MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 410 Thor is on his way

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"This... what's going on?" Malekith panicked, only feeling that an invisible force bound him, he could control his body, and he could clearly feel every part of his body.

But the oppression from all directions prevented him from using a single finger.


Above the sky, Cao Gui flicked his fingers, and the magnetic baritone shouted in a low voice.


With a loud bang, the space in the open space of the Greenwich Observatory below, like broken glass, staggered and fell apart, and finally turned into pieces of the sky and floated into the dark hole.

"Oh, God!" In the corner, Louise hugged her head and exclaimed, "What is this? What happened?"

"God...he actually shattered that piece of space..."

Professor Shawig's face was solemn. He recognized at a glance that it was the power of the Universal Rubik's Cube. He had just studied that thing some time ago, and he was too familiar with his energy.

"M... Is Malekith dead?" Jane didn't pay attention to those, but focused on Malekith, and a pair of blue eyes glanced at the land that had disappeared one layer below.

At the same time, the black hole in the space began to slowly repair, and in the blink of an eye, the entire hole returned to its original state, and it didn't look as scary as before.

However, Jane Foster was soon disappointed. On the wet riverside soil below, a dark red light slowly emerged, winding up, and within a moment, Malekith slowly appeared.

Although his charcoal-like face could not tell his injuries, Jane Foster, who once possessed ether particles, could soon sense that he was not seriously injured. If it wasn't for the protection of ether particles, Malekith just died.

"What a pity..." Jane Foster frowned and sighed.

"Don't worry." Professor Shavig waved his hand: "The man in the black robe mask is very strong in combat. He once defeated Thor by himself, and he beat him hard... uh, sorry."

Professor Shavig was talking when he was suddenly shocked. He turned his head and found that Jane was staring at him fiercely, and quickly realized that Thor was her boyfriend.

"This **** bastard!" Jane Foster stared at Cao Gui. During the New York War, she saw on TV that Thor was beaten so badly that not only was he beaten, but even his hammer was robbed.

But now... Jane had to pin her hopes on this black-robed masked man, and he was the only one who could compete with Malekith.

"Huhuhu..." Malekith martial artist's own heart, kneeled on his knees and breathed violently. At that moment, he didn't even know what happened.

In one fell swoop, he was plunged into the endless pain of shattering his body, and if it weren't for the etheric particles...he would definitely die!

"Who are you?!" Malekith asked angrily. This guy almost let himself die in just one stroke. He was definitely not weak.

"I don't remember a character like you in Asgard?" Malekith raised his hands and asked sharply, the dark red fluid-like ether particles flowing in front of him, condensed into several sharp cones sharp weapon.

Under the swirling flow, there is a cold light.

"Ha!" Cao Gui sneered, as expected of a backward race that has been dormant for thousands of years, did he think he was a dark elf who could fight back and forth with the Asa Gods?

Stupid, you're alone now!


Above the sky, the thick clouds began to flow and rub, the low thunder began to roar, and the dazzling thunder began to flicker.

Malekith's face changed suddenly, although it was still thunder and lightning, but this sense of oppression was incomparable to the son of Odin, Thor, the **** of thunder.

The situation is not right!

Get started first!

Malekith's eyes were fierce and generous, and he slammed his palms back and shot forward, and the dark red sharp cones surrounding him roared out.

There was a flash of thunder in Cao Gui's eyes, and a thunder light lit up in his hand. He raised his palm and slapped it, and a flash of thunder light flashed. The cloud in the sky made a loud noise. Malekith.


Under the lightning reflection, Malekith's face was extremely horrified. How could he have imagined that the other party would launch such a terrifying attack.

Immediately, dark red ether particles burst out from his body, and in the blink of an eye, a huge and thick dark red energy cocoon was formed, wrapping Malekith in it.

That attack is not something he can resist, so he can only defend himself with all his strength, in order to save his life under this attack.

"Oh, Shet Shet Shet..." Louise's eyes widened, staring blankly at the huge brontosaurus falling from the sky.

"Damn it, don't look, hide!" Professor Shavig shouted during the phone call, instantly awakening the stunned Louise, while Jane Foster was also sluggish at the moment.

Looking at this terrifying Thunder Dragon like a miracle, Jane Foster didn't know for a while whether the person in front of her was Thor, or whether her boyfriend was Thor.

Fortunately, Professor Shavig's brain was easy to use, and he quickly woke up. He pulled Jane Foster and dragged her to hide behind a wall.

Professor Shavig didn't know if the wall would withstand the aftermath, but it was the best cover they could find.


In the outside world, blue and white thunder light swept across at once, illuminating the surrounding environment brightly.

Professor Shavig didn't dare to be careless, covered his ears tightly, and curled up in the corner.

next second...


The sky and the earth turned pale, the ground shook and the mountains shook. Then, the wind whistled, and countless sand, gravel, bricks, and lawn rubble were blown away, slamming against the surrounding walls, like a hurricane passing through, and the wind was raging.

Professor Shavig and Jane opened their mouths and stared at each other with wide After an unknown period of time, the ground stopped shaking, the strong wind stopped, and the sky and the earth returned to their normal colors.

"Oh, God..." Professor Shawig touched his entire body in shock, making sure that he was not missing any arms or legs, and that he was intact.

Not only is it intact, but even the clothes are not broken, except for the sparse hair that was blown off two, the other is not serious.

"God...even the wall is fine..." Professor Shavig touched the wall and was amazed again and again. Fortunately, they hid behind a strong building.

But what they didn't know was that it wasn't just the wall beside Professor Shavig, but the other locations as well.

Cao Gui is not a murderer. Although he enlarges his moves, he will carefully control the aftermath, so near the Greenwich Observatory, except for some fragile trees, everything else is fine.

But the environment is fine, it does not mean that Malekith is fine.

On the ground, the faint blue light faded, and he slowly returned to the space gem in Cao Gui's palm. He reinforced the space. Here, close to the Thames River, if this place was destroyed, the Thames River would burst its banks, and London would be plunged into a big flood.

But despite this, there was still a big pit on the ground. At the bottom of the pit, pieces of Malekith's body were scattered, with half of his head, half of his legs, and one arm...

However... Malekith is not dead, where the body is broken, dark red ether particles slowly flow, stretch out several threads, and begin to connect those broken body fragments.

"It's really troublesome..." Cao Gui frowned: "It seems that we have to extract the ether particles."

At this time, in the distant subway train, Thor was on his way!

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