MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 29

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The first semester quickly passed.

Everyone distributed gifts and left contact with each other before they left school.

Zhong Yuhuan called Chloe in advance, and he had already drove in the school gate and waited. After Zhong Yuhuan planned to wait for the car, he would take a detour to pick up Huo Chengming. Li Jinyuan’s words are not necessarily at school.

Zhong Yuhuan happily picked up his bag and went out.

When she had just walked downstairs, Langdon greeted her: "Is it home?"

Zhong Yuhuan nodded.

Langdon smiled at her and smiled with a little shyness, but when it was said, it was a straightforward invitation: "Lucas of your class has made a appointment with our class and went camping together on weekends. ... will you go? If you are going, I can take you to buy related supplies."

Zhong Yu welcomes his gaze.

Langdon’s eyes were warm and there was no disguise.

Zhong Yuhuan thinks slowly and half-time. For foreign boys and girls, this age can already be in love, and there can be more intimate contact.

Zhong Yuhuan had been dealing with the hospital for many years because of his physical condition, so he did not talk about love.

Langdon’s gaze made her a bit overwhelmed, even though she had long known how open the foreign teenagers were.

"These have home assistants to help with the purchase." Zhong Yuhuan said euphemistically.

"Oh, that's a pity, I still have a lot of tips to buy, I want to share it with you." Langdon did not hide the lost color on his face, a pair of emerald eyes, staring at Zhong Yuhuan intently. The fundus is full of good feelings.

Langdon’s voice just fell, and Zhong Yuhuan heard a strange voice not far away: “Huanhuan.”

When Zhong Yuhuan’s gaze turned, he saw Li Jinyuan, wearing a white sweater and light blue denim trousers. He was dressed clean and refreshed, and there was no extra embellishment. It can be said that it is very consistent with the first love in the youth drama.

"Happy Huan." Li Jinyuan found out that she had looked over, so she shouted again and lowered her legs and approached her.

If Langdon didn't know Li Jinyuan before, then I know it now.

He looked at Li Jinyuan slyly: "You are the one, Li...Li..."

"Li Jinyuan." Li Jinyuan said.

Langdon looked at Li Jinyuan and looked at Zhong Yuhuan again, revealing the sad color: "It turns out, well, I know. Then I will go first, goodbye on camping day."

I have already seen Li Jinyuan on TV. This Chinese teenager has set off a wave of Chinese culture in China. Many people like him very much. Langdon also thinks he is very good looking. How can you compare yourself?

After that, Langdon left with a low expression.

Zhong Yuhuan almost immediately understood, Langdon misunderstood, he actually thought that she and Li Jinyuan are lovers...

How can this be?

Zhong Yuhuan is a little bit crying and laughing.

But Langdon has gone far, and of course he has not left her a chance to explain.

I can only think of the benefits, at least after Langdon will not express her feelings to her.

"Who is he?" Li Jinyuan suddenly asked.

"The debater who had participated in the same debate before, called Langdon."

"Just participated in the same debate, he is stalking you?" Li Jinyuan quickly frowned. "Is this person not well?"

It is similar to Langdon’s idea.

In Langdon’s view, the appearance of a Chinese country like Li Jinyuan is extremely terrifying.

Also in the eyes of Li Jinyuan, a Western teenager like Langdon, who looks beautiful, is likely to win the favor of Zhong Yuhuan.

He knows that the appearance of Langdon is still quite a lot among Westerners.

"The foreign atmosphere has always been relatively open, and early love is a normal thing, so he probably has a little meaning." Zhong Yuhuan said helplessly.

Li Jinyuan took the bag on her back with one hand, just like the rabbit bag that had taken her many times.

He squinted his lower lip and tried to hide the dissatisfaction of his eyes. He whispered, "Happiness, you can't fall in love."

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but smile: "Does the younger brother still have to manage his sister?"

"To manage." Li Jinyuan said quickly.

Zhong Yuhuan turned his head and carefully looked at the eyes of Li Jinyuan. His temperament is getting better and better, and his gestures are full of charm, which is probably something that can be cultivated on the stage.

Zhong Yuhuan asked, "What about you?"

"I?" Li Jinyuan licked his lips and whispered: "Of course I will not fall in love, I will listen to my sister." This is a long time after he rarely called "sister" again. Obviously, she is already a lot older than her, but the faint ambiguity seems to bring a little spoiled taste.

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't resist the smile, shook his head and said, "I don't care about your early love. If you have a girl you like, you will go to love. You just have to be a boy, you can't be a husband, you can't learn from South."

The South of her mouth is the guide young master.

Upon hearing the word "Southern", Li Jinyuan immediately thought of the so-called doll marriage of Nan Ye and Zhong Yuhuan.

Li Jinyuan’s look was a bit unhappy, but he covered his face very well and shook his head and whispered: “Not early, not interesting.”

At this age of Li Jinyuan, it is normal to have a younger lady. When I heard him say this, Zhong Yuhuan couldn’t help but curiously ask: "What is interesting?"

Li Jinyuan did not want to say, "Make money, give flowers to Huanhuan. Be a better person, and you will have a good time in the future."

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but laugh.

I am very happy to hear this.

After all, it shows that she took them home at the beginning, it is a mistake that is not wrong.

But Zhong Yuhuan still smiled and said: "My money is not enough."

Li Jinyuan smiled and said, "Not the same."

Ok? Where is it different?

Zhong Yuhuan looked at him doubtfully, but Li Jinyuan did not mean to explain. He grabbed the finger of Zhong Yuhuan with one hand and whispered: "There are many people, and Huanhuan and me are gone."

Zhong Yuhuan wants to say that it is so big, it won’t go away. But after thinking about it, she still didn't say it. Li Jinyuan is also kind, why should she destroy this?

So Zhong Yuhuan only said lowly: "Well."

It took more than ten minutes for the two to walk out of the school.

Zhong Yuhuan thought about it and asked: "Is there a job today?"

"To know that you are on holiday today, Wei Ge did not arrange for me to work."

Zhong Yuhua smiled and said: "That's just right, let's go pick up Huo Chengming."

Li Jinyuan suddenly lost his voice.


Zhong Yuhuan turned his head and looked at him in confusion.

Just as Zhong Yuhuan’s eyes turned to him, Li Jinyuan immediately said: “Okay.”

But when the two talents just finished, the phone of Zhong Yuhuan rang.

Zhong Yuhuan took out and glanced at the caller. He couldn’t help but smile: "Say Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive." She immediately connected the phone: "Hey."

The phone was followed by Huo Chengming’s voice: "Huan Huan, are you out of school?"

"Well, it’s at the school gate."

"Wait there, I will be there soon."

"Well?" Zhong Yuhuan blinked in confusion.

Huo Chengming did not hang up the phone over there, but he did not speak again.

Zhong Yuhuan had to look around the school around the circle, and finally saw a black BMW slowly coming over and stopped at the school gate.

Li Jinyuan never spoke. He just silently stared at the leaves that fell on the shoulders of Zhong Yuhuan.

He wants to raise his hand and gently open it to her.

At this time BMW's door opened, Lisa first walked down from above, then she opened the door of the back seat.

The young woman’s long legs first came out, followed by the upper body that moved out.

He wore a black baseball jacket, black trousers, and the moment he just came out, it looked a bit fierce.

But in the next moment, the teenager's facial expression was softened a lot.

He first handed a bag to Zhong Yuhuan.

Zhong Yuhuan took it over and opened it. It was filled with chocolate and donuts. It smells very sweet and should be just done. but……

Zhong Yu Huan shook his head: "Cheng Ming's brother is really too straight."

Huo Chengming obviously didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence. He stared at Zhong Yuhuan. He also looked fierce and fierce. It was mixed with a bit of tension: "Well? What?"

Zhong Yuhuan shook his head again and said, "Khao Gege means."

Lisa smiled on one side: "Huo Shao sent these to Miss Zhong, Miss Zhong will eat fat, and girls are most afraid of gaining weight."

Huo Chengming suddenly felt a little helpless. He reached out to get the bag, but he felt that it was not good to get it back. So the hand was stiff in the air and his mouth was dry and dry: "I don't know... I I didn't expect this question..."

"It doesn't matter, once in a while, it won't gain weight, it's quite fragrant." Zhong Yuhuan said, wipe the hand from the pocket and wipe the hand, then reach out and open the transparent cover inside the bag. A slit, a chocolate ball pulled out from the face, stuffed into his mouth, and licked.

"Sweet." Zhong Yu laughed and his eyes narrowed slightly: "It is a pleasure to eat sweets."

Said, Zhong Yuhuan touched another one, and lifted his hand to Huo Chengming's mouth.

Her fingers have a warm temperature and a soft touch. Huo Chengming stunned, instinctively opened his mouth, carefully biting the chocolate ball, afraid to touch her fingers again.

This one is not very coincident, it is dark chocolate, bitter.

But the bitterness came to my mouth, and it seemed to be getting sweeter and slower.

Huo Chengming didn't even chew even chew, so it was contained in his mouth, vaguely: "Well, sweet."

Zhong Yuhuan turned to ask Li Jinyuan: "Is it?"

Li Jinyuan stared at her finger and looked at it with a slight smile: "Yes, Huanhuan picks me one, I am not afraid of fat."

"Nonsense, how can a model not be afraid of fat? Just eat one." Zhong Yuhuan touched a chocolate ball from inside.

She walked to Li Jinyuan two or three steps and fed him.

Li Jinyuan also carefully bite the chocolate ball.

The selection was even more unfortunate. It turned out to be white chocolate, which was so sweet and tired. Li Jinyuan bite in his mouth, without chewing, a sweet taste to the extreme, fills his mouth, throat, and even the internal organs... The whole person seems to be soaked in sugar water, sweet him without The power of resistance.

Zhong Yuhuan did not notice these details.

She handed the bag to Lisa and said with a smile: "Although Lisa is like me, she needs to maintain her body. But I still have to ask Lisa to taste it."

Lisa smiled and waved her hand: "No, this is hard to buy. There are a lot of tourists there. It is limited. It is not easy for Huo to buy such a small bag. Miss Zhong keeps eating slowly."

Zhong Yuhuan did not force, nodded and put away the bag.

Only she noticed a little detail.

She found that Lisa now faces Huo Chengming's gesture and seems to be lower than in the past.