MTL - African Entrepreneurship Records-Chapter 254 broke up badly

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  Chapter 254 Break up unhappy

  According to Frederick's deployment, Kirchbach's Fifth Army and Hechingen Brigade mainly prevented the French Rhine Army from going south to support the Chalon Army.

  At present, Napoleon III himself began to shrink his troops. In order to prevent Prussia from cutting off the connection between McMahon and the Rhine Army under his command, which would result in being caught between two sides, he ordered the French Fifth Army to go south immediately to support Marshal McMahon's troops.


   "His Royal Highness Leopold, next you will be deployed in Valdovisan, while the Fifth Army and I will stick to Saverna, how about it!"

Although the Hechingen Brigade is nominally at the same level as the Prussian Army, Kirchbach doesn't think so. The battlefield is not a stage, and you can come as you want, so the main force naturally has to be the Fifth Army with a large number of people. In fact, although the Fifth Army is a regular Prussian army, the vast majority of its soldiers are actually from the states in the North German Federation except Prussia. country.

  Leopold ignored Kirchbach, and turned his head to find the location of Waldowissan on the map.

   After a long time, I finally found the so-called Valdovisan in the corner of the map, an inconspicuous small village located in the southeast corner of Saverna.

   "Not here!" Leopold retorted.

"Although the Hexingen Brigade is a temporary unit formed by students and has never been in contact with the battlefield, its military quality is not weak, and it does not need your protection. The small place of Valdovisan is too close to the rear, even if you don't trust it. We shouldn't have arranged the Hexingen brigade in a small village where it would be difficult to find on the map!"

"His Royal Highness Leopold, it's not that I don't trust you. I'm still aware of your abilities. However, as you said, the Hechingen Brigade has never been in contact with the battlefield. Putting these student soldiers on the front line is a no-brainer. If it sounds nice, I am not at ease, and I have seen your troops, and 50% of them are not German or even European. The combat effectiveness of such troops may be useful in overseas colonies, but this is Europe." Kirsch Bach said arrogantly.

"Kirchbach! Put away your arrogance. In fact, the Hechingen Brigade belongs to the state army. I only obey the orders of Crown Prince William and the General Staff. You can't control me. As for this How is the combat effectiveness of this army? I know better than you, I also participated in the Second Schleswig War and the Austro-Prussian War, and you don’t need to judge my subordinates!”

   "That's a pity, since this is the case, Your Highness Leopold! Where do you want to deploy the army?" Kirchbach asked.

  In his opinion, the so-called Hechingen Brigade cannot take on major responsibilities, but as Leopold said, he really can't control him.

"Here, David Wright." Leopold pointed to the town on the line directly east of Saverna. A road connects David Wright to Saverna. This area belongs to Saverner's flank, and its strategic position is second only to that of Saverna. Steinburg, northeast of Saverna.

   "If you are determined to do this, then do it! But I have to say in advance that when we fight the French army, we may not be able to take care of this area."

"Hmph, I don't need you to take care of it. In fact, if you can keep Saverna well, you will be lucky! As far as I know, the Fifth Army is just a temporary force formed by Prussia, and many soldiers are from Hamburg. The peasants in Saxony and other places who have just put down their hoes and are summoned temporarily are against France. Although their troops are small in number, they are all professional soldiers who have experienced battles." Although Leopold was angry, he still reminded him.

"Hahaha, I admit that the combat power of the Fifth Army may be somewhat inferior to that of the French, but we have enough numbers, and at the same time, we have a convenient location, and there are many Prussian veterans in the army. Under the leadership of Prussia, recruits from other states will also He grew up quickly in the flames of war." Kirchbach laughed.

   "It's better like this!" Leopold put down these words and left without looking back.

  After Leopold left, Kirchbach immediately changed his face, and he said seriously to his subordinates: "You really don't know what's good, Robert!"

   "Here, Commander!"

"That Hechingen brigade has no combat effectiveness at all, but we have to consider the safety of His Royal Highness Leopold. You lead the third brigade to the right side of the Hechingen brigade in Villewissand. Once they get into trouble, you Just give me the top, don't let the defense line go wrong, do you hear me?"

   "Yes, Commander!"


Leopold returned to the base of the Hechingen Brigade with a gloomy face. This Kirchbach was too arrogant. In fact, judging from the past records of the two, Kirchbach's command level can only be said to be average, and I'm half a catty, and I have the ability to organize an army to fight, but I'm far from a famous general.

  Originally, I would not participate in the Franco-Prussian War. After all, as one of the protagonists of the Spanish throne incident, my energy before the war was devoted to fighting for the Spanish throne.

   After France made a move and the Spanish government backed down, I had no time to return to the Prussian army. If it wasn't for Ernst's request, I would still be in Sigmaringen!

   "Your Highness Leopold, who made you angry!" Heinrich said when he saw Leopold in a bad mood.

   "Does my complexion look bad?"

   "Yes...a little bit."

Leopold rubbed his face with his hands to let his muscles relax, and said, "It's not a big deal, I just found some trouble with Kirchbach, this Kirchbach is a bit arrogant, but I I'm not used to him either."

   "Yes, Commander Kirchbach?"

   "Ugh, how did he mess with you!"

"Hehe, it's just a pig's head that rose with the trend of the kingdom's reform, that is, it's a bit older, and its ability is not outstanding, but it still looks down on the Heixingen Brigade. I have led the Heixingen Brigade. The best execution unit."

"Your Highness, don't be angry. The Hexingen Brigade does not have any record, so it is naturally unconvincing. Although the name of the Hexingen Military Academy sounds imposing, it is not well-known. Most of the students in my class are crash courses. He was born in Africa and has already gone to Africa. After two and a half years of training at the Hechingen Military Academy this year, it is much better than mine. Perhaps in terms of single-group training and professional knowledge, the military academy cadets who have undergone long-term training are better than mine. Many Prussian veterans are strong, but on the battlefield, they don’t recognize their origins, people only remember the victors, whether it’s slander or insult, only one victory will tell if it’s real.”

"Hehe, you don't need to comfort me. In fact, I was not much better than Kirchbach at the beginning. When Ernst handed over the troops to me, my opinion was actually similar to that of Kirchbach. But when I really lead this army After getting along with this team for a period of time, I changed my mind. Except that this army has never been on the battlefield, it is not inferior to the elite troops of the Kingdom in any other way. It is not that I have never led recruits. In my opinion, The Hechingen Brigade is more than one grade better than the temporary conscripts under Kirchbach."

   "So, Your Highness, we should do our best to prove that the Hexingen Brigade is not a showy brigade, but a modern and powerful light infantry army."

  (end of this chapter)