MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 542 He is the love of my life.

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Allen is willing to undergo surgery. The most happy person is Peter. After knowing that Allen is willing to undergo surgery, he will start to prepare something related to it and try to ensure the smoothness of the operation.

He knew that this matter still had to be settled out. If you say who is in the world, Alan will never refuse, then this person must be Shen Qingyi.

The risk of this operation is very high. In addition to preparing for the surgery, it is necessary to ensure that Allen's body is at its best, so Peter has given Allen a thorough physical examination these days. Allen’s body did not continue to deteriorate. The surgery is scheduled to be three days later.

The next day, Shen Qingyi was going to attend the awards ceremony, and Anan stayed in the hospital to accompany Alan.

When Shen Qingyi came back, he saw Allen holding a Rubik's cube in his hand. Anan was guiding him how to play. "Uncle Allen, wrong, turn to this side, right, this will succeed." Allen said this according to Anan’s operation. "So? Really, you are so smart."

"Uncle Alan, you are too stupid, not so simple." Anan said with a disgust, but his face was very happy.

Shen Qingyi stood at the door and looked at the two people who were in harmony. I have to say that the fate of this kind of thing is very wonderful. Where she used to think that Anan would like Allen so much.

Allen noticed from the moment Shen Qingzhen appeared at the door, turned her head and looked at her, and Ann found that her mother was back.

"Mom, have you won the trophy?"

Shen Qingyi nodded and handed him the trophy in his hand.

"Mom, is this trophy really made of gold?" An An asked with a trophy in Shen Qingyi, curiously.

"It's not gold, it's gold-plated." Shen Qingyi said casually, he didn't care about the trophy at all, and he didn't worry that Anan would accidentally break the trophy.

Shen Qingyi looked at Allen. "There is nothing wrong with the body today."

Alan shook his head and smiled. "I am fine."

Shen Qingyan heard the words, nodded, and did not continue to say anything. She did not stay in the ward for a long time, and soon left the hospital, and she went back with her.

On the way back, An An looked at Shen Qingyi, his face was not smiling, and his face was a little sad. "Mom, will Uncle Allen's surgery be successful tomorrow?"

"Of course." Shen Qingyi replied without hesitation.

"But, isn't it true that Uncle Allen's surgery is dangerous?"

Shen Qingyi looked at him sideways. "How do you know?"

"Last night, I heard your words with Uncle Peter. Mom, is there really a thing in Uncle Alan's mind? If you don't have surgery, you will die, right?"

Taking advantage of the gap between the red lights, Shen Qingyi explained to Anan, "Yes, you have a tumor in the brain of Uncle Allen. It is a very serious disease. If you cut it without surgery, this is The tumor will grow up slowly, and at that time, Uncle Allen is likely to die."

"That tomorrow's surgery is so dangerous. If it is unsuccessful, will Uncle Allen also die?" His eyes were filled with tears, and as long as he thought that his uncle would leave, his heart could not help. sad.

Shen Qingyi glanced at his son. "An An, believe in mother, tomorrow's surgery will definitely succeed."

"Mom, I don't want Uncle Alan to die." Anan didn't know the grudges of the older generation. In his impression, from the time he met Allen, this uncle in a wheelchair was very good to him. For so many years, it can be said that he loves him as his own child. Although he is young, he can still feel it if he is true to him.

"Uncle Allen will not die, don't worry. Uncle Peter's medical skills are very good, he will succeed, you must remember to cheer with Uncle Allen tomorrow!"

"I will, mother, I will pray that Uncle Allen is safe." Anan's tears twitched in his eyes, but it did not flow out. He is worried about crying and will be seen by Uncle Allen tomorrow.

Early the next morning, An An woke up earlier than Shen Qingyi, and even if she didn't eat breakfast, she urged Shen Qing to go to the hospital.

Peter has already gone to the final surgery, and Allen has a calm face. He has been calm since the day of the operation.

When I saw An An, his calm face only showed a smile, and Chao’an waved, and Anan snuggled up at Allen’s side. “Uncle Allen, you will be fine today, right?”

Allen laughed and Zheng focused. "Yes, I will be fine."

"Uncle Allen, when you are sick, I want to go to Disney with you, can you?"

When An An came last year, I wanted to go to Disney with Allen, but I didn’t make it because I had something wrong.

"Well, when I am sick, I will take you to Disney."

"Uncle Alan, I am here waiting for you to come out, you have to cheer!"

"it is good."

Allen touched An An’s head and turned his head and looked at Shen Qing’s eyes deeply, but said nothing.

At the door of the operating room, Anan took Allen’s hand. "Uncle Allen, you must cheer!"

"Good." Allen's eyes were warm. He has never experienced the feeling of being cared for. Anan is probably the first and the last.

Shen Qingyi stood on one side and looked cold. Allen wanted to say something to her, after all, she did not say anything.

When Allen was pushed into the operating room, An An was holding Shen Qing’s leg, and the tears finally fell. Shen Qingyi touched his son's head and was silent.

The lights in the operating room lit up, and Shen Qingyi waited with his son to wait outside. This is more than ten hours.

"An An, is it good to eat first?" Shen Qingqi held bread and milk in his hand. Anan didn't eat breakfast, and the lunch only ate an apple. She was worried about Anan's body.

Anan shook his head. "Mom, why isn't Uncle Allen still out?" He had been waiting for a long time, but the operating room door was closed.

"Don't worry, he will come out."

"Mom." He screamed, but didn't know what to say. Shen Qingyi touched his son's head and held him in his arms. "Mom is there."

After another half an hour, the closed operating room door finally opened, and Peter came out and looked tired.

Shen Qingyi looked at him, Peter laughed. "Success."

Shen Qing’s cold glory emerged with a hint of warmth, and An An slipped directly from Shen Qing’s arms. “Great, uncle Alan?”

"He is too tired, still sleeping, he is estimated to sleep for a few days."

An An heard the words and looked at Shen Qingyi. "Mom, can we stay for a few more days?" He wants to wait for Uncle Allen to wake up and go home again.

Shen Qingxiao nodded with a smile, "Yes." She has already called Fu Hengyi to explain the situation. Fu Fu Hengyi, although the unhappy wife and children had to stay in Allen's house for a while, but Allen helped a lot of cleanliness, and finally did not say anything to refuse.

Allen was in a coma for three days. When Anan came to the hospital to see him every day, he would ask Shen Qingyi the same question. "Mom, how long will Uncle Allen sleep?"

"Mom doesn't know, wake up when he sleeps enough. Don't worry, Uncle Peter said, the operation was very successful. Uncle Allen will wake up."

Anan leaned against Allen's bed and whispered, "Uncle Allen, you have been sleeping for three days, the sun is drying your butt, how can you still not get up?" The soft voice of the child's voice with a small loss.

Shen Qing’s eyes, seeing Peter outside the door, went out and the two went to the end of the corridor. “Peter, tell me the truth, is Allen’s surgery really successful?”

"It’s really successful, but after all, it’s a knife on the head. It’s normal to stun for a few days,” Peter explained.

Shen Qingyi believed in Peter's words. Peter's state was relaxed in the past few days. According to his relationship with Allen, if Allen really had something, he would not be in such a state.

"What is he going to wake up?" Shen Qingyi asked, An An has been very unhappy for a few days, and even sleeping at night is not very stable.

"It should be just two days. When I check him in the morning, his body has been recovering, his consciousness is gradually recovering, and he should wake up quickly."

In the ward, An An is still talking to Allen, which is a common anecdote.

"The sugar sugar last time ate the ice cream. My mother found that the ice cream was gone. I asked who stole it. As a result, the sugar sugar was on the morning, and the morning was a stupid. I directly admitted that the ice cream was eaten by myself. The mother was beaten by the palm of her hand. As a result, the sugar sugar in the evening was caused by eating more ice cream. My mother took her to the hospital overnight."

"What then?" The voice of the hoarse voice rang in the ward, revealing weakness.

"After the sugar disease is good, my mother punishes her for thinking about it. Dad's pleading is useless." Anan replied with a disappointment, and then realized that he was wrong, and looked at the person in bed in surprise. "Uncle Allen, you wake up." It is."

Allen laughed at the corner of his mouth. "You have been talking in my ear, I can't sleep and can't sleep."

An An meal, uneasiness, "Uncle Allen, am I disturbing you to rest?"

Allen wanted to reach out and touch An An's head, only to find that his hand was dripping, so he smiled softly and comforted him. "No, Uncle Allen has been sleeping for too long, and can't sleep. Anan, I think Drinking water can help me pour water?"

Anan nodded. There was a kettle and a cup on the bedside table. The water inside was warm water. Anan carefully poured a half cup and also blew it. "Uncle Allen, not hot."

He wanted to feed Allen to drink water, only to find Allen lying on the bed, not good to feed, and it was a little difficult at one time. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. "Uncle Allen, you wait."

He put down the cup, took out a box of milk from his little bag, and pulled the straw out. "Uncle Allen, so you can drink." He put the straw on Allen's mouth.

Allen chuckled, it was a smart boy. He drank a few mouthfuls. "Thank you, Ann."

An An looked at the gauze on his head. "Uncle Allen, is your head still hurting?"

"No pain."

"You don't lie to me, it must be very painful. Last time I went to the physical education class, I didn't believe that I fell to my head. It hurt for a few days. You have a knife on your head. How can it not hurt?" Anan looked The expression "I am not a child, don't comfort me."

Alan looked up and said, "Who told you that I have a knife on my head?" How can a child of seven or eight years old tell him this? At this time, Allen completely forgot, once in his base, the seven-eight-year-old child has grown into a machine that only kills.

"It was Uncle Peter who told me." Anan did not hesitate to betray Peter.

Allen silently gave Peter a note.

Peter, who just heard this at the door: ...he suddenly didn't want to go in, could he turn and leave? But obviously it can't be done, and Allen's cold eyes are already on him.

Peter walked in with a hard scalp and smiled and greeted Allen. "Hey, wake up, it’s not bad, it’s earlier than I expected, it seems to be a good recovery."

Allen looked at his cold eyes, apparently dissatisfied with his instilling **** knowledge into Anan. Peter had been with him for so many years, and he would not understand his thoughts. He wanted to marry him. "This is medicine. Knowledge is good, I am teaching children knowledge." He does not feel that Anan will be afraid of these things, don't look at Anan's young age, but he is courageous, and he does not want to think about who his parents are.

Allen ignored Peter's words. When he saw Shen Qingyi who came in later, the dawn was already mild. "You are here."

Shen Qingyi looked at him and looked calm. "Is it better?"

“Very good, nothing uncomfortable.”

Peter who was left out: ... How to differentiate the treatment is so big, I am the one who has always been with him and will never leave him!

But no matter what he thinks, he can't show it on the surface. Allen is a careful eye. If he offends him, he will definitely be cleaned up by him.

Although the operation was successful, it took a while for Allen's body to recover. Peter wanted to find Alan Qing in order to let Allen cooperate with the later treatment. I hope she can leave An An here with Alan for a while, waiting for An'an to start school. He must personally send An An back to Beijing.

Shen Qingyi did not immediately agree, but did not refuse, only said to seek the advice of An An.

An An is a very sensible and assertive child, so no matter what, Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi will respect An An’s own choices and let him be the master.

Shen Qingyi conveyed Peter's meaning to Anan and asked him, "What do you think in your heart?"

When Ann listened to his mother and thought about it very seriously, he said, "Mom, I want to stay with Uncle Alan. When he is better, go home. Can Uncle Allen have only a friend of Uncle Peter?" No one even has a relative. If he is sick, no one will come to see him. Take care of him. He is really pitiful."

"Have you thought about it?"

Anan nodded. "Think better, Mom, do you agree?"

"I agree, but you have to call your father in person and ask your father to agree."

"Well, I will call my dad now." An An promised, I don't know how he told Fu Hengyi, Fu Hengyi agreed.

Hanging up the phone, Anan looked at Shen Qingyi. "Mom, Dad promised, but Dad said to let you go back as soon as possible."

"Are you alone here?" Shen Qingyi was not at ease. Although An An would have come to Allen for a few days, but this time is expected to be longer, she is worried that Anan will not adapt.

An An patted a small chest. "Do not worry, Mom, I can. I have grown up."

There are still two children in the family. Shen Qingyi really can't stay here for too long. The next day, after taking An An to see Andre and Yu Lili, they will return to China alone. Originally she wanted to meet several other people, but these people are not in the country.

Eden left again, this time I don't know where I went, they haven't contacted for a long time. In the past few years, he has spent most of his time in the laboratory, studying the medicine he loves, especially some intractable diseases. He is his favorite, and he has met many medical experts and talents. I often follow them all the time, and sometimes I will participate in some medical rescue operations.

As for Jin Enxi, it is said that he went out to travel with Daniel. The two men will travel from time to time, and the little days will be called a sweet honey.

Shen Qingqi did not let Fu Hengyi pick up when he returned to China, but he took a taxi home. Just walked to the door, a small figure rushed toward her with a small cannonball, "Mom." Jiaojiao soft child voice, is sugar.

Shen Qingyi hugged her, "Go slowly, don't run."

"Mom, you are a big liar. You said that you will be back in three days, but this time it has been several days." When I first arrived in my mother's arms, the sugar was wronged and complained. She waited for a long time. Not coming back.

Shen Qingxi kissed her daughter's face. "It's a mother's fault. This time, something is delayed. Sugar candy baby wants mom?"

Sugar candy nodded, and Shen Qingyi's face was filled with watermarks. "I think my mother, I really want to think so, there are so many." She used water to describe how deep her thoughts about her mother.

"Mom, look at me, I think you are all thin." She pulled the clothes on her stomach and tried to prove that she wanted her mother to think that the clothes were getting wider.

Shen Qingyi glanced at her daughter's round belly and said with a warm voice. "How do I look at you seems to be fatter than before? Is it stealing candy and ice cream?"

Sugar sugar held a chubby hand and swear, "I don't." She grinned at Shen Qing's eyes. "Well, just a little, really a little bit, Dad won't let me eat."

Sugar sugar looked behind Shen Qingyi, "Mom, brother?" She also saw her brother.

"My brother is still in the country, your uncle Allen is sick, my brother is there to accompany him, and he will come back when he is sick."

Hearing, sugar frowning, "Is Uncle Allen sick? Is it a terrible disease?"

"Not terrible, it's already getting better."

"Oh, then I will call Uncle Allen." In the heart of sugar candy, Allen is like Santa Claus, she will give her various gifts, not only toys, beautiful clothes, but also various good things. It’s a very good uncle, um, although his voice is hard to hear.

Shen Qingxi took her daughter into the door, and the luggage was naturally taken in by Fu Hengyi.

Shen Qingyi is sorting out the gifts for the two children. He saw Fu Hengyi coming in and holding a postcard in his hand. "Su Qing sent it to you, and the first two days have arrived."

Shen Qingyu took over. Three years ago, Su Qing began to travel around the world. As she said, she would send a postcard to Shen Qingyi every time she went to a place. Sometimes she would send a parcel and send it to her. A little local specialty or a gift from the children.

In the past three years, Su Qing has never called Shen Qingyi once. Apart from postcards and gifts, there is almost no connection between them.

This postcard is somewhat different from the past. Most of the photos sent to her by Su Qing were local scenery photos. This time it was a wedding photo, Su Qing.

She is wearing a wedding dress, standing on a vast grassland, in the distance is a continuous snowy mountain, a man embracing her, eyebrows and eyes, looking at her eyes full of love.

On the back of the postcard is Su Qing's heroic writing.

Shen Qingyi stared at this photo for a long time, his mouth was light, Su Qing, congratulations, you finally harvested your love.

"Fu Hengyi, let's have a drink at night to celebrate." Shen Qingyi suddenly said to Fu Hengyi. You can't personally give Su Qing a blessing, so this is your own blessing to him.

Fu Hengyi nodded with a smile, "Good."

They sat on the balcony, Shen Qingyi leaned on Fu Hengyi's body, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, and she took a sip, and the night sky tonight was so rare that it was a bit like the summer of the firefly when they went to Jiangnan. night.

"Fu Hengyi, I feel very happy." The friends around me are happy, and her own life is also satisfactory. It seems that there is no regret in life.

To be really serious, the only regret is that Eden has not found his love so far.

Fu Hengyi's eyebrows are gentle. "Is there anything I want to do?"

Shen Qingyi shook his head. "I feel that this is the life I am most satisfied with, there are children, and you." Although there are many children, they are often overwhelmed by them, and occasionally they will be tricked by sugar or morning morning. I was so angry that it was full of smoke and fire, but she felt that her life was particularly perfect.

"Is there really? Can you make a wish, I will help you achieve it." Fu Hengyi said softly, the children are sleeping, now is the time for them two.

Shen Qing Shantou, looking at him, "What can I?"

"Yes, except that you can't pick the stars and the moon in the sky."

"Then what do I want the stars in the sky?"

"What can I do? Then I can only climb up the ladder and try to pick you up."

Shen Qingxiao chuckled, took another sip of wine, squinted slightly, and suddenly said, "Fu Hengyi, I thought, I want you to carry me." She looked at him, her lips were slightly whispering, revealing a trace of childishness. This is like a spoiled sugar candy.

Fu Hengyi’s heart was soft and messy, and he had a good temper. “Good.” He got up and kneels in front of Shen Qing’s ground. “Get up.”

Shen Qingqi climbed up, his back was still so wide, his body was straight, and she leaned her head on his back.

Fu Hengyi is carrying her downstairs. "No, just take a look at it."

Fu Hengyi smiled and didn't talk. He opened the door and carried Shen Qing's downstairs.

"What happened to Qing dynasty?" Zhao Wei was preparing to go back to the room to sleep. As a result, he saw that Fu Hengyi was carrying Shen Qing, and thought that Shen Qingyi was ill, and he asked with concern.

Shen Qingyi did not expect that Zhao Wei had not slept so late, but it was so unfortunate that he saw this scene. His face suddenly became red, and he wanted to come down from Fu Hengyi's back.

Fu Hengyi buckled the hand on her leg and added a little force, not letting her move, said to Zhao Wei, "Clearly, nothing, we both have fun."

Zhao Yu suddenly understood, and smiled and glanced at Shen Qingying, who buried his face with an ostrich. "The two of you will continue to play, I will go to bed first."

"I blame you, I was seen by Zhao Wei, she should laugh at me tomorrow." Shen Qingyi gently smashed Fu Hengyi a circle, with a soft tone.

Fu Hengyi smiled, "She won't laugh at you, she only thinks that we are affectionate." He went out with Shen Qingying, and thought of walking around the courtyard, but Shen Qingyi was worried that he would meet other people, and he would not let him live, so Fu Hengyi She carried her in the garden of her own.


Because of the international award, Shen Qingyi once again became the focus of media attention. Many TV programs wanted to invite Shen Qingyi to do an interview, but she refused, but only agreed to a media invitation.

It was a live talk show. Because it was live, it was very real, so there were a lot of viewers. The show is at 8 o'clock in the evening for a total of one hour.

This is the first time that Shen Qingyi’s identity has been published, and the TV station naturally attaches great importance to it.

Shen Qingyi did not let the family go, just let them watch the show at home.

In the background, the makeup artist is putting makeup on Shen Qing, and the host came over. "Miss Shen, this is some questions I will ask tonight, you can look at it."

Shen Qingqi took a look at Taiben and then said, "Can you make some changes?"

The host was amazed, and at the same time, there was some embarrassment in my heart. This is Shen Qingyi. Other guests may not have such treatment. There is no such thing in advance.

The reason why Shen Qingyi is special is because Shen Qingyi is the first time to go to the show, worried that she can't cope. After all, her identity is special. If there is a joke in the live broadcast, it is not to embarrass Fu and Shen. ?

"Miss Shen, is there anything wrong with these problems?" The moderator asked, these questions are all they have repeatedly discussed, and some of the audience want to know, but not excessively touch Shen Qingyi's problem, if This level is unacceptable, and this program will become a purely artistic discussion and lose its focus.

"No, it's the problem here. I want to modify it. You can't see it." The place she pointed at was just a few questions about her family.

The host was in a cold heart, and the outside world said that it was true. The reason why Shen Qingyi was forgotten was because she was very concerned about her own affairs, especially regarding her family, which was simply unclear.

Oh, it seems that tonight is destined to be a tragic night.

"Miss Shen, if you think there is a problem, you can make appropriate modifications." The host has room to speak, but after listening to Shen Qingyi's revision, the host's eyes suddenly light up.

"Miss Shen, are you sure you want to change this?"

Shen Qingyi nodded. Then he hesitated and said, "Is this a change that will make you more difficult?" After all, this is a talk show, not a reality show.

"No, no, no embarrassment, no embarrassment, just follow yours." The host was stunned, this is a big surprise.

She glanced at the time. "Miss Shen, the time is almost up, are you ready?"

Shen Qingyi nodded.

The studio has been filled with people. Shen Qingyi just appeared, and some people in the audience began to call Shen Qingyi’s name. They are all fans of Shen Qingyi, most of them are students of the art academy, and of course they are also rushing. With the value of Shen Qingying, after all, according to the value of Shen Qingyi, you can kill a group of so-called "goddess" in the entertainment circle.

However, these are all quality fans. After shouting two times, they are quiet. Shen Qingyi glanced at the audience and they were all strange faces.

She smiled and sat down in the position.

After the moderator's usual opening remarks, the questions and answers began. They were all questions about painting. She asked the law-abiding, Shen Qingyi's answer was also quite satisfactory.

Halfway through the recording, the door of the studio opened, and several people walked in quietly and seated in the corner of the audience. Shen Qing’s gaze suddenly looked over there, a slight glimpse.

The man smiled at her, and several children were desperately waving to her. If it wasn't for Fu Hengyi, I would have liked to rush to the stage.

I don't know if I had said hello beforehand. The spotlight didn't go to the audience with Shen Qingyi's gaze. Shen Qingyi quickly regained his sight.

"Mom." Sugar screamed at Shen Qingyu on the stage, and the voice was not loud.

"Hey. Mom is recording the program, sugar candy, don't call." An An put a finger on his mouth and whispered his sister. Sugar candy is naughty, but I like this brother very much, naturally listening to my brother's words, sitting in my father's arms.

In the morning, the eyes looked at Shen Qingyi with a sigh of relief. One hand was held by An An, and then whispered to Anan. "Brother, mother is beautiful today."

Fu Hengyi heard the words of the younger son and looked at him with approval. Then he turned his eyes back to the stage.

The audience sitting next to them have noticed these few people, a well-prepared, imposing father with a few brothers and children, this scene is always very attractive, but it did not cause much The turmoil, after all, the attention of many viewers on the scene was on Shen Qingyi on the stage.

"Mom doesn't look at me." Sugar said to Dad, some little sad, but she deliberately followed her father to see her mother, how can mother ignore her.

Fu Hengyi touched her daughter's hair. She tied a little braid today. This is what Fu Hengyi gave her. After her daughter, Fu Hengyi became more and more versatile. In order to give a good-looking hairstyle to the sugar, he also went to the hairdressing. The shop learns how to tie the hair to the girl, and sees that the Shen Qing is sour.

"Mom is working, wait for us to go home with my mother, let my mother hold you?" Fu Hengyi softly glared at her daughter.

Sugar suddenly laughed, she is definitely a very good child, "OK."

On the stage, the host has already asked questions about painting. "Miss Shen, we all know that you are married very early. People say that marriage is the grave of love. Many people are not willing to bind themselves to marriage life early. In the middle, especially some young women, the outside world is actually very curious. Why did you choose to marry so early?"

Shen Qingyi smiled. "It’s not a matter of marriage, sooner or later, when you meet the right person, you will end up."

"Oh? I rarely hear you mention your gentleman. Can you tell us what kind of person he is?"

"He is a soldier. In fact, he hasn't had much time at home in the past few years. It's a common thing that we don't see each other for several months, but he cares about his family. If he has time, he will call home and have a holiday. It must be with me and my children at home. He is a person who looks at the cold and is very gentle.” Shen Qing’s eyebrows are soft. When he said this, Fu Hengyi, who was still looking down at the stage, glanced at him.

The host heard the words and curiously asked, "I have had the privilege of seeing your husband. He looked at the gentle people you said, but I heard that you must say that he must love you very much." "It can only be because of love, so that such a man can walk down the altar, and he is willing to smother the dust of the world for the woman in front of him."

Shen Qing’s eyes are full of tenderness, and she never doubts his love for her.

"Miss Shen, actually I really want to know how you met with your husband?"

"Our family is a world with their family. Because of some accidents, I have left home for ten years. After returning, he is already in the army. In the first few years, we have never met one time. By chance, I and him. I met in the restaurant and we got married a month later."

"Oh, do you say that you are a flash marriage? Love at first sight?"

"Not at first sight, my grandmother was seriously ill that year and was about to die. I married him to let my grandmother rest assured."

The host did not expect that there was such a paragraph in this, and suddenly it was slogan, "The amount, so there is no love between you?"

"No, what I want to say is, I am very glad that I made that decision. This seemingly sloppy decision made me meet a man who loves me deeply, and he is also my life's love. Actually today. It’s his birthday. Because of the children and work because of the children, I didn’t have a good birthday for him. Today, I also want to talk to my husband, Mr. Fu, happy birthday, and, I love you!'"

Wow, there was a cry and applause from the audience. Shen Qingyi was just looking at the man under the stage, and his eyes were shattered stars.

Fu Hengyi looked at her, her eyebrows were gentle.

On the way back, Shen Qingyi looked at the man beside him and smiled lightly. "Isn't it to let you not come?"

Fu Hengyi smiled, holding her in one hand. "If I don't come, how can I hear my wife's deep confession to me."

Shen Qingqi's pretty face was red, and he confessed to him in front of the people of the whole country. When he did it, he didn't feel it. It is still very shameful to think of it now.

"Shen Qingyi, I love you." Fu Hengyi said seriously.

Shen Qingyi looked at the man around him and looked at the three children who had fallen asleep at the back and smiled.

------Off topic ------

Well, you are not mistaken, the text is over until today, and it will be updated tomorrow. The update time is still eight o'clock every morning.

Continue to publicize a wave of my new article "Ace of Military Marriage: 靳 矜 矜 》 》 》 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , On June 1st, the new article began to update, and you will continue to love me, right?

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