MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 91 Isolated mozeyang

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"Are you going to see the giant panda? Great!" Mo Zeyang jumped excitedly at home after hearing the news, jumped from the sofa to the carpet, hit a roll on the stall, and then got up and pounced His father wanted to lie on his father's head as a hat. Gu Jiazhen reached out and shoved the cub, "You are so heavy, aren't you afraid to push your father out of cervical spondylosis?"

Now the little fox cub is already big, plus two furry tails, it really weighs a lot, and it looks bigger.

Mo Zeyang, who was suddenly stunned, told his dad very seriously: "I am not heavy because I am fat, but because I have grown up."

Gu Jiayu: "Oh."

Mo Zeyang: QAQ

Dad is perfunctory!

With his eyes on Gu Jiayu to bully the child, Mo always chose wisely ... pretending not to see.

In the last episode of the show, the show team is preparing to have a big battle, bringing all the guests together, and everyone will take a bus to the Wild Animal and Botanical Garden.

This time the show group let them play freely. There are not so many requirements, just take everyone to play together. Gu Jiayu prepared the parent-child outfits in advance. Now the weather is getting warmer. It ’s easy to wear a hooded shirt with a primer inside.

President Mo was wearing a hoodie out of the sense of elegance and aristocracy. Sitting on the bus, he had long legs and a bit of inflexibility. In desperation, he could only sit sideways with a pair of long legs. Conspicuous. Gu Jiayu carefully pulled him to his side, put him in his seat, and stared threateningly: Hide it, no one will show it!

Mr Mo is helpless and can only wrong himself.

The audience watching the live broadcast is going crazy, ah ah ah ah ah ah ~~~ I haven't eaten dog food of this taste in several issues.

Still familiar taste, familiar recipe! The dog food at Cha Chajia is the best, rich in vitamin abcdefg, and I feel like I'm alive again!

Xiao Mo is still hot and cute, I want to take it away!

Brother Brother, have you really considered the feelings of President Mo? Is there a wrong leg length?


The fact is that Gu Jiayu didn't care whether he was wrong or not. Anyway, it was his, and he wouldn't let others see it!

The children in the car were also very excited, and Mo Zeyang followed. His purpose is to see giant pandas. There is a giant panda breeding base in that safari park. Mo Zeyang has been there twice. Anyway, watching pandas is not enough. Every time I go, I am hi.

Mo Zeyang lay on his seat and looked back. The back just happened to be big. The little girl smiled wryly, stood up, handed Mo Zeyang a piece of sugar, and her eyes were bent, "Zeyang brother ,give you to eat."

Gu Jiayu listened to this and looked back, secretly poking at Mo Zeyang's little butt, "Look, the little sister has given you candy. You must take someone with you when you play, and you are not allowed to run by yourself."

You need to be a dad to teach your sister or something. Gu Jiayu is also exhausted. How can such a stupid son marry a daughter-in-law in the future?

Having sugar together is a good friend. In the minds of children, as long as they have shared one thing with another, they can make their relationship very close. Therefore, the children of Mo Zeyang did not refuse, and told Tongtong: "When you get off the bus, you must stay with me. Don't run around, I will protect you."

The older brother who has grown up will especially protect his younger sister, and Mo Zeyang is already experiencing the feeling of being an older brother.


Gu Jiayu was relieved, and his son was not hopeless. At this time, the little boy next to him also handed a piece of chocolate to Mo Zeyang, which means that you have to play with me if you eat my chocolate.

In a flash, Mo Zeyang became a piece of citron, and all the children wanted to play with him.

At this time, because of coming late, Bai Qizhen, who had to sit at the back, rushed over, and crawled over Gu Jiazhen's legs, pushing Mo Zeyang, "Leave me a bit empty!"

Mo Zeyang pushed him angrily, "This is my position!"

The little white wolf is not annoyed, his face is quite thick, just don't go, he patted President Mo's shoulder with a smile, "Godfather!"

Mr. Mo sucked at the corners of his mouth. There was nothing he could do about this naughty child who came close to it. He couldn't hold it up and throw it behind.

Bai Qizhen patted Gu Jiayu's shoulder again, "Dad!"

Daddy is no longer, just call Daddy directly, Gu Jiayu has a breath that makes him want to be close. The most important thing is that Daddy will cook well. Little white wolf feels that he wo n’t suffer from sticking anyway, so he just called Daddy. , Looks intimate.

The children who were brought up for restocking stated that they should not stick to the bar, and how to be comfortable.

Gu Jiayi was disgusted. He hadn't seen him for only a few days. He had changed from a dad to a dad. The child's cheek became thicker and thicker.

When Moze Yang quit, he raised his claw and wanted to hit someone. "This is my father!"

The little wolf smirked, "I didn't say it wasn't yours. You are dear. I did it, but it doesn't matter. I'm still young, and I'll be raised like my dear. Dad, I want to live in your house for a few days. When will you be free, I will eat your stewed meat! "

Gu Jiayu: -_- |||

To be honest, he didn't want to bring such a big son home!

Mo Zeyang poked her mouth and gave a little milk to the little wolf cub's buttocks. Bai Qi howled, the cry screamed Tongtong into her mother's arms. I dare not move forward.

Little brothers' world is really terrible!

The two children were busy outside the scoring, knowing the roots, poke the other side's pain, and have been playing all the way. Gu Jiayu started to look at the lively, and then felt headaches, too noisy. If there are two or three in the family , Mom and Dad must be crazy.

After getting out of the car, the director asked everyone to walk around and do whatever they wanted. There is absolutely no trap in this issue. It is simply a live broadcast to see the animals and the trees. It also reminds everyone to look after the children and pay attention to safety, because there is still If you have a beast, you must look at the warning signs. Children should also be taught to care for the environment and animals, and parents should set an example for their children.

After everyone dispersed, Mo Zeyang asked Tong Tong to go with him, and beat him all the way, and now the younger sister who feels softer is more lovely, and the sugar is also very delicious. A friendly olive branch was extended to Tongtong once.

Bai Qizhen naturally follows, he does not follow Mo Zeyang, he follows Gu Jiazhen.

"Dad, where are we going? Who are we going to see first? What about the lion?" Bai Qizhen grasped Gu Jiayu's horns and did not let go. He didn't even look at his uncle, just like the child brought by Gu Jiayu. .

Bai Xucheng raised a black line, how did his elder brother raise such a **** boy! This is a mess!

The audience watching the live broadcast was not happy, and they all persuaded Gu Jiayu to accept him! One is also raised, two are also raised!

Xiaobai is so cute, she likes this bad guy! Don't give it to me, I want it!

Of course, Bai Xucheng's fans are sympathizing with him: Oh, poor Dabai, Xiaobai ran away, "Daddy" is gone!

Dabai, get your son back and spank his little ass!

Forget about Dabai, give your "son" to Gu Jiayu, and raise him as a child.


Gu Jiayu ’s fans are not restless, so they ganged up and went to Bai Xucheng ’s family live broadcast room to brush the screen: this kid will be our Gu family, we will give you a testimony, do n’t come again!

Bai Xucheng's fans were joking, but Gu Jiayu's fans came to ask for people, but they didn't do it anymore: Don't you say that you gave Xiao Mo to us, why should you?

The tea bag's fighting power is so powerful and there are many people. Suddenly, the fans suddenly suppressed Bai Xucheng's fans. Moreover, the tea bag has a magic skill that is brainwashing. Everyone feels that :Eh? It's also good to send Xiaobai out.

The live room was lively, and the three children were lively together.

As soon as Mo Zeyang stepped into the animal zone, the two deer moving around came over, lowered his head next to him, and waited.

Mo Zeyang raised his hand and touched their horns with a smile, and said happily, "It's so cute! Tongtong, you touch it."

Tongtong happily passed by, just wanting to raise his hand to touch, and Bai Qizhen, who was next to Gu Jiayu, didn't know how to move his calf so fast. He blinked in the blink of an eye, and two fawns followed Seeing natural enemies, he turned away in fright and ran! As if running slowly, you will be eaten.

Tongtong raised his hand, staring blankly at the empty road in front of him, staring blankly at Mo Zeyang, no, no?

Mo Zeyang: "Bai Qiyu! It's your fault!" (▼ 皿 ▼ #)

Master Ben is experiencing the feeling of being an elder brother, you wolf bully my sister! Bite you!

Gu Jiayu is surprised, wow! His son was angry for a little girl. He was about to fight and applaud!

"Come on, smash! Come on!" Gu Yingdi feared he couldn't get up, and gave his son a boost, yo yo yo! The man is going to do a fight for the little girl. Those who do n’t do it are not youth, go up and up! Blame him!

President Mo pulled him back, and said helplessly: "Do n’t make trouble, it ’s really fighting." Fighting in front of the camera is not good. President Mo thinks that if you want to fight, you need to find a place where no one is. Clap and leave, no one else knows. At least his son can now use stones to smash stones. Mo always doesn't think his son will lose, but it's not good looking.

The audience in the live broadcast laughed crazy, and shouted with Gu Jiayu: up! Mr. Mo, you also talk about me, you want to watch the fight regardless of me!

Mo Zeyang took Tongtong's small hand, gave Bai Qi a blank look, and left.

The younger sister was wearing a fluffy princess skirt, and she was very smart. Anyway, she listened to what Mo Zeyang said. Xiao Mo's total gas field was eight and a half.

Gu Jiazheng pulled Bai Qizhen together to keep him from disturbing him.

Tong Tong's parents and Bai Xucheng's family were helpless, and Gu Jiayi's heart seemed to be long.

Bai Qizhen ’s family is also watching the live broadcast. His mother is a big beauty of the Queen Fan. I think that was also a flower of the wolf tribe. Although it is a branch of origin, it is beautiful and can be counted in the whole family. !!

Now watching Gu Jiazheng pulling his son, Mom Bai frowned and asked her husband, "Did you mention the marriage with Mr. Mo? Bai Mo's two business marriages, whether for business or in the future demon world Status is all good and harmless. What does Gu Jiayu mean by disagreeing? "

President Bai: "..." Mo Yunqi is not enough, buddy, he will be pulled out directly!

Mrs. Bai urged: "You can see how cute and intimate Xiao Mo is. I can't give birth to such an intimate one. I don't care what you do, but I have to turn him back."

President Bai was helpless, "Gu Jiazhen is so confused, Mo Yunqi can't do it. I said he wouldn't give him his eldest son. It really isn't. Do you recognize him as a son? You can't say anything in the future The child is still young. "

Even so, Mr. Bai also understands that this godmother does not recognize him. Mo Zeyang already has a godfather. Although he is personal, he is not low in origin. It is not a secret in that circle. Otherwise, he is a human being. No one dared to mess with that street.

Coupled with Mo Yunqi's heart, he treats his son as a sweetheart, and he may turn his face when someone touches it.

Madam Bai sighed in disappointment and wanted to pinch Mo Zeyang's small face, wondering if there was hope in a hundred years.

Mo Zeyang led Tongtong to the front of the team. He found a pavilion and ran away. He sat down for a while, and there was a fruit-selling cup opposite. Various fruits were cut into small pieces. It is placed in a transparent cup with a small fork inside, which is convenient for customers to walk while eating. Gu Jiayu saw Mo Zeyang sit down and went with Mo Yun to buy fruit.

Before the show came, it was half-time, which means that the passenger flow was half of the usual, and no passers-by seemed completely unreal. At that time, others should say that the show was extravagant, and you cleared the show as soon as you came. Too many people will also affect the shooting, so the half-time is reserved, and now there are four or five people in line.

Gu Jiazheng counted six adults and three children. "Nine people, right?"

Emperor Gu Yingxi stretched out ten fingers, stood in front of Mo Yunqi, and discussed it nicely: "We can buy ten, and give me the more one."

Mr. Mo wrapped his arms around his waist with a smile, kissed him over, "give you my one too."

Gu Jiayi narrowed his eyes with a smile. "For your money, I can give you half a cup."

The two were talking. The customer in front of the queue found Gu Jiayu, and the excited one would rush forward. I ’m your fan, before calling out, I felt pushed away by a gentle force. Pull behind you, don't let it hold!

The audience gave a call to Mr. Mo as a gift: Yes! Don't let them hug! We have never hugged!

The total gas field of Mo is eighteen meters, and the waist must be waisted, the kiss must be kissed, and the hide must be hidden!

The fan wanted to hug him, but he took a step back and asked Gu Jiayu to sign his name. After Gu Jiayu signed his name and bought something, he went back and saw that Mo Zeyang was surrounded by a group of rabbits.

Everyone was sitting on the other side of the pavilion, watching Mo Zeyang sitting on the grass, surrounded by more than 20 rabbits, large and small, all squatting beside Mo Zeyang. He originally wanted to follow Mo Zeyang. Ze Yang was playing together. Unexpectedly, such a scene appeared, Tongtong's father picked up his girlfriend, and looked at Mo Zeyang's eyes a bit dazed.

It may be an accident if you are approached by a deer for the first time. The small animals here like to be close to humans.

The second time the peacock listened to Mo Zeyang's words and opened the screen obediently, maybe it was a coincidence that the child was lucky.

Now this scene, looking a bit abnormal? There are so many rabbits around a child, this is the family's dispatch.

This little boy seems different from normal people.

Bai Xucheng poked at his nephew and went to find someone to play. Now the younger sister is not going. Is this just your chance? So fairies, never go too close to humans, they treat people and things different from themselves as abnormal.

The little wolf cub is also angry, holding his hand and turning his head, hum!

Let him air for a minute and let him know that humans are unreliable! Little sister is even more unreliable!

At this time, the two little squirrels came together, and Mo Zeyang waved to them happily, took out the nuts bought on the road from his pocket, and felt the isolation of others. Tongtong: "Aren't you trying to touch them? Why don't you come?"

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