MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 85 Grow a tail again!

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Xue Huailu didn't know what Gu Jiayu was thinking, but he smiled and said, "The actor I said is him. After a while, you watch him perform. An especially auratic actor can see that he is professionally trained. Now he signed At Sweet Orange Studio, I heard that it was to be cultivated as a key point, and I found this actor by accident. It was a coincidence. "

Gu Jiayi glared at him, trying to slap him, this pig demon is not stupid, is this obvious cosmetic face, can't he see the prototype of the other party? coincidence? How can there be so many coincidences in this world?

"Hello director, everyone in charge of the cast. Hello, my name is Lin Yun, 21 years old, and I want to play No. 2 male, Zhao Qingping, I am a newcomer, I have not played any role before, but I have talked with Xue Dao before, He thinks I am suitable for this job, I will try it. "When the other person saw Gu Jiayu, his pupils shrank a little, and only a moment, he showed a shy smile, perfect people can not fault a little, Looks like a very little newcomer.

The people present only looked at his information, and did not notice his subtle expression. Only Gu Jiayu, who had been staring at him, looked colder and colder.

Gu Jiayu took the information of the other person, and the corner of his mouth slightly hooked. He patted the information on the table, tapped his finger on the table, and asked, "What's your name?"

The other side smiled embarrassedly. "My name is Lin Yun. I didn't expect to see my brother. I am your fan."

Gu Jiayi sneered and said directly: "Fart, fart!"

With his face changed, everyone around him looked up and looked at Jia Jiayu in doubt. What happened?

Xue Huailu found it wrong. He quietly poked Gu Jiayu's arm, and whispered to Gu Jiayu, "What's the matter with you? Why are you angry?"

Gu Jiayu looked at the person with a cold face, "Just say he farted, he wasn't even Lin Yun at all. Your name is Lin Chun, why did you intentionally make it look like me!"

Due to the crowds, Gu Jiayu was embarrassed to ask the next sentence. He really wanted to hold the other person here. Did you tmd look at my old ink and pretend to be like me and try to seduce him? Believe it or not? !!

Lin Yun's face froze, and he smiled, "My brother really recognizes the wrong person. I'm Lin Yun. I don't know any Lin Chun at all."

The director patted Gu Jiayu's shoulders, calmed him, and whispered, "Did you really admit it?"

He also knows Gu Jiayu's temper. After all, he is a very close friend. He would make fun of a few words in the circle of friends if he was fine. Gu Jiayu should not talk in such a situation.

Gu Jiazheng gave this pig friend a very scornful look, "Put your spiritual power on your eyes, look at his face, the appearance is different, his soul is Lin Chun's face, but he intentionally turned it into Now look like this, do you look disgusting? "

Xue Huailu quickly used the demon power on his eyes, but unfortunately his behavior was worse than Gu Jiayu, and he could not tell at all.

Gu Jiayu put his hand on the other's shoulder, passed the spiritual power to the other, and used his chin to point the opposite side, and let him look at him with annoyance.

Is this the so-called surprise?

The thought of others deliberately reshaping himself, he wanted to cut off the other person's face!

The director also found something wrong this time. After all, Lin Chun and Gu Jiayu were in the online battle before. As Gu Jiayu's friends, he had paid attention to them, and Lin Chun was no stranger to each other.

The other person disappeared for so long is it a cosmetic surgery? Want a little Gu Jiayu's name, is this to step on Gu Jiayu? This person is really, how can you tell Gu Jiayu a fox fur? Can't change another goal? Gu Jiayu's temper, he was anxious to punch him a fox fur, the other party has not enough lessons, and want to come again?

Xue Huailu hurriedly calmed Gu Jiayu, so many people kept him, no matter what Gu Jiayu did, he would be treated as a bully, and it would be difficult to explain it.

"I didn't expect you to stop being angry. I thought he was born with you and thought it was your clan or something? Who would have thought it would look like this." Water, motion you to drink some water to calm down, we don't have general knowledge with him. The elven fist is the boss. Gu Jiayu is the hardest and most morale in his circle of friends. The fairies who have tasted his fists are like the three hyena brothers. Make a noise, and give him two more paws, the taste is uncomfortable.

Gu Jiaxi exhaled, looked at Xue Huailu's face, held the cup to drink water, and did not squeak.

When someone looked at the director, he actually apologized to Gu Jiayu, and he was a little confused about the relationship between the two.

The director who has always been cold has bowed his head to an actor!

After the director was done, he suddenly realized that he had set up a person outside, and coldly faced Lin Yundao, "You go back and wait for the news."

Let me go back without an audition, which is obviously a cold rhythm.

Lin Chun looked at Gu Jiayu, and bit his teeth bitterly. "I don't know why my brother has an opinion on me, is it because I look like you?" Lin Chun is not a fuel-saving lamp, and now he is bitten to death I didn't know anything about Lin Chun, and he stuck the big hat directly on Gu Jiayu's head, saying that it was because he looked like him, and Gu Jiayi saw that he was not pleasing to the eye. A big film emperor bullies newcomers, and it's not good to say it.

Gu Jiayu was so angry that he stopped talking and the other party became more energetic. Gu Jiayu lowered the glass and asked the other party to say, "Would you like to call a doctor and blow your nose down at the scene?"

The opposite young man opened his mouth and was choked by this sentence. He didn't dare!

Gu Jiayi's scornful mouth, looking at the other side, wanted to move his paws, "If you don't look like me, when you come back to the stage, you will not perform anything, even if you find out that you will not say anything, after all, you are in my eyes, This is it."

Gu Jiazheng drew a small distance with his fingers, no matter what the other person heard, and no matter what the surrounding people's expressions were, he expressed his disdain extremely arrogantly, yes, he just looked down on the other side. , Especially look down! If the other party dares to follow him, he may look at the other one more. Now the other party does not even admit to admitting, and even his own face is gone. Where else can he look at the other party? Look at each other's cheekily?

"If you want to find out who you are, it's very easy. Lin Chun's information is not a secret." Gu Jiazheng was resolute. He tore the other person's disguise and let the other person change his face. "Gu Jiazheng" 's face was not casual. For use, he would go back to his old Momo to go home. Which hospital used his face as a template, and let the team of lawyers under Lao Mo's team to beat them!

It's stealing without asking, they steal his face!


Lin Chun's face turned white, and Gu Jiazheng pouting, without rebutting, turned away. Until now, everything is like a clown jumping clown, but he will not give up, he must climb up, this time, sure!

Everyone looked at Gu Jiayu. What was the situation and how did they look like Gu Jiayu deliberately made a difference? They are not fairies, they have nothing to do, and they can't see any difference in their souls. The expression of the little actor is tormented, and it looks like he is afraid to speak after being bullied.

Gu Jiayu rolled his eyes and didn't even explain the sentence, huh! Stupid human!

Gu Jiayu stood up, chased out slowly, and continued to find faults, he was not out of breath!

Xue Huailu wanted to stop and hold back, and said coldly, "You go on, I'll go and see."

After Lin Chun went out, his agent hurriedly asked him, "How's the situation?" He had already done something in advance. As long as Lin Yun passed the audition and got the role of male No. 2, it would definitely be a hit!

Lin Chun's face was ugly and his lips were piercing, and his eye circles were red. This Gu Jiazhen was his nemesis!

"What the **** is going on?" The agent was anxious when he saw him like this, and Mr. Xue was very impressed with Lin Yun. This time he should be absolutely sure.

As soon as he asked, Gu Jiayu stepped out and walked to the two men with his hands on his back. It was me who came to bully your posture. "I advise you to go ahead and rectify. It ’s not like being a real person, or I will tear you down, come down, come down. ”

The agent is also a veteran agent, and immediately dissatisfied with Gu Jiayu's attitude, "Gu Jiayu, what do you mean?" There is no plastic surgery in the circle. Lin Yun admitted it before and made a little fine-tuning. This is all understandable. He also saw Lin Yun's similarity to Gu Jiayu before signing him first. After all, Gu Jiayu's traffic in the circle is too high now, and he dares to say the second, the first Everyone has to weigh it himself. Bai Yu was an example before. Gu Jiayu pushed the boy a little bit and got angry. Gu Jiayu's fans love Baiwu and Wu holding Baiyu. Now another one looks like Gu Jiayu. Yes, can I get attention? But now it seems that Gu Jiayi has the intention to suppress Lin Yun.

"What do you mean? You ask him, are you really signing a newcomer who hasn't made an aisle?" Gu Jiaxian pouted and said disgustedly: "Mentally handicapped!" After leaving, he bullied you, and Land it! Speaking half hidden, really wise man!

The broker frowned, trying to understand the meaning of this statement, and Shen Sheng asked: "Lin Yun, are there any other things you haven't told me?"

Lin Yun's face paled for a moment. He wanted to be opportunistic. He wanted a little Gu Jiayu's name, a good blogger. He didn't expect to be recognized by Gu Jiayu!

How did he recognize him? Impossible!

He is now a whole different from before!

Xue Huailu overtook Gu Jiayu, "You haven't finished your work yet, go home now?"

Gu Jiayi shrugged. "I'm out of mood. I'm going home to sue."

Xue Huailu's mouth twitched, "Dear, don't be so impulsive, for the sake of knowing you for several years, don't mention me when you sue!" If there is no one, the director of the pig demon must be cheeky and careless. He had a thigh, and he said pitifully: "Your family's mouth is not easy to mess with. If you really have an opinion with me, my director is not enough to blow the breath of the Mo Buddha squatting Buddha. Don't let him wear small shoes for me!"

"... Don't make a noise, my old Mo is very gentle!" Except for destroying the world when he was angry, his old Mo didn't usually look cold and laughed at home! "My old Mo doesn't have much money, and there are not many people in the family. What are you afraid of?" Gu Jiayi patted the old friend's shoulders carefully and reminded him: "You, just think too much, wait for me to be free, let's Go for roasted cabbage together. "

Guide Xue: "..."

President Mo, this silly fox! His old Mo has no money? ?

I bother! (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻


After Gu Jiayu returned home, he madly voiced with Mo Yun, "Is that mentally retarded thinking that you can seduce you when you look like me? Tell him, it's impossible! He is just a sweet potato, and I can recognize him! Hey! "

Gu Xiaoyue did not mention Xue Huailu, because his attention was not on that pig at all!

Mr. Mo was speechless, and now he heard it. The reason why Gu Jiazheng was angry was not because the other party looked like him, but because he was jealous. He did n’t know where the flying vinegar came from.

"Before I sent someone to send him abroad and gave him a sum of money so that he would never come back, so that you don't see him in the heart, and he didn't expect him to reshape and run back." President Mo shook slightly. Shaking his head, I don't know what kind of appeal this circle has to young people. Indeed, as the little fox said, it is mentally retarded.

Mo Yunqi gently coaxed: "You don't want to see him, I'll let him go, this time let him never return." The flat tone, hidden coldness, Mo always felt sick.

"No!" Gu Jiazheng was still active, "Let him toss and toss, let him know that no matter how toss, this life will live in the shadow of my life! This is the biggest sorrow! Don't care about this person Now, what you want to do is the person who stole my face as a model, and you have your company's lawyers to sue them! Without teaching them that they are still awesome, I can't control him abroad! "

In Gu Xiaoyue's consciousness, there is nothing that his old Mo can't do.

In fact, as the president of a multinational group, Mr. Mo's lawyer team has really dealt with some transnational disputes, but this is the first time that it is reported to a plastic surgery hospital!

Because this plastic hospital shameless, stole the handsome face of our president's wife!

When President Mo obeyed his wife's instructions and gave instructions to his subordinates, Gu Jiayu also took his mobile phone to call his pig demon friend, "Since you are optimistic about Lin Yun, let him join the group and tell him directly that it is me I was very optimistic about him, so he was allowed to join the group, I will scare him! "

The director didn't have any opinion, so I can find it again in this province, but he was a little uneasy: "This person is not honest at first sight, are you sure you want to help him?"

Gu Jiayu snorted arrogantly, "Relax, I showed him his face, he couldn't help it at all, he was a small, Gu Jiayu all his life!"

Director: "... you won!"

Gu Jia 茗 ╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

"Ah! That's right," Gu Jiazhen remembered suddenly. "If you use him, you can shoot his movie first. His face may not be used for half a year."

Xue Huailu was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"His face is whole, and he dared to run out without showing up. He was so anxious that he continued to do so. If one day he pinches his nose, his face is not new, and he does n’t want to be red. Are you crazy? Let him be red, and his face will be crooked, and let others have a lack of heart, and blind chickens will die! "Gu Jiayu was also surprised when he said," You won't feel his face The vitality is disappearing a little bit, the cells are dying, human beings are just not good at this, the nerves have no feeling, he may not even realize it by himself, yes, is your deeds really two thousand years old? "

Xue Huailu: "..."

In the next thousand years, it's only half the difference, and he half bragged.

But he was embarrassed to say.

Director Xue's external staff is an unattainable cold-faced director.

Gu Jiayu looked at him disgustingly, "I knew you were bragging, you can't sense this face, you are a little monster!"

Xue Dao hung up the phone in a hurry and stayed cold!

Gu Jiayu: Oh!

When Lin Chun received the news of being selected, he was more than surprised!

Gu Jiazheng is clearly an endless posture. Now why is he suddenly changing his mind?

But no matter why, this is his opportunity. How can he be willing to continue like this? Taking this opportunity, he can definitely turn over!

President Mo at this time: → _ → "Baby, what did you say?"

Gu Jiayu: "... too much to say, which sentence do you mean?"

"The swear word."

Gu Jiayu thought for a moment while holding his face, and suddenly the light flashed, "Ah! Isn't that blind chicken a **** cool thing?"

Mr. Mo squeezed his face coldly, "This sentence doesn't sound good, change it!"

Gu Jiazheng is not happy, so do n’t want to. This sentence was just learned by him. Speaking of special men, the language of mankind is really profound.

Then, Gu Jiayu was taken by Mo to brush his teeth!

You must wash your mouth when you speak swear words. Mo is very strict. "Whatever you do, you learn to follow Zeyang. Do you want him to speak swear words with you?"

Gu Jiazhen really wants to say: You are really troublesome!

Unfortunately, looking at President Mo's face, he dare not say!

Forced to wash his mouth once, Gu Jiayi silently stretched a **** in his heart: I have trouble with a real wife!


The next day, Gu Jiayu was taken away by Zheng Xueshao. His endorsed clothing appeared in the new season's fashion exhibition. He was going to participate as a spokesperson. There was a fashion show in the afternoon. Model, Zheng Xueshao will definitely not let him idle, so Mo Zeyang can only be brought by his father.

This morning, Mo always saw his son always turned into the original body, chasing his own tail to play.

President Mo only felt that the child was still young, and chased his tail as a kind of game.

At noon, Mo Zeyang turned into a fox, and stood in the mirror, turning in circles, and the fluffy fox's tail trembled, like a big feather duster. Just next to that big tail, a small hairy tip grew out, and Mo Zeyang thought he was embarrassed. He pulled his tail with his paw, looked at his **** in the mirror, and looked at it several times before he was sure. No dazzling.

The little tiger tooth around thought that the little master was playing with it, and also circled around Mo Zeyang, Mo Yunqi repaired a model of a dragon boat for his son under the flower gallery on the balcony. This model was Gu Jia when Mo Zeyang was very young I bought it for him, and Mo Zeyang accidentally went to the ground two days ago and broke down.

After playing for several years, things have feelings. Mo Zeyang is distressed. Mo Yunqi promised to fix it when he rests. Now he finally has time to glue his son with glue to ensure the repair is as perfect as ever. . Mr. Mo is very meticulous in what he does. This thing that has not been done is slightly slower.

Mo Zeyang and Xiao Huya were arguing over there, naturally distracting Mo Yunqi's attention. Mo always drew a corner of his mouth and called him with a smile: "Ze Yang, what are you doing?"

Gu Jiazheng always said that Mo Zeyang loved the bad smell. He actually looked at the movement of taking several turns in front of the mirror before going out, exactly the same as Mo Zeyang.

Moze raised a small frown, anxious, "Daddy, there seems to be a strange thing growing on my butt."

Mo Yunqi smiled and asked, "What is it?"

Mo Zeyang said earnestly: "It may also be **** pulled on the butt, not wiped clean, anyway, a little cricket."

Mr. Mo shook his hand, and the glue almost stuck to his hand.

Putting down the things in his hand, Mo Yunqi beckoned to his son, "Come here, let me see what's going on with my butt?"

Mo Zeyang trot ran, leaped to the table, and showed his dad his furry buttocks. "Daddy, look, what is this?"

Mo Yunqi slaps helplessly on his son's ass. "In the future, you can't face other people like this, nor can you lift your tail up and show it to others, you know?"

"Of course I know, my father taught me to kill anyone who kicks his tail, kick! Hey! Take your heart! Step on him! Tear him with your paws!" Extra fierce!

President Mo shakes his hands again. Is this Gu Jiayu's resentment against him?

President Mo's mood was so complicated that he pulled away the fur at the root of Moze's tail. When he looked closely, he saw the tip of a small tail.

Grow a tail again!

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