MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 82 When you are old

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"The theme of our issue is: When you are old, what can I do?" Director Yang clapped his hands and drew the children's attention to himself. When he was finished, he stood between the two fathers and listened to the director seriously.

The little wolf cub who was struck by his **** and could not return: "..."

Dao Yang did not see the movements of the two children, pointing to the villa behind the guests. "Our filming in this period is in this big house. The three families choose a home. The hero of this period is the children. Imagine what you and your parents can do for them when they are old. Child Mo Zeyang, what do you think? "

Because of the extraordinary popularity of the children of Mo Zeyang, a little cheer was sent out from the staff of his famous show group. It seemed that Mo Zeyang did not need to answer questions at all. As long as he clicked his name, they gave applause.

Especially some unscrupulous younger sisters and aunts, they took a light stick and sat opposite Mo Zeyang to cheer him up, looking good and sensible, just love him and love him!

The director looked at him helplessly, reminding them to calm down with his eyes, and then asked Mo Zeyang: "When your father is old, have you ever thought about what to do for him?"

Mo Zeyang looked up at his dad, "Dad, will you be old?"

Gu Jiazheng shook his head, and said earnestly: "It won't be old for a while."

Mo Zeyang looked at Mo Yunqi again. President Mo shook his head calmly, and it was estimated that his body would not grow old for a while.

Mo Zeyang spread his hands to Yang Dao, which means to see, my dad won't grow old, why should he consider such a problem that is not practical.

For this child who did not play cards according to common sense, Yang Dao drew his lips and stepped back and said, "You can imagine if your father is old!"

"There is no such thing at all, why do you insist on asking me such a question?" Mo Yunqi and Gu Jiayu have a common temperament, which is persistence. Mo Zeyang inherited this perfectly. As long as it is something he believes, he will not change his mind if others can't give him strong evidence to convince him. The problem of father getting old happens to be unable to find evidence. Mo Zeyang is worried about the IQ of the show team.

Gu Jiazhen poked at the back of his son and asked him to cooperate and not to make trouble.

The child sighed. When he looked at Yang Dao, it was a small look that I really ca n’t help you with. It's as if I was sympathetic to the director's IQ. For your not so easy part, I reluctantly answered your question with kindness. In fact, this child is very certain that his father will not grow old.

Can't communicate anymore!

Yang Dao was hit hard! He subconsciously glanced at his son Mo, looking at his son gently. He said that those who grew this one were probably not good at chatting. Both father and son came up to talk about the topic!

Director Yang turned his head and looked at Bai Qiyu again. The little white wolf twisted his face coolly. That means you do n’t ask me. I wo n’t answer your question well. This question seems very naive to me. Super personality and cool! The cool ones want to applaud themselves!

Director Yang: "..."

Fortunately, the young girl named Tong Tong finally returned, and Yang Dao eased her emotions and asked very kindly: "Tong Tong, what would you do if your mother was old?"

Girl Tongtong is a normal child. After listening to the director ’s question, she responded nicely: "I will take care of her like my mother takes care of me, buy her beautiful skirts, buy her bags and cosmetics, Mom is pretty and she will take her out shopping. "

The little girl's voice was soft and glutinous, and her courage was originally small. She participated in this program and was slightly better trained, but she still looked a little shy. Tongtong's mother was touched by the warmth of the girl, and kissed and kissed the girl.

At last Yang Dao showed a smile from the bottom of his heart. This is what a normal child should say!

Such a little girl can easily arouse the desire for protection of others. Gu Jiayu's eyes are almost full when he looks at the little girl. What a lovely little girl, this silly son who does n’t know how to hook up is really sad. Dad!

President Mo gently touched Gu Jiayu with his shoulder, and asked him with a smile: "Envy? Jealous?"

Gu Jiaxun gave him a glance. Isn't this nonsense? Who doesn't want such a lovely girl?

It was an intimate little cotton jacket with a princess dream. This sensible person in his family did not look like a five-year-old child's skin!

Who is so sensible? Gu Jiayi gave a glance at President Mo, so he couldn't pass the good side to the child?

If you think about it, in fact, there is no merit in total. "Oh!" Gu Jiayu was amused by his own cognition. You can't blame the child for having a lot of odors. The odors are with his father, mainly because his father is not good. That's why children are like this, there is nothing wrong with this logic!

President Mo squinted his eyes and poke Gu Jiayu's waist. "Well, let's work hard to regenerate a girl." President Mo's expression was very serious, and he automatically converted Gu Jiayu's laughter into a very agreeable to him. Proposal, rounding is the same thing anyway, give birth to a girl!

Gu Jiayu → _ →

What is Lao Mo's mind thinking, and what does this have to do with the birth of a girl? ? ?

In the later stage of the show group, they also gave them the key points: support for President Mo! Regenerate a girl!

Efforts to respond to the national multi-life policy! Can give birth to several!

Yang Dao looked at them expressionlessly. If no one talks about this topic at all, can you take a look at their staff and listen to the next program request?

I can't record this show!

The next step is to choose a room. The program team has prepared three homes for the children to choose. Tong Tong is a girl. Mo Zeyang generously let her choose first. Tong Tong directly chose the third floor as A little princess will live on a high castle, waiting for her prince to pick her up on a white horse.

Mo Zeyang chose the first floor, and the second floor naturally belonged to Bai Qizhen.

His uncle was very careless. Anyway, he was fine everywhere. Wu Ke's status in the circle was not high. He always had a good temper. Other people said that, naturally, there was no opinion.

After everyone had dispersed, Gu Jiayi whispered to Mo Yun: "I didn't find it. The little wolf cub's attitude towards Wu Ke was not the same as when he first met, and the red line on them was gone. . "

Don't underestimate the little monster's ability to sense emotions. He is afraid when he becomes sensitive.

Mo Yunqi laughed and wanted to protect himself, which really fit the style of the little artist. Should he be smart or should he be stupid?

As for the squatting family, as the three families who witnessed the truth of the whole thing at the time, Gu Jiayu and Bai Xucheng both chose to stand up and speak for squatting, and form an actor with Meng Zixian. He is not a person inside or out, so he wisely kept silent and watched the developments.

And Wu Ke, even kept silent, Bai Qizhen could find the problem, could Wu Ke who was with Bai Qizhen unaware?

The Bai family knows a little bit about it. Such people are somewhat disdainful. No matter whether it is a demon, they all like to play a role. Wu Kemingzhe can't be wronged. No one can say that he is wrong. The two people ’s opinions diverged, and they were n’t suitable for each other. Maybe the two people still had a bit of a good feeling. Now this red line is gone.

The adult can hide his emotions, but the little wolf cub is still young, after all, he can still maintain the illusion of "we are a family" with Wu Ke on the surface. This little wolf cub has not ordinary eyes.

President Mo squinted his eyes, and his wolf friends were not so bold on the surface. If he didn't have a little thought, could he develop such a strong family? Maybe he didn't say it inadvertently, try him? Family marriage?


Mr. Mo once again pulled Mr. Bai into black!

Mo Zeyang opened the door happily, holding the key tag, and came to their new home with a grinning smile. "To be honest, I feel that the father and mother are not willing to go downstairs when they are old."

Gu Jiayi is puzzled, what?

Mo Zeyang patiently explained to his dad, "Is it easy to get bad legs when people are old? How can we go downstairs when living so high, and there is no elevator here?"

Gu Jiayu: "..."

My son is so smart! That's right!

The show group was very attentive. In the room of more than 100 square meters, several small rooms were set up. The house number was written on the parents ’home, hospital, work place, gathering with friends, and their own family. room.

After getting familiar with the environment simply, the staff of the show group called the parents away and asked them to put on makeup and transform them into old people. Children are visual animals. Only by seeing them can they feel that feeling. Tell them that they thought that adults would not play that kind of sadness after playing games with them.

The three children started to get familiar with what they were going to do. The staff called them together and became familiar with the rules of the show. When they grew up, they had what they had to do. Let them feel for themselves and stay with their parents. How much time is there.

The purpose of the show group is to let children know that they cherish their time with their parents. This episode of the show is educational, both for adults and children.

Life is not long. When you grow up, you have to do what you like to do. You have your responsibility. You have your way to go in the future. As you grow older, you can do everything independently, except for your own communication circle. You have your own home and your own responsibilities. The parents who used to put you on your shoulders are getting old. They start to feel weak, they start to become emaciated, their backs start to bend, their eyes start to look cloudy, and they start to get sick. The hospital seems to be the longest place except home .

At that time, can you love them as much as they love you now? Can you take the time to accompany them to the hospital for a physical examination, just like they were with you when you were young?

The theme of this issue was a little tearful. When the show crew told the children about the requirements of this issue, the three children were silent.

Yang Dao was relieved. Fortunately, they were sensible children, and they were thinking deeply about the future. If suddenly, "My dad won't grow old!" This program can't be filmed again.

Tongtong's eye circles had begun to turn red. When she thought of her father and mother being old, she wanted to cry with distress. The little princess was made of water, and she was sentimental.

When Yang Daosong breathed out, he heard Bai Qi's puzzled question: "But my parents won't grow old." The child's handsome eyebrows and tall little nose bridge looked like a handsome boy. When I put my hands in my pockets and tipped my feet, not only did I have doubts in my eyes, but I also couldn't understand the IQ of the show group. I told them that they would not grow old. Why did they not believe?

The old aunt of the show group was sprung up instantly. The child and Mo Zeyang have different painting styles, and they are also handsome! I really want to hug him too!

It's a pity that neither of these children's dads is easy to mess with, and no one dares to pinch the small face and butt.

The two children looked at each other, did these people all have problems?

The human two-footed beast has fallen like this now?

The two children finally reached a consensus this time. The people in the show group may want to eat wolves and foxes, and their eyes are all bright. Stay away from parents when they are away!

And they also questioned the IQ of the show group. Why can't the humans in the show group do something practical? For example, when we grow up, we will be kicked out of the house by our dads, let us learn something by ourselves, think about that is the most painful thing, we must apply to our parents in advance for dinner.

Mo Zeyang sighed and persuaded: "Forget it, let's cooperate a little, they are not easy."

Bai Qi 累 tired, "唉!" Worry for them ╮ (╯_╰) ╭

Director ▼ _ ▼

Program staff -_- |||

Together, two small bugs become a big bug!

Thanks to the two presidents for their cooperation, Director Yang wants to give them a bow!

Parents are putting on makeup, Gu Jiayu looked at his gray hair now, and voiced: "I didn't play the old man when I was acting. The first time I played the old man was dedicated to a variety show. . "

President Mo slightly raised his corners of his mouth and exaggerated: "It looks good even when it is old."

Gu Jiaxi blushed, "Shut up!" His old ink has broken, and now he has learned to boast.

Mr. Mo closed his mouth with a smile, and looked at the opposite person tenderly. The same mirror they used was a double-sided mirror. Just one face to the other side, as long as they tilted their heads, they could see each other's expressions.

Gu Jiayu has finished, at this time Gu Daying's special make-up artist is painting wrinkles for the total of Mo, such a good-looking face, Jing Jiaojiao can't get started. When she applied makeup to Gu Jiayu, she had scolded the show countless times in her heart, and she had to change the handsome guy like this. I am really sorry for the face given by God. Now that Mo Yunqi is reunited, Jing Jiaojiao has already suppressed the fire. As a result, Mo always doesn't cooperate. He always looks at the opposite Gu Jiayu. Jing Jiaojiao habitually said: "Sit tight and don't move!"

After she roared, the surroundings were quiet for a moment. Jing Jiaojiao reacted and gave her a hand, feeling that the hair on her back was about to explode, lying down! Why did I shout at the boss!

President Mo is quick to do a good job and apologizes, "Sorry." He stopped talking to Gu Jiayu, but Gu Jiayi tilted his head and smirked. Look at it and get scolded! Makes you dishonest!

Jing Jiao was relieved, and she honestly applied Mo Yunqi's makeup. People around her looked differently at these two mouths. Mo Yunqi's identity can apologize to a little makeup artist. It can be seen that Its character and upbringing. Looking at Gu Jiayu's reaction again, it is clear that he is accustomed to it. A great film emperor was yelled at by a makeup artist every day. He still has no temper. This also shows how embarrassed the person who was Gu Jiayu.

For an irrelevant passer-by, he took a popular small flower out of the circle, so Gu Jiazhen was not afraid to offend people.

See the character in the details. Nowadays, you can treat ordinary people equally, and you ca n’t admire them.

There is also a person who is so serious and serious about Mo, who was yelled for teasing Gu Jiayu. I really don't know how greasy these two people are when they are at home.

Think about it ... so shy ~~

Gu Jiayu held his chin and watched Mo Yunqi grow old little by little under the makeup artist's hands. He rarely fell into contemplation. What kind of person is old? What happens when Mo Yunqi is old? Human life is only a hundred years old. If there is no memory restoration, will it be like ordinary humans, and it will look like this in a few decades?

If that was the case, he would do crazy things to keep him alive, because he had begun to love the feeling of a family of three, and he couldn't bear to let him die.

Don't think about it so much anymore. Mo Yunqi's physical examination results scared the doctor a few days ago, and his body function has gone backwards for several years, becoming younger and younger.

Mr. Mo's explanation to the doctor is: Xiao Gu is good!

Gu Jia narrowed his eyes, this sweet biped! He was not very happy!

Mo Yunqi saw Gu Jiazheng with a wrinkle on his face and dragged his chin in contemplation. He also felt funny, tilting his head unconsciously again, "What do you want?"

Gu Jiayu poked his white hair with his fingers, and he was embarrassed to conceal his reddish auricles, "what would the little cub do?"

Mo Yunqi didn't take it apart, "Did he not say that, raise together."

Gu Jiayu disgusted him, "I don't support you!"

President Mo was not angry, "I only have a son. Who does he not support? Should we have another one?"

The assistants looked helpless and talked again.

Dog food cannot be sprinkled all the time! Can you be considerate of the feelings of the onlookers!

If you weren't the boss, we would have carried you out of our sleeves!

Gu Jiayu, who didn't feel the grievance of others, poked his lips, rolled his eyes, and slapped Mr. Mo with an indecent look, "You have to give birth to yourself, or you have to give birth to someone else!"

Mo Yunqi was teased, "That's not going to work. You can eat the vinegar and even the door of my office."

Gu Xiaoyue, who was stimulated by this sentence, rushed over from the other side and covered Mo Yunqi's mouth. "Don't talk nonsense, talk about you!"

Onlookers: ▼ _ ▼

Let's make it, we'll do it again.

Two families, one from the left and the other from the right to the other, whether they are true or not, are honestly dressed. Only the middle family, from time to time, scatter a handful of dog food, regardless of who is around, one who is strangled to death is counted as one.

Only Gu Jiazheng who was present was calm with their follow-up photographers. Did n’t you say that it ’s a bit too much to eat dog food. Now he is particularly able to carry pressure, he can do anything with pink bubbles. Shoulder up!

whocare? ╮ (╯_╰) ╭

Of course, this photographer also got the sympathetic eyes of his colleagues. This is because the dog food is too much, and the child is stupid. The expression, the expression, the eyes are straight.

Gu Jiaqi held Mo Yunqi's neck, and the two looked at each other in the mirror together, looking at each other, Gu Jiayu smiled suddenly, Mo Yunqi was also handsome, an elegant gentleman.

"Smelly old man, I'm going to put on a mask for you, and I will prevent other old ladies and old women from seducing you when I get old." Gu Jiayi found a disposable mask from one side and gave Mo Yun a faint face and opened it himself. I glanced at him, and he grinned.

Mo Yunqi spoiled him on his face, and when he saw that he was getting closer, he wanted to kiss him in the past, and Gu Jiayu quickly raised his hand to block, "Don't make trouble, there are still videos!"

The staff would like to show them a sign: No, you continue, please treat us all as panting, after all, you have been treating us as panting just now.

Mo always regrets that he can only touch his little hand.

Staff ▼ _ ▼

After the family of three became public, the dog food was spread more unscrupulously, sticking together at a glance.

This program was not well recorded visually.

Moreover, the **** of camera blessing, those two small bugs, don't hold back! !!

Sitting on the sofa in the lobby, Bai Qizhen crossed his legs and waved a lollipop to Mo Zeyang. "Bet on a lollipop. According to the director's routine, when they come out, they will probably turn into a Granny with white hair! "

Mo Zeyang: "Change the dark clothes that the grandpas like to wear, and they will look more like them."

Director Uncle: "..."

Are they really only five? ? ?

This show can't be recorded! !!

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