage for others?

"Hey, have you seen it clearly?" Shen Junze asked faintly.

The other shareholders have also obtained a copy of the document, seeing the above content, one by one, and no one speaks.

This two people had a big drama three years ago. I didn't expect to repeat it again in three years. Only this time, the balance of victory seems to have been inclined to Shen Junze.

"This document is fake, you lied to me." Lu Jincai said, it is necessary to tear up the documents.

Shen Junze looked faint and didn't panic. "If you want to tear it, you can tear it. I have a lot of copies in my hand. If it is not enough, I can give you a few more points, so that you can tear it up."

Lu Jincai's face is blue, "Shen Junze, I am your relative."

Shen Junze nodded. "Well, I know that you are my sister. If you are not me, you have no chance to walk into this conference room." His eyes taunted, now want to come to him to play with his emotional card? Why have you gone before? When I was so right to him, why didn’t I think that I would have it today?

"Shen Junze, you must tear my face with me, right?"

"Hey, how can this be called a torn face? I am just explaining the facts. Just like when you gave me a class. I paid tuition, and now I have learned, naturally I want to show you the results, I don’t know.舅舅 Can I still be satisfied with my performance?” Shen Junze smiled and said that it is also good and good.

Lu Jincai looked at Shen Junze coldly, and his face looked angry and gathered up. "Good, very good, it is the son of Shen Let, the style of your father, and this round is my loss. But Shen Junze Even if you hold the company's largest share, but the position of the chairman can not do, you have to ask the shareholders present."

Lu Jincai had reason to believe that these shareholders were helping him. After all, they personally pushed him to the position of chairman of the board. They also indirectly helped him to drive Shen Junze out of the company. Now if he is allowed to take the position of Shen Junze, then he is here. Everyone has no good fruit to eat. And he does not believe that Shen Junze can forgive them so generously, so even if it is for his own benefit, these people will stand on his side, this point Lu Jin is very confident.

"Junze is now the company's largest shareholder. He is naturally the chairman of our company. I am the first to support him." Wang Fu stood up.

The second one is Liang Tian. "Although I don't have any shares now, I also support Shen Junze as the chairman."

Zhou Jianye is the third. With the support of the company's three major shareholders, the faces of other minority shareholders have swayed.

Lu Jincai did not think that someone would really support Shen Junze, and he was confused. He immediately said, "Don't forget that because Shen Junze didn't have the ability to lead the company and let the company move forward, he let him abdicate and let the company hand over to me. Only a few years have passed, do you think he really has the ability to control the company?"

Several minority shareholders heard Lu Jincai’s words, but they reminded them that Shen Junze had a hatred between them and who helped those who did not help.

Shen Junze did not argue, just sitting there quietly watching Lu Jin, he wanted to see what other tricks he had.

"Everyone is quiet, listen to me first." Wang Fu stood up. "At the beginning, Junze was still young, and there was nothing wrong with it. It was not true to the company's business. It was a fact that it was impossible to lead the company. But in recent years, Jun Ze is in the king. The performance of the group is obvious to all. In this year, everyone should be familiar with Bokai Real Estate. The development of Bokai is the best testimony of Shen Junze's ability. I would like to ask, a person who can make the company develop so rapidly will be a Incapable straw bag?"

Wang Fu said something, and the small shareholders’ faces appeared to be shaken.

Lu Jincai roared Wang Fu, Wang Fu did not fear to look at him.

Liang Tian echoes and reminds everyone, "Everyone, compared to our Lu Jincai Lu Zong, Shen Junze is younger. He also has a better future, whether it is for the future of the company or for the benefit of everyone, I think it should be recommended by Shen Junze. For the new chairman of our company. And don't forget, Shen Junze is a man from the Shen family in Beijing. He relies on the Junyi Group. His relationship is broader and stronger than Lu Jincai. In reality, everyone is in this society, and the importance of connections and relationships is well known. You have a better personal relationship, you can make the company grow longer. Moreover, this company was originally Shen Let Founded, Shen Junze is Shen's only son. Now Shen has let go. Our old guys should also help Shen Junze manage the company and help the company to take it to the next level."

"Don't be deceived by Wang Fu and Liang Tian." Lu Jin was angry. "Shen Junze is indeed a good person in Shen family, but what kind of enterprise is Junyi Group? If our company is attached to it, can it be an independent company? When you don't become a subsidiary of Junyi, you don't even have the right to operate independently, and you guys, hey, his last sneer, full of malice.

Shen Junze looked at Lu Jincai. "Hey, don't listen to this alarm. Shen Junyi is my cousin. The development of Bokai Real Estate is also inseparable from the Junyi Group. I admit that, as Director Liang Tian said, this society Originally, it is a society that relies on people. I have a relationship and ability. I can develop the company better and everyone can get more benefits. This is a multi-tasking thing. Why not? As for you, what you are doing behind you, don’t think that Shen’s family is not clear, they don’t pack you, because the account between me and you is not clear, you think they are really so easy to let go. about you?"

At the beginning, Lu Jin was stunned by the Shen family and did not want to control Shen Junze, but he bullied him. The Shen family remembered it in his heart. Whether it was not because he didn’t care, but he felt that Shen Junze really owed a lesson, he also needed a sharpening stone. Lu Jincai is the best whetstone. Colleagues also want to leave Lu Jincai to Shen Junze to deal with himself. If Shen Junze can't handle it, Shen Jia is naturally going to take it. Shen Junze is no longer the grandson of Shen’s family. They can bully, but outsiders can’t.

Lu Jincai’s face is no longer iron blue, it is black that is darker than the bottom of the pot. Looking at Shen Junze’s gaze seems to be quenching poison. “Shen Junze, you must force me so much?”

Shen Junze smiled a little, and the end was a gentlemanly style. "Hey, we are on the matter. Now I have 40% of the company in my hand. It is already the company's largest shareholder and should be the chairman of the company. And uncles and uncles are against me. The ability is also very positive, willing to support me. You can not hold the position because of your lack of ability, right?"

"Jun Ze said right. General Lu, you are old, you should raise your own family at home, the company's things will be given to these young people to do, you have so many shares in your hand, the annual dividend is also a No small number, people, the contentment will be content, as the saying goes, contentment is always happy. "Wang Fule said haha.

Now that the situation is very good, Shen Junze’s return to the company is already a matter of nailing. After that, he will no longer have to be tempted by Lu Jincai. Can his mood be bad?

"Do you think the same idea as Wang Dong?" Lu Jincai forced himself to calm down and glanced at the shareholders present here.

Zhou Jianye and Liang Tian don't have to say it. It is bound to support Shen Junze. Among the remaining shareholders, there are already two secretly neglected Shen Junze. The remaining shareholders who originally stood on the side of Lu Jincai listened to Liang Tian and Wang. After the analysis of Fu, there has also been a shake. Don't blame them for being ruthless, merchants are profitable, Shen Junze can bring them more benefits, and it seems that they don't mean to calculate their accounts after the fall. They naturally want to support Shen Junze. As for Lu Jincai, huh, a dog who is about to be driven out of the company, What are they afraid of?

Although no one spoke, the expression on their faces had already indicated their attitude. Lu Jincai pulled out the cool and cold. In the past few years, he has been very loyal to these shareholders. I did not expect that when such a time, these people abandoned him.

"Well, very good, it is my talents, everyone is very determined. When you give up, don't hesitate. Shen Junze, Shibe three days, when you look at it, you really grow up to surprise me. I lost in one game, I am convinced. The chairman, you do, I hope you can do it for a long time." He stood up from the Lord.

"The content of today's shareholder meeting, I think it should have ended, then I will not stay here, Chairman Shen." Lu Jincai said with a close voice.

Shen Junze smiled and made a gesture of asking, "Hey, you go slowly, don't send."

Lu Jincai hated and glanced at the shareholders in the conference room. The sleeves left, and the door of the conference room was screamed by his screams, which scared the shareholders in the office.

Shen Junze smiled. "Well, directors, let's talk about the company's next development, and the funding gap of nearly one billion."

Shen Junze’s words pulled the thoughts of the directors back from Lu Jincai’s body and heard about the interests of their own interests.

Lu Jincai left the company and answered the family's faceful anger. He threw the tie and threw it on the sofa, and was sulking.

Today, because my son is ill, Zhang Wenli did not go to work. Naturally, she did not know what happened in the company. When she came back, she was angry and somewhat inexplicable. "Who are you angry with?"

"It's not Shen Junze's white-eyed wolf."

"What did he do?"

"He joined the shareholders to drive me out of the company. I am not the chairman of the company."

Zhang Wenli’s face changed slightly. “What is going on here? He has only 20% of his shares. How can he drive you out of the company?”

Speaking of this, the anger of Lu Jincai’s heart will rise. Not the old man of Liang Tian, ​​he sold all the shares in his hand to Shen Junze. He thought he did this, would I take what he could not do? ”

Zhang Wenli did not expect that such a thing would happen. Before Lu Jin calculated the matter of Liang Tian, ​​she knew it. When the fat flies to the mouth, everyone could not be happy. "But this way, he is in his hands." It should be 30% of the shares, the same as you."

"Don't forget, Shen Jia's brother and sister still hold 10% of the hand. In the beginning, Shen Shen gave a 5% stake in order to let Shen Qingyi help Shen Junze."

Zhang Wenli really forgot this embarrassment. After he reminded him, he naturally remembered it. "So, Shen Junze now has 40% of his shares." Lu Jin was silent.

"Then those shareholders? Is it also willing to let him take charge of the company?" Zhang Wenli is puzzled. In the past few years, Lu Jin has been used to buying people's hearts. Those shareholders are on his side. Even if you have the most shares, Shen Junze can't be a climate without the support of shareholders.

"Oh, that's a bunch of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. I am so good to them on weekdays. As a result, I am only seeing my own interests. I still remember my favor. I am so hard. For many years, they actually supported a hairy boy. I wanted to see if the company could go for a long time without it."

Lu Jincai thinks this way. Even if there is a Junyi Group behind Shen Junze, who is Shen Junyi? How can he have so much time to manage Shen Junze?

Although Shen Junze will manage Bokai real estate very well, how big is Bokai? How big is the size of Lloyd's property? Can the two be the same thing? He can manage Bokai well, and does not mean that he can manage Lloyd's real estate.

He gave up the chairman of the board of directors at the shareholders' meeting today, not only because of the situation, but also to see Shen Junze's jokes.

Zhang Wenli is not so optimistic. "How can you give him the position of the chairman? Do you still get it back after you let out?"

"Then what can I do if I don't want it? All the shareholders at that time are standing on his side. His shares are more than me. What reason can I not let it? It is difficult for you to let me in the conference room with a hair." Who is the head boy? Who will win the chairmanship?"

"I don't mean this at all, but it's too late to say anything, let's wait and see." For a time, Zhang Wenli couldn't think of a better way. It seems that the change is the only thing they can do now.

"Oh, this has already happened, you are not angry. Shen Junze's ability is there, he can't manage such a big business, and those shareholders can see his ability, and sooner or later he will come back to find you." What are you angry about? It is not worth angering your body." Zhang Wenli comforted him. In his opinion, Shen Junze is only temporarily taking care of the company. It is not necessarily the real person who will die.

Lu Jincai did not want to be angry, but he could not swallow this breath. This company was obtained after he worked so hard for so many years. What did Shen Junze do for the company? When he returned, he took his position. Can he be willing? He now wants to tear Shen Junze, eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Lu Jincai tried to calm himself down and took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Wenli. "How is your son?"

"It has already dropped fever. After I took the medicine, I fell asleep. Do you want to go in and see him?"

"Forget it, let me wait and go in, you should be busy first, let me sit alone and be quiet."

Zhang Wenli nodded and turned to the kitchen.

Lu Jincai sat alone on the sofa, his face was clearly extinguished, and he did not know what he was thinking. After thinking for a long time, he still couldn’t swallow his breath and picked up his jacket and left home.

"Just enter, what are you doing?" Zhang Wenli shouted at him.

"My heart is flustered, go out, you don't care." Lu Jincai did not return, and left.

Lu Jincai went to the place where Lu Yaqin lived. Lu Yaqin saw some surprises from his brother. "Big Brother, how come you are today?"

Lu Jincai stared at Lu Yaqin, his eyes were faint, Lu Yaqin was seen by his scalp numb, and he opened his mouth again and again. "Big Brother, what happened to you?"

Lu Jincai returned to God and faded his look. "I am looking for you a little bit, let's go in and talk."

Lu Yaqin sideways let him into the door, the two went directly to the study. After hearing Lu Jincai’s story, Lu Yaqin’s face was unbelievable. “Big Brother, are you mistaken?” Shen Junze has a few points and two skills. She knows clearly how it might really replace his big brother to become the company’s director. long?

"Yaqin, your son is really awful. The bends in my heart can be much more than me." Lu Jin was the irony of his face.

"Big brother, there must be some misunderstanding in the middle. I will let Junze come over now. You will misunderstand it clearly." She wants to call, Lu Jincai keeps her hand. "Don't rush to call, I have something. I want to ask you, sit down."

Lu Yaqin sat in the position, and some were uneasy. "Big Brother, what do you have?"

"I want to ask you, do you know what Shen Junze is in contact with other shareholders of the company?"

"I don't know much about Big Brother, Junze. I have never seen him since I went to the company last time."

Wen Yan, Lu Jincai’s eyes flashed a touch of dissatisfaction. This sister is simply a waste. “You really don’t know?”

Lu Yaqin’s face is innocent. “I really don’t know, he won’t tell me this.” Shen Junze guarded her, Lu Yaqin knew it, and her heart was full of bitterness. Her only son actually regarded her as an outsider. It is enough to fail to think of her as a mother.

"Big Brother, Junze He" Lu Yaqin wants to explain that her big brother is a sultry person. This time Shen Junze is completely offended by him. If he does not calm his anger in time, if anything is done to hurt Junze, then she is I can't find a place to cry.

Lu Jincai waved his hand and interrupted her. "If you want to ask for Shen Junze, you don't have to say it."

Shen Junze put him together, and this matter is not over.

"Big brother, you have a large number of adults, don't care about Junze, and you are now the biggest shareholder in the company except Junze. Your dividend will definitely not be less than you." Lu Yaqin tries to resolve the relationship between the two. The contradiction, she did not want Lu Jincai to think about what to do with Shen Junze.

Lu Jincai looked at Lu Yaqin's eyes and was very cold. "It really is a mother-in-law. If you have something to help, you are your own son."

Lu Yaqin looks awkward. "Big brother, I don't mean that. You two are my loved ones. I must hope that you are all good."

"Yaqin, in your heart, am I still your eldest brother?" Lu Jincai asked faintly.

"Big Brother, what are you talking about, you are naturally my big brother."

"Well, if you still recognize me as a big brother, you will do something for me."

"What?" Lu Yaqin asked subconsciously.

"I can't say it for the time being, I will tell you naturally later."

Lu Jincai’s words made Lu Yaqin very upset, and her sly opening, “Big Brother, Junze is my only day, you should never hurt him.”

"You think too much. After all, Junze is still my nephew. I am angry and angry. Can I still do it with him?"

Hearing the words, Lu Yaqin was a little bit in his heart. "Big Brother, I will definitely talk to Jun Ze about this matter."

"But forget it. Your mother-child relationship is already tense. You can't talk about a result when you talk about it." Lu Jincai looked faint. He had already seen it. Shen Junze, this kid now, except Shen family, does not recognize anyone. . It is estimated that in his mind, Lu Yaqin has long been forgotten.

Lu Yaqin was very embarrassed by him, and the mother and the child were like this, and it must have been no one.

"Okay, I have a sense of self-discipline in this matter. You don't have to worry about it. If you have time, come to the house to have a meal. You have been chanting several times."

"Good. Big Brother, are you leaving today to eat?"

"I won't eat rice, I have no appetite." He is full of gas today, what food do you still eat?

Lu Jincai got up and left, and met Fan Yanghong when he left. Fan Yanghong wanted to greet Lu Jincai, but the latter did not even look at him and left.

Fan Yanghong’s mouth is no longer the chairman of the board. He is a Lloyd real estate person, and naturally knows the big changes in the company's top management today. After all, the first time after the meeting, these employees received the company's internal mail.

"Yaqin, big brother, what's wrong with him today, talk to him and ignore it?" He asked for it.

Lu Yaqin sighed. "Nothing, I want to eat what you want for dinner."

Fan Yanghong saw her look sad and waved her hand. "Forget it, let's go out and eat today."

"Alright," Lu Yaqin said, just as she is not in the mood to cook today.

"Right. Junze is now the chairman of Lloyd Real Estate." When eating, Fan Yanghong remembered this and said to Lu Yaqin.

"I already know, Big Brother told me."

"This is a good thing. You will call Junze on the next day. Let's go out and celebrate." Fan Yanghong doesn't mind who is the chairman. After all, no matter who is the chairman, he has nothing to do with him.

"It’s not a big deal to eat, too." Lu Yaqin does not have this thought now.

"How can this be a big deal? Your son is the chairman of the board. This is a good thing for Tianda." Fan Yanghong is somewhat puzzled. It is too late to be happy.

"I have done it, don't say it, eat your meal." Lu Yaqin was a little annoyed. She has an instinct, Lu Jin is sure that she will not give up, if she has taken any means to hurt Junze, what should she do? Or, Shen Junze, who did not pay attention to hurting his eldest brother, what should she do? At this moment, Lu Yaqin felt like a piece of meat in the middle of a hamburger, sandwiched in the middle, and both sides were embarrassed. Her son thought that she was turning her elbows out, leaning against her eldest brother, and her older brother thought she was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf and only helped her son.

Seeing Lu Yaqin eating absent-minded, Fan Yanghong said quietly, "Yaqin, what's wrong with you? It is a good thing for Junze to get the company back. If you are worried about the matter between Junze and Big Brother, you don't have to." I thought that at the beginning, my eldest brother drove Junze out of the company. Now that Junze took the company back, the two were just awkward."

In Fan Yanghong's view, Lu Jincai even earned it. After all, he has a lot of shares in his hands.

Lu Yaqin didn't bother to take care of him. "I don't eat it first. I went to Junze." She stood up, and the more she thought about her heart, the more uneasy she felt. It was necessary to remind Shen Junze.

"Hey, you wait, eat the food first."

Lu Yaqin has not heard what he is saying. Fan Yanghong looks at her hurried back and shakes her head, but it is true. The son of the family is the chairman of the board, and he is very happy. You are pulling a bitter face to whom to look. If it is not, I am too lazy to care for you. He groaned in his mouth and sat down to eat. Lu Yaqin was not in the mood to eat, but he was in a good mood.

Lu Yaqin called Shen Junze and still couldn’t get through. He knew that he had blackened his number. I took a taxi directly to Lushi Real Estate.

Shen Junze really worked overtime in the office. When she saw her mother coming over, there was no trace of accident. "Mom, sit down."

Lu Yaqin sat down on the sofa and decided to look at his son. Compared with the previous one, Shen Junze seems to be more indifferent.

"Mom, is there anything you are looking for today?"

Lu Yaqin hesitated, "That Junze, I heard you and you."

"You want to say that I have replaced Lu Jincai as the chairman of the company. Lu Jincai originally defrauded my dad from my company and I took it back to the company. It is a matter of course. If you do it for him, then Pleading, then you don't have to speak." Shen Junze's face was cold.

"Jun Ze, Mom doesn't mean that, I just want to remind you, be careful."

Wen Yan, Shen Junze's eyes flashed amazed, this is the first time his mother did not help Lu Jincai to speak.

"You know that this mother knows, don't look at the appearance of a very good talk, in fact, timid, your behavior angered him, in case he wants to use some means to retaliate against you, you must be careful. ”

Shen Junze looks a little slower. "Mom, I know, but you can rest assured that I will not have anything, but you, try to keep a distance with him."

Lu Yaqin sighed, "I know." However, Lu Jincai did not let her help to do something to tell Shen Junze, the back of the hand is meat.

"Jun Ze, I haven't eaten with you for a long time, and I have dinner with my mother." Lu Yaqin looked at Shen Junze with an eye.

In the end, I was pregnant in October, and gave birth to my mother. Shen Junze was not really a hard-hearted heart. Looking at the eyes she was looking forward to, she was reluctant to refuse. "Well, wait for five minutes, I will handle the things on my head."

"Well, don't worry, you come slowly." Hearing Shen Junze promised, Lu Yaqin couldn't help himself, and said in a row.

Lu Jincai did not return home after leaving Lu Yaqin's place of residence, but went to a bar where he sat in the bar drinking.

He had all the things in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he was unwilling to take the wine and sip a drink. Although other people think that even if he is not the chairman of the board, he is still the company's largest shareholder, eating and drinking, and he is Shen Junze's relatives, Shen Junze will certainly treat him kindly, but he himself does not think so.

At the beginning, he was too guilty of Shen Junze's offense. This boy could not wait to eat him. I am afraid that he had already started the idea of ​​his shares. Maybe a person who is not careful will lose his blood. This kind of thing, how can Lu Jincai be willing to let it happen. He must think of a way to deal with Shen Junze, who will take the company back.

But is there any way for him to get the company back in a short time? Lu Jincai fell into thinking.

After Shen Junze accompanied her mother to dinner, she returned her home, and then she returned to her home. He couldn’t wait to call Shen Qing’s people and wanted to share her joy with her.

Shen Qingyi just gave Anan a sleep, and he received his call, "Jun Ze?"

"Sister, I succeeded, I took the company back." As soon as the phone was connected, Shen Junze could not wait for the opening.

Shen Qingyu was not surprised at the long-awaited ending. "Very good."

"Sister, thank you for supporting me with my brother." Shen Junze said with a move.

"You have said thank you many times, you don't have to say it anymore, the rest is to take care of your father's company, don't let him down." Shen Qing whispered.

Shen Junze nodded. "I will, sister, I will carry forward my dad's company and stand at the top of the world, let him laugh at Jiuquan."

"What do you plan to do for Lu Jincai?" Shen Qingyi asked him.

"I want to get the shares in his hands first, and then let him leave the company." How did Lu Jins deal with him at the beginning, and he naturally had to deal with Lu Jincai.

"This stock is the last straw for Lu Jincai. He won't give it to you easily." Shen Qingyi pointed out the facts.

This point, Shen Junze is naturally clear. It is a pity that Lu Jincai’s son is still young. Otherwise, he can treat his own person with his own way and use Lu Jingcai’s means of dealing with Liang Tian for him.

"In order to prevent Lu Jincai from jumping into the wall, you can take it slowly." Shen Qingxuan said, if Lu Jincai is in a hurry, who knows what he will do.

"The most important thing for you now is that you have to get more than 51% of your shares so that no one will shake your position."

"Sister, I am afraid this is a bit difficult." In addition to the large number of shares held by the company's shareholders in addition to Lu Jincai, there are not many other people's shares. And these people will certainly not sell the shares to him now. After all, the company is developing well and there is no crisis. The shares of Lloyd's Real Estate are still very valuable in the market.

"The shares in the company's shareholders are not good. You can try to buy stocks in the market. But if you really want to do this, try not to use your own identity. Of course, this is just one of my suggestions, only Reference."

"Thank you, sister, I know, I will start preparing for this matter tomorrow." Shen Junze said with gratitude.

About 20% of the stocks in the market are scattered. As long as he can recover more than 11%, Lu Jincai will no longer have any threat to him.

Thinking so, Shen Junze became more and more excited and couldn't sleep. He simply climbed up, turned on the computer, and started tapping on the keyboard. Just after Shen Qingyi gave him new inspiration, he couldn't wait to write it down.


Lu Jincai drank a ** in the bar, the brain is more and more chaotic, where can I think of any way to deal with Shen Junze. He simply got up and walked out of the bar. When he turned a corner, he saw someone fighting in the alley. It was estimated that it was a small hooligan in the nearby street. More than a dozen people gathered together to fight.

How much like when he was young, he used to be like this. If he didn’t agree, he would do it with others. He wouldn’t give up and swear, so he went through many bureaus.

Lu Jincai looked at him, and there was a fierce light in his eyes. He couldn’t think of the way to take over the shares in Shen Junze’s hand. Can he breathe a sigh of relief first? First of all, except for the bad smell in your heart, or else this tone is in your heart, and he is afraid of dying himself.

Thinking of this, he looked at the little hooligans and shouted, "Don't fight, it's coming."

The group of hooligans heard the word of the police, and immediately stopped the action, only to see Lu Jincai in the lane, and immediately knew that he was cheated.

"Dead old man, you actually lie to us, believe it or not, I will kill you." One of the young hands with a yellow hair was holding a stick and said with anger.

Lu Jincai was not afraid at all, and he had a wine cellar. "I am looking for you to do a business. You can help me to teach a person. If it is half done, I will give you 50,000 yuan."

The younger one heard the words, the eyes were slightly bright, and the eyes turned. "How do I know if you are telling whether it is true or not, in case you lied to us?"

Lu Jincai snorted and took out his wallet, pulled a stack of money from it and threw it in front of them. "This is a deposit."

Everyone saw a glimpse of their eyes, and Huang Maoxiao said immediately, "Let's say, you want to teach someone, we will help you to teach him now."

------Off topic ------

The third benefit has already come out (in fact, there were only two benefits, I was wrong), and I want to see the welfare of the pro-submission full-text subscription screenshot (all vip chapters, one can not be less) privately sent to the administrator, in The pros of the genuine group can submit the subscription screenshots. There is no pro-advanced verification group 656204326 in the genuine group. After the private management subscription screenshot is verified, the benefits can be seen in the genuine group. (The verification group has a verification process in the group album. If you don’t, you can see the album directly.)

Ps: At the beginning of the month, the monthly ticket, the recommended ticket, and the evaluation ticket are asking for a wave, what?

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