MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 22

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Before you left, the friends who played with Zhong Yuhuan exchanged contact information, including mobile phone number, email address, mSn, ​​penguin number, etc. ... to ensure that they can be connected to each other later.

Then Zhong Yuhuan packed up the things.

With two teenagers, the three people went to the airport together.

Lang Jin was very busy and couldn't send it, but it was a call to Zhong Yuhuan.

"I have a classmate who works in Birmingham. If you have any questions afterwards, you can contact him at any time. The contact secretary has already sent it to your mobile phone..."

"Well, thank you cousin." Zhong Yuhuan bowed his head and spoke, unconsciously licking the suitcase at his feet.

Lang Jinzhi was silent for a while and whispered, "I will stare at the clock house."

Zhong Yuhuan laughed even happier: "Thank you cousin."

"It's not too late, you are going to board the plane."

"it is good."

Zhong Yuhuan hung up the phone and checked the inbox. Suddenly, he found the message sent by Cheng Cheng.

In addition, there is news from the secretary of Zhongchi.

"Mr. Zhong has already given you the cost of living. After waiting, there will be a pick for you to pick you up, and then give the keys to you."

Zhong Yuhuan turned off the phone.

For the sake of the bones, choose the money that does not spend a lot of time, then how?

Of course, I have to spend, not only to spend, but also to let Zhong Chi be willing to pay more money. Her own flower, she can stay for a while, give it to herself, or give Huo Chengming the assets to start her business.

Zhong Yuhuan raised his face and Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan smiled and said: "Go, go boarding."

The three dragged the suitcase and boarded the plane very quickly.

No one was accompanied by the whole process.

After the plane landed, Zhong Yuhuan found Chloe at the exit, and Chloe drove over. They will go to the place where they live first.

What Zhong Chi is preparing for them is a high-end apartment not far from the school.

Chloe left the key after handing it over to him, saying that he would pick them up to school the next day.

When I came to a completely strange place, Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan were not the same when they first came out of the welfare home. They were not nervous or shy.

Instead, first boil water in an orderly manner, pour a cup to Zhong Yuhuan, and then take out the phone to start the nearby restaurant.

Zhong Yuhuan just sits on the sofa and rests.

"We have to live in school to graduate, only the holiday will come back here, things will not have to be cleaned up." Zhong Yuhuan put his chin on the arm of the sofa, staring at the action of Li Jinyuan.

"it is good."

They chose to board a high school, and the school management is more strict, so they need to stay in school until graduation, and only leave school when they are on vacation.

After putting things in place, they picked a recent Chinese restaurant to eat.

In foreign Chinese restaurants, the taste is always incomparable with domestic ones. Zhong Yuhuan is used to domestic dishes, which is inevitably a bit picky. She didn't eat a few mouthfuls and just bite the spoon to play.

Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming also noticed her movements.

"Is it not good?" asked Li Jinyuan.

Zhong Yuhuan nodded his head: "Hey."

Li Jinyuan thought for a moment and smiled and said: "I will learn to cook in the future and I will be able to eat it for Huanhuan."

"Okay!" When I thought of British cuisine, Zhong Yuhuan felt a desperate moment.

Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming are not very picky. Even if they lived in Zhong's family, they have become accustomed to the life of Jinyiyu.

Li Jinyuan ate half, got up and went to the toilet.

But I haven't seen it for a long time.

Zhong Yuhuan put down the spoon in his hand and frowned. "What happened? Why didn't you come back?"

There are some people who hate China abroad.

Zhong Yuhuan was worried that he would just be hit by Li Jinyuan.

When Zhong Yuhuan said, he got up: "I am looking for him."

"I am with you." After Huo Chengming just finished, he saw Li Jinyuan coming back from that end.

Zhong Yuhuan looked up at him: "How come back so long?"

Li Jinyuan grabbed a business card in his hand, and he said: "I just met a strange Chinese."

"Well?" Zhong Yuhuan took the business card in his hand. At first glance, the words "Vianager" were printed on it... followed by a string of phone numbers.

Zhong Yuhuan immediately understood: "... um, scout? He gave you the business card, what do you want to do?"

Li Jinyuan whispered: "I am asking for a group of models."

The heights of Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming have already risen quickly and quickly.

At this age, the boy is almost well developed and his figure can be held up.

Some people will invite Li Jinyuan to be a model, not surprising.

However, in the original work, Li Jinyuan does not seem to have such an experience.

Of course, Zhong Yuhuan will not be too rigid about the original, after all, there are many things that have not been mentioned in the original. She said: "You can try it, but you have to hurry up and start school soon."

Li Jinyuan nodded and had a smile on his face.

Huo Chengming secretly hangs his head and does not know what he is thinking.

The next day, everyone went to the school to go through the formalities of admission and boarding.

After the check-in, Chloe left.

Zhong Yuhuan called Lang Jinzhi's friend in Birmingham. His friend surnamed Chen, Chen Mingye, is a Chinese who has worked abroad for many years.

After receiving the call, Chen Mingye rushed to London without saying anything.

Zhong Yuhuan hopes that Li Jinyuan can try different things, but although she has adult thinking, she can still look like a minor. It is difficult to ensure that they are deceived together. At this time, if there are adults or even local snakes, then It’s very easy to do.

Chen Mingye and her met at Wood Street.

When the three waited at the intersection, they saw a silver-gray Aston Martin drove over and slowly stopped.

The door opened and a young man in a printed suit walked down from above. It doesn't match his steady name. This man looks like a standard playboy.

"This is the watch girl?" Chen Mingye said with a smile, the tone is very close.

Zhong Yuhuan nodded and introduced him to Li Jinyuan.

Chen Mingye greeted each other with a smile and then greeted them in the car. When they got on the bus, they saw a young woman in the front passenger seat, wearing a professional suit, and it looked like Chen Mingye’s secretary.

“Would you like to go to Victor?” Chen Mingye said with a smile: “Now bring you in the past. I learned about this company before I came here. I’m going to dig young models. When I’m old, they don’t want it. But the model is really There is a very good set, basically into their company, from the basic model photo, to the t-stage, the big show, the big seal... one will not fall."

Zhong Yuhuan nodded his head: "I am bothering you."

"Don't be so polite, are you not calling Langjin's cousin? You can also call me my brother! I don't have a sister yet." Chen Mingye said and said, he laughed first.

Zhong Yuhuan also screamed: "Ming Ge."

Chen Mingye listened to her like this, and suddenly felt more comfortable. She smiled and said: "Before, I asked people to call me a brother. When I came up, I called Chen Ge. How big is this. It’s boring. If you stay in the country, shout in the street. Chen Ge, there are eighty-nine in the back."

Chen Mingye’s thinking is awkward, and it’s not difficult to deal with it.

Zhong Yuhuan is happy to chat with him.

When I talked all the way, I went to that company.

Li Jinyuan called the other party, and the other party did not expect to agree so soon, so he ran down.

Zhong Yuhuan got out of the car and looked at the man.

The age of a man in his early forties is not too good, and the suit looks a little crumpled. If you do this, you should pay special attention to the image.

When the man saw the person coming down from the car, he stopped on the spot.

He couldn't help but look at the Aston Martin, and then smiled and said: "Several good, my name is Wei Jie, and several people call me Xiaowei."

Zhong Yuhuan almost laughed.

At such a young age, Xiaowei is still there.

Chen Mingye nodded and said: "Xiaowei, how do you take this photo? Go upstairs?"

"Good, go upstairs."

Chen Mingye has been there to swear, and of course everything goes smoothly.

After signing the contract, Wei Jie immediately took a photo with Li Jinyuan. The whole process lasted almost six hours.

When Zhong Yuhuan was hungry, he left the actor with no conscience. He went to dinner with Huo Chengming and Chen Mingye.

When I finished the meal, it was just that Li Jinyuan’s side was over.

Li Jinyuan probably just unloaded his makeup, and the hair in front of his forehead was wet and pressed, and his eyes were bright and handsome.

Zhong Yuhuan glanced at him, thinking, the more grown up, the face of Li Jinyuan will become more and more beautiful, what will it be like after that?

“Awaiting for a long time?” Li Jinyuan smiled at her: “We are going back to school.”

Chen Mingye also drove himself and sent people back to school before leaving.

There are many people coming and going on campus, but most of them are white people. Sometimes there are several Chinese faces, and they are not very good. For a time, Zhong Yuhuan became a focal point.

The school apartment where they lived was arranged in one place, so they went straight upstairs.

Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan first went to the room of Zhong Yuhuan.

The two teenagers will pick up their sleeves and give her things.

Zhong Yuhuan looked at Li Jinyuan: "You must go back to rest first, and today it must be very tired."

Li Jinyuan pressed his eyes down and smiled. "Good."

He is also really tired.

After Li Jinyuan left, there were only Zhong Yuhuan and Huo Chengming left in the room.

Zhong Yuhuan yawned and leaned back on the sofa.

Huo Chengming squatted on the ground and packed the suitcase, while taking things out, he seemed to open his mouth casually: "...called a brother?"

"Hmm?" Zhong Yuhuan did not respond.

Huo Chengming was silent for a few seconds, and this repeated: "Happiness is called Mr. Chen's brother?"

Zhong Yuhuan opened his mouth.

Waiting for her to talk, Huo Chengming once again said: "Ming Ge?"

Zhong Yuhuan remembered this.

In the name of Huo Chengming, does it happen that there is also a "sound"? Two words one pronunciation.

Zhong Yuhuan came down from the sofa and got to the side of Huo Chengming. He kneel and pulled his arm: "Are you angry?"

Huo Chengming said with a muffled voice: "I don't have it."

How is the big villain still taking the mouth?

Zhong Yuhuan was closer to the front, and he kept his eyes fixed on her eyes. Her eyes were beautiful, her eyes were like water, and she had a soft, sweet taste: "Chengming brother."

She said: "I will not call him later."