MTL - African Entrepreneurship Records-Chapter 245 my governor uncle

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  Chapter 245 My Uncle Governor

   "Okay, that's a good idea. The army encountered a mountain torrent, not a crime of war. We were about to succeed, but it's a pity that people are not as good as God." Bullard praised.

   "Commander-in-Chief, do we want to implement this method?" Chalves asked.

  Bulled waved his hand and said: "Go, go. Get rid of those natives today. As for the rest of us, let them be honest and don't play tricks."

   "Okay!" Having received the order, Chalves disappeared in front of Bullled in a flash, and began to implement the plan.

  On the same day, the servant army was disbanded. At the same time, Chalves ordered the Portuguese soldiers to drive the indigenous servant army to the territory of the Kingdom of Malawi. As for those who did not want to leave, they were rewarded with a bullet.

   "You all remember, anyone who asks, just say that they have encountered a flash flood, so that we can go back safely. If anyone dares to tell the truth, don't blame me for being cruel!"


   "Report Mr. Governor, the Commander-in-Chief of the Kingdom of Portugal's expedition to Calawi, Burled, is reporting to you."

   "Good, very energetic." said the Governor of Mozambique.

   "Mr. Bullled, why did only so few people come back? Where did the three thousand aborigines go when they set off? And you came back, so the Kingdom of Malawi has not been defeated?" A young official beside the governor asked.

  Others are watching with cold eyes. The young people nowadays are tigers, but it will be good to teach them a lesson in the future. Didn’t you see that everyone is silent? You just interrupted.

   "Who are you? You don't know me!" Bullled said in surprise.

   "He is Major Chakov, newly sent by the kingdom, from the Nigran region of Portugal." The governor took the lead in explaining.

  It turned out to be a "bumpkin" from the Portuguese countryside, so Bullard decided to ignore this guy for now and find an opportunity to educate him later.

"Our troops entered the Kingdom of Malawi in early March. As soon as they entered the Kingdom of Malawi, they clashed with several tribes. Under my command, the Portuguese soldiers defeated the enemy with one enemy and won the first battle. It took another seven days to advance the front line to the 100-kilometer Chipoka area, and our army has been in a state of invincibility since then... Just when victory was in sight, an accident happened." Speaking of this, Bullard took the He took out his handkerchief and began to blame himself hypocritically: "After all, it was my misjudgment that hurt the soldiers! In order to win the entire territory of Malawi as soon as possible, I led the army to the north and dared not stop for a day, but one of them did not pay attention. The mountain torrents, at that time the native servants took the opportunity to rebel, and the floods caused our department to suffer heavy losses."

"It turned out to be like this, Bull Led, you don't have to blame yourself, this is a complete accident, no one has a good solution to this kind of thing, and you have completed the task brilliantly, worthy of the brave Portuguese fighters title, so although I did not win the Kingdom of Malawi this time, I still want to commend you."

   "Thank you, Uncle...Mr. Governor! On behalf of the soldiers, I thank you for your understanding." Almost calling by mistake, Bullard was embarrassed. After all, it is better not to plot so loudly in formal occasions.

  Of course the governor of Mozambique heard of Bullled’s mistake just now, and he felt a sense of hatred in his heart. This nephew is really as stupid as his sister’s love brain, and he is hopelessly stupid.

In fact, of course the governor knows what level Bullled is, but thinking that the natives of Malawi are being attacked by East Africa and Mozambique, their strength must be much worse than before, so it is better to let their nephew be proud. I did not expect such a simple thing to let this Stupid **** up. However, he was not so stupid as to be hopelessly stupid enough to know how to make up an excuse to clear himself of the crime.

   Just when the two were thinking about how to turn the fact of defeat into a result of victory, the blind Major Chakov spoke again.

"Mr. Governor, I don't think they should be rewarded. Instead, they should be punished. After all, if the Kingdom of Malawi has not been taken, the entire operation has completely failed, and the so-called flash floods can only show that Mr. Bullard is rushing forward. After all, anyone with military literacy has to pay attention to the weather factor."

   Nobody let you talk! Bulllade was furious, he and his uncle had set the tone, and this guy came out to disrupt the situation, and he was about to go up and show Chuckoff a little color.

The governor on the side spoke first: "Okay, there is nothing to doubt about this. You are completely overwhelmed. I am afraid that you are new here and don't know how bad the climate in inland Africa is. If you have time, go to Maputo by yourself. Go and have a look, there are river wetlands everywhere, and they will flood when the rainy season comes, especially when Bullled went out at the end of the rainy season, but he went all the way north and caught up with the northern rainy season, so it was a complete accident that he encountered flash floods. It can be said to be a mistake in experience, and although we did not win the Kingdom of Malawi in this war, we also severely damaged the indigenous forces of the Kingdom of Malawi, so I declare that the overall completion of this mission is good, and it is 8 out of 10. No problem, who is for? Who is against?"

   "Mr. Governor is right, Chakov, you are still too young to understand the real situation in Mozambique, so don't question the Governor's decision."

"That's right. I've been in Mozambique for a full ten years. I know the weather in Mozambique best. That is, accidents may happen at any time. General Bullled can lead such a small number of people into the Kingdom of Malawi to fight. It’s very well done, and I dare say that nine out of ten people here can’t do it, don’t you think so?”

   "That's right, judging from this war alone, Bullled is definitely our most capable general in Mozambique. We absolutely support the decision of the Governor."

   Soon, under the bragging of all the people, Bullled became a wise general who was "capable of conquering and fighting". With Bullled, the Mozambique colony was as solid as a rock and could not be destroyed.

"Okay, this time Bullrad did a good job, rewards are indispensable, and some people shouldn't just question the kingdom's 'good generals and loyal ministers', if Bullrad has nothing special, the governor will make an exception and promote him Become the commander-in-chief of this crusade against the Kingdom of Malawi?"

  The outstanding thing is that Bullled has a good mother, and it just so happens that his mother has a good brother, and it just so happens that this brother is the governor of the Mozambique colony of the Kingdom of Portugal.

   Things have come to this point, how could Major Chakov not understand that this **** Mozambique colony is completely a nest of snakes and rats, and he has been severely disgusted.

   "Mr. Governor, I have been feeling unwell recently. I may not be suitable for working in the colony. I am afraid I have to leave here." Chakov said.

"Oh, Major Chakov, in fact, I have already seen it. On the first day you arrived in Mozambique, your complexion was not very good. I am afraid that you are not acclimatized. If you write a resignation letter, I will issue a certificate for you. After all, Mozambique It’s not a good place, it’s not as good as the mainland, you’re still suitable to work in Portugal.”

   "Then...thank you, Your Excellency Governor." Chakov said, although he voluntarily withdrew, but Chakov remembered these faces. If he gets rich in the future, he will decide to recalculate the account.

  Things have been perfectly resolved, everyone got the desired result, what about the Kingdom of Malawi? Of course he pretended not to see it. Anyway, this operation was organized by the Mozambique colony itself, and it has nothing to do with the kingdom if there is any loss.

  (end of this chapter)

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