MTL - After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger-Chapter 61 see parents (3)

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Ye Jin felt the warm and moist touch on her lips, and the tongue churning in her mouth, her eyes widened and her face turned red, even The heartbeat suddenly became faster, as if it would jump out of the chest in the next moment, and even breathing was a little difficult.

Fu Chen also looked at Ye Jin without blinking, and smiled at his suddenly red face. His lips moved away from Ye Jin's, his voice was hoarse and he said with a smile, "Silly Xiaojin, remember to close your eyes and breathe next time."

Ye Jin heard Fu Chen's laughing voice, and suddenly came back to his senses and breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that his heart and lungs were about to explode , and looked at Fu Chen with a gentle expression and said in a low voice: "You look very skilled, have you practiced with anyone before?" Ye Jin was still a little sour when he was talking, after all Chen's level of proficiency is not at all like the first time.

Fu Chen smiled lowly and explained: "You are the first, I just searched on the star network after confirming the relationship with you. Some materials, this is the first time in actual combat."

Ye Jin was happy when he heard Fu Chen's explanation, and whispered, "Me too." Chen came out of his arms and sat on the seat next to him.

Fu Chen was still happy about Ye Jin's words, Ye Jin went out of his arms and sat aside, Fu Chen didn't want to let go, but he It was inconvenient to move for a while, and he was afraid that Ye Jin would let go of his hand and try to calm down his urge when he found out that he was abnormal.

Ye Jin glanced at Fu Chen secretly, unexpectedly thinking of the hardness she felt just now, and then glanced at the still calm face Fu Chen couldn't help but sighed the benefit of having less expression.

After Fu Chen calmed down, he looked at Ye Jin who was staring at him in a daze and thought about it and said, "Xiao Jin, I want to take you to see me. Can my grandfather do it?"

Ye Jin was still thinking about it, but when she heard what Fu Chen said, she was a little surprised and nervous: "Is it today? Why did you suddenly decide to see your parents today? I'm not prepared at all. What does the old man like? It's too late to buy it now."

Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin who was suddenly nervous, rubbed his hair in a funny way, and said: "Last night, grandpa urged me to take you as soon as possible. Go back, so I'm here today. You don't have to prepare anything, as long as you're willing to go to Grandpa, you'll be happy."

Ye Jin disagreed: "How is that the same? Whether the elders accept it or not is one thing, and if I don't prepare a gift for the first time, it is mine, not mine. After all, you want to make a good impression on the elderly."

Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin with a persistent face, and asked in surprise, "Then are you willing to go home with me?"

Ye Jin was silent for a while, and after a while, just when Fu Chen thought he was unwilling, Ye Jin nodded with a smile and let Fu Chen Chen's heart, which had sunk a little, immediately rose again, and his eyes were full of joy.

Although Ye Jin couldn't see the change in Fu Chen's expression, he could feel his mood from the aura around him, looking at Fu Chen who was full of joy at the moment , Ye Jin asked again: "You haven't said what Grandpa likes? You have to buy gifts for the elders."

Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin with a serious look on his face, and thought about it: "Why don't you prepare a lunch for grandpa, grandpa is also a marshal Coming out of the army, the damage in the body is only a lot more than that of me before returning to my ancestors, and what he is most worried about for so many years is the physical damage of the imperial soldiers."

Ye Jin was silent for a while. He just discussed this issue with Director Mu today. No matter how advanced the empire's technology is, there is no energy body sample for research. The selfish desires of the former rulers of the empire have caused indelible hidden dangers to the empire a thousand years later.

Thinking of this, Ye Jin couldn't help disgusting the former ruler of the empire, and at the same time there was a faint sadness. The greater the power of a person, the greater the ambition and desire will be. This kind of thing seems to have existed throughout the ages, and it will never be eradicated.

In the end, Ye Jin recovered from his thoughts, nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay, it just so happens that you can come and help me, and give it to Grandpa when you go back. Make a few more dishes, you can also ask Grandpa what he wants to eat now, and we can buy ingredients."

Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin who was smiling happily, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

When Ye Jin and Fu Chen were discussing what dishes to cook for Mr. Fu, Mr. Fu came to the fourth legion in military uniform early in the morning. , After discussing with a group of adjutants and staff, he quickly rushed in the direction of the palace.

Imperial Palace

In a luxurious palace, Mr. Fu in military uniform sat solemnly on a chair, and beside him was a round stone table on which There is a cup of tea and a teapot. On the other side of the stone table sits a middle-aged man in a luxurious silver-gray suit. At this time, he is holding a teacup in both hands and sipping slowly, his face is serious but not bereavement. and expressions.

After a while, the man put down the teacup in his hand, and said in a majestic but friendly voice: "Master, what do you mean, Come talk to me about the military's involvement in the construction of the cooking school?"

Once Master Fu heard the words, his expression was still serious but his tone was casual: "Yes, Your Majesty, no matter what, the special dishes made by Ye Jin's child are right. The soldiers of our army have benefited a lot, so I want to represent the army and your Majesty to cooperate with you to build a cooking school, so that the school can be put into use as soon as possible and cultivate more talents."

Liming Xiao, who is the current emperor of the empire, smiled helplessly and shook his head when he heard Mr. Fu's words: "Master, it's not impossible for your military to cooperate. I just don't know if you represent the military headquarters of all the legions, or only the fourth legion?"

The expression on Mr. Fu's face turned a little dark when he heard His Majesty's words, and he no longer maintained a serious look when he thought of the things that the First Corps had done before. It was a cold snort: "Your Majesty, didn't you ask for it knowingly, of course I represent the Fourth Legion, and the others themselves are not without people, why do you want me to represent them."

His Majesty also knows about the Fourth Army and the First Army, but these have always been the military's own affairs, and it is not his turn to view politics The imperial family of the empire came to adjust, and now there will be such a question, and I just want an answer. Now that I have got the answer I want, there is nothing to say.

Thinking of this, His Majesty said hesitantly: "It's not impossible to cooperate with the Fourth Army to build a cooking school, but I don't know what Ye Jin's child is. Thought, after all, even if the empire needs his dishes to heal soldiers and research, we can't force people to do what they don't want to do, and supporting him to open a school is only for the future of the empire."

Master Fu waved his hand and said: "What's the matter, the reason why our Fourth Army wants to cooperate is just to support it, not to let people study the dishes At the time, I was also distracted from worrying about the construction of the school, and with the addition of our Fourth Corps, there will be absolutely no problem with manpower and safety in the future.”

His Majesty pondered for a while and then said: "There is no problem with me, but because people from other legions have come to me for this matter, I don't I really refused, so I left this matter to Zhaoxi, and after Zhaoxi has dealt with the federation's visit, I can mention it to him, and I can't control who he chooses in the end."

After hearing this, Mr. Fu's face darkened, and he said angrily: "Your Majesty! You don't have to do Tai Chi with me, right? If you told me earlier, I would go Looking for His Royal Highness." Speaking of which, Mr. Fu suddenly thought of the slight damage to his body after eating that meal yesterday, and his expression improved a little and said to His Majesty, "Your Majesty, you have eaten the dishes made by Ye Jin's child. You can't imagine how good his dishes are now."

Liming Xiao looked at the old man who suddenly changed his attitude and showed off a little, and couldn't help laughing: "Master, it's not that I want to do Tai Chi with you, this is really recent. There are too many people, I can't help it, Zhaoxi's child was recently sent by me to deal with the visit of the Federation, and there was no one at all, so I had to go on my own."

After explaining, Liming Xiao finally curiously asked about Ye Jin's dishes, "That child of Ye Jin, I know that the dishes he made can affect the body Damage, but doesn't it mean that the effect is not very significant? Why, does the old man have any new discoveries? "

Mr. Fu gave Liming Xiao a sidelong glance, and said proudly: "Of course, I will tell you after we have a good relationship from generation to generation. According to my feelings, although the effect is not as immediate as the one from the Ye family a thousand years ago, it is still very impressive. If you eat another three or four meals at the level of yesterday, you will be almost healed."

Liming Xiao looked at Mr. Fu suspiciously with disbelief in his eyes.

The old ancestor of the Ye family thousands of years ago, one or two dishes can heal the damage in the human body. Now thousands of years have passed, let alone one One or two dishes can heal a person who is damaged in the human body. Like Ye Jin before at Shita Xing, he can heal more than half of the damage in the human body in half a month. For so long, only Ye Jin has appeared.

Let him believe that Ye Jin's current ability can be compared with the old ancestor of the Ye family. He doesn't believe it.

Mr. Fu saw that Liming Xiao didn't believe it, so he didn't rush to explain, but said triumphantly: "You don't know this, my grandson came back yesterday to give I brought back the food that Ye Jin made, but it didn’t take long for my body to feel healed, and my grandson had already chased Ye Jin’s child, saying that he was looking for time to take him home to give I'll take a look."

Liming Xiao listened to the old man's obvious ostentation, and couldn't help but feel a little suspicious, so he said: "Master, you mean Ye Jin and Fu Chen Together? Did you bring dinner home yesterday?"

Master Fu nodded proudly and said, "Yes, otherwise I wouldn't know about it, and I wouldn't have come to you to talk about the establishment of the school, I'm helping my family."

Liming Xiao looked at the smug look of the old man, and still didn't believe it, but he still thought about it and said, "Well, since the old man is planning to help his family , then I'll help you."

It was twelve o'clock when Mr. Fu returned from the palace to Fu's house. As soon as he entered the house, he smelled a rich and attractive aroma, which made people feel Can't help but want to drool.

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