MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 108 We got married

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Firefox didn't care what this human thought was about, looked around, and finally found one he knew, and looked for it with a smile. "Buck, where is Gu Jiayu?"

Buck smiled and said, "The two masters in my family know that you can come in person and will be very happy."

Firefox said, isn't it? As Gu Jiayu's clan, he had to come in person. He didn't take a plane. He came by himself, showing how high his sincerity was.

In fact, President Mo has sent a special plane to meet Gu Jiayu's friends, but the fire fox didn't know that the nine-tailed demon fox had used his powerful aura to fly across an ocean!

Buck's housekeeper looked at the fire fox and knew that he hadn't caught up with President Mo ’s plane. “There are many people there. You do n’t seem to be wearing it.”

The fox groaned, walked to a place where no one was, and made it a blinding eye. Although he still wore his own clothes when he came out, from the outsider's point of view, he just changed into a white suit. "What?"

Old Buck: "... good." It's too fast, it is easy to cause doubts, especially the thoughtful young man has been paying attention to this, which makes Old Buck a little uneasy, for fear that Mo Yuanbin will see something.

However, Mo Ersha only looked here for a while, and left with a calm face. He didn't wait for them, didn't say anything, and said nothing.

The old Buck frowned. The second young man has been practicing in recent years, and he has become more and more stable. He will not say anything in his heart. He can only tell Mo Yunqi to let him guard in advance and save the second young man. The vest of the whole family.


At 11 am, the wedding ceremony was held on time. The wind was sunny, the birds were fragrant, and the sun was particularly bright. At the Cathedral of Streglia, under the witness of relatives and friends, Gu Jiayu and Mo Yunqi officially held a wedding ceremony. The groom's picture, no one came to make trouble, everything went smoothly.

Both men are male, and no one is married. No one needs to accompany them. The two walked across the red carpet together, side by side.

Although they do n’t believe in God, a natural beloved fox darling born in heaven and earth, and a reincarnation of heaven and earth, do not need God ’s blessing, but in order to make Mo's mother happy, Gu Jiayu ’s expression is especially religious. When President Mo didn't speak, he looked very deep. Everyone saw that he was serious.

The flower girl and the ring boy were run by Mo Zeyang alone, wearing a small suit holding flowers, holding a ring, and following the two dads, with a serious expression on his face, and a face exactly like Mo always had a bit of handsome taste It ’s just that these two days have been raised by my grandma, and the baby fat has been noticed again. It looks a bit cute, and the small steps are very imposing, so that others ca n’t help but want to laugh. So cute!

Gu Jiayi smiled and put on Mo Yunqi a ring. Since then, this person is his. Those who are watching, no matter how many secretly love his old Mo, have died of this heart, haha!

President Mo's look at him was so seductive that he couldn't help pulling it over and kissed him first, regardless of the mood of the host.

Mo Zeyang stared at them with a small face, this is a serious occasion, don't make trouble!

Gu Jiaxi smiled, pinching his son's face.

Make Mo Zeyang lose his temper.

At 12 o'clock on time, a lunch banquet party will be held. On the outside garden and lawn, the entire church has been reserved by the General Manager of Mo and has been carefully arranged. Guests can not only eat here, but also enjoy the beautiful surroundings. You can also go to the bishop to pray for blessings. You don't have to wait in line today.

Of course, there is a more formal wedding banquet in the evening. The wedding banquet is set at the largest royal hotel in the capital city. Mo always invited heavyweight stars to perform. At that time, there will be a car pick-up. All night accommodation is included. In short, you can have fun today.

The Mo family has few local relatives, but many friends, and most of them are partners. Mo Yunqi was reluctant to allow Gu Jiayu to have more contact with others. At noon, he only paid a respect to the wine and did not let Gu Jiayu drink. , Just take it away.

Everyone can see that Mo Yunqi's love for Gu Jiayu really hurt her heart. Looking at Mo's parents and grandchildren who are next to the two, countless young ladies and young ladies are heartbroken. Gu Jiayu's identity makes it impossible to move, and it is difficult to attract Mo's attention.

Such a good-looking daughter-in-law and such a lovely and sensible son would only be derailed if his brain was sick!

If you want to enter the Mo family, you can only start with Mo Er Shao, but Mo Er Shao is cold and even better than Mo Da Shao. He dare to openly express that he does not like people with two legs, and is determined to be an unmarried man. How do people get started?


Gu Jiaxun saw Zheng Xueshao, Wang Dao, and Pei Peng coming, and happily pulled them away. Zheng Xueshao quickly pushed him away so that he could follow Mr. Mo honestly. Do n’t give The Mohist was shameful.

The mother-in-law of the wealthy family is not good at serving!

The grand mother-in-law, who is not good at serving, came here with Mo Yuanbin and Mo Shiqi. Although there are many guests, these people are special. "I hear that you have always taken good care of Jiayu. This child has no family. Thanks to Thanks to your elders and friends, "Mom Mo took out a stack of red envelopes and stuffed them one by one." I would like to thank you for your care, Jia Jia. In the future, no matter in life or career, you need your support. , Sometimes speaking can offend people, you have to bear more. "

Zheng Xueshao took the red envelope and touched the thickness. He swallowed everything he wanted to say. Before he came, he prepared a lot of things to say. For example, Gu Jiazhen was straight-headed. You have to bear more. . Looking at the graceful and graceful woman in front of her, her face was kind and well-maintained. She was like a woman in her early fifties. Zheng Xueshao nodded.

After Mo's mother left, Xiao Baiyu had opened the red envelope, "Wow! A lot of money!"

Lan Chen looked indifferent, hum, ignorant mouse, enough to buy a truck of mouse medicine!

Pei Peng also teased Zheng Xueshao. "When you came, you were worried all the way. Now you are all right. The family has a good temper. It seems that they really like Jiayu. You don't have to worry about him losing money in the future."

Zheng Xueshao pushed his glasses coldly, "... I didn't worry about him."

Pei Peng smirked, "Yes, yes, the one who doesn't worry about him is you! Those who keep their eyes open and sleep all the way don't know who it is."

Zheng Xueshao: "..."

Gu Jiayu saw that the fire fox was also coming, and ran happily, "You are here too, what about the red envelope?"

Firefox took it out of its pocket and pulled out a small envelope. Gu Jiayu opened it with a happy look, but there were only a handful of fox fur.

Gu Jiayu: → _ → "Are you still so poor?"

The fire fox snorted, "You can be content. This is my hair. When you need help, you can breathe into this hair and it will make me an avatar."

Gu Jiazheng raised the pinch of hair in surprise, "Wow! So powerful, you teach me, how can this change?"

"Then you need to cut a hair first."

"Does it need to be bald if there are a lot of avatars? I will make ten myself without using hair."

Firefox's face froze and became angry, "You don't have to give it back to me! It took me three days to make it!"

Gu Jiazheng put away with a smirk, "It's mine for me, it's flaming, it's pretty good."

Firefox then eased his face, and red was always beautiful.

Gu Jiayu looked again, "Dong Xin is not here?"

Firefox whispered: "There seems to be something wrong with his house, he can't get away."

"Forget it, bring him sugar when I go back. He likes sugar."

At this moment, President Mo came after him. As soon as he was entangled by the guests, Gu Jiayu ran away. President Mo was helpless. "You look at me more."

Gu Jiazheng was amused, holding Mo Yunqi's face and kissing hard, "Look at you, you look best!"

The fire fox waved in disgust, "Hurry up! Sour!"

As soon as Gu Jiayu was taken away, Mo's mother came, and she pulled the red fox's hand and started to plug the red envelopes. Mo's mother said guilty: "I'm really sorry, I thought Jia's had no family and took care of you before. I'm really sorry. "

She also just heard her second son say that Gu Jiayu had a family member. The so-called tribe of Firefox was automatically translated by Er Shao and should be a distant relative. Mom Mo felt embarrassed, and Gu Jiayi's relatives were just this one. She didn't even take care of it, but until now she found out that fortunately she is a young man, not an old man, or else it is more difficult to explain. Mo Mo stuffed the fire fox with three red envelopes in a row, and the stuffed fire fox numbed his paw. He looked around for help and asked Gu Jiayu. What should he do? Should I take it? Will it owe human feelings? This is a personal thing. He has never seen it before. Is it bad to collect money from others?

With his eyes squinting, the fire fox was almost from the claws to frying hair, but Gu Jiayu didn't come to help, the fox family's nature was offended, and the fire fox wanted to run.

Mother Mo smiled. This young man had the same eyes as Gu Jiayu, and was as clear as a child. This is embarrassed.

Mo Yuanbin suddenly said, "Take it, there are juniors who are not married."

Firefox glanced at the background board behind Mo Ersha and brushed his face back, silently choosing ... ignore him!

Mo Ersha: "..." I feel like some kind of rubbish.

The first time I had this kind of experience, Mo Er's whole body's breath was reduced by several degrees.

In the end, the fire fox still accepted the red envelope and planned to keep it for Mo Zeyang. Even if it was returned to Mo's mother, he would not owe human kindness.

After Mo's mother left, she smiled and said, "Jia's relatives look good too. This girl looks so delicate, but she's a bit neutral."

"Girl?" Mo Yuanbin twitched. "Mom, are you sure?"

Mother Mo blinked, "Not a girl? Whoops this guy looks so beautiful." There wasn't any tangle in changing his mouth.

After hearing this, Gu Jiaxun was broken. Firefox's long red hair was so exquisite that she really looked like a girl. And the name is also girl, called Hong Ling!

Firefox blushed, he was not a girl, he brought it! man!


After a long day of tossing and sending all the guests away, I can finally rest. Gu Jiayu ate a little bit at night. The first thing to do was to quickly absorb some heaven and earth aura.

He had felt drowsy, the two little guys had started to absorb his old style, and now they needed so much aura, after they separated his body, they didn't know how much. At that time, Mo Zeyang used his 100-year cultivation to grow from three months to ten months. It was not enough for the two little guys to absorb one of his tails. They also had to be aura every day, not only for his, Mo Yunqi is like two gluttonous little fat men.

Mo Yunqi originally wanted to take advantage of the good mood tonight and indulge, but Gu Jiayu, who had been practicing cultivation as a drama, was so serious now. Both of them also know that with Gu Jiayu's fairy constitution, husband's life will not affect the child. However, Mo always regards Gu Jiayu as a fragile baby, and husband's life is also restrained.

Tolerate it tonight, it's a bit unreasonable!

Mo Yunqi was sitting next to Gu Jiayu, waiting quietly for five minutes, watching his delicate eyebrows become immortal under the envelope of ethereal aura, finally couldn't help, poking a finger in Gu Jiayu's arm Strong interruption on the limbs!

Those who are dissatisfied say: I will feed the baby for you, please take a look at me!

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