MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 473 The erratic combat power of General Deathblade

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In fact, there is no need for Sitwell to make a phone call. Cao Gui had already discovered their existence when the donut spaceship entered the atmosphere.

The spaceship was suspended over North America, and in a short moment, it attracted everyone's attention.

S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony Stark, the governments of two North American countries, and even Kama Taj were shocked.

Strange looked in the direction of New Jersey. He had just sent the star map to Cao Gui a few days ago. A few days later, aliens came to his door. He had to suspect that a certain restless person had made a mess in outer space. Big things.

But on second thought, it was not right. Cao Gui is not a fool, and it is impossible to reveal his identity foolishly, not to mention that he has a space gem, and there is no risk of exposure at all.

The U.S. imperial government has nothing to say. A large number of local military bases directly start the first-level combat readiness state. The ground crew fills up the fuel, the pilots get on the plane, all surface-to-air missiles are released from insurance, and the radar locks on the target.

If necessary, all arrows will be fired.

At this moment, on the Donut spacecraft, two tractor beams shot out at the same time, shooting in two directions in New York.

With a swoosh, Black Dwarf and General Deathblade appeared in front of a seaside villa on Long Island, New York, at the same time as the beam shot out.

"Huh?" General Deathblade, holding a sword in his hand, looked left and right with some doubts.

"What's wrong?" The black dwarf star asked curiously in a low voice.

"I don't know, it seems that we came from the wrong place." General Dead Blade looked around cautiously, the same as the position in the information, but... I still felt that something was wrong.

"There's nothing wrong!" Black Dwarf leaned on his giant warhammer and raised his finger to point to the villa in front of him.

There, three people walked out slowly, two women and one man, General Deathblade and Black Dwarf directly ignored the two women, their eyes locked on Cao Gui. According to the information given by the adults, the original space stone was on this earthman.

"Honey, who are they?" Gwen and Bess looked at the two aliens in surprise, and at the same time looked at their new home in confusion, feeling that something was wrong.

This new home has not changed, but it is not the new home before. Gwen's heart moved slightly. She is sensitive and can't go wrong.

"Can't you see the two aliens?" Cao Gui shrugged.

"Be more specific!" Beth said while hugging Cao Gui's arm and shaking her waist.

Gwen clasped the other arm and watched with a smile.

"Okay." Cao Gui took out his arm with great difficulty, pointed at General Dead Blade and said, "This is General Dead Blade, it's... um..."

Cao Gui said, suddenly stunned, he could not find any relevant information about this dead blade general, except his ability.

This is even more the case with Black Dwarf, who doesn't even know his abilities.

Gwen and Beth looked at her stunned boyfriend for a while speechless, this guy, did he commit another crime?

"Let's do it." General Dead Blade looked at the three of Cao Gui, and Dan Dan said: "Kill these three people and take away the gems, the adults don't give us much time."

"Roar!" The black dwarf roared, carrying the giant spit slowly forward, and the General Deathblade's sword lit up behind him, and rushed towards him a little under his feet.

"Darling, can you leave the one with the knife to me?" Beth said quickly, her eyes lit up.

"Then I'll deal with that stupid big guy," Gwen said.

"No!" Cao Gui said angrily, "These two are not weak, you two can only fight one!"

"Okay." Gwen and Bess sighed and killed General Deathblade at the same time. The big man was obviously a power player, maybe the same as Hate and Hulk, so they looked like they were very easy to bully Deathblade. general.

"Looking for death!" General Deathblade sneered, swung the sword in his hand, and charged towards Beth.

But at this time, the sound of breaking the air came suddenly, and a short stick pulled by spider silk whistled from the side and hit his temple.

Baimeng Book

On the other side, Black Dwarf, who had just raised the warhammer, suddenly stopped for some reason, and couldn't do anything except roll his eyes.

Cao Gui floated out of thin air, watching the battle between General Deathblade and Gwen and Beth with Erlang's legs crossed.

the other side.

On Brick Street, Ebony Maw and Ronan stood side by side, quietly waiting for the gem holder to appear. There are two gems here, Ebony Maw and Ronan had to be cautious.

"Something's wrong!" Ronan said suddenly: "The contact signal between Dead Blade and Black Dwarf has disappeared!"

Ebony throat glanced at his contactor, and it was indeed the case.

"The master said... the holders of space gems and time gems are not easy to deal with..." Ebony Mow murmured, it seems that a quick solution is needed, and then go to support the other side.

At this time, Strange and Wang walked out with solemn expressions.

"Listen to me, holder of the original stone." Ebony Maw looked at Strange and Wang Yangsheng and said, "You will die in the hands of the sons of Thanos, and your meaningless lives will be dedicated to..."

But at this moment, there was a sudden roar of thrusters in the sky, and Iron Man Tony Stark appeared over the battlefield.

The two old rivals finally met fatefully, and Tony Stark once again faced the ebony throat.

Ronan clenched the warhammer tightly, his eyes dignified, Ebony Maw was a crispy mage, he could easily defeat his opponent with a certain distance, and he was pitifully weak in close combat.

Ronan's task is not only to get the gem, but also to protect the ebony throat.

Mirror space!

"Damn, what are you doing, Black Dwarf?" The Deathblade General roared again and again, struggling under the siege of Gwen and Beth.

Cao Gui was a little puzzled. Although he didn't know much about General Dead Blade, as the number one figure of the Obsidian General under Thanos, he shouldn't be so weak.

In the original book, he hangs and beats Vision, this super robot that can hold Mauernier was knocked down by him with three punches and two kicks... Oh, that's right. Black Widow, and Falcon hanged, and even lost their weapons.

In the end, he escaped by relying on the spaceship tractor beam.

That being said, this dead blade is still quite weak... Cao Gui touched his chin and thought for a while.

In the battlefield, Beth was covered in flames, and the blade of a slender saber in her hand was crimson red, and slashed out with a roar.

Gwen cobwebs shot out one after another, entangling the sword in General Dead Blade's hand, yanking it, and the two sides wrestled.

Gwen and Beth joined forces to fight. Beth has always been the main attacker and Gwen's assistant. The reason is very simple. Gwen is sensitive and strong, but its attack power is not as good as Beth's.

With a swipe, the hot knife was cut off, the head of the dead blade general raised, and dark blue blood spurted out the corpse was powerless to fall.

Gwen and Beth stepped back again and again. Like Cao Gui, they were also worried about the alien virus that this person was carrying.

"Too weak, I haven't played much yet!" Gwen and Beth said with a chuckle, feeling pretty good.

Cao Gui smiled and did not speak, and pointed to the headless body of General Dead Blade.

The two women were stunned for a moment, then turned and looked back, only to see the headless corpse reaching out and touching it, finding the head and pressing it on the neck.

A strange light flashed, and the dead blade general was resurrected with blood again, picked up the sword, and looked at Cao Gui and the three coldly.

Gwen and Beth were stunned for a while, and then reacted instantly, glaring at Cao Gui: "Bastard, you already knew that right?"

Cao Gui spread his hands, but he didn't, because you were too impatient and didn't finish listening to the information.

The two women pouted, and they didn't believe it, the scumbag didn't say a word of truth.

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