MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 141 Gu Xiaoyue's good relationship

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Half a month later, the crew of "Passionate Racing" was finally killed. While Gu Jiayu was busy filming "The Heroes Are Unknown", the crew there sent news to Gu Jiayu, who needed him to make up a shot, and Gu Jiayu asked for leave After a trip, she brought back the crying little girl by the way.

The little girl is going to collapse. When she gets off the plane, she pulls Gu Jiayu ’s clothes corner and does n’t let go. "Brother, will you send me away again when I start school? Tell your brother, I do n’t want one People stay over there. "

Gu Jiaxie distressed the little girl and saw this girl as a girl. "Don't be afraid, girl, you will graduate in three years. Soon, you must have the iron-willed will to strengthen your belief that you can graduate soon. No Is it just three years, just open and close your eyes. "

Miss Mo shook his clothes. "Brother, be awake, the person who has opened and closed his eyes for three years is a vegetative person! That is a serious injury and coma, which is abnormal!"

Gu Jiayu wants to tell her to be calm, sister. In addition to the vegetative world, there are fairies. Many people have been sleeping for a few years. In order not to disrupt the order, Gu Jiayu still dare not confess, and the distressed girl can only With a life span of 100 years, she took the young girl to the supermarket, "Don't cry, my brother will buy you delicious and fun, you will buy everything for you, except for studying."

Miss Mo: "..."

Holding a little yellow chicken doll more than a metre away, she had a ruthless look on the face of Xiao Mo, who was behind Gu Jiayu. I wanted to say that you are awake, I am not a kid anymore! I don't like little yellow chicken, I like boxing! !!

Looking at Gu Jiayu's gentle eyes, Xiao Mo was still holding the big yellow chicken in her arms. The sister-in-law must have raised more children and raised her as a child. However, she can still be regarded as a child when she is so old. Little girl, be happy. Thinking of this, Mo Shiqi held the big yellow chicken in one hand and Gu Jiayu's dress corner with one hand, and said happily, "Brother, I want that big balloon!"

Gu Jiayu: "Buy!"

In your lifetime, you want to buy everything for you!

Gu Jiayi showed up at the airport with a girl and bought toys and snacks nearby, and was captured by reporters. Mo Shiqi's appearance hardly appeared on the lens. After being exposed, some people doubted whether Gu Jiayi was carrying ink I always hook up with a little girl, but it shouldn't be supposed to be, the child is so small, and the relationship between them is so good. The fans responded sensibly: Either friends or relatives, definitely not derailed, everyone is gone ~

According to the past, Gu Jiayu rarely responded to such gossip positively, unless someone hacked him, and now Gu Jiayu gave a timely official response, explaining the identity of Mo Shiqi, so that everyone should not guess.

His family Shi Qi is a young girl. He doesn't want someone to discredit her and misunderstand her. The whole family is just such a girl. They can't even listen to a bad word. Mo was helpless. Gu Jiazhen really raised Mo Shiqi as his girlfriend. Fortunately, Mo Shiqi is a sensible child. Otherwise, she would be spoiled by the ingenuity of taking care of Jia Qi.

Many people on the Internet are envious of Mo Shiqi ’s good fortune. Little Princess Mo Family, the two brothers above, the sister-in-law can still spoil her so much. It ’s really a child. She flew Huang Tengda in her life.

Of course, some people can't help reminding everyone: If you marry her, you must be held by a princess, otherwise ... Think about it, she has two brothers, both of whom are rich and powerful. Zhi, she also has four nephews. If anyone bullies her, buy a coffin in advance!

When Mo Shiqi saw this kind of statement, she just wanted to chat for a while, and wanted to reply: My second brother is not married yet, you wait for me!

However, she was worried that she would be too troublesome to be educated by her brothers and took turns.

Ha ha ~ The perfect life doesn't need to be explained, and envy her doesn't help ╮ (‵ ▽ ′) ╭

The only thing that made Mo Shiqi unhappy was that she couldn't stay here all the time. Fortunately, Mom Mo also wanted to go back and live for a while. She missed home and wanted to live with her husband. She planned to go back to live after the New Year. Ms. Mo comforted her a lot. At least she was accompanied by her mother. "It seems that I have to study hard and strive for an early graduation!" Mo Shiqi fisted, full of fighting spirit, "You can come out after graduation!" Little girl Raising the big yellow chicken over his head, dancing with anger and vigor! Who else? !!

Gu Jiayu applauded the young girl, "Awesome! What I want is this spirit of struggle!"

Mo Yunqi went home from work to eat with Mo Yuanbin. One was deep, the other was indifferent. Two people looked at the vibrant Mo Shiqi at the same time: ▼ _ ▼

Mo Shiqi returned to normal within a second, silently holding the big yellow chicken in her arms, the action was very young, sweetly called: "Brother is back ~"

Very talented in acting!

Gu Jiaxun was upset. "You two are really suppressing the child's nature, it scares her!"

"Child?" Mo Yunqi reluctantly, "She is twenty years old, and she is a big girl." Maybe Gu Jiayu seemed to be a child when Mo Shiqi was 100 years old.

Sure enough, Gu Jiazheng took it for granted: "She is also a child when she is 100 years old. You can't control her too tightly."

Mo Shiqi secretly gripped her claws, **** cheer! For love and freedom! Down the big devil! Defeating him is the king of our family!

Unfortunately, her sister-in-law was taken away the next second, and Mo Yunqi smiled and pulled up Gu Jiayu's hand. "I'm hungry. I didn't get busy at lunch."

Gu Jiaxuan patted Mo Yunqi's belly distressedly. "No matter how busy you are, I'm hungry. I want to make what I want."

Now that he doesn't feel hungry, Mo always thinks seriously, "I want to eat what you cook, anything."

Gu Jiazheng left behind the fight for the welfare of the little girl, and said distressedly, "You wait, I will do it right away!"

As soon as Gu Jiayi left, Mo Yunqi turned to look at Mo Shiqi who was still there. The younger sister Mo held her big yellow chicken innocently and ran away. The sister-in-law was not the opponent of the brother. The elder brother is already invincible, and her sister-in-law eats this set. The king of this family is still the elder brother!

Can't afford it, hide!

"Ah! That's right!" Mo Shiqi suddenly remembered something on the second floor of the runway. "Second brother, my second wife came to you today, saying that it will allow you to take away what you left with him when you are free. Or else he would dig a pit! "

Mo Yuanbin: "..."

Gu Jiayu showed his head from the kitchen and looked at Mo Yuanbin curiously. He seemed to smell the gossip! Second son? Who?

Mo Yunqi also looked at his brother with amusement, "Don't go too fast, in case you get annoyed, you can't beat others now."

Mo Yuanbin helped him, he really didn't want to do anything!

And it's not fast at all! Just a bowl of luck!

President Mo told the younger brother with a smile: "The fox spirits often talk about cause and effect, and they must return when they take something from them so they don't owe anything."

Mo Yuanbin looked down and thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "Brother, don't cook for me, I have something tonight, go out to eat."

Gu Jiayu: Wow ~~ The taste of gossip ~~

Mr. Mo: → _ →


Gu Jiazheng's filming continued, and the show was in preparation for a long time. There are still a few old drama bones. As long as Gu Jiazheng does not leave the team, the progress will be divided into pieces.

Obviously, the little prince will not drop the chain once. He hardly sleeps every night. He wonders how the next day's play is performed. Over time, even the old opera bones can't keep up with his rhythm. The New Year, the director's group simply took three days off and everyone took a break.

The crew was relieved. The look in Gu Jiayu's eyes was like watching a monster. This spiritual head is really better than him!

Gu Jiayu returned home and continued to study the script to prepare for the next plot. When President Mo returned, he took the script in his hand and gave him a contract.

Gu Jiayu looked intently, "Oh! Really? Are you sure you want to use me?"

Mo Yunqi pushed Gu Jiayu and asked him to lean in. He sat next to Gu Jiayu, a single sofa, squeezed two people, and each other could feel each other's body temperature. Gu Jiayi's subconscious 蹭It ’s the same as that of Mao Mo. It ’s the same as that of Mao Mao. The intimate action makes Mo feel very good. "You will definitely take the first place when you go. You can form a team. The reward for the first place is 10 million. Which team wins will be given to the team. The star team will participate in the game with ordinary players. If the star wins, they can also donate in the name of the team. , Charity should be what many artists want to do, fame and fortune. "

To talk about the friends in the circle, Gu Jiayu quickly drew out his mobile phone and looked at the list. "Which one do you need, I'll call them!"

Gu Jiayu ’s good popularity is really unremarkable. As long as he has worked with him, he can basically become a friend with him, and can say a few words. The game developed by the mobile game company of President Mo is now very popular. The general game has been over for a few months. This game continues to innovate, bringing players a better and better experience. It has been hot for more than half a year, and has attracted more and more players. As soon as you discuss it, you can come to a star game, let more people join in, and you can brush up the heat, and then promote it abroad.

Gu Jiayu is a veteran player of this game, and his team is famous all over the country ... Jinguang Shining Team!

The players are better than one local tyrant, and they also play better, cooperate and have tacit understanding, and they are all stars. This team has already been ordered, and other stars need Gu Jiayu to draw in.

Receiving the begging signal from his wife and children, Gu Jiaxi called her friends with great enthusiasm, and attracted more than 20 people in half an hour. Four squadrons came out, plus Gu Jiaxi and them. A squad.

The game company originally wanted to find someone to operate, and talked with the artist's agent. I didn't expect that there was no effort at all in this regard. Gu Jiayu recruited people who summarized various industries, everything, and foreigners.

President Mo was alarmed this time. The little fox in his house is real, so attractive!

If he could, he wanted to keep him at home, and he wasn't allowed to go anywhere, and it was dangerous to go anywhere.

When this news was officially released, many netizens exploded: too, good, great!

There is a star lineup!

And prizes!

After expressing their emotions, everyone looked at the first star team to sign up for: Golden Shine Team?

Which bling? Which is the bling of Golden Egg Superman? Look at the position of the fight, and then look at the super long name of Gu Jiayu: Nicholas * Fox Dad * Golden Egg Superman!

Gu Jiayu's fans are all giving amusement, I never thought you were such a brother! Do you remember the "wild chrysanthemum" that you used to chase across the valley? it is me!

As someone who was killed by my brother, let me raise my hand and count how many people there are?




... More than 10,000 in ten minutes, and the number of people killed continued to increase. Gu Jiayi unjustly patted the table, "They talk nonsense! I just do n’t do anything serious, just play games, and it is impossible to kill this. Many people! "

Zheng Xueshao comforted him: "It's okay, they just play with you. Look at Pei Peng's Weibo below, and so on."

I was killed by Pei Peng!

Deng Xing was so insidious that he had a knife behind him!

Bai Xucheng! Do you remember killing me ten times?

Bai Yu is cute ~~ Next time you hit me, I won't run ~ Do you love me ~~

Gu Jiayu: ...

At this time, everyone exploded the nest, and set their sights on Gu Jiayu's name, and set off a new wave of vomiting: the name of our tea is really extinct, such a handsome name is really suitable for my male god!

The image of the male **** never stood up after participating in "Taking the Baby to Travel"!

Gu Jiayu: "..."

Even Pei Peng disliked them: they said that your name was not good at that time. Look at us now, we will humiliate with you!

Gu Jia 茗 (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

"A man named Titanium Gun, who has a face to say me ?!"

Pei Peng: "..."

So why did they participate in the competition?

One month later, the glittering squad, the glittering Gu Jiazheng, and the glittering local tyrant squad officially entered the competition!

Gu Jiaxi went to the battlefield with a murderous spirit, and took his own name of "Nicholas * Fox Four Dad * Golden Egg Superman" to see who killed who!

Super fierce!

The person opposite must have mocked his name, so kill him directly and love whoever! Convex

Later, Gu Jiayu's fans thought that the name Nicholas * Fox Four Dad * Golden Egg Superman was very handsome and brought the style of the king, because it was really amazing!

For the sake of fairness, the game officials adjusted their initial equipment to be the same. Gu Jiazheng can still lead the team to make a siege. Pei Peng will also line up the troops and use military methods. Two captains and three soldiers will kill until The top three became the last team in the star lineup.

I went to participate in the competition when I was filming, and Zheng Xueshao adjusted his time very well, and he was able to relax after work.

Gu Jiazheng, while filming, used his trumpet to play with his teammates in the game, "How about, now you know how great my name is!"

Master Deng Xing who has always been wrong with Gu Jiayu: "Don't you always hate it before?"

Gu Jiayi sneered, "Well! If I didn't save you, can you live to this day? Is there a point to be polite and conscious when talking to a life-saving benefactor?"

Deng Xing wanted to shoot him with a cold arrow, "Which time did you save me not to sell me next time ?!"

Gu Jiayu sneered and sold again!

"Jiayu save him and save him, come back to save him! He is still useful!" Pei Peng yelled in his voice.

Listen to the chief of staff!

Gu Jiaxun turned his head and rushed back again to remove the crispy hunter from the crowd, lifted up and ran, the team across the team was very complete, and even got seven occupations, seven people were chasing behind, catching up Gu Jiazheng cut a knife, caught up and shot another arrow. Gu Jiazheng saw that he could not run away, and he did not hesitate to let go of Deng Xing, and ran away with nostalgia!

The people across were stunned by Gu Jiayu's manipulation, never seeing such unpretentious people selling teammates!

Deng Xing is going to be furious, Gu Jiayu is his nemesis!

In the end, Gu Jiayu they still stopped in third place. The first two were taken away by professional players, and they also took away the corresponding bonus. With less flowers and applause, they donated a third-million-dollar prize to the children's orphanage, hoping that these poor children who no one wants can have a better life.

It wasn't until he went to this orphanage to see the picture of the former director Gu Jiayu that he had run the orphanage himself.

Pei Peng who followed him was disgusted with him, "How rich you are, you don't even know what you did!"

Gu Jiayu: "..."

He really didn't know that these things were all done by Mo Yun!

Unconsciously, it seems that many things have already achieved their goals. Gu Xiaoyin feels that it is really good to have a wife who cares.

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