MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 547 Fan 2 1. Xiaoye is back.

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Allen looked at the young man sitting on the couch holding a mobile phone and playing games, whispering, "An An."

Just the name just came out, the man on the sofa raised his head, "Uncle Alan, how many times, don't call me Ann." His tone reveals a faint grievance, in those beautiful big eyes. It is full of helplessness.

Allen chuckled, "have got used to, Xuan Xuan, when will you return to China this time?"

Fu Yanxuan put down his mobile phone and looked at him with a smile. "Uncle Allen, do you want me to bring something to my mom?"

"It is for your brother and sister." Allen corrected.

Fu Yixuan shrugged. "It's the same. Every time you haven't lost my mother, saying that Uncle Allen has been through so many years, I have grown so big, you really don't want to find me a godmother." ?"

When Allen wanted to make sugar sugar his dry daughter, Fu Hengyi did not agree with him. In the end, Anan recognized him as a cognac, but Anan used to call him "Uncle Alan," and Allen did not deliberately correct it. So these years have been called down.

Allen glanced at him, cold face. "If you don't cover your mouth again, you will drive you out of the house. You are going to sleep in the street at night."

Fu Yuxuan smiled and threatened him. He didn't care about him. Uncle Allen told him that he was a knife and a tofu. "You are not willing. If I fall asleep on the street, the distressed person is still you."

Allen looked at him and argued with him about this topic. The kid was thick and he would say that he said he was.

"You don't want to go back to China to start a business. Now the diploma is also available, go back soon."

"Hey, Uncle Allen, I found out. Every time I mention my mother, you transfer the topic. It has been so many years, and you should let go."

When I was young, I didn't understand. Later, when I grew up, Fu Yuxuan gradually understood. Uncle Allen liked his mother, and he liked it for many, many years. He still can't let go, even loves the house and Wu, and they are very good for their brothers and sisters.

Sometimes, watching Allen's life is not awkward, Fu Yixuan is also very distressed by him, if it is other women, then he must find a way to help Allen, but this person is his mother, he only Can do nothing.

The smile on Allen's face faded. "These are not the ones you have to manage. Go back to your home."

Fu Yixuan shook his head. "Uncle Allen, I am not saying that you are a woman in the world. Although I also think that my mother is very good, there must be a better woman than my mother. Why don't you try?" I have to hang on my mother’s neck tree."

"Fu Yixuan." Allen's face sank.

Fu Yuxuan raised his hands. "I got it wrong. I was wrong. My mother is the most beautiful in the world. The best is the most beautiful tree in the forest. It is not a tree." He said as he rolled his eyes, Uncle Allen. This life is not saved, he said that his mother is not a tree, hehe.

Allen’s face eased. “If you go back, remember to bring back what I sorted out, it’s for your brother and sister.”

Fu Yixuan waved his hand. "I know, but I have to stay here for a few days and go back next week."

Allen looked at him. "Is there something left?"

"No, I just want to accompany you. I will return to China this time. I will definitely not come back in a short time. I will not accompany you. What if you think about me?" He said that he was a lover, but he let Ai A warm heart.

"Do you both eat or not?" Peter shouted in the restaurant.

Fu Yanxuan stood up, "come." Said, to push Allen's wheelchair. While walking, he whispered to Allen, "Uncle Allen, Uncle Peter has been unmarried for so many years, staying with you, is it falling in love with you?"

"Oh." A slap in the face of Fu Yuxuan's hand was unrelentingly screamed, and he shouted in a pretentious manner, "Uncle Allen, you murder."

Allen glanced at him, and Fu Yuxuan immediately shut up. Allen shook his head helplessly. This kid often said that he could not speak the words of the four or six.

When Fu Yuxuan was a sophomore in China, he suddenly went to study in y. Fu Hengyi and Shen Qingyi did not understand the reasons, but they also agreed. In these years, Fu Yuxuan usually lives in school, weekends. I live here in Allen with holidays and holidays.

Fu Yuxuan is outgoing and very talkative. Fu has no rules for eating and drinking. The table is full of Fu Xuanyuan’s voice. Allen is a happy temper. If you change someone else, it’s early. He was thrown out, and Fu Yixuan, he not only did not have the slightest impatientness, but also gave him food from time to time, listening carefully to every word he said.

They ate Chinese food. This is the chef that Allen specially invited to him after Fu Yuxuan came to study in y, just because Fu Xiaoxuan did not like Western food.

"Uncle Allen, wait for the meal, let's go to the movies in the afternoon." Fu Yanxuan suggested.

Allen looked faint. "You go to classmates, I won't go." He is not interested in such activities.

"Uncle Allen, I have not spent much time here. You really don't go with me?"

Allen looked at him, and after all, he nodded his head in the hope he looked forward to, and Peter looked straight at the side.

Peter is going to the lab in the afternoon and naturally will not go with them.

It’s a love movie. It’s a very strange thing for two big men to watch such a movie. When Allen stepped into the cinema, he knew that he wanted to see this. He was going to go back, it’s Fu Yuxuan. I said that I agreed to come in.

After watching the movie, Allen’s face was a little unsightly. Fu Yanxuan drove while watching his face. When he got home, Fu Xiaoxuan suddenly stopped and said that he was going to walk to the nearby park with Allen. take a walk.

"Uncle Allen, these words I actually wanted to tell you a long time ago, you let go of my mother, my mom always hopes that you can find your own happiness, instead of keeping a part of the past for a lifetime." When I say these words, I look serious and serious.

He still doesn't know the grudges between his mother and Allen. When everyone mentions this, he looks at his face. He doesn't even think about investigating himself, but he still dismissed the idea.

"This is why you have to come out to see the movie with me today?" Allen asked him, his tone was indifferent.

Fu Yanxuan kneels in front of Allen, looking at his eyes, his uncle Allen is old, his eyes are wrinkled, and even his head has white hair, obviously the age of his father, but Uncle Allen looks like he is a lot older.

"Uncle Allen, you know what I mean, I don't want you to be alone all the time, you are my beloved elder, I want you to be happy."

From the time he met Allen at the age of four, this man was very good for him. He didn't understand it before, but later he understood it.

"Yu Xuan, I am very good now, there is no unhappiness." For him, the days are really good.

"Uncle Alan, I am leaving next week. Who will take care of you after I leave? I am worried about you." Although he usually recites these words, he never said such serious and serious tone. Allen’s heart is moving.

"There are servants at home, and you are Uncle Peter. They will take care of me. You don't need to worry about it. See your mother and don't tell me about her." Although Shen Qingyi may not care much.

Fu Yanxuan sighed deeply, and he knew that it would be like this. "Uncle Allen, is there really no other woman in the world that can attract you?"

Allen chuckles. "There may be people who are more perfect than your mother in this world, but they are not your mother. Well, don't say this, let's go back."

"Uncle Allen."

"Yu Xuan, if you really want to be good for me, then don't say it again, this is the case, go home." His tone brought a command.

Fu Yanxuan fixedly looked at Allen's eyes. After all, he said nothing and stood up and pushed him back home.

A week later, at the airport, Fu Yixuan yelled at Allen, who came to the plane. "Uncle Alan, after I left, you have to eat on time, take medicine on time, don't be willful." Allen's body is not very good, it needs perennial Take medicine, especially on a rainy day.

"Let's go." Allen looked faint and couldn't see the slightest disappointment.

Fu Yuxuan screamed, "I said Uncle Allen, you don't want to keep me? If you can't bear me, I can stay for a while."

Allen looked at him with a disappointment. "Register now and hurry."

"Hey, Uncle Allen, I found that you didn't like me so much when you were young. When you were young, you would tell me about me. Now you are driving me away." Fu Yuxuan made a sad heart.

Allen couldn't help but slap a slap on his head. "Hurry and go."

Fu Yixuan snorted, but hugged Allen. "Uncle Allen, I am really gone. You have to take care of yourself. If you miss me, just call me or go to Beijing to see me."

Allen's hand was lifted in the air, and finally fell on his back, and patted it gently. "If you don't have enough money, please call me at any time." Fu Yixuan wants to start his own business. Funding is a big problem. He planned to do it. Give him a sum of money, but he refused.

"Thank you, Uncle Allen, but I don't need it yet. My small vault is also full. Of course, if I really can't keep going, I will definitely not be polite with you." Fu Yanxuan said with a smile.

He got up and gave Peter a hug. "Uncle Peter, I will miss you too."

Peter snorted. "Although you stinked a lot of my experimental samples, I don't care about you when you want to go. If you have time, come back and see."

Fu Yixuan nodded and looked at the two and left without heading back.

Allen had been watching him walk into the security checkpoint until he couldn’t see it again. It took back his eyes and the gentleness on his face was replaced by indifference. "Go."

Peter grinned, and he couldn’t bear the stinky boy, and he didn’t admit it. "The next time we go to Beijing to see him."

Allen didn't talk. This is because he has only been to Beijing for many years. It was Fu Xuan's 18th birthday. Even the sugar and the early morning, he also gave a gift.

At the Beijing airport, Fu Yixuan, who had not returned for half a year, looked at the city that was in front of him before he left. He felt a long sigh of relief and his mouth was lightly hooked.

Jingcheng, Xiaoye, I am back.

"Master Xuan Xuan, here." He just walked out of the airport and saw his own driver's car. He speeded up his steps and saw his mother in the back seat.

Shen Qingyi is already in her forties, but she seems to be only in her early thirties. In addition to adding more charm to her, the years seem to be particularly special to her.

"My dear mother, adults, do you want your dear son?" Fu Yixuan just got on the bus, the whole person leaned on Shen Qingyi's body, and his body was soft like no bones.

Shen Qingyu can only see his son's black head. "Get up, sit down and sit down."

Fu Yuxuan grinned, but he didn't get up. "Mom, we haven't seen each other for half a year. You don't feel enthusiasm when you see me. I also give me a kiss."

Shen Qingyi did not show his hand and patted his head. "Everyone is twenty-five years old. If you say this, it’s still not so formal. Go home and see your father pay attention, otherwise I won't help you."

Thinking of his father Fu Hengyi, Fu Yuxuan is very resentful. "Then I have to talk about the relationship between mother and child now. My dad is a vinegar jar. It’s almost sixty people. I know jealous all day long." It was to see him close to his mother, and his father gave him a cold knife.

"The two small ones at home, I didn't come to pick me up today?" Fu Xiaoxuan did not see his brother Fu Shuzhen and his sister Fu Shuyi somewhat strange.

"There are activities in their school today, not coming. But your dad is waiting for you at home." Shen Qingyi said.

Fu Yanxuan’s face is stiff, “My dad is at home today?”


Fu Yuxuan lamented in the heart, really, he deliberately picked a Tuesday back, just want to stagger his dad, did not expect his dad to be at home, is it difficult to wait for him at home?

As soon as the eyeball turned, Fu Yuxuan tried to open his mouth. "Mom, my dad is on vacation today or"

Shen Qingyi saw through his careful thoughts and said, "He is coming back to the meeting and will leave tomorrow morning." It was originally going back to the army this afternoon, but knowing that his son came back today, Fu Hengyi deliberately waited at home for a long time.

"Is everything in the country of y packed up?" Shen Qingyi cares about his son.

Fu Yuxuan looked out the window. "Well, it has all been packaged and sent back, and the rest are placed in Uncle Allen's house."

"Is his body ok?" Shen Qingyu asked a question.

Fu Yanxuan turned his head in surprise. "Mom, Uncle Allen is very touched if he hears you."

Shen Qingyi sneaked a glimpse of him, and Fu Yuxuan swallowed the rest of the words. If he continued, he estimated that the mother of their family would be angry.

Honestly replied, "Uncle Allen's body is like that. When it rains, it will hurt. In fact, he is not suitable to live there, or, Mom, you call Uncle Allen and let him Moving to Beijing to live?"

Shen Qingyi fixedly looked at him, but at first glance, Fu Yixuan immediately surrendered. "Well, I didn't say it." This is the fact that he dares to suggest in the face of his mother, in his father. In front of him, he didn't dare to mention a word. If he let his father know that he was **** his love rival to the capital, Fu Xuanxuan couldn't help but shake.

"Mom, don't tell my dad that this is what I said, or I will definitely not be able to take it."

"I don't know if you can't mention it later." Shen Qingyi faintly opened.

Fu Yuxuan shrugged and approached Shen Qing. "Mom, you tell me, hey, what are you doing with my uncle Allen?" He is sure that his mother and Uncle Allen are definitely not Male girlfriend, then what happened in the end, so that the last generation of people who mentioned Uncle Allen would be ashamed?

It was only expected that Shen Qingyi only glanced at his son and said nothing.

Fu Yuxuan has been used to it, and she will not ask if she does not say it.

Their family still lives in Fu's old house. Fu Laozi has died eight years ago. When he died, he was very peaceful. It can be said that he was dead, and the next year, Shen’s father also left. Coincidentally, the day of Shen’s death was exactly The date of the grandmother’s jealousy.

After the two fathers left, Shen Qingyi originally wanted to move out, but the house has been used to it for so many years, and Fu Hengyi’s official position has risen to the first level. As a national leader, living outside is not safe. Finally, it will not be there.

The car stopped at the gate of Fujia, Fu Yuxuan got off the bus, and took the luggage into the door. The mother had already picked up the plane personally. If he let his dad see that he had let his mother help him with his luggage, he might decide how to pack it. He.

Fu Hengyi was working in the study room on the second floor. When Fu Xuan entered the door, he was hit by a man. "An An, you are finally back."

Fu Yuxuan’s face was black at once, and he reached out and knocked on the head of the coming person, pushing the person in his arms. “Fu Shuyi, do you want to die?!”

Fu Shuyi squinted his head, hehe, "The guy who has no conscience, I have pushed for the school activities for you, you don't give me a hug, even hit me." She looked at Shen Qingyu who came in later. , grievously complained, "Mom, look, Anan beat me."

Fu Yuxuan blinked. He hated people for calling him Anan. From the age of ten, his family called him a big name at his strong request. Only this younger sister is not big or small all day, if he is a younger brother. In this way, he can still get a slap in the face, but his sister can't be beaten, and he can only blink.

Shen Qingyi glanced at her daughter with a funny smile. "Book art, don't be big or small."

Fu Shuyi saw his brother's face getting darker and darker, and the mother also spoke up. He took the forehead and took Fu's arm. "Brother, I miss you, welcome home."

Fu Yanxuan’s face finally looked good. Even the little girl was a little conscience. He handed the suitcase to her. “There is a gift that Uncle Allen gave you and the book, and you took it.” ”

Fu Shuyi’s eyes lit up and took the suitcase. “It’s still Uncle Allen, I don’t forget to bring me a present every time.”

"What about the book?" Didn't see his brother, Fu Xuan asked.

"He, go to pick up the fruit sister, fruit sister knows that you are coming back today, I will go buy you the most delicious fried bread, and then I will be confused, call to let the book pick her up. went."

Thinking of the fruit, Fu Yixuan frowned. "She lost her way?"

"Yeah, this is not known to be the first time she lost her way. She, she has not saved." Fu Shuyi thought of the fruit road, and shook his head and sighed. This is definitely the most serious road idiot she has ever seen. one.

I think that the capital is also a place where the fruit has grown up since childhood. How many times have they visited? As a result, this person can still be lost. It is no wonder that Uncle Han Yu is not worried that she will come out alone.

"Dad?" Fu Yuxuan knew that someone had to pick up the fruit, and he was not worried. He asked the father who was at home in the legend.

Fu Shuyi pointed to the study on the second floor. "On the top, yes, Dad asked you to come back to the study and find him."

Fu Yanxuan’s face looked at Shen Qingyi and wanted to ask for help from his mother. As a result, his family’s adult just smiled at him. “Go.”

Fu Yixuan’s shoulders looked helplessly and glanced at the second floor. After two days of dragging the legs of the lead, he stepped upstairs and looked at Fu Shuyi’s grin. The boys in their family were afraid of his father. .

Fu Yuxuan moved to the second floor and knocked on the door. The word "coming in" came in, and the tone was indifferent. Fu Yuxuan grinned, and his father was still this virtue.

Pushing in the door, I saw Fu Hengyi sitting at the desk, holding a piece in his hand, hearing the footsteps, not even lifting his head.

Fu Yuxuan stood at a distance of one meter from the desk. "Dad, I am back."

Fu Hengyi sighed, but still did not look up, until the end of a sheet of paper, and then looked up and looked at his son, "Is the foreign study completed?"

Fu Yixuan is a serious nod. "It has already been completed." He took a doctoral degree in management this time.

"Since it's done, is there any plan for the future?"

"I plan to start a business with a few friends. I used to do some things in the country before, but the domestic economic situation is better, so I plan to return to China." This is how Fu Xiaoxuan is serious.

Fu Hengyi nodded. "If you think about it, then do it."

Fu Yuxuan had some accidents. He thought that his dad called him alone and wanted him to be a soldier. However, his father did not mention this, he would not take the initiative to hit the gun.

"Wait to see your grandfather and grandmother, your grandmother has been chanting you many times." Fu Hengyi did not say anything else, just sighed this sentence.

Fu Yixuan nodded, "Good." He originally planned this.

But seeing his dad really said nothing, Fu Yuxuan tickles, can not help but ask before leaving the study, "Dad, why don't you ask me why not go to the army?"

Fu Hengyi looked at him fixedly, and there was no trace of gentleness in his eyes. "What would you say?"

Fu Yuxuan licked his lips and then shook his head. "Sorry, Dad." He shouldn't mention this topic.

"What do you want to do, what kind of road you want to take in the future is your own choice. I will not interfere with your mother. Even if you are on a detour, you have to go on your own. You are a man, not a For the children to be fed, my mother and I will not hold you up in the sky. It is the eagle or the chicken that you have to prove."

Fu Yuxuan licked his lips. "I know Dad, and thank you." Thank you for not asking yourself to be admitted to the military academy, but to drop out of school and resolutely go abroad to study.

"Nothing to go out." Fu Hengyi faintly opened.

"Good." Fu Yanxuan turned and left, did not notice the deep gaze that Fu Hengyi bet on him.

When Fu Yuxuan went downstairs, the fruit had arrived. When he saw Fu Yuxuan, he immediately rushed over to him. "An An brother, you are finally back, I miss you."

Fu Yuxuan once again black face, in the end to emphasize how many times, they will forget the name of An An, and the heart once again resentful to the father who gave him such a name.

Dad, how much hate me you used to give me the name of a girl.

"Hannan smoke, you believe that I am not beating you." Fu Yuxuan said sullenly.

If the fruit holds him, he will not let go. "You fight, as long as you are not afraid of being embarrassed by your uncle."

Fu Yuxuan opened her, and she looked awkward. "How old is it, and the audience is still hugged, and the men and women don’t know what to do?"

The fruit pouted and turned to look at Shen Qingyi. "Auntie, look, Anan’s brother dislikes me."

Shen Qingyi did not participate in the fight between them, smiled. "You play a few, I go to the studio first, Anan, wait for dinner and call me."

"Mom!" Fu Yanxuan pulled his face and shouted unhappy.

Shen Qingyi smiled apologetically, and she was forgotten by the fruit and sugar. Waving his hand, Shen Qingyi did not take away a cloud. Fu Yuxuan looked at his mother and gave him a walk into the studio.

"Han Guoguo, if you dare to call me Anan again, you see how I can clean you up." Fu Yanxuan looked at the fruit in disgust, and said with no anger.

The fruit spit out the tongue, and he was not afraid of him. He took out the fried bag he bought. "I have arranged for a long time to buy it for you, and you have to eat it quickly."

Fu Yuxuan took the fried bag and rubbed her head. "You still have some conscience." Saying, sit down and pick up the disposable chopsticks and start eating. In fact, after a long time, the fried bag has been cold, and the taste is not dripping, but this is a part of people's mind, he can not waste.

In the evening, the fruit is naturally to eat at Fu's house. After dinner, Fu Yuxuan is responsible for sending her home.

"宸轩哥, you are not coming back this time?" Fruits in the hands of playing with a mobile phone, asked casually.

Fu Yan Xuan said, "This time I came back to start a business with my friends. Naturally, I will not go any further. You, work habits in your dad's company?"

The fruit laughs. "Everyone knows that I am the young lady of the Han Group. Everyone is letting me, holding me, and I am not used to it."

Fu Yanxuan looked at her sideways: "Listen to what you mean, you seem to be unhappy at the company?"

"How unhappy, I am very happy, even if I don't go to the company, I can still get my salary. I want to go to work when I go to work. I don't want to go to rest at home. I am free, and my salary is still high. I don't know how much. People envy my work."

Just happened to meet a traffic light, Fu Yuxuan stopped, reached out and smashed her hair, causing a dissatisfied look of the fruit. "Small girl also learns to say the opposite, unhappy and admits not happy."

"Who is a little girl, I am only one year younger than you."

"Small one year old is also a little girl. If you are really unhappy in your dad's company, come to our company. Although I don't have such a high salary for you, there may not be your dad's freedom during work, but I am free. I don’t think anyone in my company should treat you as a big lady of the Han Group."

The fruit is bright, "Is it really ok?"

"Of course, as long as you like, as far as your father is, I can help you."

The fruit nodded fiercely. "I am willing, you can't pay me a salary."

"You have no problem working in the company?"

"No problem, but it is a deputy general manager. I don't want to leave at any time. Then, if my dad knows that I am following you, I will be assured."

Fu Yuxuan laughed, because it was him, Han Shushu would not be relieved. Han Yu regards her daughter as an eyeball and protects her pet. From childhood to age, she guards her opposite **** from her daughter. She fears that her daughter will be turned away by a bad man. He has appeared in his fruit since childhood. Around, the relationship and its closeness to the opposite **** is a thousand defenses.

"Xuan Xuan, where is your company, take me to see you tomorrow, I can go to work at any time." As soon as I think of ending this boring day, the fruit is excited.

"I haven't decided yet. Before I returned to China, I contacted several real estate agents and took a fancy to the office buildings in several places. I am going to see it tomorrow and choose one."

The fruit screamed, "You haven't settled yet, I thought you were all ready, and the people were in place."

"So my team is still in the country, waiting for me to be ready, they will come over, how come, repent?"

The fruit was cut. "I am the kind of person. I will go with you tomorrow. It’s just that I have nothing to do. I have rarely been in the country for a few years. I definitely don’t know the changes in the capital. I am referring to you. Road, to ensure that you will not go the wrong way."

Fu Yuxuan heard the words and looked at her like a smile. "Oh? Are you sure?"

The fruit is pretty red, probably thinking of the pit of his own road, whispered, "I can't, there is mobile navigation."

Fu Yuxuan smiled and stopped talking. The Han family had already moved once. The new home was not too far from the military area. It was an hour away.

Already at the door of the Han family, Fu Yixuan is not likely not to go in, follow the fruit into the door, "Mom, you see who is back."

If the fruit is not yet arrived, the sound will come first.

Yu Xiaotong heard her daughter's voice and greeted it. Then she saw Fu Yuxuan who was behind him. She immediately smiled. "An An is back. Let the mother go."

Fu Yixuan black line, it seems that the name of An An is forgotten, but the object is Yu Xiaolan, so Fu Yuxuan endured, "Daddy, you are really younger and younger, I will see you later." I dare not call you a godmother, or I will call you my sister."

Yu Xiao's eyebrows opened his eyes and smiled. "Have your mouth just finished eating honey?"

"I am telling the truth, don't believe you ask your fans, are you young forever?" Fu Yixuan's sincere face.

Han Han, who just went downstairs to hear the words, bitten his teeth. This stinky boy just started to give his wife a fascinating soup. Looking at the way Xiaoxiao’s eyes glow, where can I see him, Han Han’s hand clenched into a fist and coughed a few times, trying to attract Yu Xiaotong’s attention.

Who knows that Xiao Xiaoying did not look at him, his eyes were like those who grew up in Fu Xuan's body.

"Cough and cough." Han Yu coughed a few times, almost coughed out the lungs, Yu Xiaoyu finally gave him a look at the alms, casually said, "Is it sick? The family has a syrup, you yourself Find out and drink."

Han Wei:

Fu Yuxuan tried to hold back the laugh, "Uncle Han."

Han Han’s back, sighed, “Come back.”

"Yes, Uncle Han, are you uncomfortable?" His eyes were so concerned, how to see how sincere, and Han Han clearly saw a slight narrowness in his eyes.

Han Yan’s eyes, this stinky boy, is still not as happy as a child.

Fu Yuxuan's appearance combines the advantages of Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi. Naturally, it goes without saying that Han Yu is also enchanting, but Yu Xiaoyu has been watching for more than 20 years, even if it is a prosperous beauty. Where is the small fresh meat that looks good.

Pulling Fu Yuxuan to sit down on the sofa, began to ask for help, Fu Xiaoxuan smiled all the way, Yu Xiaotong asked what he answered, and he was very smooth, and he would laugh at Xiaoxiao from time to time.

Han Han stood on the side and blinked, looking at his daughter, whispering, "You said that your mother is too idiotic, and a lot of age is still staring at the young man."

The fruit squinted at her father and also lowered her voice. "You should say this to my mother."

Han Hao, huh, where does he dare to tell Yu Xiaotong that this is not waiting for the durian shell?

"fruit, you honestly, which one of my stupid sons and Fu Xiaoxuan looks good?"

The fruit hesitated, "Dad, this is hard to say."

"You will tell the truth." Han Yu is still very confident about himself. He has been well maintained in these years. Even Du Nan did not. He went out and said that he did not believe in fifty.

Guoguo put one hand on Han's shoulder and said with a heavy heart, "Dad, the family is a small meat, and you, at most, is a dried bacon."

Saying, the fruit did not wait for Han Yu to react, and stood up and swayed upstairs.

Han Wei: The old bacon that is dried is said to be him?

He turned to look for his daughter, and only saw a back of the fruit. He went to see the happy wife who talked with Fu Xiaoxuan, especially when he saw that Yu Xiaoxuan had not closed from Fu Yuxuan. When I mouth, my mood is more and more depressed.

He touched his chin and glanced at his tight belly. He was like an old bacon. He was obviously a handsome guy. Hey, he was not old.

Fu Yuxuan accompanied Yu Xiaolan to talk very late, until Shen Qingyi called, he just got up and said goodbye, "Da Ma, today is not early, I will go back first, and then come to see you again."

Yu Xiaotong repeatedly responded, "Well, you must be careful when driving on the way back. You will be a guest at home in the next day, and the godmother will give you a good meal."

Fu Yuxuan smiled and responded, and he never said anything tonight. He only said that Han Han, who looked down on his life, said that he had left the Han family.

------Off topic ------

The children are growing up, hahaha

Han Hao is very cute and has wood?

After saying that since the beginning of the game, few people have left a message, you still can't see? In the wake of a bubble

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