MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 456 Cao Gui's confidence and the discovery of Thanos

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"Boy, you are very good." Thanos looked at the suspended Cao Gui and said in a deep voice: "Before I came here, I went to Earth in 2014..."

"What? You killed half of the life on the earth at that time?" Cao Gui slowly gathered the dragon's claws, and the sound of clang emanating, like the sound of metal collision, sounded at the tips of his claws.

The Avengers not far away were all horrified when they heard this sentence. Is it because the earth of their own world has been destroyed?

Especially Scott, he is very clear that if you want to travel through time and space, the Pym particle is essential, that is to say, Hank... Hope...

Thinking of this, Scott felt a strong sense of regret in his heart. If he hadn't messed up, he wouldn't have caused such a result.


Thanos' purple face trembled slightly. On Earth in 2014, Odin was still alive, and Gu Yi wasn't dead either. He would come to the door when he was tired of living.

"But I didn't find you in the earth's data." Thanos said solemnly: "You are not from this world, and there is no need to be responsible for the earth of this world."

"Submit to me, I can let go of your offense to me!"

"Follow me, you will get everything you want, power, honor, beauty, as long as you can think of everything, I can give it!"

"Your strength is very good, and you deserve my respect."

The corners of Cao Gui's eyes twitched, and then he curled his lips in disdain.

For power, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. was used by him. Cao Gui pointed out that the Eastern S.H.I.E.L.D. did not dare to go west, Cao Gui pointed to the left, and S.H.I.E.L.D. did not dare to go to the right.

Honor... what is that thing? Can you eat?

Beauty? I can't handle my two girlfriends at home!

Seeing Cao Gui's appearance, Thanos knew that the surrender failed.

"Since that's the case..." Thanos' big red, swollen and blood-stained purple face suddenly turned into a ferocious color: "Then go to death!"

With a firm grip of the left hand, the scarlet reality gem suddenly lit up, the scarlet energy circulated throughout the body, and the body's momentum skyrocketed.

Although it is only a reality gem, not a power gem, these gems are a huge energy source, and relying on the infinite gloves to draw the power for their own use, this is not difficult for Thanos.

Seeing this, Cao Gui snorted coldly, his arms were instantly covered with armed colors, purple light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and an inexplicable momentum rose into the sky.


The air suddenly solidified, and the ground began to crack inch by inch. The heavy air instantly made it difficult for Obsidian and Thanos to breathe.

As if a mountain was suddenly pressed down in the air, the terrifying momentum made people dizzy, and there seemed to be a painful hissing sound of all things.

Those cannon fodder monsters were even more unbearable. Under the impact of the momentum, they were foaming at the mouth, and their eyes rolled over to the ground.

Overlord is domineering!

There is something that Cao Gui doesn't have, but Kaido is different, he not only has it, but he is also very strong!

"What is this?" Thanos boy Kong shrank, he could only vaguely analyze the impact on the spiritual level, but he could not judge what kind of ability it was.

Thanos' expression became more and more solemn, this enemy... is not under him!


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, dust rose, sand and stones rolled, Cao Gui's figure suddenly disappeared, and a ghostly figure flashed behind Thanos.

The black dragon claws were raised, and the purple and domineering Senhan dragon claws penetrated the air instantly, with a destructive aura, grabbing the purple shiny skull of Thanos.

However, in the face of this incomparably fierce offensive, Thanos did not panic at all, and even managed to do it with ease.

Cao Gui felt a sudden shock, and soon discovered the problem.

I don't know when, there was a layer of indiscernible catkins that were as thin as gossamers around Thanos, and even in some catkins that were slightly close to his body, the scarlet rays of light could be faintly seen.

This is something made of real gems, and it has little effect. It is simply to detect the whereabouts of the enemy. All of Cao Gui's actions have long been within his perception range.

Thanos got the gems longer than Cao Gui lived. His ability to use gems was consummate, far beyond what Cao Gui could touch.

Even if he is using a reality gem that he is not familiar with, Thanos has the confidence to cut the opponent down.

With a swipe, Cao Gui's dragon claws brushed past Thanos' temple, and the inevitable blow was instantly lost.

This is not a big problem. The problem is that Cao Gui has not lost his old strength and his new strength has not yet risen. Unless he is forcibly reversed at the cost of damage to his body, he will face the stormy attack of Thanos.

And... Thanos wouldn't give Cao Gui time to adjust.

I saw Thanos' right leg as the axis, his hips, waist, and shoulders twisted, and the huge purple-gold two-color fists slammed out, hitting Cao Gui's eyes, throat and heart with three consecutive strikes in an instant.

All are deadly positions. After confirming that Cao Gui is the mortal enemy, Thanos will not have any left behind.

The three attacks are smooth and flowing, as fast as lightning, and he can easily write his hands and feet, and his fighting ability can exceed his number in the entire universe.

Puff puff!

Thanos Tong Kong shrank suddenly, and pointed his right palm into a knife, stabbing Cao Gui's heart, but... there was no blood as he imagined, and there was no warm feeling that penetrated the heart.

The warning signs in his heart rose sharply, and Thanos slammed back.


"Come if you want, leave if you want?"

Cao Gui sneered, and the lightning flashed all over his body, dazzling electric lights floated on the surface, and the bright yellow dragon eyes instantly transformed into scarlet thunder eyes.

Thor's body!

Similar to Anilu's "200 million volts Thor", they all belong to the existence of full power discharge.

This is Cao Gui's courage to face Thanos, the double-fruit ability!

With the Qinglong fruit and the thundering fruit, unless Thanos gets all the six gems, Cao Gui is not afraid at all!

A thunder spear suddenly appeared, and the silver-white thunder hand wrapped around the electric snake held it, and the thunder disappeared in a flash, stabbing at Thanos.


The purple blood suddenly splashed, the thunder spear pierced through the chest, and the surging thunder and lightning instantly spread throughout Thanos' body.


The severe pain made Thanos wailing, but at the same time, the scarlet light covered Thanos' body, he knew very well what Cao Gui would do next. Once the Thunder Spear exploded, he would definitely die. Whole body.

When Cao Gui saw this, he snorted coldly, and a dense blue light surged out like lightning, but... it was too late!

In just this short moment, the Thunder Spear turned into an iron spear, Thanos punched out with his left hand, and the Infinity Gloves bombarded Cao Gui with the energy of realistic gems.

With a bang, Cao Gui flew out and pulled out the spear that had been inserted into Thanos' body.

Cao Gui clicked his feet, and the dragon tail swayed behind him, stabilizing his figure, his face was a little ugly, Thanos was indeed strong, and this mortal situation was solved by him.

On the opposite side, Thanos touched his chest with his left hand, and the huge wound was instantly repaired. The Reality Gem can reverse reality, let alone repair the wound. Even if half of the body is lost, it can be recreated.

Thanos' purple eyes flickered slightly, this kid's combat power is really good, but... the application of gems is too bad!

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