MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 22

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With the change of the general environment, netizens are more and more resistant to plagiarism. However, in addition to saying that the title of the "Limited Sale" script was plagiarized, the whistleblower failed to give information on the plagiarized script and evidence of plagiarism.

The recent hot search also made netizens dare not stand in line easily. Who knows if there will be a reversal in the next second, and whether they will be slapped in the face?

However, due to the Reuters news that came out these days, the image of "Limited Sale" in the hearts of netizens has risen again and again, and netizens' expectations for this film prompted them to take the initiative to fight against "Limited Sale":

[Where did this marketing account come from, and you want to throw dirty water on "Limited Sales"? 】

[It turns out that the cost of framing someone is so low now? Can you kill a crew just by saying something so lightly? 】

[Empty mouth copying, go away. 】

[Shouldn't the marketing account with just bad money apologize? 】

[I have been watching the stills of "Limited Sale" for many days. Republic of China! There are not many conscience crews who can make the Republic of China so charming. 】

[Amway Lan Muyu to the whole world, I thought she was a pure student before, but after watching this still, I realized that I have no eyeballs, she is obviously a goblin! She is so eager to wear a cheongsam, my saliva is drooling! 】

[The sister upstairs brought me one, but your wording is more accurate, she has a charm, you can say that she is coquettish no matter what, I don't know what movie you are talking about! 】

Seeing that the hot search was about to drop, a big V named "Pipe Monster A" posted a Weibo: [Today I went back to review "Cloud and Wind", I heard that it has signed a film and television contract, Are you looking forward to it? 】

Pickpocket a's Weibo was not noticed at first, and he didn't make any other remarks, but a few minutes later, the news suddenly appeared on the hot search alternative page.

The original author of "Cloud and Wind", Lvyouzi, did not register a special author Weibo, so book fans could not ask her for help immediately. And this book was written by Green Grapefruit more than ten years ago. The generation who read the book at the time has grown up, and the news of the adaptation at this moment has also aroused many people's memories.

Fans have spread this Weibo post by Peiguai a from 10 to 10, and it is also the theme of the Republic of China. After seeing a little bit of netizens who have been searching for the next door, they will soon publish "Cloud and Wind". Linked to "Limited Sale".

Where is "Limited Sale" plagiarism, it is obviously a film and television drama that someone bought the copyright to adapt! A well-adapted drama is said to be plagiarizing the original, which is too much of a loss, right?

This time, netizens are even more injustice to the "Limited Sales" crew. It is obvious that the IP they bought through formal channels was brought out by people with ulterior motives. good people.

But of course, he couldn't let go of the person who copied the empty mouth. When they found the Weibo of the whistleblower and wanted to show off their skills, so as to force him to apologize, they unexpectedly found that the Weibo had been cancelled.

Such an act of wanting to cover up makes those netizens feel that they have done a righteous thing. Whether they have watched "Cloud and Wind" or netizens who have not seen it, they all start to feel the fancy of "Limited Sales". Touted, I want to compensate for the grievances suffered by "Limited Sales".

While boasting that "Cloud and Wind" is a masterpiece that has stood the test of time, I also thank the "Limited Sales" crew for getting their attention and putting such a good work on the screen, fulfilling the fans' dreams.

With the blessing of such a wave of popularity, "Cloud and Wind" and "Limited Sale" directly entered the hot search list on the homepage.

However, all this on Weibo did not bring joy to the "Limited Sale" crew.

During the intermission, a small assistant hurriedly reminded Gu Yan of the accusation of plagiarism on Weibo with a mobile phone.

However, due to the competition between the crews, it has become common for Gu Yan to bribe the other party by bribing the script, and the whistleblower has not given any substantive evidence, so Gu Yan has not taken it seriously.

After the news of the adaptation of "Cloud and Wind" appeared on Weibo, the "Limited Sale" crew realized that something was wrong. This was obviously because someone wanted to associate their crew with "Cloud and Wind", and thus Acknowledging that his script was adapted from "Cloud and Wind", no matter what the other party's purpose was, Gu Yan was extremely vigilant.

But at this time, there was a temporary problem with the rental time of the film and television base. After Gu Yan was called away, the entire crew suddenly lost their backbone, and they all turned their attention to Lan Muyu, who was backed by investors.

In the dinner at Ming Lai Pavilion, in addition to Lan Muyu, several other leading actors in the top ranks also participated. At the same time, they also knew that the investors of the crew came from Lan Muyu's relationship. Mu Yu is more like another principal of the crew, who treats people with gentleness and courtesy, and is deeply loved by them.

After Ling Shan accompanied Lan Muyu to check the editors of the crew one by one, she was planning to go to Weibo to clarify the matter before the other party's next action.

But reality didn't give them that chance. At the same time, the cordon outside the crew was surrounded by reporters who came here. The flashing lights and loud noises directly affected the filming process, and he bluntly wanted to interview the crew.

The filming of the crew is all confidential, but occasionally reporters are specially invited to shoot some Reuters, so as to do some publicity.

Before Lan Muyu could change out of the costume, Ling Shan ran over, panting and informing: "Suddenly, many reporters came outside, and they all asked the crew to give an explanation. Someone must have arranged it deliberately. There are many people outside. Miscellaneous, you stay here and don't go out."

"Did Director Gu notify you?" The makeup artist removed Lan Muyu's hairpin and let down her hair.

"Director Gu's phone can't get through, so he should still be dealing with the venue." Ling Shan switched her phone to the hot search and handed it to Lan Muyu, "At first, someone on Weibo broke the news that our crew was plagiarizing, and later said that our crew was buying it. The IP of the novel "Cloud and Wind", but as far as I know, the scripts of "Limited Sales" are all original."

Lan Muyu naturally knew that the "Limited Sale" crew was an original script, she held her phone and flipped through the hot search location, and couldn't help but sighed, "Even though our crew also has money, Director Gu always insists on being able to spend without spending money. The principle of not spending money on money, seeing people give us such a hot spot as soon as they make a move, I really have to thank her for the popularity."

"But they will never give us such a big benefit for nothing. There must be something tricky in it."

Lan Muyu pondered for a few seconds, then slowly said, "This matter may be aimed at me. At the beginning, Fu Yao and Jiang Qianrou wanted to join the crew, but because of Li Ruonan's investment, they failed. They lost so much face. , they won't stop just by verbally embarrassing me."

Ling Shan nodded unsurprisingly, "Yeah, but this is just speculation, don't speak until the truth comes out. If they come for you, there will definitely be follow-up actions, not just for us. It's as simple as sending hot searches from the crew."

"No, I have to go out and have a look. Now that Director Gu has no one, I have to find someone to clarify it as soon as possible, and I can't give them any reason to frame our crew, otherwise it will be even harder to end." Lan Muyu thought about it, but changed. With a look on his face, he hurriedly ran outside.

Ling Shan didn't know that the situation outside was not easy to stop, so she had to call Xiao Zhang at the door and accompany Lan Muyu to go there. At the same time, Lan Muyu dispatched all the bodyguards in the crew, and the instructions were not to protect her, but to protect her. It's to surround those reporters.

Ling Shan looked at Lan Muyu's arrangement with no idea, and just as she was about to speak, she received a soothing look from Lan Muyu, so she had to follow Lan Muyu's side.

Next, as Lan Muyu walked in front of the group of reporters, the bodyguards who were transferred also removed the original cordon and surrounded the group of reporters, blocking their way.

However, what Ling Shan imagined, the scene of Lan Muyu being surrounded by reporters and embarrassed did not come. The interview scene was like an awards ceremony, and Lan Muyu was left alone to speak with a spring breeze.

Ling Shan: ? ? ?

She turned her head and saw the same surprise on Xiao Zhang's face before confirming that she did not recognize the wrong person. At the same time, she also realized how superficially she knew about the artist under her command before. If Lan Muyu had a tail behind her, it would have turned into a small windmill now.

"I'm the female lead of the "Limited Sale" crew. There are other actors over there. All the artists in our crew are really good-looking, do you like it? Do you want to join our crew?"

"It's not bad, this is also the scene that our crew made. Don't look at the simple outside, but the interior design is complicated. It cost the crew a lot of money. It's a pity that you can only watch it outside, and you can't go in to see it. It's a big loss."

"Ah what, the script of our crew is naturally the best. We have nothing to do with "Cloud and Wind". It is original, original, original. The screenwriter sisters of our crew are amazing, but they want my drama. Through? Dream about it."

"Yes, yes, that ornament is also a prop of our crew. Is that fake? Don't look down on people, of course it's not fake - it's a brand new high imitation."


The reporter wanted to take the opportunity to interview, but who would have thought that Lan Muyu was such a small-mouthed babbler. Compared with the humble actors in the circle, Lan Muyu was the only one. different.

Who would have thought that a female star who became famous for playing a dumb girl would relax and accept an interview after leaving the scumbag?

But Lan Muyu's look of our crew is so good, what kind of trouble are you blind guys finally discovering?

Does Lan Muyu know that the purpose of these reporters is not to support her, but to find flaws?

Just now, in her long series of speeches, Lan Muyu put "Limited Sale" and "Clouds and Blacks" apart just right. The reporter's focus had already become her long speech, so where would she go to grab this point and ask?

Perhaps Lan Muyu was too enthusiastic, and the reporters politely echoed her and praised her a few words.

The smile on Lan Muyu's face became even more intense. She nodded thoughtfully, gave the reporter an admiring look, and specifically asked, "Anything else?"

It felt like urging the rest of the reporters: Say it, brag, brag, and then a little more.

The reporters were stunned by Lan Muyu's actions, a strange atmosphere spread among them, and the reporters had to bite the bullet and praise: "Recently, the films of the Republic of China have been very popular among netizens. The way you choose the script is vicious."

- "Of course, you still need to say that?"

""Limited Sales" will definitely have a high box office, will it still be a prize at that time?"

- "Low-key and low-key, people always have dreams."

"Lan Muyu, you are still playing the female lead in this crew. It seems that the director likes you very much?"

- "Director Gu is very professional, and I am very grateful to him for recognizing my acting skills."

The reporters stared blankly at Lan Muyu, and for a while they forgot their purpose and didn't know how to answer. No matter what they asked, Lan Muyu could automatically comprehend that it was a compliment to her - she took shameless to the extreme.

"Limited Sale" has such a leading actor, it is really... extraordinary.

Seeing that the reporters had all stopped talking, Lan Muyu cleared his throat and said, "Well, I know that our crew is very good, and we will be able to break through the siege in the cinema in the future. At that time, you will have to buy more tickets to support it? It's just that you just After complimenting for so long, I still remember one very, very important thing that you missed."

The reporters just wanted to get away as soon as possible. Being mentioned by Lan Muyu, because of the tall bodyguards around Gu Yan, they had to stand there and listen to Lan Muyu, "What, what?"

The corners of Lan Muyu's mouth were slightly raised, and she looked more charming when she was wearing a cheongsam, which made the surrounding scenery lose its color, and all the focus was on her:

"Of course it's me! I came out to see you in a hurry today without changing my costume. I like this outfit, doesn't it match my look? Why don't you brag about the obvious advantages of my appearance? I'm not bragging, my fans are hugging me and calling Reuters my wife."

The reporters forced their faces to smile and cooperated with Lan Muyu's performance. Xu Shi really couldn't listen anymore, Ling Shan directed Xiao Zhang and dragged Lan Muyu back from the front.

Before leaving, Lan Muyu said to the reporters with a bright smile, "You guys should come often!"

come often?

Even if they come next time, I am afraid they will send another reporter from their company.

When other people are interviewing, it is the reporter who embarrassed the interviewee. When he arrived at Gu Yan's place, the reporter avoided the interviewer, and the interviewer even called the bodyguard to prevent the reporter from leaving.

Don't come, never come again, whoever you love will come.

Lan Muyu proudly raised her head at Ling Shan, "Manager, my performance just now wasn't bad, right?"

What can Ling Shan say, with such an artist on the stand, the image of the artist in the future will probably have to be changed from today onwards.

Who made her entertainers go to the underworld?

She greeted Lan Muyu angrily and gave her a thumbs up, "Her heroine, you are really majestic. I don't think you need to memorize your words in advance for future interviews. How can a reporter say anything about you?"

Lan Muyu waved his hand, "Small things, small things."

Lan Muyu's interview was quickly posted on Weibo, and her narcissistic sand sculpture image swept the entire Weibo for a while, causing laughter throughout the Internet.

Netizens' impression of Lan Muyu was at first a pure and innocent student of "I Love You Whisperingly in My Heart", and then some time ago, because of signing a contract and being cheated, she became a poor little white flower.

However, in the drama "Limited Sale", the Reuters photo of Lan Muyu's cheongsam with curly hair and big red lips was full of aura, making netizens call her the queen who returned from a breakup with revenge.

It's just that after today's interview was exposed, the narcissism of the aloof queen was so down-to-earth, and she was able to make those tongue-tied reporters too afraid to speak, making netizens more interested in Lan Muyu.

After all this was over, Gu Yan came back in a hurry, and when he learned of Lan Muyu's operation, he couldn't help laughing and crying. And he doesn't have any objection to the hot search. In his words, as long as Lan Muyu is willing, the free popularity will not be in vain.

As for the feelings of the client, Lan Muyu, in order to earn back the money invested by Li Ruonan, and to increase the popularity of the crew, it should not be too perfect.

After Lan Muyu made such a fuss, the enthusiasm about plagiarism and the novel "Cloud and Wind" subsided, replaced by Lan Muyu and "Limited Sale" who rushed to the front row of the hot search.

On the other hand, the crew that really bought the IP of "Cloud and Wind" is "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" where Jiang Qianrou is located.

Originally, Jiang Qianrou hired reporters to besiege the "Limited Sale" crew, and wanted to make the reporters take the opportunity to embarrass "Limited Sale", as long as "Limited Sale" expressed a little bit of an attitude that did not separate from "Cloud and Wind", Journalists naturally have reasons to tie "Limited Sale" and "Cloud and Wind" together.

At this time, as long as the crew of "Old Films of the Republic of China" stands up and says that they own the IP, then "Limited Sales" will automatically be involved in the public opinion of plagiarism.

But despite all the calculations, even if the reporters were so tongue-in-cheek, they couldn't count Lan Muyu's softness or hardiness. Whether it was embarrassing or welcoming, it was all regarded as a compliment to her. In the end, the reporters not only failed to complete the task, but also let Lan Muyu rush to the front row of the hot search.

This made Jiang Qianrou, who originally had to publish a draft to show that "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" was adapted from "Clouds and Wind", suddenly didn't know what to do, and rushed into Fu Yao's dressing room and began to cry.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2021-08-1900:00:00~2021-08-2103:50:39~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 failed counterattack today;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 4 failed counterattacks today; Yunyun 16603465884, Store Manager, UN, San Dian Shui 1 Mo, Ye Hai 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of ysy; 20 bottles of failed counterattacks today; 11 bottles of non-hanging Wang; 10 bottles of CM nei; 8 bottles of timing; bottle; 20604945, 1 bottle of hungry goods;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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