MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 63 Our family is a big dog food producer

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Lan Chen said slowly: "After the master's accident, the four main veins supporting the Three Realms were all destroyed by the Lord Mo. The entire Three Realms no longer had aura. The fairy demon and the Three Realms collapsed, all of them lost their mana. All the reikis stored in your body take you to this world. I just learned to shape at the time, and exhausted all my reikis at the last minute to turn myself into a grass seed and hid in you. After I came here, I was separated from you. Because you could not control the aura that Lord Mo crossed over to you, I inadvertently absorbed a little part of the way, and here I can transform again and become a child and be adopted. I was also injured before, and I ca n’t remember the previous things until I saw your back, which gradually restored my memory. ”

"Oh." Gu Jiaxian was aggressive, he couldn't understand what this person was talking about, what the Three Realms, what the veins were. Gu Xiaoyue also looked a little sympathetically at Lan Chen's eyes. This little demon was afraid that there was no delusion. ? Did he really know him before? The person he knew before ... suddenly distressed himself, the person whom he knew before didn't seem to be very reliable, and there is no master, the wife of his last life is clearly their old ink ...

Mo? Lord Mo?

Gu Jiayi blinked, and quickly found Mo Yunqi's photo on her mobile phone. "Do you mean this person? This person should have been my wife in my lifetime!"

Lan Chen: "..."

"The master lost his memory?" Lan Chen frowned, and said to himself, "It's possible that there will be amnesia when that happens." He thought about it, and took a pendant from his neck. This pendant was more ordinary than usual To be bigger, Lan Chen squeezed it carefully like a melon seed and showed Gu Jiayu the contents inside. "This is the only thing you left before. I have kept it as a treasure. I always feel this. Something is important to me, and I don't know what it is until memory is restored. "

Gu Jiazhen reached out and took it. "Water droplets? It doesn't melt!"

Lan Chen sighed. "It's tears."

Gu Jiayu raised an eyebrow and looked at the ice crystals formed by the tears, suddenly a little upset. "This, can I take it out?"

Lan Chen hurriedly said, "Of course you can. This is yours."

Gu Jiayu poured that tear into his palm, before he could have a closer look, he felt that his palm was cold and that ice crystal disappeared!

Gu Jiayu: "..."

Lying down!

He just wanted to take a look at it, why not? ? ?

"This ... it's gone." Gu Jiayu's face was blank, so what to do? he did not do it on purpose.

Lan Chen was relieved, "I said this was originally yours, and now it should be back to your body. It is the emotion you hide in the deepest part of your heart. Now returning to your body may allow you Think of something. "

Gu Jiayu looked at his palms and said blankly, "Do you mean my previous memory?"

Lan Chen nodded and said with relief: "Fortunately, you and Master Mo are together again."

Gu Jiayi smiled, "I have forgotten all of what you said, as if listening to someone else's story, and Mo Yunqi has become a person. Tell me about the previous thing, how about going to lunch at noon? kind?"

Lan Chen paused, embarrassed: "Actually, I don't remember much. I tell you everything I know."


At the halfway, the studio's assistant gave water, listened to the content of the chat between the two, and went back to Zheng Xueshao and said, "Rest assured, the two talked well, talking about fantasy novels."

Zheng Xueshao: "..."

Little photographer: "..."

At half past eleven, the two finally finished talking. Gu Jiayu looked at Lan Chen's legs. "So, you brought me with you so many years of things, how can I cure your legs?" "

Lan Chen froze. "My leg?"

He never thought that he could still stand up, because his toxins could not be cured with the highest medical equipment available.

Gu Jiayi snorted. This is the toxin. Although he is not sure what the poison is, he feels that it should be cured. Hold the opponent's leg and **** out the poisonous gas with spiritual force. Gu Jiayu pinched it like a snowball, squeezed his fist, and cracked the black poisonous gas.

"Ah, it smells so bad!" Gu Jiayu jumped up to the window and rushed to the window to open the window. "The smell of smoke is really blowing my nose. I want to smell it when I smell it!"

Lan Chen touched his leg excitedly, feeling full of strength on his body!

"the host!"

As soon as Gu Jiayi turned his head, he heard the sound of Tongtong. The people on the opposite side had already given him a kneel. Gu Xiaoyue jumped down from the third floor in fright. This fairy was sick! He all said that he doesn't remember the past. Why is he even called a master? Old Mo really gets angry! !!

Gu Jiayu went around from behind, caught Bai Yu and Mo Zeyang, hugged one, and hurriedly said, "Walk around, brother will take you to eat potato flour!"

Zheng Xueshao heard Dingjing come over and asked in confusion: "Where is Mr. Lan?"

Gu Jiazheng pointed his chin upstairs and pulled Bai Yu away.

Bai Yu pulled away by the idol: "Hehe hehe hehe ..."

Silly ... smirking ...

The fright caused by Mr. Mo's face was gone.

Gu Jiayu returned home after eating, drinking and drinking, holding Mo Zeyang and going to bed. The demon who knew how to enjoy life had to make up after a meal!

"I want to see him!" On the top of the snow mountain, a lonely figure, the only object in front of him was a half-dead orchid in his hand. The simple four words are the deepest emotions hidden in my heart. I knew that the separation was so uncomfortable. I shouldn't have driven him away. "How about a bet, if he can find me within three days, I will stay Under him, death also pulls him. "

The leaves of the orchid trembled, looking like he nodded in agreement with him, and carefully touched the white slender finger in front of the eyes, and quickly retracted.

It's all poisonous, and it can't blaspheme the fairy in its heart.

At this moment, a tear suddenly fell and happened to hit the orchid's leaf, and the man aggrieved, "I'll wait for him here for three days. If he doesn't catch up, we don't want him."

After Gu Jiayi woke up, he felt uncomfortable. He ate a meal fiercely to resolve the depression in his heart. Sure enough, he shouldn't see the grass, the grass is poisonous, and the story of the grass is poisonous!

After eating, Gu Jiayu was still a little bit upset. He called President Mo and said capriciously, "You come back to me! Now, immediately, immediately! I want you to stand in front of me, and I want to see you!"

He heard that Mo was out of work, and that Mo always got off work early and rushed home. As soon as he got out of the car, Gu Jiayu flew over and hugged him. He asked unhappy: "If I run, you will definitely find me, right? ? "

Mo Yunqi held the person in her arms, her heart burst, and he asked tentatively, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Gu Jiayu whispered, let's just dream.

Mo Yunqi kissed his side, and Shen Sheng promised: "Of course, no matter where you hide, I will find you."

Gu Jiayu was so happy. With his words, don't need to think about it later, he must have found him.


At 7:30 in the morning on the shooting day, the crew of the crew came to Gu Jiayu's home. In order to avoid being discovered by illegitimate meals, Gu Jiayu's residence was kept waiting until the door of Gu's house was opened.

In order not to be ashamed of the owner of today's shooting, Mr. Buck specially dressed up to show up, and took out the tuxedo he only wore in country Y.

Because he changed the appearance of Westerners, plus a white hair, he was particularly noticeable when he went out. In order not to be watched, he listened to Xiao Mo's suggestion and dyed his white hair black. Now wearing a black tuxedo, like the old housekeeper who came out of the mural with a smile, he invited the photographer gently and politely, and the crew of the crew were stunned.

I heard that President Mo is still a hereditary nobleman. The Grand Duke is here. The steward of the nobleman's house really lives up to his name. I don't know if there are other rules after entering the door.

Everyone stood at the door and consciously pulled out the shoe covers from their pockets. The ground was so clean that people couldn't bear to step on it, and even the heels of the shoes they wore when they went out on the shoe rack were clean. Less than a little dirt.

The crew members looked at each other, and they saw the dignity in each other's eyes. This must be a bad one!

At this time, a big fat orange cat walked over the cat step, staring at the unexpected guest who suddenly came to the house with his staring eyes, the golden eyes widened, and it was fierce to look at.

"So fat cat!"

"Yeah, so fat!"

"There must be a dozen pounds!"

"Have it, all orange cats."

"What do you mean?"

"An old saying is good, ten orange cats are nine fat, and one is crushed."

Most staff nodded and made sense!

Of course, there are one or two skeptics, "How do I look like a little tiger?"

At this moment, Xiao Huya opened his mouth wide to them, and issued a tiger shout that he thought was very deterrent: "Meow !!!"

"Alas! Absolutely not, this is definitely a cat!" Because of this scream, everyone has labeled Xiao Huya a cat.

Mo Zeyang wore a black-and-white striped turtleneck sweater, blue jeans on her lower body, and a pair of small white sneakers on her feet. She wore a blue cap on top of her head, standing on the second floor stairs, holding the handrail to Looking down, I saw many humans laughing at his pet, and Xiao Mo always shouted, "Little tiger teeth, come back!"

Hearing the call of the master, Xiao Huya farted and ran over, climbed upstairs, turned around Mo Zeyang twice, and rubbed Mo Zeyang's pants with his face, without any feline restraint.

The photographer immediately pointed the lens at Mo Zeyang. The child was young, and there were baby fat on his small white face. At this time, a pair of **** and white eyes looked here, and the clear eyes were like a The black grapes soaked in water, the camera zoomed in, the child blinked, and the slender eyelashes trembled. The lovely aunts in the presence of the aunts all melted into their hearts.

When he found a familiar camera, Mo Zeyang realized their identity, so he came downstairs and greeted everyone with a smile, "Hello uncles and aunts, are you here to take us on a trip?"

In the hearts of the children of Mo Zeyang, this show is to take their whole family to travel, eat, eat, and free!

Uncles and aunts were trembled by this well-behaved child. The show said it was a trip, but there was nothing wrong with it. When Mo Zeyang saw them nodded, he asked them to come in happily, and introduced them neatly: "You come and wait a while, Dad and Daddy are packing."

This one is really a family. The crew members muttered in their hearts that this family of three couldn't disguise.

Because children can't lie, children won't follow the rules of your script, and their eyes can't fool people.

The photographer squatted down and asked him with a smile: "Can we go up and shoot?"

Mo Zeyang tilted his head and thought, "This has to ask my father."

In fact, his dad is in a bad mood now, because so many people have entered their territory today. For a demon with a cub, this will undoubtedly make him very irritable. He feels very insecure and wants to put them all I went out, thanked Daddy for controlling his dad's monster temper.

Gu Xiaoyue didn't want to pack things because he was unhappy. President Mo took the initiative and packed all three things in the family into a suitcase. He went downstairs with one hand, and ran into the crew of the show crew who came in.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Jiayu also followed, wearing the same clothes as the grandfather, in response to the requirements of the show crew, a family of three wearing a parent-child outfit.

No matter what he wears, Mo Yunqi cannot restrain his noble temperament, the elegance and demeanour in his bones, even if he goes downstairs with a suitcase, he will not diminish his temperament. The height of one meter nine, and a pair of prominent long legs, look better than the world's supermodels.

The screen is full of long legs!

Look at the figure and the face value, Mo always kills a strengthening group!

President Mo nodded to the comer, and said lightly, "Just take whatever you want, don't worry too much."

Anyway, the program group will edit it later. Those who should n’t stay will not stay. Mexico is always generous.

Gu Jiayu has adjusted his expression after going downstairs. It turns out that the film emperor is the film emperor, and he can freely change his facial expression at any time. He smiled and asked, "Where are we going? The show team won't pull us directly into the mountains, but I have watched previous shows. Your show team is full of guests, and you are really welcome. "

The staff of the program group can no longer hear him, so hurry up! Long legs again!

Mo Zeyang said to his dad: "Afraid!"

The scariest thing is to eat without chicken drumsticks!

The staff turned back to be laughed, and quickly said no!

Anyway, this period is definitely not, this period has to use your brain.

All three in the family looked at the camera with unbelieving eyes, super tacit understanding.

In particular, Mo Yunqi and Mo Zeyang, the father and son look like each other. They have the same skeptical expressions, and the big and the small are almost in sync with each other. Gu Jiazheng's face can be caught by him after watching it for a long time. There seems to be a magical power on him that can let your heart and soul fall on him.

The staff was throbbed by the heart of his eyes. After the reaction, they couldn't help but the amount of help, this family of three is really terrible!

I patted my face with the director, and immediately went into work: "Can Mo always tell us what he brought?"

President Mo said firmly: "Daily necessities."

Follow the director: "..."

The topic was stuck, and the director had to continue to ask, "What are the daily necessities?"

Mr. Mo raised an eyebrow. "It's daily necessities." Everyday necessities also ask what it is. Isn't this a waste of time? If this were under his hands, so much nonsense would have been kicked out.

The topic was talked to by President Mo, and the director who followed the film had to continue to find the topic. "Does President Mo have any expectations for this trip?"

President Mo: "It's okay."

Follow the director: "..."

How does it feel a little laborious to chat?

In the view of President Mo, being able to go to a place with a family of three is really good for him. Fortunately, these two words are already a big compliment in President Mo's heart. Unless he praises his daughter-in-law and his son, President Mo can use gorgeous rhetoric, and other times are: um, okay, okay.

However, the topic killer of President Mo has not yet exerted his true strength, so let everyone see what it means to talk and kill!

What a mess!

I took a deep breath with the director and asked, "Who do you have any interest in the first guests?"

Gu Jiazheng said with interest: "Everyone can do it, you will know when you meet." He was already a little eager to try, and wanted to leave now.

The show crew was relieved. This is the correct way to open a variety show.

President Mo took his jacket from Gu Jiayu's arms, put it on elegantly, and raised his hands to act as a moving hormone. The relevant staff is already taking notes. There must be applause and post-flowers during post-production. There must be an exhaust sound, so handsome!

At this time, he listened to Mo always said faintly: "It doesn't matter."

He really didn't think it mattered, because he didn't know the people in that circle. The star was dangling in front of him. Except for Gu Jiayu, the others were obstructing bricks and must be shoveled out by security guards.

staff member:"……"

Sure enough, he is the father of gold. He really speaks with a tone! After rubbing the sweat from the brain with the director, I suddenly felt desperate for the next shooting.

Gu Jiayu smiled, and suddenly he felt better. For the first time, he found that Lao Mo's way of talking was so cute!

In addition to bringing his own daily necessities, Mo Yunqi also packed a small suitcase containing the laptops he needed for his work. He had several scripts by Gu Jiayu. Mo always felt that reading with a mobile phone would affect eyesight, so people would print out those manuscripts and let Gu Jiayu read the books on paper. President Mo has completely forgotten that his lover is a demon, and he will never be short-sighted. Spoiled and raised Gu Jiayu as a fragile big baby.

It can be seen from here that these two couples are really busy. They have to work with them when they go out to catch the announcement. They are too dedicated.

Gu Jiayu ’s reputation for desperately saburo is bound to reach a new height after the show airs.

However, their two children, Xiao Mo, did not learn the dedication and dedication of the two dads. They did not even bring a book. Xiao Mo always opened the schoolbag and let the housekeeper grandfather fill it with food.

A family of three bid farewell to Buck butler and Xiao Huya, and rushed to their destination with the vehicle provided by the crew, a small town more than two hours away.

After Gu Jiayu got into the car, he looked at the icon, and whispered to the driving director Mo: "How do I look at this icon a little familiar?"

Mr. Mo was helpless. "This car was invested by a branch of the group. I've taken this book to my house at home. You must have seen this mark." Only when talking to Gu Jiayu, Mo The general talent is extremely patient. "This year, we are mainly promoting this series, and the price is not high, about 200,000 to 300,000."

The photographer behind him tried to shrink himself as much as possible, feeling that the pink bubbles floated in front of his eyes, and many of them soon affected his sight.

As soon as I heard it was produced by his own house, Gu Jiazheng was active and patted his seat and praised: "It's really comfortable, let's buy one ourselves!"

Gu Xiaoyue silently gave himself a like, this wave of advertising brushed 666!

Mo Yunqi nodded with a smile, "Buy, but first you have to learn to drive."

Gu Jia's speech is stuffy, when will not drive and become a short board? This is discrimination against people who cannot drive!

Mo Yunqi immediately said, "It doesn't matter, I teach you."

Mo Zeyang raised his hand and was very positive. "I teach you too!"

Gu Jiayu was amused and rubbed his son's belly, "Do you teach me to pedal your little three round?"

"I'll drive the car!" Xiao Mo is always super powerful!

The photographer continued to wince and felt that he was particularly redundant in this car.

After arriving at the destination, the cameraman rushed down first, breathing in the fresh air outside and being fed by the dog food.

The camera was pointed at the door, Gu Jiayu and Mo Yunqi got out of the car, and the screen was full of long legs. Even when Mo Zeyang was only four and a half years old, his height was quite high during this time.

The child Mo Zeyang actually perfectly inherited the face and body of the two dads, but he has always been compared with his dads at home. He looks very fleshy and looks very short. Gu Jiayu always likes to tease The child did not correct his mind, so that Mo Zeyang always thought that he had short legs.

Gu Jiayi led Mo Zeyang, Mo Yunqi pulled all the luggage on the car, and the family of three just looked at the environment in front of them, and they heard a child shouting: "Mo Zeyang!"

The sound is brighter!

Mo Zeyang heard this familiar voice, and Baozi's face paused, holding his hand for a small amount. "Should the idiom keep its sight, shouldn't it be used at this time?"

Gu Jiayi looked back, and he was happy, huh! Little wolf cub, I've wanted to beat your dad for a long time!

When Mo Yunqi looked at Gu Jiayu's expression, he knew what he wanted to do. With the camera facing him, Mo had to grab his fox's hand and calm him down.

Mo, who has successfully penetrated into the inside of the fairy, knows that this person is not the father of the little wolf cub.

The little wolf pup's father had a drink with him two days ago, and the two had a big deal.

This should be the fake family mentioned by the show group.

According to regulations, even if you recognize it, you need to keep it secret. President Mo naturally does not say it, but the child Mo Zeyang does not follow any rules. When he looks back at the two people around the little wolf cub, he immediately notices that it is wrong, "You Why did n’t you come with your parents? "

Could it have been trafficked? The little fox looks at the little white wolf like a big fool. Don't you go out with strangers?

The little wolf cub was leaning on his waist. It would be nice if he could show his tail. He could still shake his tail. "This is recognized by you. This is certainly not my dad, this is my fourth dad! My uncle! Look! Isn't it decent, handsome howl? "

His uncle's face collapsed following the little wolf cub, this unlucky child! Really praise him?

Mo Zeyang abandoned his face, "I haven't memorized a few idioms. What are you doing here? Doesn't your mother spank after finishing the homework?"

Bai Qi shivered and shook his legs. "As long as I want to learn, I can't."

Mo Zeyang fully inherited his dad's mouth poison, and his small mouth slammed, "Stupid is stupid. Take the egg for the exam. Have you learned to cook the egg? Is the egg delicious?"

The little wolf cub is not irritated. He can only poke at the pain if he knows what to do.

Moze claws his teeth and wants to scratch his face into shavings! Make you owe!

President Mo hurried to hold the younger again, so that his son was also calm.

Director (⊙o⊙)!

What happened to these two boys! As soon as you meet, let's expose the bottom? They turned out to be classmates! !! It was exposed at this time, how else is this show playing? !! Can children cooperate with them to hide? ? How to record next? ? ?

The biggest bug in this program, Mr. Mo ▼ _ ▼: Watch the developments.

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