MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 118 It's over! To be eaten!

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Old Buck is now a crazy goat, holding the second brother who is still looking for his brother's breath in the yard, and rushed out at the first time, and the stolen egg gang that had not had time to run away was crushed into pieces by the powerful demon. The dregs, even the soul, did not escape, and was directly devoured by this runaway goat. Buck looked for the breath of Mo Zeyang, but unfortunately the other party had a strong ability to hide the breath, leaving no trace of it, but imagined that it had been prepared for a long time.

Old Buck had red-eyed, pulled a little demon from the soul he swallowed, and fell **** the ground. The hoarse voice asked fiercely: "Lead the way! Or eat you now!"

Brother Hua noticed the anomaly and ran over with a group of cats. He felt that Mo Zeyang's breath was gone, and he was anxious. "Let all the little fairies go to find the children. If Gu Jiayu is anxious, he has to dead!"

A big demon without a cub has uncontrollable consequences. Gu Jiayu's temper was so passive that the cubs could only see one kill one and love who.

At the same time, Gu Jiayu and Mo Yunqi's faces changed at the same time. No matter what they were doing, they threw their jobs and rushed home to find children!

The couple met on the way, because they left a mark on the children. At this position just now, someone erased the mark on the children. Now it is not easy to find it.

Gu Jiayu's eyes were red, and he looked around like crazy. "Where is my child? Who moved my child! Abduction? Want money? What does he want? Call me and ask me for a ransom, why? Do n’t ask me! Where did he catch them? Will they already eat them? Is there blood? Quickly look for blood! ”Gu Jiayu even looked away from the grass next to the road, shocked and afraid His face was pale, he was completely panicked, his child was lost, and he lost two at once!

Mo Yunqi grabbed Gu Jiayu, and tightened him tightly so that he would not look for it again, "Calm down! The children are fine, they have not been eaten! Calm down, don't be afraid, Ze Yang is very smart, he will Think of a way to protect yourself. "

Gu Jiayu was cold and trembling, and his heart was hollowed out. He wanted to calm himself, but he couldn't do it!

"Lao Mo, what should we do, our children?" Gu Jiayu's eyes were scarlet, and the whole body began to scurry. The shadows of the nine tails in the air were swinging in the air. After that, Gu Jiayi's mind was full of crazy killing intentions, who dare to touch his children! He is going to tear his whole family alive!

Mo Yunqi couldn't hold back a bit, Gu Jiayu's eyes were scarlet, obviously, he was about to run away.

The ten-tailed demon fox was born naturally, and was born one level higher than other species. The act of stealing his child was undoubtedly the most serious provocation to him. Only killing can calm his anger.

And the surrounding area is a civilian area!

With Gu Jiayu's current spiritual power, he was slightly swept up by his aura. Ordinary people are lucky enough to escape from death, and they will surely become fools.

Gu Jiayu can't take care of that much anymore, he just wants to find his child, someone stole his child! He was going to catch the kid who stole his child, smashed his skin and cramped, and killed his entire family!

Mo Yunqi clasped Gu Jiayu's back head, put his head on his shoulder, and groaned in Gu Jiayu's ear: "If you can't control your own anger, let's go again No more children. "

Gu Jiayi was stiff, and his brain-heavy intention was hit hard by "Can't find a child anymore". It was like being poured into a basin of cold water, and he paused for a while, and slowly took a deep breath. The tone, biting the tip of his tongue, the severe pain made him awake, yeah, look for the children, he first looked for them, the children must be very scared, Mo Zeyang must be crying for his father.

Feeling his breath was smoother, Mo Yunqi patted him on the back and said slowly: "Zeyang will leave us a clue, look carefully and find it, calm down, don't be dominated by anger."

Gu Jiaxun nodded, raised his head and took two slaps on his face with a pair of slap prints. Gu Jiaxu finally calmed down, "I'll ask if there are any goblins passing by."

At this time, the old Buck arrived with the second child in his arms. The old Buck's hair was already upright. At this moment, it looks like a ram that only fights with others. He also found the place by listening to the little fairy. Upon seeing Mo Yunqi and Gu Jiayu, the old Buck calmed down and said, "Sir, I ..." He didn't take good care of the child, and he was too guilty.

Mo Yunqi's face was calm, "This matter will be discussed after the child is found."

The second child jumped into Gu Jiayu's arms, rubbed Gu Jiayu's cheek, and pointed the southern suburbs anxiously with little wings.

Gu Jiayi hugged the last baby, and his blood-red eyes gradually recovered. He asked with a tremor, "Why go there, is your brother there?"

The child is too young to understand Gu Jiayu's words at all, but the idea is very strong and he will go there. Suddenly, children who have always been uninvited have such abnormal behaviors. Mo Yunqi immediately decided: "Listening to children, there is a wonderful induction between twins. They are not humans themselves, and this induction should be stronger."

Gu Jiazheng immediately chased the child by holding the child, and Mo Yunqi chased after him, so that Buck could rush to the police. No matter the fairy or human, they all dispatched to find the child.

Just after chasing the suburbs, I saw a lot of chickens, ducks and geese lining up in the mountains to the south. Many people were chasing their domestic animals, and their faces were not good-looking. The cages couldn't be closed, and they wanted to run into the mountains. "

Another uncle said, "Don't say it. When I was a kid, I heard my grandfather said that there was a mountain **** in the mountain. He had seen it when he went into the mountain to raise sheep, but our whole family felt that he drank too much."

"Don't talk about it, it's a bit wicked, go home quickly."

This matter cannot be explained by science, and people are a bit scared and dare not mention it again, but Gu Jiayu in the sky noticed it, and he continued to chase forward with surprise, "It's a little cub! He will summon animals! He just in front!"


In a dark cave, Mo Zeyang held the golden egg in his arms tightly, and looked around carefully. It wasn't a fairy who caught him, but a lot of them combined them to catch them. He was locked in a large iron cage, hidden in a cave, and they were not in a hurry to eat him because they had internal conflict.

Mo Zeyang's little head is smart. He has been pretending to sleep and overhearing their talk. It probably means a little fairy with such aura. The first one to eat may be a big advantage. They can't believe each other and worry about which demon will put They ate it in one bite, so that the first person would become very powerful, and the fairies would not be able to beat him, and then that person would eat them and become an invincible existence.

The naughty young man should be aware of the danger at this time, pretending to be lying in the arms of his brother like a dead egg, motionless, if not occasionally showing a little consciousness to tell Mo Zeyang that he has no problems, Mo Zeyang suspects He had been frustrated halfway through his life.

Mo Zeyang shook the third child in his arms, took a deep breath, and his small **** bulged. He couldn't be afraid. He must have courage. He is now an older brother and wants to protect his sister!

Until now, Mo Zeyang still thinks that the third child is a younger sister, because the little angel who wanted to play with him when he was born must be a younger sister!

With so many fairies out there, Mo Zeyang couldn't escape, so she had to find a way to attract others. So he summoned the little animals around! He believed that Dad would find him.

Mo Zeyang touched the third child's shell and whispered, "Don't be afraid, my brother will protect you."

Maybe it was my brother's words. The third-gold eggshell gave a slight light, and Moze Yang felt that she had strength. The third-children passed on the aura that she could not use and accumulated. foreign. The same blood flowed on the two men, and the aura was similar, and Mo Zeyang could absorb it directly.

Mo Zeyang happily hugged the third parent and sighed, "Good!"

Mo Zeyang had strength and aura, and there were too many animals in the mountain. Soon, she called a group, and those fairies were surprised, "Why are there so many animals suddenly!"

"Are there mice?"

"Why so many ants!"

"Is that a Lynx?"

"Go and get them out?"

"Why listen to you, what should you do after eating the two little fairies after we leave?"

Just as everyone was arguing, a treacherous and thin voice grinned, "Tough work for you guys!"

There was a sudden scream from outside, and Mo Zeyang hugged the youngest nervously. When he was in a mess, he gathered a thunderball in his hand and smashed the cage directly into a large hole. He held the youngest out of the cage and pulled out. The jade hanging from the neck was too late to breathe, and I took it in my mouth and wrapped the egg in my arms with my own aura. Then I used jade to hide my breath and ran into the upper hole by touching the black. Mo Zeyang also thought about it. Find a horned owl to hide in. Just hide and wait for Dad to come.

Several fairies felt the flesh of their mouths ran away, and quickly killed those weak fairies. Five or six fairies chased into the cave. After not feeling the breath of Mo Zeyang, they immediately chased into the cave. They just returned Can feel that aura, now suddenly disappeared, it must have carried a baby on him!

What to do with baby, grab it!

The lizard, headed by it, chased after it, saying viciously, "Can't let him run away!"

"Yes! Boss!"

The little brothers rushed up instantly!

If Gu Jiayu and Mo Yunqi took a step early, they would surely find that this lizard is a mini version of the eagle eagle!

He had been lurking for so long, and deliberately gathered so many goblins, just to catch Mo Zeyang's little fox, and then he wanted to get revenge after he accumulated his energy. Unexpectedly, luck came and could not be blocked, and they gave birth to a pair of young spirits. These two children can help him to increase his cultivation for hundreds of years at once, so that he can become an adult and be in others Hiding.

The more he chased in, the more he felt that there was an abomination in him. What seemed to be hidden here? Just deep down here.

However, he managed to steal them out. How could he give up?

The eagle eagle began to worry, "Chasing! Be sure to find that little fox!"

After all, Mo Zeyang is still small and his steps are small. When he ran, he felt that a goblin was catching up behind him. He smashed a dozen pits from the corner with a thunder ball, leaving a thunder ball bomb in one pit, and then found In a corner position, I hid in hiding by holding the third child.

Several fairies wandered near the pit that Mo Zeyang smashed. When they saw the new pit, they had to go over and look at it. When they got close, Mo Zeyang hiding in the dark made a small hand, and he heard a bang and left behind. The thunderball exploded. After a few screams, the two sheepheads fell directly to the ground!

Mo Zeyang was frightened. When he and Daddy threw a thunder ball on the mountain, they could only explode!

Mo Zeyang still doesn't know how effective his mine is. After all, the two little fairies are not high. Ray Ben was born to defeat them. In addition, the mine used by Mo Zeyang is not an ordinary mine. It is genetic. His dad's, so the two little fairies were stunned when they were blown up.

There were three angry teeth left, and I couldn't find Mo Zeyang's breath. "This little goblin is too cunning! Catching him must catch his skin! Regenerate him!"

After Mo Zeyang waited for them to chase ahead, he turned his head and ran to a particularly narrow branch road next to him. Anyway, as long as he was not eaten, his father would find him. A child under the age of six, now calm and uncomfortable, holding the third child who had been quiet in his arms. Mo Zeyang felt strength at once. He is the elder brother. He has the responsibility to protect his younger brother and sister. He cannot be caught. He still has the energy and can run! And he is not incapable of escaping. They are afraid of thunder, but they can't fight without surprise, and his father taught him. In the midst, Mo Zeyang felt at the end of the road, what was calling him, and it was safe there. Mo Zeyang suddenly remembered what Gu Jiayu taught him, when you are in danger, follow your instinct, and your instinct will lead you to escape from danger.

Just after Moze Yang ran a few steps, the long-distance eagle owl appeared again, and laughed, "Little things, there are still a lot of hearts!"

Mo Zeyang hugged the third child nervously, stretched his face, looked back, and was surrounded by three fairies!

Obviously, those fairies were not fools.

For the first time, spoiled Mo Zeyang was forced to despair!

It's over!

To be eaten!

Moze pursed his mouth and took a deep breath. The tail behind him gradually came out, hiding the third child behind him, and tied the two tails tightly, staring alertly at the many fairies who were much older than him, and trembling with fear. , Timidly said: "Don't eat my sister!" The third child hiding behind Mo Zeyang started to deliver reiki to his brother, while Mo Zeyang absorbed, watching the four fairies in front of him vigilantly.

The more scared Mo Zeyang was, the happier he was as an enemy's eagle owl, and he liked the trembling expression of food trembling, and the painful sorrow when he was bitten. Unfortunately, the peculiarity is not there, otherwise the two of them can stay together Enjoy the pleasure of eating, "Relax! I'll let your brothers and sisters reunite in my stomach!" The eagle eagle suddenly became larger than two meters, opened its mouth and rushed up. The flesh of this little thing also contained spiritual power. , Tastes better than little girls!

At this moment, Mo Zeyang burst into a circle of purple thunder, and raised his hands flat. A thunder ball the size of a basketball did not know how to come out. When the opponent's big mouth opened to the maximum, Mo Zeyang Jumping up in place, using all the magic power of the whole body to put the thunder ball into the mouth of the eagle eagle!

Driven to desperation, Mo Zeyang blew his hair!

When I ca n’t escape, I fight with Ya! Let Ya kneel down and call dad!

"go to hell!"

Convex (▼ 皿 ▼ #)

Gu Jiayu and Mo Yunqi have come to the foot of the mountain, watching the rabbits lining up to the cave, Gu Jiayu rushed in after him and shouted, "Mo Zeyang!"

At this time, I heard a boom, there was an explosion, and the whole mountain shook. The cave began to drop stones, and the eyes were about to collapse. That aura was Mo Zeyang's. When the parents could not admit it, Gu Jiayu and Mo Yunqi rushed in with the second child.

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