MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-Chapter 12 1 Knife Flow · Ghost Slash!

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[Sig the Bandit King (100 Merit Points), Johnny the King of Swords (100 Merit Points), Sword Saint Joseph (100 Merit Points)]

[Axe Monka (120 Merit Points), Arrita (Beautiful Version) (120 Merit Points), Hundreds of Crowes (130 Merit Points)]

[Luffy (Barrel Version) (140 Merit Points), Zoro (Immortal Heights Version) (140 Merit Points) Bucky…]


On the system panel, a series of portraits of characters gave Cao Gui a headache. The barrel version of Luffy was really just a barrel, and the beautiful version of Al Rita was the aunt before every time he put down Devil Fruits.

The unreliable urination of the system is once again on full display.

Cao Gui swept his gaze, directly ignoring the Bandit King, the Sword Saint, the King of Swords, and the King of Axe. Eliminating those who were unreliable and had brain problems, Cao Gui only had 3 or 4 quest cards that could be equipped.

[Hundreds of Cloroes (130 Merit Points), Arrita (Beautiful Version) (120 Merit Points), Zoro (Immortal Heights) (140 Merit Points), Luffy (Barrel Version) (140 Merit Points) 】

So the question is, which one to choose?

Cao Gui's first choice is Bucky. The split fruit is not afraid of sharp weapons, but Bucky's attack power is worrying. The second choice is Luffy. Terrifying.

Secondly, there are "Hundred Strategies" Crow and Zoro. Crow's silent steps are extremely fast, but he can't control himself. The space here is small, and it is easy to accidentally hurt himself. As for Zoro... what the **** is this ignorant version?

The corners of Cao Gui's mouth twitched slightly, the system was not reliable at all, and none of the characters given were good.

Just as Cao Gui was thinking wildly, the butcher suddenly threw out a bone-chopping knife and slashed at the lamp on the ceiling, destroying one of the lamps.

Boo la la~

A burst of electric sparks flickered, and there was only one lamp left in the cold storage, and the cold storage that was still bright suddenly became dark.

The butcher flickered, burrowed into the meat forest, and used the meat forest to hide his figure.

As he said, he has been here for a week, and he is very familiar with it.

"Hey hey, boy, you're dead, you're dead..."

The gloomy laughter kept reverberating, and the position of the voice changed, making people uncertain about the location.

But the voice is getting louder and clearer. It is certain that the other party knows his position!

Cao Gui took a gentle step and retreated in the opposite direction of the sound.

"You're dead~~, hehe... you're dead~~, you're dead."

Cao Gui moved his position silently, and the position of the voice gradually moved away, indicating that the other party lost his position.

Now, as long as you find him, a shadow suddenly flashed across the ground as soon as the thought occurred.

Cao Gui was stunned. It turned out that before he knew it, he had walked under the lamp that the butcher had destroyed, while the other party had run to the lamp that was still glowing.

The shadow exposed his position before, and now he also exposed the butcher's position!

Cao Gui's eyes were slightly heavy, his eyes were like water, his footsteps moved lightly, and he moved silently to the other side.

The distance is very close, as long as a thrust is needed, the opponent can be killed!

"Boy, you're dead, you're finished, you can't escape...

It's now!

Cao Gui's face froze, and he suddenly leaped out with his strides, with a long knife in his hand sticking out like a poisonous snake, and stabbing the butcher's back with all his strength!



The butcher turned around abruptly, and the narrow-bodied sharp knife hit Cao Gui's saber accurately!

not good! Counted! Is to lure the enemy deep!

"Hey, you're finished!"

The butcher smiled grimly, raised his right foot, and kicked it on Cao Gui's lower abdomen like a spring.

Deng Deng Deng took three steps back, Cao Gui bumped his back against the Wagyu corpse, and his abdomen was aching.

However, the butcher's attack didn't stop, he saw his left hand instantly lift up, and saw a flash of flames from the muzzle, "bang bang bang" three bullets hit Cao Gui.

Then his arm made a big circle, and with a loud "bang", a bullet drew an arc and hit Cao Gui's right rib from the side.

The breath of death enveloped his entire body, and Cao Gui immediately felt his souls swell with cold sweat on his forehead.

Six Styles Paper Painting!

Cao Gui did not dare to have any reservations, and tried his best to destroy the paper painting, softening it together with the bones.

In an instant, Cao Gui's body shrunk into a strip, and all three bullets shot to his chest missed.

At the same time, the spine bends forward, pushing the entire upper body to form an arc, and the bullet shot to the right rib also fails.

what! ?

The butcher's eyes were full of disbelief. The way he looked just now has exceeded the limit of the human body. No, it is impossible for the human body to deform to that extent!


Like the sound of a whip twitching in the air, Cao Gui made a strange sound the moment he recovered.

Immediately, intense pain surged from the depths of the bones and the muscles like a tsunami.

But now is not the time to breathe, Cao Gui clenched his teeth, endured the severe pain, and took advantage of the butcher's dazed moment to dive into the flesh forest behind him.

When the butcher came back to his senses, Cao Gui had disappeared.


The butcher turned pale in shock, and he was about to completely deal with Cao Gui if he kept up.

But three shots of "bang bang bang" forced him back to where he was. This little FBI also has a gun!

On the other side, Cao Gui was leaning against the wall, with beads of sweat dripping from all over his body, biting the handle of the knife in his mouth.

The severe pain made the blue veins on his forehead throb violently. He hadn't lost his fighting power yet, but the pain prevented him from being distracted from fighting.

"Hahaha, little FBI, I caught you, you look so painful, don't you have the strength to fight?"


In front, the butcher stepped out, and the muzzle of Tokarev's pistol was firmly locked on Cao Gui.

"System, exchange Sauron character cards and equip them!"

[The host can exchange for the character card of Sauron (I don’t know the heights of the sky), it will cost 140 merit points, please confirm]


The situation was so critical that Cao Gui could no longer think too much, so he directly exchanged the character card for Zoro.

Cao Gui has only one knife and one gun in his hand, and there is no sniper in the character card, so he can only exchange for the only swordsman.

Immediately, a mysterious and mysterious feeling poured into Cao Gui's body, his strength did not increase significantly, and his speed did not increase significantly.

But with the knowledge of countless sword techniques in his mind, the long sword in his hand has become freehand, like an arm and a finger, and even the pain in the whole body has been relieved a lot.

[Host equipment character Casoron (I don't know the heights of the sky), the effective time is 300 seconds]

Cao Gui suddenly realized in his heart that the so-called ignorance of the sky is not the strength of Sauron before he challenged Hawkeye, right?

Ever since I was a child, I didn’t know the heights of the sky, and when I grew up, I didn’t know the east, west, north and south?

That said, I really don't know how high the sky is. Judging from Cao Gui's feelings, not to mention Hawkeye, even a major and captain of the headquarters is enough.

However, these have nothing to do with him, Cao, what is important now is to deal with the butcher!

Cao Gui held the sword in both hands, and an inexplicable aura began to radiate. This was an aura that belonged only to swordsmen!

In the distance, the proud butcher's expression changed instantly, UU reading www.uukanshu. For some reason, he felt guilty inexplicably, and the Tokarev pistol in his hand could no longer provide him with any sense of security.

"Little FBI, put down your weapons and surrender, you have no chance..."

Cao Gui stepped on his feet and jumped out like a tiger out of the cage, bloodthirsty and terrifying!

"Damn, what happened to him!?"

The butcher was terrified, raised his hand and fired two shots, but with two clangs, Cao Gui split the bullet with his knife. Before he could fire a third shot, Cao Gui's attack had already arrived.

"Yi Dao Flow · Ghost Slash!"

The melodious sound of the sword chirping echoed, but the butcher only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the arm holding the pistol had been cut off at the shoulder.

"Ah—! Damn it!"

The butcher clutched his broken arm with a look of horror on his face. Although he didn't know what happened to this kid, the current one had failed.

Run away! Must escape!

The butcher staggered and ran desperately to the door of the cold storage.

Behind him, Cao Gui Fu Dao sneered, offended the Navy and wanted to run away? What's so cheap?

With a flick of his fingertips, he wiped off a trace of blood, and Cao Gui raised the knife again.

"Yi Dao Flow · Ghost Slash!"


The butcher who was running swayed and fell down, blood spurting out, and the huge wound went from the left shoulder to the spine.

"Pfft...cough cough..." The butcher spat out a cloud of blood, his eyes gradually blurred, and he said slowly to Cao Gui:

"You... can't escape the verdict of fate... The Brotherhood... won't let you go... You are doomed..."

"Brotherhood?" Cao Gui was stunned. It turned out that the strange speed was bullet time, and he immediately smiled disdainfully:

"Oh! Only the people can judge me, Brotherhood? Fate? How many divisions does he have?"

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes