MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 26

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"Catwalk?" Zhong Yuhuan said, and sneezed again.

She did not expect it to be so fast, and Li Jinyuan’s career has progressed.

"Well, I am just going to make up the number." Li Jinyuan said with a gentle smile on the other side.

Zhong Yuhuan immediately asked him: "When is the show?"

"Two days later, it started at 7:30 in the evening." Li Jinyuan's voice did not sound any strange, but at the end of the phone, he had unconsciously tightened his mobile phone.

"Well, I will be back tomorrow." Zhong Yu did not want to say it.

Li Jinyuan slammed his mobile phone even more tightly. He whispered: "When the individual temperature is high, the medicine should be taken. If the body temperature is high, Mr. Chen will send you to the hospital immediately."

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but smile: "I am a sister, or your sister?"

Li Jinyuan’s flash of light flashed, and he lowered his voice and said, “Huanhuan is obedient.”

Li Jinyuan’s voice was very nice, and his tone was extremely gentle. Zhong Yuhuan had no choice but to say: “Okay, listen to Li Jinyuan’s.”

Li Jinyuan heard her read her name, and her mouth tilted up unconsciously. He said, "Well, I should go to practice."

"OK Bye Bye."

Zhong Yuhuan hung up and couldn't help but sigh.

When they were young, they were both timid, shy, introverted and boring... How could they become so strong that they became so strong, so tall?

"Hit a cold?" Just after Li Jinyuan was finished, Huo Chengming’s voice rang in his ear.

Zhong Yuhuan shook his head: "No."

She does not like to take medicine.

Probably because of the fact that I have eaten too many medicines in my life, the first reaction to seeing medicine in my life is to vomit.

Huo Chengming did not speak, just waited for the hotel, he went straight to the private clinic near the hotel with Zhong Yuhuan.

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but be surprised: "When did you find this clinic?"

"On the way, I will write it down." Huo Chengming paused and said: "Including if the waves rise and drown the beach, our escape route. I have written it down."

Zhong Yuhuan can't smile.

It’s really a big villain.

It can be said that the preparation is quite full!

People have already gone to the clinic, and Zhong Yuhuan can't turn around and run, let alone Huo Chengming is behind, she can't run without running.

She also does not want to reject the concerns of others.

So I had to go to the clinic first, see a doctor, and take medicine.

After the end, Zhong Yuhuan was about to check out the cards, but Huo Chengming took the money first.

Zhong Yuhuan looked at him and smiled and said: "Chengming my brother has money?"

Huo Chengming’s face was a little embarrassed. He whispered, “Not much, but enough to buy Huanhuan.”

Zhong Yuhuan leaned against the chair and said lowly: "Chengming’s brother is really powerful."

Huo Chengming’s look softened. From a long time ago, she often praised them as “very good,” and the tone was like a child, but with a very sincere taste, letting people listen to their ears and endure. I can't help but feel a high leap and my heart is soft.

She has not changed this tone until now.

In the same way, no matter how many times he listens, he will be unconsciously happy.

Huo Chengming sat with Zhong Yuhuan for a while before she got up and went to the hotel.

Zhong Yu thought about it and said, "Would you like to go back today? Go back and have a good night's sleep. Take a day off before you can go to the show."

Huo Chengming paused and responded: "Good."

Zhong Yuhuan made a phone call to Chen Mingye.

"I am about to knock on your door, saying why I haven't gotten up yet. How come to the clinic? I'm sick? Nothing? I am driving you back and looking for a hospital." Chen Mingye spit out a string of screams there. Words come out.

"Nothing, the common cold, two sneezes, a little dizzy. After taking the medicine, it should be fine for a while."

"That won't work, you wait, I am coming down now, driving back to London."

"Don't, I will go back with Huo Chengming, just to see the show of Li Jinyuan. Mr. Chen is here to have fun." Zhong Yuhuan immediately stopped.

And maybe they left, Chen Mingye can play more painfully.

At least you can go to the beach.

Chen Mingye asked in surprise: "Xiao Li is going to show off?"


"That piece, I will go and see. Just like this, wait downstairs."

When Chen Mingye finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhong Yuhuan had to turn to look at Huo Chengming, but he said: "It seems that I have to give Mr. Chen some gifts next time." Although Chen Mingye is supported by Langjin, she can't enjoy the favor of others.

Huo Chengming clicked on his head: "When you take a break tomorrow, think about it."


Not long after, Chen Mingye came down, and the staff quickly opened his car.

Chen Mingye did not rest well last night. Today he spent money to hire a local staff to drive people. He was in the passenger seat. Zhong Yuhuan is still sitting in the back seat with Huo Chengming.

When Zhong Yuhuan finished the medicine and was sleepy, she slept again. When she woke up, she blinked and found that Huo Chengming’s coat was on her body.

Huo Chengming helped her up and whispered, "I am afraid that you will catch cold."

Zhong Yuhua nodded and was about to return the coat to him. Huo Chengming held her hand: "Before you wear it, or it will be colder if you suddenly withdraw."

When Zhong Yuhuan thinks and makes sense, he will be clothed first.

"Call to Li Jinyuan?" Huo Chengming asked.

"First, don't give him a surprise." Zhong Yuhuan said, reaching out and pushing the door, Chen Mingye, who stretched his neck and front seat, said: "Mr. Chen also went back to rest."

Chen Mingye nodded and was full of fatigue: "Yes, I will see you the day after tomorrow."

Zhong Yuhuan made a gesture of worshipping him, and then followed Huo Chengming to the floor.

When I got home, Zhong Yuhuan was upset and floated up again.

She fell asleep after she fell down, and Huo Chengming stayed close to her for a while, confirming that her body temperature had not risen before she took out her notebook and started the homework on the desk of Zhong Yuhuan.

Zhong Yuhuan slept until noon the next day. After getting up, his stomach hunted.

She slowly got up and brushed her teeth, washed her face, changed a new set of clothes, and walked lazily to Huo Chengming: "It's so tired."

Huo Chengming squatted down and said, "Take you down the stairs."

Zhong Yuhua smiled and said: "Okay, I have to smell the fresh air higher now!"

Huo Chengming carried her down the stairs.

Zhong Yuhuan whispered in his ear and said, "We gave Li Jinyuan a surprise. Hey, and, like this stage, what kind of stage, is there a fan to send flowers? He just did this line, not necessarily There are fans. We give him flowers! Otherwise, Li Jinyuan will definitely be sad... buy some gifts, and by the way, I can buy Mr. Chen’s gift...”

Speaking of this, Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but smile: "You should ask Zhongchi for money."

Huo Chengming listened to her quietly, even when she said it, it would be very fine, and there was no bitterness on his face.

Li Jinyuan did not know that Zhong Yuhuan had returned.

In a blink of an eye, it was on the catwalk.

In the short-term training, only a few basic things are taught to Li Jinyuan, while others rely on him to improve and comprehend.

In the end, it’s still a teenager. Li Jinyuan’s heart is inevitably a little nervous, but he has always been stable, even if his heart is tense, his face is still calm.

"Is the ticket ready?" Li Jinyuan asked Wei Jie.

Wei Jie nodded: "You can rest assured that the company has reserved the position for Miss Zhong."

Li Jinyuan licked his lower lip and couldn't help but ask: "Do the staff have seen them?"

"Not yet, it is estimated that it hasn't come yet..."

Wei Jie pushed Li Jinyuan into the dressing room: "Miss Bell has not come yet, but you have to prepare quickly. You will be busy and chaotic in the background. You have to pay attention to it. Don't miss the time to go on stage."

Li Jinyuan nodded.

Hearing that Wei Jie said that he was busy and chaotic, he calmed down.

And Zhong Yuhuan has long been near the venue of the catwalk, because it was too early, she had to go around with Huo Chengming, Chen Mingye, and Chen Mingye’s secretary Lisa.

The gift that Zhong Yuhuan bought was also given to Chen Mingye by the way.

"It took a lot of money, and it cost a lot of money." Chen Mingye held the box and looked flattered.

He is really flattered. There are no children in his family. There are only a group of illegitimate children who he has made. As for the illegitimate daughters, those mistresses were killed when they were pregnant, and they pointed to the boy’s replacement. He inherited his family business.

Chen Mingye has been in contact for so many years, the only girl she has contacted is Zhong Yuhuan.

Can he not be surprised if he receives a gift from Zhong Yu’s farewell? He is happy with Zhong Yu, that is the account of Lang Jinzhi, it should be. But no matter who pays and can get a return, it is all happy!

Chen Mingye opened the box in the face of Zhong Yuhuan and took out the things inside. It is an Audemars custom Swiss watch, black dial, gold hands.

Chen Mingye immediately replaced the original watch on his wrist: "Good-looking, really beautiful!"

Zhong Yuhua smiled and said: "You like it."

Chen Mingye suddenly silenced and said: "Lang Jinzhi's little cousin is really a very cousin."

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but smiled: "Is it?"

"Yes." Chen Mingye's tone is positive.

"Turn a little longer." Zhong Yuhuan said.


Everyone went shopping in the nearby commercial building, and bought something by the way.

Waiting for almost the same time, before entering the scene, Zhong Yuhuan sent a text message to Zhong Chi: [Cousin has always asked Chen Mingye, Chen Shaoye, to take care of me, I think I should give him some gifts. But cheap gifts don't go to the table. I don't know what to do. 】

Zhong Chi is a very utilitarian person, and Chen Mingye’s identity will become the object that Zhong Chi is willing to make.

As long as he thinks it is valuable and useful, he will be willing to spend money.

Zhong Yuhuan put away his mobile phone and turned it into silence. He entered the venue.

At this time, the venue was very quiet.

Zhong Yuhuan and Huo Chengming followed Chen Mingye to his position.

There are several of them that are left to him by the brand. The position is right, just sit down.

The background is still preparing with anxiety.

Everyone is like a tight string, the staff can't control and start yelling. For those stupid models, they can't help but poke their fingers on the other's head.

Only Li Jinyuan has always looked calm.

In the years he lived with Zhong Yuhuan, he learned a lot.

One of them is that no matter what kind of occasions you face, you must maintain absolute calm.

Soon, the first model went out and the second went out...

It was the turn of Li Jinyuan.

Thinking of Zhong Yuhuan may not have arrived in the venue, Li Jinyuan is more relaxed. The whole catwalk is as simple as eating and drinking for him.

He just went out -

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