MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 73 Which is more important, glutinous rice cake or Mexican?

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No one in the show group thought that Mo Zeyang did not recognize the map!

Not only Mo Zeyang, not even Gu Jiayu!

Now the director is happy, let your IQ be superior, and let your family bug, now it's okay, I see how you find it!

Gu Jiayu felt Mo Yunqi's location, took a deep breath, and snapped his fingers, and said to his son, "Since you can't read the map, throw that thing away, use our telepathy!"

Mo Zeyang learnt that his father was standing on the rooftop of the top floor and taking a deep breath, holding his small **** unknown. So, "how to sense?" He could only sense the approximate location of his father's land, where exactly, could not.

Gu Jiayi taught his son seriously: "Close your eyes and think about your father's appearance. When you think about how he taught you to pinch the bunny, do you feel that there are a lot of dots floating in the air, and the dots form a line?"

After all, President Mo is President Mo. As a leader among two-legged beasts, he quickly used thunderballs very skillfully, and at the same time he could teach his son how to use a thunder to make a bunny. It is for Mo Zeyang to sense the aura of his father, because this kind of thing is different for everyone, and he will never admit it.

Mo Zeyang obediently followed the instructions of taking care of Jiayu. Sure enough, he felt that his father ’s spiritual power dropped one by one on the way, forming a line of spiritual power. The last one The line ran to the east pier.

Mo Zeyang said earnestly: "My dad is a golden bean princess, and every step will drop a bean."

Gu Jiayu was amused, Mo Yunqi was absent, and ridiculed him vigorously: "Yes, your father is a Golden Bean Princess. I dug him back with a **** and wading through mountains, and this is where you are."

Mo Zeyang (⊙o⊙)

"Dad is so good!"

"of course!"

The two guys were very serious expressions, but everyone in the show group smiled. Gu Jiayu's participation in this variety show definitely collapsed his previous male **** image!

Seeing ghost telepathy!

The grandpa didn't go looking for someone, squinting his face to bask in the sun, and also said what was telepathic. I didn't expect him to be so private, so cute!

Everyone laughed and mourned President Mo silently. The big one and the small one in the family became very unreliable after he was away. The biggest problem was that they were small and reliable, and the big ones were not reliable.

After determining Mo Yunqi's position, the two were not in a hurry, and left with great care.

The downstairs sells candy gourds. It's cold, and the big guy selling candy gourds is driving a small electric donkey. There is a large glass cover on the car. There are all kinds of candy gourds. Gu Jiayi reached out to his son for money. Let's buy two skewers! "

Mo Zeyang happily took out five yuan. When asked in the past, three yuan were a string.

Mo Zeyang gave others five yuan, and asked, "Can I buy two bunches for five yuan?"

Xiao Mo always bought two bunches of sugar gourds for five dollars. He bunches, his dad bunches, and the grandfather squatted on the side of the road to eat candy canes.

Soon a lot of pedestrians stopped on the side of the road, watching Gu Jiayu taking his son to eat candied gourd, the photographers on the side were helpless, President Mo is still waiting for you to rescue! Go and save him!

The emperor was in no hurry, and the **** was anxious!

Watching the actions of Grandpa Gu Jiayi through a camera in a small room, he couldn't help pinching his head, these two idiots!

The director asked Mr. Mo funnyly, "Are you still so sure that they can find you first?"

President Mo nodded, still confident: "I believe their grandfather will think of me after eating candied fruit."

"Mr. Mo believes that in Brother Yun's mind, are you important or candied fruit?"

Mo Yunqi drew his lips. From the perspective of Gu Jiayu's performance, candied fruit is important.

The grandfather over there finally finished eating the sugar gourd, threw the bamboo stick into the trash can, and wiped his mouth with a piece of paper.

Mo Zeyang pointed out, "My dad should be over there, let's find it there!"

"How much money do we have?"

Mo Zeyang: "What is 200 minus 40 minus 12 minus 5 minus?"

Gu Jiayu didn't think about it, "It's almost a hundred."

Mo Zeyang nodded earnestly, "That's enough, I want to eat fried yogurt."

I just said that they will come to me after eating candy gourd. The ink will be slapped, and the crew will laugh and go crazy. As soon as this episode is broadcast, there will definitely be a hot search topic on the Internet, called "Distressed Ink total".

Gu Jiayu and Mo Zeyang were carrying the funds given to them by the show group, all the way down the snack street to the east pier. The staff of the show group was always laughing with them, really don't say, the general direction they were looking for Still right, Mo Yunqi was locked up in a small room on the eastern pier.

After eating the fried yoghurt, the two guys bought a few bunches of lamb skewers, eating and walking, and met Bai Qi on their way, and Wu Ke looked at him with a stunned face. "Don't you complete the task? "

Gu Jiayu: "... it doesn't matter if you can't find it, anyway, he will run back by himself."

Wu Ke: "..."

Sympathy with President Mo!

The little wolf robbed Mo Zeyang of a kebab and left him a packet of jerky. In fact, he didn't really want to save his uncle.

Gu Jiayu's disliked let Wu Ke take the little wolf cubs and urge them: "Hurry to complete the task!"

The grandpa stood on the side of the road and continued to eat. After eating, he saw the glutinous rice cake.

This small shop claims to be a century-old shop, and there are especially many customers lining up to buy. Gu Jiayu looked at his watch and it was more than three o'clock. If the two of them line up to buy this, can they save Mo Yun before five Qi?

"Otherwise, let's not eat?" Gu Jiayu was a little tangled, and Lao Mo didn't want to give up like glutinous rice cake.

Mr. Mo's face has become like this ▼ _ ▼

There are no waves in the ancient well, especially deep.

Finally, the **** of love in Gu Jiayu's heart overcame the desire to eat glutinous rice cakes. "Let's go to your father and find him and we will come back to buy it."

I still can't forget the glutinous rice cake!

Mo Zeyang, who also did not eat, walked away in three steps, and he couldn't forget the glutinous rice cake!

The tea bag in the crew was shocked and collapsed at the beginning, and I wanted to run a nosebleed later. My male **** is so cute!

Cute and unsaved!

A lot of girlfriends before, now a group of boyfriends!

The one that Mo always dared to watch from a distance!

After taking a few steps, Gu Jiayu suddenly remembered, "Well? Is there a sign of glutinous rice cake on that map? Take it out!"

Seeing that the attention of the two grandfathers finally shifted from glutinous rice cake to himself, President Mo was not at all relieved and even worried a little. If one day a small boss selling snacks comes, he won't turn away all the big and small of his family?

Mo always raised a worry from the bottom of his heart.

The two men squatted by the side of the road, studied the map for a while, and finally found their own location. The map drawn by Mr. Mo is very detailed, because they know the attributes of the two, and the places where special marks are made are gourmet shops. . The two of them just stopped to buy food, took out the map, and looked around to find out where he was being held.

The program team gave this map a perfect close-up. Through the lens, we can clearly see what Mo always drew on it, and also know how uneasy he is about his big and small.

From this we can see that this is really a kiss, not a kiss, how can you be familiar with it?

Everyone is still distressed by President Mo. Grandpa Gu Jiadi ate all the way and finally remembered President Mo. If I took out the map and looked at it, wouldn't we find it?

The two men were preparing to take a taxi to rescue the Mexican president. Only then did they find that the money was insufficient.

Gu Jiayu: "... It doesn't matter, let's go!"

Mo Zeyang: "Okay!"

Mo was always the second to be rescued, because Grandpa Gu Jiayu spent the money on buying food. The two grandpas ran over with two legs. Gu Jiaquan not only ran by himself, but was already tired from running. Mozeyang. He was running, and the photographers had to follow afterwards. The photographers were spit out fast, and naturally they could not keep up with him, which delayed some time.

Gu Jiayu looked at their expressions with sympathy. Those people who ran specifically with cameras did not even run through one of his plays. Is the human biped already vulnerable to such a point?

To tell the truth, this physical strength is far from their old Mo, who is also a man.

Although it was the second time to rescue Lao Mo, Gu Jiayu was not unhappy. He cheerfully adjusted the whole clothes for Mo, and naughtily reached out and touched the top of Mo's head. "Are you afraid? Is it special? Looking forward to our rescue? Are you happy to see our two heroes? "

President Mo shook his head helplessly, "I only saw that your two heroes defeated a lot of food along the way. Can you still eat at night?"



The people in the show group listened to the conversation with the family of three, and continued to feel distressed.

Mr. Mo spoiled his head and touched his forehead one by one, expressing encouragement.

The first place winner was Bai Qichen, leaning on a clever wolf nose, the little wolf cub just found the crew of the crew according to the taste. After answering the questions, he didn't understand the map, and used his nose to find it. He had been smelling for four years, but he didn't really want to smell it.

Then the show team started to give the children medals, and even if they didn't get the first place, they would give a brave medal. The last one to arrive was squatting. The little fat pier pulled his face, didn't cry or laugh, and had no expression. Everyone thought he was pulling his face because he didn't get the first place.

Gu Jiazheng and Mo Zeyang both looked at the child thoughtfully, and they both noticed that something was wrong. The emotion of this child is not to lose the prize, but to be scared. What are they afraid of?

After winning the prize, the little wolf pup dangled in front of Mo Zeyang, and Hesse's hate could not shake his tail. He originally had a dislike of one dollar and five medals and six medals. Now he has become a treasure representing honor, no matter what As long as you win, it represents a special meaning for young children.

Mo Zeyang: "Hehe!"

He is not rare, because he eats a lot of delicious food, little bad wolf is not!

Mo Xiaocui was thinking about it, and felt that his IQ cliff could crush the little wolf cub. He can clearly know that his father was taken away by the show crew, just to make a fun game for this period of shooting. It is not really necessary to use him to rescue. If he really needs to be rescued, he must plan a pit to hide himself, because the bad guys are too powerful, and even his dad has been arrested. He hid and waited for his father to rescue, and his father would surely turn the bad guy over.

Mo Xiaozuo is very confident about Dad's destructive power.

The little white wolf handed his medal to Mo Zeyang, pretending to be very righteous, "Well, although you lost to me, it is not shameful, because I was better than you and gave me my medal. ,do not Cry."

Mo Zeyang gave him a distasteful look and refused, "Don't!"

Bai Qi frowned, "Why not? I gave it to you, why don't you?"

Mo Zeyang held up his small breasts. "It's not that I can't afford to lose. Why should I accept your medal? Losing is losing, and winning is winning. Dad said that losing or winning is normal, so I wo n’t cry next time. Just come back. "

President Mo was pleased to touch his son's head, his mouth slightly hooked, every word he said, the baby son remembered in his heart, such a good and thoughtful child, is taught by his father. As for this little wolf cub who has been dedicated to such a small ... Mr. Mo's look at him is a bit subtle.

At this time, Mo Zeyang ran forward to squat, smiled and asked his "Mom and Dad", looked up and asked, "Can I take a squat to play?"

Tong Yanqing and Meng Zixian immediately agreed, Meng Zixian smiled and touched Mo Zeyang's head, and gently praised him: "You look so cute and polite!"

Tong Yanqing smiled and echoed, "Mr. Mo and brother-in-law taught well. This child, from what family has grown up, can see at a glance what an adult is like and what a child is. The role of preaching is very important."

Mo Zeyang pulled the squat away, his eyes wide and smiled, but he looked good, "Why don't you play with us?"

Squat Squat consciously glanced at Bai Qichen, the kid who looked very uncomfortable ... glaring at him with his teeth gritted.

The little wolf cub was so angry that the little fox even played with a human and didn't play with him. Did he forget that he was a demon? !!

Bai Qi walked in a sigh of breath, crossing between the two children, leaning on his waist, and cruelly asked squatting: "Why did you dare not speak when that woman bullied you? Coward!"

Bai Qi's voice is particularly bright, and the child's voice is crisp. Maybe when standing at the top of the mountain every month to practice yelling at the moon wolf, his voice is like a small steel cannon. He yelled out and could not say that everyone present was heard Eighty percent did not run, especially the squatting mother, her face changed instantly.

The smile on Meng Zixian's face collapsed in an instant, and she reflected it in an instant, and smiled, "Did you misunderstand something, you child?"

Bai Qichen: "Oh! Didn't order your name, what's your guilty conscience?"

Bullying a child pretending to be innocent?

Grandpa is here with you today!

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes