MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 451 I didn't expect you to be such a captain!

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Upstate New York, west of the Marcy Mountains.

This was originally an old warehouse of Howard Stark. In the original world of Cao Gui, it was requisitioned by S.H.I.E.L.D. to transfer some things that the headquarters could not fit.

In this world, used by Stark as the base of the Avengers, it is also regarded as her home by Natasha.

In a large warehouse, on the circular time-space shuttle, the light suddenly lit up, and several figures suddenly appeared.

The fat house-like Thor, the fake Nebula, the hawk-eyed Clint, Rocket Raccoon, Steve, Tony, War Machine, etc...

Just came back, everyone looked at each other blankly and a little surprised, as if everything that happened just now was a dream...

"Oh, thank God, I'm back, I'm really back..." Scott spoke first, throwing down his mental scepter in a panic, stroking his whole body, looking like he was in shock.

But seeing the extra tube of Pym particles in his battle uniform, he can be sure that his experience just now was not a dream.

Thinking of this, Scott glanced at the somewhat old-fashioned Tony Stark, and then recalled the female version of Tony Stark he just saw, and suddenly shivered, my God, this is amazing too …

"Has everyone got the original stone?" Banner, who looked like a Hulk, asked.

"Hahaha, I can't believe that we actually succeeded!" War Machine Rhode shook the cosmic spirit ball in his hand, and said with great surprise, the power gem was among them.

With a thud, Hawkeye Clinton knelt on the ground with a face ashes. He didn't feel the joy of getting the gem at all. Instead, he looked like Natasha was dead.

In fact, Natasha is indeed dead, and the soul gem needs to be exchanged for the person she loves the most. Natasha sacrificed herself in order to get the gem.

Facts have proved that never stand in disorder. Natasha is like this. Before setting off, she said "see you in a minute" with a smile.

As a result, just like the old general on the stage, the whole body was covered with flags. Everyone came back, but she didn't come back.

Clinton's strangeness attracted everyone, and instantly noticed a vacant person around him. Suddenly, a bad premonition flooded everyone's heart.

"Clinton, where is Natasha?" The Hulk couldn't help but ask, the atmosphere here made him a little breathless.

Clinton's Adam's apple rolled up and down, his lips were trembling, he wanted to speak, but he didn't know how to say it. He wanted to cry, but it was already dry on Morag.


Banner slammed the ground hard with a punch, and Clinton said nothing, but said nothing.

"Ahem, guys, I know we're very sad, but there's something I need to tell you." Scott said inappropriately. He didn't have a deep relationship with Natasha and couldn't feel the first-generation reunion. pain of:

"What we are traveling through is not time, but the world, we are going to another parallel world..."

"What?" Everyone was stunned for a moment. The shock of this news hit them no less than Natasha's death.

"Indeed, in our dimension, there are countless Tony Starks, countless Steve Rogers..." Scott said.

"So the time travel rules we specified before departure are all shit?" Lord suddenly yelled

"Wow, isn't that what you summed up from watching the movie "Back to the Future"?" Fire Key Raccoon unceremoniously exposed him.

"It turns out to be so, no wonder the Supreme Mage separates our world from the world she lives in!"

Banner realized later, at first he thought that Supreme Mage's remarks were only to distinguish between her and himself, or to distinguish between two points in time.

But in fact, the Supreme Mage has already understood all this, and it is only because of Strange in this world that she has confidence in herself and these people.

Before he finished speaking, a blue space door suddenly appeared in the center of the space-time shuttle. After a while, an Asian youth in black slowly walked out.

Scott's mouth twitched, damn, he really came...

An hour later, in the hall of the Fulian Base, everyone looked up and down around Cao Gui, and when they heard that there was another Natasha in another world, their sadness eased a lot.

"I became a woman in another world?"

"I'm Captain Hydra over there?"

"I was beaten badly by you in that world?"

The Big Three of the Avengers shouted repeatedly, expressing that they didn't believe it at all.

Others also looked at Cao Gui with great interest. Although they didn't know what was going on, the Asian was obviously using the space gem's ability when he appeared just now, but the problem is that they obviously already have a space gem. .

The parallel world's statement has become a fact, and they cannot tolerate it.

Cao Gui shrugged, took out a brand new mobile phone and put it on the coffee table. Without Tony's instructions, Miss Friday, the smart housekeeper, directly invaded the entire mobile phone and copied all the information in it instantly.

This is a new phone, nothing but a few simple videos and a few photos.

Out of curiosity, Tony ordered to play it in front of everyone.

There's nothing you can't believe they're partners in lifelong friendships.

Scott grinned with a wicked grin, looking forward to Tony seeing himself transformed into a woman.

"I'm Iron Man... humming..."

"Pfft..." Fat boy Thor couldn't control his laughter, and suddenly laughed.

After being watched by everyone, he turned his eyes away silently, and began to look down for the ants, wanting to see what was the difference between the ants of Earth and the ants of Asgard.

However, this is not over yet, when the picture changes, the beautiful Toni Stark is wearing a beautiful evening dress, sitting opposite Killian with a peach-like face, and the atmosphere is very ambiguous.

"That's... Killian?" Colonel Rhodes was a little surprised. He remembered this man and used his armor to do a lot of bad things.

The next second, the female version of Toni and Killian kissed.

"Wang Defa? You actually like Killian?" Colonel Rhodes pointed at the screen and couldn't help shouting, could it be that in another world, the two are not enemies?

Tony's face froze, he regretted showing the video in front of everyone.

However, in the next second, Tony began to grow a beard on his mouth, his skeleton became larger, and his plump **** shrunk...

"Oh my God!"

"Damn, this is too hot for the eyes!"

"Oh my God!"

"Is this really you Tony?"

Everyone hurriedly covered their eyes, but each of the fingers grew bigger than each other!

"Friday, quickly switch to the next video!" Tony yelled quickly.

The screen flashed and turned into a naked Rogers.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief, and finally it wasn't me. Looking at Rogers in a shirt, he smiled and said, "As expected of the captain, American hips look much better than clothes."


Rogers has black lines all over his head, thankfully the Avengers now have no women... oh, and Nebula, but she seems to be going to the toilet.

Do alien cyborgs also go to the toilet?

But no matter what, he was still very fortunate that Rogers turned his attention to the picture again, but it was a black line all of a sudden.

In the middle of the picture, he put on a green Hydra uniform, stood in front of the Hydra soldiers, raised his hands, and shouted:

"Long live the Hydra!"


"I didn't expect you to be such a captain!"

"Hydra captain Steve Rogers!" Everyone gasped and exclaimed in surprise.

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Chapter 451 I didn't expect you to be such a captain! Free to read. https://