MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 529 Fu Ye's childhood bears one or two

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Anan sullenly stretched his small hand and closed his eyes and dared not to see Fu Hengyi. "Dad, I am wrong."

Shen Qingyi saw it on the side and wanted to say something to Fu Hengyi. Fu Hengyi looked at her and Shen Qingyi suddenly shut up. This time Anan was really too skinny. She should be educated and educated, and she and Fu Hengyi had three chapters, one was educating her son. At the time, the other can only stand by and cannot interfere.

I was afraid that I would be soft after I waited, and Shen Qing stood up. "I am going to take a shower."

Ann heard the voice of Shen Qingyu and secretly opened his eyes. "Mom." The voice was pitiful.

The fear and helplessness of Xiaoyin’s voice made Shen Qing’s footsteps pause for a while, but it only stopped for a few seconds, then he lifted his foot and left.

Fu Hengyi looked straight at his son. "An An, the person who did the wrong thing is to be punished. Dad told you."

Anan looked at Dad again, tears swirled in his eyes. "Dad, I know it is wrong. I will not dare to steal other people's things anymore, Dad."

Fu Hengyi looked at his son's appearance of this little cabbage, but the snack was soft, but as soon as he thought that two little guys under the age of seven would dare to climb the stove and steal the chicken soup, he would be scared and angry again, this chicken soup was sprinkled. Falling on two children, the consequences are unimaginable.

And there was no one in the kitchen at that time. If it hits the fire and causes a fire, the consequences will only be more serious. This is a first-time offense. If he is not allowed to remember for a long time, this kid will become more and more lawless.

Thinking of this, Fu Hengyi’s softened heart suddenly hardened again. “This is the first time I have read you. I only play three times.”

"Dad, can you not play, I really don't dare."

"What do you say?"

Anan wants to cry. As long as he cries, his mother will definitely feel soft. When Dad is afraid, he will not hit him. When he thinks, Anan is going to open his throat. Fu Hengyi’s eyes are stunned and he’s face. “If you cry. Just hit it more."

An An’s crying and hard life stuck in the eyes of the blind man, grievously watching Fu Hengyi, Fu Hengyi was unmoved, today is the idea to make a good lesson to teach this stinky boy, don’t tell him what to do as a parent. Can't beat the child, "Hands out."

An An stretched out his hand and cried in the eyes of the blind man. The ruler in Fu Hengyi’s hand lifted up and landed on An’an’s hand, making a “squeaky” sound. An An’s first sigh, he felt the pain in his hand, and immediately cried. .

Fu Hengyi didn't have a soft heart. The rest of the two fell directly. An'an's palm was immediately red. Anan cried that it was a heartbreaking heart. He grew so big that he never smashed and used to do something wrong. Most of Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi told him reason, this is the first time Fu Hengyi started.

Said to be playing three times, Fu Hengyi will not hit more, put the ruler aside, watching An An cry not to marry him.

An An stood in front of Fu Hengyi, crying and dumb, and Shen Qingyi heard the cry of his son in the room. He felt pain in his heart, hesitated for a long time, and did not go out. At this time, he would let Anan think that Dad is a bad person. Mother is a good person, and will let Anan alienate Fu Hengyi.

"Don't cry." Fu Hengyi squinted. He was serious when he was serious. Even the soldiers under his hands were afraid, let alone Anan. Sure enough, Fu Hengyi's voice just fell, Anan would not dare to cry, watching Fu Hengyi, watching Red.

"Do you know why Dad hit you today?"

Anan nodded.


"Because I and Xiaojie brother are stealing food."

"anything else?"

"We have not allowed it."

"You have two mistakes. First, you have eaten people's things without the permission of others. This is the second point. The children can't get close to the fire. The chicken soup is still burning on the stove. Mom and Dad have Didn't tell you that there is a hot water bottle on the stove that the children can't move?"

Anan nodded. "Dad, I know it is wrong."

"Don't dare to do it next time?"

"Don't dare."

Fu Hengyi saw his son's attitude of admitting good. He saw his eyes red, even the tip of his nose was red, and his eyes were still hanging with golden beans. He couldn't lose it. After all, he did not continue to blame him and hugged him to his lap. An An’s little body shrank a little, seemingly afraid of Fu Hengyi hitting him again. Fu Hengyi made a slight meal, picked up the left hand of An An, and smashed it. "Does it hurt?"

Anan nodded and whispered, "pain."

"If you dare to do such a dangerous thing in the future, Dad still beats you, remember?"


Fu Hengyi gently blew, holding his son up, went to the medicine box and took the ointment, gently rubbing it on Anan's palm, the cool feeling brought by the ointment took away the burning pain of the palm, Anan's The little brow gradually spread out, but the little face was still unhappy.

He quietly nestled in the arms of Fu Hengyi. Shen Qingyi secretly opened the door and glanced at it. He saw that the father and son were still peaceful, and closed the door and walked into the bathroom with confidence.

"An An, Dad hits you not only because Dad is angry, but also because you worry Mom and Dad, the fire on the stove, if it is on fire, or the hot chicken soup is on you, it will burn you. Do you know how sad your mom and dad will be?"

Quietly listening to Fu Hengyi talking, "Dad, I will not dare in the future." He really knows wrong.

"I still hurt?" Fu Hengyi took the son's hand and looked at it carefully. It was still red. Anan shook his head. "It doesn't hurt."

Fu Hengyi touched his son's face. "Dad takes you to brush your teeth and wash your face."

Anan nodded.

Fu Hengyi hugged his son, bathed him, brushed his teeth, and Ann was lying on the bed, watching Dad, Fu Hengyi was giving him medicine again. Just after taking a shower, the water shattered the ointment.

An An slammed and there was still some fear in Fu Hengyi. I used to like to say that the little guy who is non-stop is very quiet today. I have never said anything since I took a bath.

Although Fu Hengyi controlled the strength, but the child's skin is delicate, Anan's palm is still red, seeing his son does not speak, knowing that today's things made him afraid of himself, thinking about it, whispering, "In fact, Dad was beaten when he was a child. Over, and more than you."

Ann was curious, "Daddy also beaten?"

Fu Hengyi nodded. "Yeah, when Dad was also disobedient when he was a child, your great-grandfather took me with a whip."

"What is the whip?" An An has not seen the whip.

"Don't you see it when you watched TV last time?" Fu Hengyi reminded his son, "It's very long, it's in your hand."

Anan remembered, "Dad, is the whip hurting?"

"Of course it hurts, it hurts more than my father used a ruler today."

Anan remembered the pain that came from his hand when he was beaten by his father. He felt very painful. If it hurts more than this, it hurts a lot. "Dad, are you crying?"

"You think Dad is like you, crying when you can't move."

"I don't believe, you must have cried too." After chatting, Anan and Fu Hengyi began to get close again, completely forgetting that the man in front of him had just hit him an hour ago. At that time, he still thought about it and ignored his father. It is.

"That dad, why did my great-grandfather hit you?" In Anan’s impression, Father Fu was a very loving grandfather, and he was good to him. He wanted nothing, and he never gave up on him.

"Because Dad is not obedient."

"Dear why Dad is not obedient." An An was very curious about Dad when he was a child.

Fu Hengyi looked at his son's big eyes very similar to Shen Qingyi. I don't know why. Suddenly, she thought of Shen Qingyi. When she learned to walk, she liked to run behind these boys and hold a doll in her hand. Chu Yunrong likes to wear a variety of princess dresses for her, with a small braid on her head, and sometimes she will wear a small crown for her. It looks like a big Barbie doll holding a small Barbie doll.

"Brother, wait for me." The soft voice of the milky voice of the milky voice, can not keep up with their speed, will cry, but it is very good, as long as a sugar, immediately eyebrows.

Fu Hengyi’s eyes instantly became gentle. “Want to know?” He looked down at his son.

Anan nodded hard, and finally could listen to gossip. He naturally would not let go of this opportunity.

"Daddy was also a very naughty child when he was a child. He went to the tree to squat the bird's nest, went to the water to fish, and sneaked into the land of others to steal the sweet potato." Fu Hengyi told Anan about his childhood.

Although Fu Hengyi had already lived in the military compound in his childhood, Fu Hengyi’s grandmother had relatives living in the country. At that time, the two relationships were very good and they often walked. When Fu Hengyi was in the summer vacation, Grandma would take him to the country’s relatives. As a guest, sometimes I will bring Shen Junyi.

The children in the city are very curious about everything in the country, and Fu Jia and Shen Jia are both military and political worlds. They are never used to the boys. Shen Junyi and Fu Hengyi are very skinny, especially Fu Hengyi, who is a few years older than Shen Junyi. With the children of Fu Hengyi and relatives, they became the king of the child, and there was no control of Fu’s father. It was simply a paradoxical example. The result of An’s today’s comparison with him is simply a small witch.

Fu Hengyi was beaten for the first time because it damaged the wheat fields of the villagers.

At that time, it was the weekend. Grandma Fu took Fu Hengyi and Shen Junyi to the countryside. Fu Hengyi took the kung fu of the adults and sneaked out with Shen Junyi. As a result, they saw a large expanse of wheat fields. They didn’t know that at the time. Wheat, only seeing a piece of green oil, I thought it was a grassland, and it was wild on it. When the adults discovered it, the wheat field had been trampled by the two. After Father Fu knew about it, it was against the blind date. Apologizing, and compensation for the loss of others, after picking up the whip after returning home, I took a fuss.

At that time, Fu Hengyi’s father and mother were still alive. He had not become so silent and juvenile. He wowed, and the yard was running. Fu’s father was holding the whip in the back. The people in the entire courtyard could hear the grandfather’s grandson’s lessons. sound.

Fu Hengyi is a temper who can't remember to play. When he was a child, there were countless mischievous things. He and Shen Junyi were the two bullies in the military compound. If it is not the blow brought by the death of both parents, I am afraid there will be no current Fu Hengyi.

When Shen Qingyi didn't see Fu Hengyi coming back, he walked out of the bedroom and just walked to the door of his son's room. He heard the sound of Fu Hengyi's low magneticity. She stood at the door and listened for a while.

These two ones speak one, and occasionally Anan will ask Fu Hengyi some questions. The father and son were very warm. She smiled and listened at the door for a while, then turned back to the bedroom.

It was an hour after Fu Hengyi came back, and Shen Qingyi was asleep.

"An An sleeps?" Shen Qingyi asked him.

Fu Hengyi nodded and sat down on the other side of the bed. "I have already slept." He has done a lot of things. An An listens to it with relish. If it is not too late, it is estimated that he will not sleep.

"Distressed?" Shen Qing's eyebrows smiled, although Fu Hengyi did not show the whole process, but she is inexplicably feel that this man is distressed.

Fu Hengyi nodded without hesitation. When An An was born, he brought it with his own hands. Feed him a diaper, wash a diaper, and sleep with him. He is personally involved in these things, although the main purpose is to feel sad and want to make his wife easier. There is a lot to do with this child. Before Anan’s hundred days, he took the time to take the child. He was even much longer than Shen Qingyi.

He was watching the son grow up a little bit. Although he often disliked him and grabbed his wife, he did not start playing it. Today, he saw him crying and screaming, tearing his heart, saying that he was not distressed or fake.

"Where the boy is, the skin is real, it’s okay to play two times." Knowing that he was really distressed, Shen Qing sighed softly to comfort him.

Fu Hengyi squinted, "Don't tell me you don't feel bad."

"I am distressed, but looking at you like this, I don't feel bad." In order to marry his son, the man in front of him even said his anecdote when he was a child. In the end, who is more distressed, at a glance.

In fact, Fu Hengyi is really a very good father. He has any wrong place in his son. He can see it for the first time. Just like today, after An An’s assault, his heart has a sense of fear and alienation to his father. Fu Hengyi used his childhood. A few anecdotes resolved the negative emotions that have just risen in Anan’s mind, and repaired the father and son’s feelings as before, no, now it may be more intimate than before.

Thinking of this, she looked at Fu Hengyi. "You told me what other earth-shattering things you did when you were a child." Although I heard an ear at the door of my son, I couldn’t hear it.

Fu Hengyi knew that someone outside the door looked at her like a smile. "You just didn't hear it."

"I don't know clearly, I want to hear from you." She used to hear Chu Yunrong said one or two pieces of Fu Hengyi and Shen Junyi's glorious deeds.

Recalling that when I was young, Fu Hengyi was faint and faint. "There has been nothing in the past. There is nothing to say." How could he tell his wife about his anecdote?

"You don't say, I will ask my aunt or grandfather another day."

"In fact, there is really nothing, but it is a tree ostrich nest, and it is a matter of fish and shrimp. When my grandmother is still alive, she often takes me to the country." But later because his parents died, he A lot of blows, the temperament changed a lot, and soon after, Grandma followed, and the family left aunt and grandfather and three of them, his temper became more and more calm. The aunt and grandfather are busy with work, and there is time to take him to the country. Gradually, Fu Hengyi also forgets those things.

"Fu Hengyi, then do you still remember when I was a child?" Shen Qingyi asked him.

Fu Hengyi nodded, of course he remembered. Shen Qingyi is the only girl in Shen's generation, and Fu Jia and Shen Jia are world exchanges. When Shen Qingyi is still in Chu Yunrong's stomach, Fu Hengyi often listens to Chu Yunrong to talk about her.

After Shen Qingyi was born, Fu Hengyi often went to Shenjia to see this little sister.

"You don't remember?" Fu Hengyi asked.

Shen Qingyi shook his head. "I don't remember very clearly. There are some fragments, but they are incomplete." Most of her childhood memories are training and tasks. For those younger things, there are only a few scattered fragments. Because of her past experiences, Chu Yunrong did not mention her childhood when she was a child, so she was almost unimpressed when she was a child. The only impression I might say is the album from Chu Yunrong.

Thinking of Shen Qingyi's childhood, Fu Hengyi's eyes showed a smile. "When you were a child, you were a very laughing girl. The laughter is very low. Any little things can make you happy for a long time. Seeing you seems to see the sun. In your body, it seems that you never know what sadness is. There are few girls in the courtyard. You are beautiful and cute. Everyone likes you."

Fu Hengyi said something about Shen Qing's childhood. Shen Qingyi didn't have much impression of what he said, but he could imagine the picture.

If you follow the normal growth trajectory, you may be an ordinary giant, and you will be raised in the palm of your hand, innocent and innocent.

"Fu Hengyi, you said, if I have never left home, will we not get married when we grow up?"

Fu Hengyi slightly frowned, and he never thought about this hypothesis. "There is no such a false."

I am letting you imagine that if I didn't leave Shen, then I should be a little girl who is being spoiled by them. Maybe there are some problems with the wealth of the giants. If you say this, we can still be together. ? Shen Qingyi was very interested in this assumption.

Fu Hengyi couldn't imagine such a picture, but he thought that if it was true, they should not be together. After all, if Shen Qingyi did not leave Shen, for him, Shen Qingyi was Shen Junyi's sister and his sister. He should be more of a brother and sister to her. And according to his heart, he should not like the little girl.

Although Shen Qingyi is much smaller than him, his psychological age is far more than his peers, and he has the maturity and wisdom that his peers do not have. This may be the place where Shen Qingyi attracts him.

"I don't like little girls." Fu Hengyi gave the answer.

Shen Qingyi also thought of this possibility and smiled. "Don't say, let's sleep. The day after tomorrow is Ann's birthday, should you have time?"

Fu Hengyi nodded. He promised before, and he will accompany him to the playground on the birthday of Anan.

"Fu Hengyi, let's regenerate a daughter." During the sleep, Fu Hengyi suddenly listened to Shen Qingyi.

Fu Hengyi raised his eyebrows. "Isn't it a short time not to consider this question?"

"Fu Hengyi, don't you think it would be a very happy thing to have a daughter who looks a lot like me? You can wear a lot of good-looking clothes for her, give her a braid, she will be in your arms. Lijia Jiao, softly call your father." Shen Qingyi tempted him.

Fu Hengyi has a deep look. "I will raise enough for you." Although he wants to have a daughter, he still forgets his wife's adventure.

Shen Qingyi only feels tired, Fu Hengyi can say that she is loyal to her, and she almost never said anything to her. She insisted on this matter in particular. No matter how tempted she is, she is not hooked. She used to be self-made in front of her. The power is so powerful at this time.

Is it really necessary to use the method that Fang Wei said? Shen Qingyi felt that if he really used that method, Fu Hengyi knew that he must be angry, but when he knew, he should have been pregnant, and she would not believe that Fu Hengyi would be angry with her.

Anyway, this time she came to the military region is to make up her mind to have a daughter with Fu Hengyi. Fu Hengyi is 37 years old this year, and he will be old if he is not born. So this time she will stay in the military region for a while, and today is the first day, she has time.

Because An An had to go to the military area to celebrate birthday with Fu Hengyi, so the family had already given Anan a birthday in advance a few days ago, and Ann received the gift and the red envelope received soft hand. Even Allen sent a birthday present to An An from abroad.

After Chen Yujiao's physical recovery, Peter gave Chen Rujiao the most thorough physical examination. Although it is impossible to have children in three or five years, as long as he is carefully nursed, there is still hope within ten years. This is already the best news for Chen Yujiao. After all, the doctor had sentenced her to death.

After leaving Chen Yujiao with a nurse-in-law, Peter and Allen returned to China, but Allen regularly visited An An, but never met Shen Qingyi. Every time Peter came to pick up An An to see him, and then he would send An An back.

Anan knows that today, Mom and Dad will take themselves to the playground, get up early in the morning, wear their own clothes, and don’t use Shen Qingyi to help.

Fu Hengyi has already made breakfast for the mother and son. The family of three has eaten and went out.

When I arrived at the entrance of the playground, I saw Han Yu and Yu Xiaotong waiting there. Today they agreed to have two families to play together.

When she saw An An, she immediately broke free from Yu Xiaotong’s arms and ran to Anan. She hugged An An and shouted with joy, "An An brother."

Anan touched her little head, and the little adult seemed to say, "The fruit, you grow up."

"An An brother, happy birthday!" said the fruit milk, said that he also pulled out a lollipop and a few chocolates from his pocket. "An An brother, this is my birthday present, you Like it?"

Anan took the candy and nodded. "I like it very much, thank you fruit sister."

Han Wei is looking at An An with a sly look. He had asked for a few lollipops and chocolates to the fruit. The fruit was squatting and refused to give it, saying that it was left to Anan.

Everyone says that girls are extroverted. This is really true, especially at home. Seeing Anan can not be a father.

An An took the fruit of the hand and walked in front, and Han Han was behind the two, looking at her daughter with a look of resentment.

"Fruit, tired of walking, Dad hugged you." Han Yu saw her daughter all the way to talk to An An, and did not pay attention to him, squatting in front of his face, said hello.

Fruit did not look at Dad, shaking his head, "I am not tired, I have to go with An An brother." Han Han looked hurt.

After a while, Han Hao had a ** water in his hand. "Fruit, it took so long, thirsty, drink saliva."

The fruit shook his head. "I don't want to." She looked at the cup in Anan's hand. "An An brother, I want to drink this in your hand."

An An handed her the cup of water in her hand, "Drink it." The fruit took two drinks in a cup and completely ignored Han Han.

Han Yu turned to look at Yu Xiaolan and asked for comfort. The latter ignored him and talked with Shen Qingyi.

When Han Han saw it, he became more and more worried. He felt that he was a little cabbage that nobody loved. His eyes turned and looked at Fu Hengyi. "An An should like to play a roller coaster game, or you will take him. play?"

As long as An An is opened, her daughter will see herself, Han Han thinks.

Fu Hengyi listened to this, and even one of his eyes was not honoured.

"Dad, I want to play a roller coaster." An An has already heard the words of Han Yu, he is really interested in this ride.

"An Ange brother, I also want to play a roller coaster." When she heard that An An was going to play a roller coaster, she suddenly became anxious and took Anan’s hand and refused to let go.

"The fruit, you are still small, you can't play a roller coaster." Han Yu advised her daughter to point to the Ferris wheel not far away. "Dad, will you take the Ferris wheel?"

The fruit shakes his head. "No, I have to be with An An."

An An is looking at Fu Hengyi "Dad, can fruit sisters ride a roller coaster?"

Fu Hengyi shook his head. "My sister is too young."

Wen Yan, An An led the little brow and thought about it. "Then let's go to the Trojan. Dad, can my sister sit on a Trojan?"

Fu Hengyi knew that he was talking about the carousel, so he nodded.

Anan took the fruit of the hand, "Go, let's go to the Trojan." Fruit knows that she can play with her brother, and she laughs.

When I was sitting on a carousel, Han Han originally wanted to sit on the same carousel with the fruit. The result was rejected by the fruit. "Dad, you are sitting with your mother, I want to be with Anan, don't want you."

Repeatedly rejected by her daughter, Han Han is very melancholy. "If you don't sit with your father, Dad will be sad."

Who knows that the fruit has not been lifted, and returned, "Mom said, you are always sad, it is already the wall of the copper wall." She did not understand the meaning of the copper wall, but the words of Xiaolan would have been repeated locally.

Han Yu was stunned and looked at Yu Xiaotong with resentment. He got a big white eye from the latter and told the truth. Han Hao’s move has already failed.

Shen Qingyi has been holding the same group of Trojans with two little guys. The fruit is sitting in front and Anan is sitting behind.

The two little guys were very happy to sit on the wooden horse, and Yu Xiaotong was holding the camera in his hand, and kept taking pictures of the two little guys, regardless of the sad Han Han.

Shen Qingyi looked at Han Wei’s appearance and smiled. He whispered to Fu Hengyi. “If you have a daughter, is it the same?”

Fu Hengyi glanced at her with a flickering look. "So we don't want a daughter. What if I have a daughter and I have left you cold?"

Shen Qingyi felt that she had dug a pit for herself. When she turned white, Fu Heng turned to see her son. This topic could not be discussed. Otherwise, Fu Hengyi gave her the reason for not giving birth to her daughter.

"Fruit, tired of playing, Dad bought you ice cream, come over and eat." Han Han holding a strawberry ice cream in his hand, waving at the fruit.

The fruit ran over. Han Yiyi, the daughter still prefers him, took a spoonful of ice cream and handed it to the mouth of the fruit. "Open mouth."

The fruit shook his head and asked to eat it, so Han Han handed the ice cream to the fruit. Who knows the fruit but ran to the side of Anan, handed the ice cream to Anan, "An An brother, my father bought ice cream, for you to eat."

On the side of Han Yu saw this scene, black face.

Shen Qingyi and Yu Xiaotong looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. Fu Hengyi looked at Han Yu with sympathy and was dismissed by her daughter.

Shen Qingyi whispered to Yu Xiaolan, "Han Han is also at home at home?"

Yu Xiao looked at Han Yu and looked at it. "It’s the same as usual. As long as the fruit is close to other boys, he has to be jealous and ignore him." Because Han Han’s daughter is too tight, the fruit is very I am abandoning him.

"What about the consequences of getting married?" Shen Qingyi was somewhat curious.

"I guess he didn't think about it at all. He hoped that the fruit would never grow up. He would be a little daughter in his arms for a lifetime." Yu Xiaoyu had already seen Han Han, this is a full daughter. Slave, not running

Yu Xiaolan turned his eyes and said softly, "I see your family Fu Ye is also half a catty." Did not see Fu Hengyi look at the fruit of the eyes are more loving than watching An An. And she didn’t forget the fact that she was pregnant.

Shen Qinglan heard the words and smiled at Yu Xiaolan. I have to say that she thinks so.

In the afternoon, Fu Hengyi took An An to play the more exciting projects he wanted to play with bumper cars and roller coasters. Han Hao finally had the opportunity to take her daughter alone to play around.

The dinner was also eaten by the two families. Han Han will put the daughter's peeled shrimp in the daughter's bowl. As a result, the fruit will give the shrimp to Anan. "An An brother, you eat shrimp."

Han Wei looked at a pile of shrimp shells in front of his eyes and said faintly to the fruit. "Fruit, Dad also wants to eat shrimp."

"Then you peel it yourself." Guoguo said without hesitation.

Han Hao once again black face, then glanced at Fu Hengyi. Fu Hengyi calmly looked back.

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at this scene with a smile, it seems that the stimulation to Han Han is not enough, ask her daughter, "fruit, do you really like Ange?"

The fruit nodded, "Yes."

"Would you like to grow up to give An An brother a bride?" Fruit nodded again.


"No" three sounds at the same time, the first is fruit, the latter two are Han Yu and An An.

Han Yu is not willing to marry her daughter, naturally she can't say it, but Anan can't even say it. Han Han said that her daughter was disgusted. His old father's heart was a bit uncomfortable, so he looked at An An and asked, "Why not?"

"Because the fruit is a sister."

After listening to this, Han Han’s face was slightly slower, and Yu Xiaolan didn’t give up. “Anan, don’t you like fruit?”

"Like it." Anan said without hesitation.

"Then why don't you want the fruit to be your bride? Just because the fruit is the sister?"

"Yeah, how can a sister be a bride?" Anan answered for granted.

Han Hao saw it and looked very satisfied with An An’s eyes. The fruit cried, scaring everyone in the room to jump.

"What's wrong? How did you suddenly cry? Baby, you told Dad what are you crying?" Han Yu was distressed, and took her daughter's heart and baby.

"An An brother, I don't want to be separated from you." Guoguo said with a cry.

Everyone saw, when did they say that they wanted to separate the two little guys?

"Stupid girl, An An brother is here, do not leave." Han Wei gently appease his daughter.

"But it is not a bride, you can't play with An An brother." Fruits wiped tears and looked aggrieved.

Wen Yan said, Shen Qing smiled, said softly, "Sister can also play with my brother."

The fruit is twitching and looking at Shen Qingyi. "Hey, is it true? I don't want to be the bride of An An's brother. Can I play with An Ang brother when I grow up?"

"of course can."

The fruit immediately broke and laughed.

Han Hao looked at it, and the more she was worried, the only girl in her eyes was An An. What if she didn’t have his father?

In the evening, Shen Qingyi first took An An to sleep before taking a shower. Fu Hengyi poured a glass of milk on her. "First drink the milk."

Shen Qingyi frowned, "Fu Hengyi, I am not Anan."

"An An is more obedient than you, give him milk and sip." Shen Qingyi's recent sleep quality is not very good, drinking milk before going to bed can promote sleep.

Shen Qingyi fixedly looked at Fu Hengyi and saw that he did not compromise. He could only take the milk and drink it. Liu Mei was scornful. She really didn't like the smell of milk.

Fu Hengyi put her cup on one side and kissed her lips, and chased her with her. For a long time, he let go of her. "Well?"

Her mouth was hung with silver silk, her face was reddish, this is just lack of oxygen, "not bad." Shen Qing said calmly, with him so close, so many skins have been thicker.

Fu Hengyi browed slightly and said with a deep meaning, "Let's continue." He said, one turned over and pressed Shen Qing on the bed.

Shen Qingyan’s eyes flashed slightly, and he thought of his plan to have a daughter. He pushed Fu Hengyi, “Go to the bath first.”

“It’s time to go wash together.” Fu Hengyi said.

"Go now, I am waiting for you."

Fu Hengyi fixed her eyes for a few seconds and smiled a little. "Follow, madam."

When Fu Hengyi entered, Shen Qingyi quickly got up and took out something from the drawer of the bedside table, and then placed it in the original position.

Off topic

I won't tell you all the things that Fu Yegan did when I was a child. I also ate a lot of "bamboo bamboo shoots".

It is recommended that the dark-style warm wedding Gu may change the name of the book in the late Nanxi period. If the title of the book cannot be found, please search for the name of Gu Nanxi.

How others describe him, the son is like jade, elegant and elegant, oh, that is when others have not seen him with a scalpel and a corpse, when his eyes were dyed red.

He has a gentle name, called time.

He said: Hey, if you can choose the way to die, I hope to die on you.

He said: Hey, doctors don't care for themselves, I am a patient, blood can make me excited, let me kill, and you, can make me bloodthirsty, is the root of my killing.

Remarks: This article cures the warm pet style, 1v1 double, rock star and genius doctor's mutual pet daily, tells how a perverted blackening beauty doctor is warm and jealous to pull the altar star to **** together... story.

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