MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 123 The egg is broken! !! !!

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Big nephew, a little milk fox, and two extremely humane eggs that I have never seen before.

They can communicate normally like humans.

Buck Butler also knew.

Moreover, from Mo Zeyang's words, Mo Yuanbin has heard a lot of questions, and these three strange creatures are all brother's children.

Separated for a while, the species of the older brother he grew up changed.

Mo Ersha felt that his three views were exploded. He did not know what to say.

Mo Zeyang looked at Mo Yuanbin nervously and blinked, making sure his uncle was really awake, and then he smiled happily. The two eggs were also tilted to look at their uncle, and the sight of Mo Yuanbin was so aligned. The two eggs coincided to Mo Yuanbin's eyes: Would you like to get up together?

Mo Zeyang suddenly realized that the situation was not right at this time, and immediately pushed the three small children off the bed, opened the closet door, and shoved them into the closet one by one. The action was particularly slippery!

Mo Yuanbin: "..."

With a small face, Mo Zeyang was worthy of being the son of the Emperor. At this time, his expression was as if nothing had happened. Seriously, "Uncle was so careless that he was stunned by a pillow."

Mo Yuanbin: "..."

The atmosphere was a bit awkward. Even though Mo Zeyang was a child, he also saw that his uncle looked at him with a bad look. This lie was very technical. For Mo Zeyang, who does not usually lie, this is already very Embarrassed him. She was a little shy at first, and with this look, Mo Zeyang's face turned red.

"Just, I was stunned by a pillow." Mo Zeyang clenched his teeth.

Mo Yuanbin usually does not like to laugh, but today, after seeing these abnormal pictures, he heard the words of the big nephew and was laughed at, "If they are not fighting in the closet, they will still trust you for three points. "

I didn't know what the two eggs were doing inside, anyway, the closet seemed to be scratched and scratched by people, shaking it back and forth, and the battle inside was very fierce.

Mo Zeyang pouted awkwardly, and the lie couldn't spread anymore. The two little bad guys were too uncooperative!

Fortunately, Mo Yunqi and Gu Jiayu finally returned.

Seeing Mo Yuanbin, who was already sitting on the bed with a cold face, Gu Jiayu moved silently, holding his back against the door of the closet, and trying to block the three hidden inside. Then he reached out and dragged Mo Yunqi's clothes corner, and whispered, "What should I do?"

Mo Yuanbin sighed and asked helplessly: "Brother, don't hide, I have seen them, although it was very unexpected and shocked, but my mental quality is not as bad as you think, can you tell me the truth? ? "

Gu Jiayu shook his head, and he refused without any hesitation, "No!"

Mo Yuanbin: "..."

Gu Jiayu doesn't work here, Mo Yuanbin can only look at his elder brother who doesn't talk very well, "You can't hide from me forever."

Gu Jia closed his sleeves and said earnestly: "It's very simple. Seal your memory and you won't know anything."

Mo Yuanbin calmly asked, "Like seven years ago, did you seal off your brother's memory?"

Gu Jiayu was startled. "How do you know!"

Mo Yuanbin analyzed clearly and clearly: "Because of the elder brother's mindset, he likes a person who has raised his child. He cannot pretend to be ignorant within five years unless he forgets."

Gu Jiayu hugged Mo Zeyang tightly, and it really deserves to be cultivated by his old Mo, clever!

Mo Zeyang held his dad's face and calmed him down. Now is not the time to worship Daddy, because our vest has been picked up by our uncle, he found our fox tail!

Mo Yuanbin looked at Mo Yunqi seriously, "To be honest, I have long found out that you are wrong and have been watching. Now even if you try to make me forget now, as long as I am not stupid, I will still find clues, and I want to find out what you are hiding, unless you never go home, never see me, or make me a fool. "

Mo Er Shao felt that his brother and sister-in-law had joined some kind of scientific experiment and suddenly had super powers. At this time Mo Er Shao did not know the existence of fairies. Yes, Mo Er Shao was also a science-oriented person. " If I have help, at least I will help you hide this secret in front of your mother. "After Mo Ersha analyzed the disadvantages, she explained her usefulness and convinced the brother in all directions.

President Mo watched his brother with a calm face for a while, dragged Mo Jiayang next to Gu Jiayu, hugged him to the bed, pulled Gu Jiayu away, and took out the three in the cabinet, one by one On the bed, named: "Boss, second child, third child, fourth child, this one was picked up by us in a cave, and we will treat it as our own upbringing. These two are the same as Zeyang, both me and you My brother was born. "

Gu Jia 茗 ⊙ ▽ 茗 ⊙! !! !!

Lying down!

Old Mo is crazy? !!

With his eyes on Gu Jiayu's hair going to explode, Mo Yunqi patted Gu Jiayu's waist and calmed him, "He is right, as long as we are family, as long as he is not stupid, he will still When you find us strange, you can't seal him again and again, and seal his head as a fool. "

Gu Jiayi sighed, and yes, in the future, Mo Yuanbin could help and wear a vest in front of Mo's mother and Mo Shiqi.

Doesn't it mean that women are very sensitive animals among human two-footed beasts? The sixth sense is very strong. Gu Jiayu is also worried that they can't keep the vest in front of them. Mo Shiqi is okay. Like a tomboy, she has a strong heart. If she scares her away, she will be guilty.

Mo Yuanbin's indifferent face is even more indifferent. In short, he doesn't understand a bit. What does the elder brother call the third and fourth child's own birth mean? Can humans lay eggs? What does it mean that this picked fox was raised as his biological son?

Gu Jiayu looked at Mo Yuanbin as if he hadn't heard his brother's meaning deeply, and poked Mo Zeyang's little butt, "Son, change your uncle."

Mo Zeyang was also obedient, and he suddenly turned into a little fox, his two tails shook, and he rushed to hold his uncle's face, hey ~~~

Mo Er Shao ⊙_⊙! !! !! !! !! !!

I was a little concussed by the third child. After being stimulated by this, Mo Ersha rolled his eyes twice. This time it was true and passed out!

Mo Zeyang: "... I may be, I'm really fat."

Unexpectedly stunned my uncle!

Gu Jiayu: "... I think he can rescue it again."

President Mo: "..."

The family was busy and woke up Mo Er again. Mo always looked at his brother's numb face, took the children away, and calmed Mo Yuanbin himself. When he was closing the door, he gave his brother another blow. "By the way, I remind you that we have not joined any scientific research organization. These children are not scientific research results. Your brother is not a human. He is a fairy and a fox."

Mo Yuanbin, who had just made up a scientific explanation for his brain, was instantly knocked down by this sentence, fox, raccoon, fine!

"The brother's family ..."

Mo laughed and said meaningfully: "It's also fox spirit, so give up."

Mo Yuanbin helped him, is there anything he doesn't know about his elder brother?

Gu Jiayi was lying on the door and overhearing. After Mo Yunqi closed the door, he whispered, "What are you giving up?"

Mo Yunqi touched Gu Jiayu's hair and said softly, "Give up what he shouldn't think about. Before getting it, first of all, think about the consequences after you think about it. If you really want it, you don't want to give up when you die If he can bear the consequences, go after them. "

Gu Jiayi blinked, did not understand what it meant.

Mo Yunqi smiled, and the low voice just made the people inside the door clear. "So, the most important thing right now is to see your heart clearly, if you want to die, if not, early. Just give up, don't harm others. "

Gu Jiayi sighed, can't I say something well? What kind of mystery?

Mo Yun bowed his head with a smile, kissed Gu Jiayu's cheek, whispered in Gu Jiayu's ear, and said quietly, "I want you until I die."

Gu Jiayi covered her face with her hands, from head to heel, how could she say so casually? !! Ah ah ah ah can't stand it, the heart is about to pop out!

President Mo couldn't help but kissed him again, so cute!

Gu Jiaxun froze coldly, and he wasn't finished kissing? Think he dare not go back in person?

Gu Xiaoyue kissed and went back!

I kissed you two times, and I kissed you one after another, and the second ink in the room was still immersed in the three words of fox spirit, and I couldn't return to it for a long time.

Vixen was transformed into a human by adding fox genes? Or ... the kind of big tail fox on TV? ? ?

Thinking of the two hairy tails that the eldest nephew dangled in front of himself, Mo Yuanbin felt his head buzzing, and even the ceiling was full of fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluff ... Mo Ershao helped him, and the pillow slammed on his head twice, and felt like he was going crazy!

Until the hair in front of him was fluffy, Mo Yuanbin sat up, and still couldn't accept the setting of fox spirits, even if ... even if Mo Zeyang's little tail dangled in front of his eyes, he wanted to use science to explain, Not fantasy.

Mo's mother called in a timely manner. After Mo Yuanbin answered, Mo's mother gently asked, "Why haven't you picked up Ozawa Yang? Are you with your elder brother?"

Mo Yuanbin squeezed his forehead and said slowly: "Here is my brother, I will go back in a moment."

"Well, do you still come back for lunch?"

At this moment, Mo Zeyang pushed open the door and lay on the door and looked inward. "Uncle, Dad made noodles, would you like to come out and eat?"

Mo Yuanbin looked up. There were two foxes and two eggs at the door, and all four looked at him. Mo Ersha was a little dizzy with a fluffy tail.

The mother Mo, who was opposite, heard Mo Zeyang's words, and smiled, "You can eat with your elder brother. After eating, take Ze Yang back in the afternoon."

Mom Mo hung up the phone when she finished speaking, leaving Mo Ershi alone, looking at the fluffy nephew, she couldn't help pinching her head.

Is everything in front of me a dream?

Mo Zeyang asked again, "Uncle, can't you really get up to eat? Dad said that your head is no problem, he has cured you."

Mo Ershao got out of bed with a complicated mood, and felt ... still kind of like dreaming.

"Zeyang, you ..."


Mo Yuanbin froze coldly, beckoning, "Come."

Mo Zeyang trot over and ran into Mo Yuanbin's arms three or two times, blinking his eyes innocently and asking, "What's wrong?"

Mo Yuanbin reached out and tentatively touched the hair on Mo Zeyang's back. It was smooth and fluffy. It was really suitable for burying his face. Mo Ersha felt that the big nephew was indeed ... a bit cute.

Thinking of this, Mo Yuanbin wanted to smash his head with a pillow again, crazy!

Mo Zeyang held his uncle's face with his hair claws, and it was a claw. "Uncle! Calm down! The most important thing now is to eat!"

Mo Yuanbin: "..."

The focus of the big nephew also hurt his brain.

It ’s already a little bit more, Mo Yunqi has n’t had lunch, and Gu Jiayu has n’t eaten well in the crew. It does n’t matter if they do n’t eat for a day, but Mo Zeyang and Mo Ze are hungry. Do it yourself and cook the beef noodles.

Mo Yunqi is inevitably picky about what he eats. He doesn't like what he buys. He wants to eat hand-made noodles made by Gu Jiayu. Gu Jiazheng made noodles, pressed them into skins, cut them into noodles, shaken the pans, and rolled the noodles twice in boiling water. Before they were cooked, they smelled the noodles.

While cooking the noodles, Gu Jiazhen hotned the rapeseed heart, heated the beef soup in the refrigerator, and fried the sesame oil and chili oil. The children did not like spicy food, and his old ink liked it.

Mo Yuanbin washed his face with cold water and calmed himself down. After he came out, the table had been filled with noodles, three large bowls, two small bowls, a bowl of hand-rolled noodles, and a few on it. Green tender vegetables, stewed soft beef cover on top, you can smell a strong aroma all the way.

Mo Yuanbin raised an eyebrow. No wonder he always said that his elder brother who would not be married would get married and have children. A simple bowl of home-made noodles unexpectedly felt the taste of home from the inside.

Mo Zeyang has become a human body, running up with his clean and clean hands, sitting on his seat, followed by three small ones, one more lively than one.

Gu Jiayu held two small bowls, put fried sesame oil and chili oil on the table, and said to the two eggs, "Go upstairs and ask your father to come down for dinner."

The two eggs immediately understood his words, and raised their wings to fly upstairs one after another.

Mo Yuanbin ▼ _ ▼

Gu Jiazhen didn't say anything else, knowing that the other party would have to slowly digest the news. After all, their Mohists were stubborn and did not believe in ghosts and spirits. They felt that everything could be explained by science.

Bring a little bag to the second child. Gu Jiayu feeds the little one to eat first. The little fox has hair on his mouth and can accidentally stick the soup on top. Gu Jiayi helplessly wipes his mouth while feeding. "If you It ’s so good to be a human being. It ’s too hard to eat like this. Your elder brother was so strenuous when he was a kid. Give him a bite, wipe it, and you do n’t want to be a human. I feed him for half an hour.

The disappointed Mo Zeyang lowered his head and tried to eat noodles.

Mo Zexi blinked blankly, looked at Gu Jiayu, and looked at Mo Zeyang sitting next to himself. The big purple eyes seemed to have a smooth flow. He raised his small paw and made a move. Gu Jiayu smiled with his hand in his speech, "Aren't you unable to speak? What do you want to do?"


"Ah?" Gu Jiazheng surprised to hold up the second face of the second child, pinching the furry ears, "You already can say a word, great baby!"

Gu Jiazheng was pinching, and the little fox in his hand flashed. Gu Jiazheng was no longer right, and the furry hair became slippery!

A five or six-month-old baby squatting on a chair, with white hair and purple eyes, looked a little strange, but the sky above her head remained unchanged.

Gu Jia froze for a moment, then hugs the second child in surprise, saying that change will change, this little cub is also talented! Sure enough, his son smashed!

At this time Gu Jiayu finally felt a little convinced that the second child in his family was the ancient **** animal Qingqiu Fox, not a fool with a problem in his head.

Mo Er Shao: ▼ _ ▼

He's already numb ...

As soon as Mo Yunqi went downstairs, Gu Jiaxun chased after holding Mo Zezhen, "Look at our second child's transformation, isn't it great?"

Mo Yunqi raised a finger and poked at Mo Zeyan's little face, and his corner of the mouth hooked, "Great."

Mo Ze immediately laughed out a pair of small fangs, still a bit shy, grabbed Gu Jiayu's neck, hid his small face, and changed back to the appearance of a fox. Obviously he would change, but it was unstable.

Gu Jiayu was so amused that he kissed and kissed him. This child is so cute and shy!

Mo Yuanbin squeezed his forehead again, how do you think that the child can only drink milk now, it is not time to eat noodles, right, the audience's focus is also biased by the nephew!

Because Dad said that eating like this is not enough, the second child will transform immediately, and Mo Zeyang is surprised by the second brother's talent. Sure enough, the fox in their family is not stupid!

The two who have not yet climbed out of the shell → _ → Mo Zeyang knocked on the shell of the third child with chopsticks. I thought that they followed Daddy, they are two human beings, and they ca n’t hatch after so long. ?

At this time, I heard a bang, but the butler of Buck was followed by a whine. The family all looked towards the kitchen. Gu Jiayu realized what he was doing, and he arrived in the kitchen as soon as his body shape. Bin's hand with chopsticks shook again.

Gu Jiayu went to the kitchen and saw a golden Cancan egg squatting in the noodle soup pot, which was pouring inside. The hot water made Gu Jiayu's heart burst, and he hurled out the egg. The fourth child was already hot Already.

Gu Jiaxun smirked and patted on the other's small **** position, "I'm crazy, you!"

This is the case with children. I do n’t know when they will be able to do anything, especially the youngest one. Without a broken shell, it is the most naughty child in the whole family.

Mo Zeyang ate the portion of his bowl and ran to watch the excitement. As soon as he left, the two treasures and three treasures followed, so that Mo Yuanbin and Mo Yunqi were left on the table.

Mo Yuanbin looked at the elder brother who was still calm on the opposite side, hesitated again and again, and finally said, "Brother, do you have time in the afternoon? I want to talk to you." It was like when I was young, there was something when my father was away When he does, he will find his brother the same. After growing up, when he was confused about the future and life was helpless, Mo Yuanbin still used to find his elder brother. This attitude made Mo Yunqi unable to refuse.

Mo Yunqi said faintly: "I'm full and come to my study."

The two brothers plan to have a long talk. What Mo Yuanbin wants to ask is nothing more than a fairy world? What happened to him and Gu Jiayu? President Mo has already thought about what questions his brother wants to ask him and how he will react.

After dinner, the brothers went to the study, and Gu Jiaxun threw up the child.

After washing the four treasures, dry them with a towel, Gu Jiayu planned to take the children out to bask in the sun. Put the two eggs on the blanket, Gu Jiazheng held the two little foxes again, combed the hairs one by one, and re-tie the long-haired Erbao a cute ascendant, Mo Zeyang looked down and crawled When I got up, I wanted to run, but was stopped by Gu Jiayu, and tied a small cricket.

Mo Ze was so irresistible that Gu Jiayu laughed and chased him with a mobile phone to take a picture.

Mo Zeyang jumped up and down, running fast.

Mo Yuanbin stood upstairs, watching his sister-in-law's toss, a look of thunder splitting, "Your days are also ... very lively."

Mo Yunqi hooked his lips, and gently watched Gu Jiayu and a few playful children downstairs. "This is the life we ​​have always wanted, and we got it after a lifetime."

Mo Yuanbin helped him. His elder brother now speaks with great devotion. What does it mean to pursue a life?

At this time, Gu Jiazhen held the egg, rolled over, and let them dry their belly and then their butt. When the tumble was rolling, the two eggs did not know who had touched who. In short, they were upset and had to hit it back!

The two began to play the game of air collision again, hit aura, and swallowed like a snake.

Gu Jiayu took pictures below, and he was used to them playing this way, and he didn't care.

Mo Yuanbin didn't want to say anything anymore. He couldn't even make facial expressions. He was originally a person with few facial expressions. After being shocked by so many things that destroyed the three views, what else could he express?

Accept the facts and correct the future!

The rational Mo Ersha quickly adjusted the future path, intending to conceal it for the elder brother and family, so that their mothers would live in the normal world forever and live a peaceful life.

Everything is for the family.

Mo Zeyang was chased by his father and finally confessed his fate. He lay on the blanket and tossed casually. "I'm very tired and tired. As long as I don't wipe out my fur, I won't move. "

Recognizing fate is very imposing, really a model of being a big brother!

Gu Jiayu laughed with him and touched it again and again. When Mo Zeyang suspected that his father wanted to bald him, he heard a click.

Both father and son raised their heads vigilantly, and looked worriedly at the two eggs that collided on top of each other. They looked at each other and both saw the dignity in the eyes of the other. They seemed to hear the sound of the broken eggshell, and Not an illusion.

The two eggs were also aggressive when they found abnormalities. They were so frightened that they turned around and rushed down to find their father. Gu Jiayu was smashed by two panicked eggs, holding one in one hand, and sitting on the ground with one butt. It's really powerful.

At this time, Gu Jiazhen suddenly found something wrong. He touched the children's bodies with his hands, and was instantly frightened. The young man's eggshell made of aura was smashed by a young man! !! !!

Gu Jiayi felt a tremor in his heart, and the whole person panicked, raising his head and pursing his throat, "Mo Yunqi !!! The egg is broken !!!"

There was a soft expression on the face of President Mo, and he couldn't help crying or laughing because of this sentence. In the next second, someone had come to Gu Jiayu. He had just taken over the fourth child, and threw a bang at the recessed place, and a little hair came out. fist.

President Mo was stunned, and before the surprise came out, he heard Gu Jiayu shouting again, "Ah, ah, the third child's shell has cracked!"

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