MTL - African Entrepreneurship Records-Chapter 203 reincarnation

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  Chapter 203 Reincarnation of Dirt


  The noise on the phone is very loud, and even so, this is the black technology of the Berlin Electric Power Company.

For such a long-distance call, sixty-seven sound amplifiers alone were equipped. Ernst spent a lot of money to recruit relevant talents from the German region and invite technology leaders. Finally, with the help of Siemens bosses, the entire German It took only a few months to overcome the relevant problems.

  Compared with Siemens, Ernst's Berlin Power Company is not even as good as a primary school student, and several important inventions are also made by chance.

  At the same time, Berlin Electric Power Company also assumes the role of half of Siemens' processing plant, processing some parts after its technical authorization.

  Although the Berlin Power Company is so unbearable, it has also grown into the second largest power company in Germany, and the first is Siemens.

  As Ernst said before, the only great inventors in the field of electricity who can be compared with Siemens are Tesla and Edison in the United States (excluding the theoretical masters).

   Until the laying of the telephone line is completed, all the expenses are almost enough to buy Alaska again, but such a transoceanic line has basically no commercial value for the Hexingen consortium.

  The entire telephone line can only be used to maintain the conversation between Ernst and Constantine. The only function is to increase the technical reserves of the Berlin Electric Power Company.

  Different from the telephone line, part of the remodeled telegraph line can be separated and no longer used as a special line for the East African government, but can also be used for some civilian communications, but according to the current situation of East African immigrants, it is not necessary.

   After chatting for a long time, Ernst and Constantine finally returned to the topic of the army.

   Now there is a problem in East Africa, whether to disarm or expand the army. The army with a scale of nearly 100,000 people seems to be quite a lot.

   It can be placed on a land of more than two million square kilometers, which is very small, but the national defense pressure in East Africa is not too great.

  The militia alone can form a crushing advantage over the surrounding aborigines, and it is estimated that it will be 50-50 in fights with other colonists. Of course, this is based on its numerical advantage.

   But if the enemy comes from the sea, the militia cannot deal with it. Those who can fight from the sea must have strong military capabilities. It is estimated that the so-called "regular army" in East Africa will be difficult to deal with.

  A large part of the standing army in the East African colonies actually acted as the police. Almost every city has a little bit, and so do some villages and towns.

  It is difficult to guarantee the quality of officers in East Africa. Even the students who graduated from the Hechingen Military Academy are, to put it bluntly, soldiers with a slightly higher military quality.

   And it was done in a short period of time, and its ability may not be comparable to that of mercenaries who have been in the Prussian army for many years.

   That is, there is a lack of professional officer talents, which is why some people at the military conference proposed to learn from Prussia.

  There are currently only three graduates of the Hechingen Military Academy receiving officer-level education in Prussia, and these three are all one-in-a-million talents.

Prince Constantine, who was still in Europe at the time, used his relationship to get into the Berlin Military Academy. It is hard to say whether he can learn something, the number is too small and he can't use it, and Hexinggen was the first to enter the Berlin Military Academy for further studies. Students are still two years away from graduation.

"Father, I think some of the soldiers should be separated from the army. It would be better to set up a police agency in East Africa. As for the army, it is better not to expand it. The follow-up should focus on improving the professionalism and combat capabilities of the troops. East Africa does not need so much now." Lots of troops."

   "The more troops the better, no matter how powerful Napoleon was, he couldn't stop the siege of the whole of Europe, but the militias in East Africa should be enough, and the standing army really doesn't need to expand." Constantine said.

   "Then it's settled. Through this military reform, we will first completely control the military power in East Africa in the hands of our royal family of Hechingen, and then proceed to reform the government in East Africa." Ernst set the tone.

  The military power in East Africa has always been in the hands of Ernst, but it was done through checks and balances. Now that Prince Constantine has arrived in East Africa, it is equivalent to the transfer of the Hechingen royal family to East Africa.

   In the past, he was afraid that the central government and the military would have too much power, and Ernst himself would play it off. Now Prince Constantine can reshape the centralization of power in East Africa.

   This is also a good thing for the East African government, which can better take over many functions originally performed by the Hexingen Consortium.

  The previous East African government was really a puppet government, and even the power of statistics had to go through the employees of the Hexingen consortium.

  Von der Leyen, the former executive director of the East African government, is an employee of the Hexingen Consortium, and the East African government is more like a subsidiary of the Hexingen Consortium.

   "Regarding government reform, do you want the government to completely take over all government affairs in East Africa?" Constantine asked.

   "It's almost the same, but it still needs to be connected with the Hexingen Consortium. After all, the trade in East Africa is still completed by the Hexingen Consortium."

   "Then what matters should be paid attention to in government reform! What do you think?"

"Father, the existing departments are very important. Although we have to learn from the Prussian government agencies to a certain extent, the situation in East Africa is different from that in Prussia. For example, the disease control management department, its weight cannot be underestimated in East Africa. After becoming the Ministry of Health in the future, we still need to pay attention to it. As a tropical region, East Africa must not ignore diseases and medical treatment.

  The most important thing is the army. The Ministry of National Defense must be built, so let Yarman be the Minister of Defense. He is not in good health, but he is safe to use, and his qualifications and prestige in the army are sufficient.

  The police agency mentioned before can also be established in the new government. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also considered a new department in East Africa. It is up to you to decide.

  However, I do have one candidate to recommend, and that is Becker, an official from Mbeya City, you can give it a try.

  He let East Africa take the Yeke Kingdom with only 500 guns with just one mouth, and his ability should be pretty good. "

   Becker was reported by Witt and Ernst, and Ernst remembered it, so he mentioned it to his father.

  However, the specific situation is still up to Constantine himself, because Hechingen, as a country that existed before, was incorporated into Prussia only 20 or 30 years ago, and the team of the royal family of Hechingen still exists.

   I just don’t know if Constantine brought it with him when he came to East Africa this time. After all, many people were disbanded that year, or passed away, or didn’t choose to come to East Africa.

   "I've pretty much memorized the above, but I think the Ministry of Culture can also be established. It just so happens that I have some old buddies who can arrange to enter." Constantine said.

There is basically no cultural cause in East Africa, if the popularization of German is not counted, so Constantine wants to strengthen the cultural construction of East Africa, which is also good for Ernst. The royal family of Hechingen has always attached importance to cultural development. Grandpa started it, and so far the literati in the Hechingen area have a good reputation for Frederick.

  However, Ernst still reminded: "Father, it's okay to promote the development of East African culture, but don't get involved in the ideological level, just organize more entertainment activities for East African immigrants.

  They don't need any profound thoughts. It is enough to honestly support the rule of the Hexingen royal family, and we cannot put shackles on ourselves. "

   "Don't worry about this, I know what to do. I just want to implement and expand German traditional culture in East Africa. Do you think I won't be wary of liberalism?" Constantine said murderously.

The reason why Hexingen was merged into Prussia back then was the result of Napoleon's implementation of the French in Germany. At least Constantine thought so. In order to prevent the impact of the "mob", Hexingen and Sigmaringen As a last resort, Prussia was invited to send troops.

  That is, since then, the country of Hexingen has existed in name only, but now the development of the East African colony is tantamount to the resurrection of Hexingen.

  The small imperial court of Heixingen suddenly found a way out again, re-employment in East Africa, which belongs to the reincarnation of dirty soil.

   And to be orthodox, East Africa seems to be stronger than Hexingen. The Count of Hexingen in the German region has now even moved the royal family to East Africa, and the East African colony has become the main body of the Count of Hexingen.

  As for the Heixing root land, it has instead become the tentacles of East Africa in Germany and Prussia, and the Hei Xing root land was originally the tentacles of Prussia in South Germany, and things have become more interesting.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion