MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 30

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For Li Ruonan, she naturally wouldn't take a few Tianhao artists to Li's huge business empire. It's just that Lan Muyu rarely showed such a caring look, which made Li Ruonan a little more interested.

Therefore, as Li Ruonan's royal handyman in Yuncheng, Fang Qi was honored to be sent to investigate this matter.

Although Lan Muyu's studio was backed by Xingyao, Xingyao did not restrict it. Xu Shi deliberately wanted to scare Li Ruonan, but Lan Muyu's use of the studio to sign other artists was not reported to Xingyao.

Fang Qi looked at the unfamiliar studio name when he was investigating. For a long time, he couldn't remember which famous studio in Yuncheng had this name. But he followed the clues to check again, only to find out that this studio is also under Xingyao, but the person in charge is Lan Muyu.

Fang Qi suddenly stopped thinking about asking the person in charge to come out.

After all, Li Ruonan didn't directly say what he was going to do. In case he made an appointment with Lan Muyu alone, and Li Ruonan found out, he...he didn't know if he could continue to work at the Li family.

But sometimes, even if Fang Qi consciously avoided this matter, things would come to him on their own initiative.

In the evening, after he reported the progress of the Qingyun Pavilion project to Li Ruonan, Lan Muyu was playing with his newly-made manicure and asked unintentionally, "Are you finished?"

"Well, that's done. Is there anything else Miss Lan needs me to do?"

There was a bit of disappointment on Lan Muyu's face, but he still looked forward to asking, "Are you going to work overtime tonight?"

Fang Qi looked at Li Ruonan who was on the side: "Should I not need it?"

Li Ruonan nodded: "Well, I got off work on time today."

Lan Muyu's face returned to a smile again, and he waved to Fang Qi: "Okay, then you can get off work."

Li Ruonan had a panoramic view of Lan Muyu's movements and asked, "You know him well?"

"I'm not familiar with him. Isn't he your competent subordinate? I'll take care of you a few words."


"Yeah. But what is Fang Qi's ability?" Lan Muyu continued to inquire.

"It's okay, he graduated from a prestigious school and has a good resume. Before he was transferred to Lai's, he had a lot of training. At the beginning, I planned to practice for a few years and then transfer him to the headquarters."

Lan Muyu's eyes lit up, "Is he so powerful?"

Li Ruonan smiled and said, "Don't look at his usual personality, but he is still very responsible for his work. I recruited him for his interview."

Lan Muyu blew the rainbow fart without hesitation: "As expected of Mr. Li, he has a good eye and a good eye."


Lan Muyu stepped forward, "Then what do you think of me? Do I have any talent for this?"

Li Ruonan looked at Lan Muyu with disgust, "Forget it, just play your drama well."

If Lan Muyu heard this before, she would definitely raise her hands in approval. But she has been with Li Ruonan for a long time recently, and she also learns something from Li Ruonan, and she always feels that she is not doing her right job.

But she really has no interest in her own business. If she really takes over, she may only have to go bankrupt. And she has been familiar with the entertainment industry for two lifetimes, so she started thinking about opening up the studio.

If only...the gap between the two could be narrowed a little bit.

On the other side, Fang Qi walked out with a sense of relief, just as he was about to pack his things and get off work, he received a message on his cell phone: [At six o'clock in the evening, at the restaurant on Saturday, shouldn't Fang always come to meet the one who robbed the Star Entertainment artist? who? 】

Fang Qi's mouth twitched, no need to guess to know that this unfamiliar number was sent by the person beside Li Ruonan.

To invite him to dinner alone? What the **** was thinking in that person, aren't you afraid that Mr. Li will get angry?

Since he can't escape, then... he sent a message to Li Ruonan: [Mr. Li, the other party asked for the dinner tomorrow night to be moved to tonight, six o'clock on eighth, do you have time? If not, I can go there. 】

Li Ruonan was about to refuse, when he heard Lan Muyu pick up his bag: "I won't accompany you to dinner tonight, I have business affairs."

"What business?" Li Ruonan took Lan Muyu's hand and asked, "Is it the crew?"

Lan Muyu nodded, his face didn't change and his heart didn't beat: "I've rested for so many days, Gu Yan wants to send me a new script, and then tell me about the next change in my role, so let's just have a meal together. already."

"Only you and Gu Yan?"

A smile leaked from Lan Muyu's mouth, but he quickly held back, "How could it be only the two of us? There are other leading actors, about a dozen of them."

Li Ruonan is also not good at interfering in Lan Muyu's career, but only added: "Don't drink."

"Drinking is a mistake, don't worry, I know it."

After Lan Muyu left, Xiao Zhang immediately followed, and followed Lan Muyu on Li Ruonan's special elevator all the way to the parking lot, without being discovered by others.

And Li Ruonan also replied to Fang Qi, indicating that he could participate.

After Fang Qi received the message, he showed such an expression as expected. These days, Fang Qi has also figured out Li Ruonan's mind. As long as Lan Muyu has something to do, Li Ruonan will generally not refuse the wine party, which gives enough face for cooperation.

In a private room on Saturday, Lan Muyu sent the private room number to Fang Qi after making adequate preparations.

Lan Muyu has been an actor all his life, and has never been in contact with management. The artists who signed the contract with their managers jumped over together, so naturally they had to pay more attention.

There are already artists in the studio, and managers and resources can also be created, so there is no one who can take care of the studio. Lan Muyu didn't know anything about this. If she really wanted to find someone, she would trust Li Ruonan's gaze even more.

Fang Qi didn't make Lan Muyu wait for a long time. Ten minutes before six o'clock, the door of the private room was pushed open, and the waiter walked in first.

Seeing this, Lan Muyu immediately stood up: "Mr. Fang, I've been waiting for you..."

But before the words were finished, Lan Muyu froze in place.

She didn't know why the person who made the appointment was not Fang Qi, but Li Ruonan was brought in by the waiter.

And Li Ruonan frowned when he saw Lan Muyu, turned around and glanced at the private room number, making sure that he didn't go to the wrong place.



Lan Muyu didn't know what went wrong in the middle link, but Li Ruonan had already come, so she couldn't say if she could replace Li Ruonan with Fang Qi, or she would be sleeping on the street tonight, right?

She walked to the side of the empty chair, opened it, and greeted Li Ruonan: "You sit first?"

With a cold face, Li Ruonan walked to the chair and sat down, listening to the waiter asking, "Miss Lan, can you serve?"

Lan Muyu glanced at Li Ruonan and asked, "Eat... eat?"

"Eat." Li Ruonan's face turned colder.

The waiter felt the dignified atmosphere in the private room, said "then I'll arrange for them to serve" and then backed out.

Lan Muyu walked back to her seat, hesitating and not knowing how to speak, when she heard Li Ruonan ask, "You have an appointment with the crew?"

Lan Muyu was stunned, and Li Ruonan asked, "A dozen people at the meal?"

Lan Muyu froze in the seat, and Li Ruonan asked again, "Don't drink and make mistakes?


"You know what?"

Lan Muyu: Death

Li Ruonan chuckled lightly and took a sip from the teacup at hand: "That sentence from Mr. Fang just now was very kind. Miss Lan really has a sweet voice."

Lan Muyu's heart froze, and her eyes were confused: "I can explain it, it was an accident. I originally made an appointment with someone from the crew, and then I ran into Fang Qi, um."

"Oh? Then I'll make a phone call now and ask Gu Yan, if you lie, I will withdraw the investment, how?"

"Hey, hey, don't!" How could Lan Muyu know which link went wrong, but Li Ruonan had the funds of the crew, she absolutely couldn't let Li Ruonan make such a call, so she gritted her teeth and admitted: "The person I dated It's Fang Qi."


Lan Muyu glanced at Li Ruonan secretly, always feeling that Li Ruonan's reaction was a little calm, she tentatively said: "Then why are you here?"

Li Ruonan sneered: "Let's see how good a person who doesn't drink alcohol is."

Following Li Ruonan's gaze, Lan Muyu looked at the wine bottle on the side cabinet, opened her mouth, and didn't know what to say.

Li Ruonan stood up, took one of the bottles of wine, and poured it into the decanter: "Miss Lan can enjoy it."

"I'm not, I..."

"Well, your partner Qi is really nice, how do you know he likes to drink red wine?"

Lan Muyu swore that she really ordered it at will, and she had never inquired about what kind of wine Fang Qiai was drinking.

"If I said it was an accident, would you believe it?"

"Do you think I should believe it?"

For some unknown reason, Lan Muyu felt that Li Ruonan at the moment was like a person who caught and cheated on his wife, but it was a pity that she had been reborn for so long and had no name.

Lan Muyu's sighing made Li Ruonan misunderstood again, and Li Ruonan asked, "So my arrival disappointed you?"

"No, no, not so likely? Of course I prefer to eat with you, and I want to eat with you every day. It's just that I'm really serious about finding Fang Qi today."


"Yes, serious business."

"It's so important that you lied to me to see him?"

"Tianhao's artist was signed by me." Lan Muyu explained in a low voice, "But I usually film, and I am not familiar with the operation of the studio at the beginning. I want to find someone to help, similar to finding an off-site assistance consultant. ."

Before Li Ruonan could answer, the private room door was opened again, and the waiter started serving dishes, which relieved Lan Muyu's embarrassment a bit.

When the door was closed, Li Ruonan didn't move his chopsticks. He poured some wine from the decanter for the two of them, shaking the glass, "Do you want someone to help you manage it together?"


"Then you have to show some sincerity, right?"

Lan Muyu wondered, "Huh?"

"Miss Lan, would you like to accompany me for a drink?"

"Ah? Didn't you say drinking is bad?"

Li Ruonan leaned back on the chair, "Now you want to steal someone from me, so don't you show any sincerity?"

After listening to Lan Muyu, he drank the small half glass of red wine without saying a word.

Li Ruonan's eyes darkened: "You get along well with Fang Qi?"

"Alright... alright?"

Li Ruonan drank all the wine in the cup: "Since you think so, then I will give you Fang Qi from tomorrow?"

Lan Muyu asked in surprise: "Really? Really gave it to me?"

Li Ruonan's expression sank for a moment: "Fake."

"Hey, don't, just lend me a few days. Fang Qi is so powerful, he can definitely take care of both sides."

Li Ruonan didn't know why, since he walked into this private room and saw Lan Muyu, he felt a sense of being deceived in his heart. Even though Lan Muyu had explained that she was for her studio and for official business, Li Ruonan still had an inexplicable irritability in her heart.

Tianhao's artist was signed by Lan Muyu. Although she was a little surprised, she was also happy for Lan Muyu. Thinking back to yesterday, Lan Muyu's behavior of bragging about the person who signed Tianhao's artist with his eyes closed can be explained.

But if Fang Qi hadn't led her here today, perhaps this matter would have been concealed by Lan Muyu for a long time.

Why didn't Lan Muyu tell her?

She suddenly realized that there seemed to be another side to her little fox that she didn't understand.

Seeing that Li Ruonan hadn't replied for a long time, Lan Muyu compromised and asked, "Then if there are so many people in your company, can you introduce me to someone else?"


"Oh, isn't there a more free time on weekdays, I'll just borrow for a while."

"The Li family doesn't support idlers." Li Ruonan looked at Lan Muyu's glass of wine, which was meaningful, "But..."

Lan Muyu immediately accepted the signal, picked up the wine glass and suffocated, "Mr. Li, how do you think I'm doing?"

It was obviously his own request, but seeing Lan Muyu so obedient, Li Ruonan's face turned even worse, "You are always like this, like this"

Do you drink so casually?

Lan Muyu made a quick remedy: "I ordered it for Fang Qi. I really didn't plan to drink it, or you'll find out when I get home. I'll just drink with you, okay?"

Li Ruonan glanced at Lan Muyu a few times, and gave her a chopsticks dish: "After drinking so much on an empty stomach, why don't you hurry up and eat a vegetable pad to pad your stomach?"

Lan Muyu put the dish into his mouth, and while chewing, guessed Li Ruonan's mind, and heard Li Ruonan say again: "If you don't eat well, Fang Qi will not give it to you."

! !

Lan Muyu's eyes lit up: "I'll eat it now."


The two were eating quietly, and Li Ruonan mentioned inadvertently, "I'm going back to Yancheng in a few days, what do you say?"

Lan Muyu bit his chopsticks: "What can I say, I'm going back to the crew of course?"

"You don't plan to go back with me? Your parents..."

"I still have a scene to shoot, and I can't leave for a while."

"Well, that's true. After so many years away from home, is there anything you want me to bring? You can eat anything."

Lan Muyu blinked, "Do you mean to bring me specialties?"

"Well, I bought it for you before getting on the plane. As long as it's not Yihua, I can bring it for you. Is there anything you want?"

"Anything is fine?"

"It depends on what you want."

Lan Muyu played with her hair: "Actually, it's not so troublesome to bring special products."

Li Ruonan thought that Lan Muyu was afraid of her trouble, but just as he was about to say it was nothing, he heard Lan Muyu speak again:

"You can just discount it directly."

Li Ruonan: …

After all, Lan Muyu was pampered and raised, so why did he fall into Qian's eyes after coming to Yuncheng for a few years?

The disgust in Li Ruonan's eyes did not hide at all: "You are dreaming."

Lan Muyu glanced at his mouth, suddenly thought of something, and took advantage of this opportunity to mention it: "Actually, I will have to stay with the crew for about half a month, and then leave after all my scenes are filmed."

Li Ruonan took all the sermons that he had calculated in his mind just now, and said in surprise, "For half a month?"

"Well, it's also a temporary decision. The crew will spend one more day of filming. That is to say, from tomorrow to the end of this month, I probably won't go home."

Li Ruonan paused with the chopsticks in his hand, then changed his mouth and said, "I want to bring Fang Qi back to Yancheng together."

Lan Muyu's eyes widened, and he complained, "Why are you going back on your word?"

"Didn't you tell me in advance? Fang Qi is going to take on the work of your studio for nearly a month. His workload in Li's is bound to be reduced, and I can't arrange it in advance." Li Ruonan spread his hands and took a picture of her Don't know how.

Lan Muyu had no choice but to eat her food, thinking about who else her studio could recruit.

And the sober wine on the side was poured into the glass again and again by Lan Muyu.

Seeing this, Li Ruonan didn't stop her, and when Lan Muyu got up, she faltered for a while, and then she stood up to support Lan Muyu, "Where are you going?"

"The bathroom." Lan Muyu's alcohol intake is not bad on weekdays, but today she was almost fasting and in a bad mood, which caused her to go down half a bottle of wine, and her face was already stained with blush.

She had a somewhat lazy voice after drinking, she half leaned on Li Ruonan's shoulder and seemed to rub it unintentionally, and said softly, "I'm going to the toilet."

Li Ruonan sighed, a little annoyed at what he had just done with Lan Muyu, and replied, "Don't fall, I'll accompany you there, okay?"

"Not good." Lan Muyu bit her lip aggrieved, and shook off Li Ruonan's hand, "Didn't you ignore me? Even Fang Qi refused to lend me, I just let him take care of it for a few days, It will never delay your business."

Li Ruonan swayed again when he saw the person, and immediately stretched out his hand to support him, "Fang Qi lend you, don't make trouble with me, okay?"

"You count?"


After hearing the satisfactory answer, Lan Muyu leaned on Li Ruonan and walked to the bathroom at the door. The drooping head covered the smile that overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

However, just as Li Ruonan supported Lan Muyu to the mirror, a surprised scream came from behind him: "Ah, ah, Lan Muyu! You are Lan Muyu, right?"

Both Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu were stunned. Yes, now that Lan Muyu has been on so many hot searches, it can be considered familiar.

Lan Muyu turned her head, "Hello?"

The fans said excitedly: "You are really Lan Muyu! God, I really like watching your movies!"

Lan Muyu made a silent gesture: "Thank you for your liking, but don't attract other people, okay?"

The fan covered his mouth and nodded quickly, then asked, "Then can you sign my name for me?"

"Of course you can." Lan Muyu put on his signature smile during business hours.

Lan Muyu took the small notebook that the fan took out of the bag, but when the fan handed over the pen, he was pulled from behind and dragged into a compartment.

Lan Muyu looked at Li Ruonan, who was talking about people indiscriminately, with a little cosmic joy in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, she made a dissatisfied expression: "What are you doing? My fans are still outside. Woolen cloth?"

Li Ruonan looked in the other direction and said angrily, "If they want you to sign, what if they have other plans?"

"It's also because you like me."


"Oh, isn't it normal to be an artist's autograph?" Lan Muyu opened the pen and was about to drop it when she heard the sound of a napkin being torn.

Then Li Ruonan handed over the napkin in his hand, "Then you can write one for me too."

Lan Muyu was stunned: "Huh?"

"Hurry up." Li Ruonan threatened, "Slow down, Fang Qi is gone."

Lan Muyu immediately shut up, took the crumpled tissue and wrote with difficulty. After writing it, he frowned in disgust, "Should I wait until I get home and write it for you?"

Li Ruonan hummed indifferently, "That's it."

Then he took the crumpled tissue and folded it carefully, put it in his pocket, pushed open the door and walked out.

When Lan Muyu seriously signed the fan name and opened the door, the fan came up to remind him mysteriously: "Mu Mu, your assistant is too fierce, do you want to consider another one?"

Lan Muyu turned to look at Li Ruonan and said proudly, "No, she's pretty good."

The fans then reminded: "Ah, well, if Xingyao abuses you, you must tell us? Absolutely?"

Before Li Ruonan's face darkened, Lan Muyu quickly sent the fans out.

She turned her head with a smile and was about to make fun of Li Ruonan: "I..."

"Go to the toilet quickly." Li Ruonan frowned and added: "Fang Qi will be gone sooner."

Lan Muyu: ? ? ?

Lan Muyu suddenly felt that if he wanted to come to Fang Qi, it was a big loss!

She secretly made a note to Fang Qi in her heart. When Fang Qi came to her studio, she must squeeze enough money before sending him back.

Before long, the sound of flushing sounded. When Lan Muyu came out of the cubicle again, she saw Li Ruonan still waiting there, and when she thought of Fang Qi, she had a toothache, she walked out first without looking sideways, "Let's go."

Li Ruonan quietly followed Lan Muyu all the way back to the private room. The moment the door was closed, Lan Muyu suddenly felt a cool breeze behind her.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Li Ruonan sneer and ask, "I didn't know that Miss Lan was drunk, so she could sign so well when she signed her name, and how could she be able to carry the wind while walking?"

Lan Muyu's feet softened, and she fell towards Li Ruonan's arm, "I... I do feel a little dizzy, ah I... um."

The author has something to say: Let me stress again, Fu Jiang’s role as a demon is over, their end is not over, it’s not over, it’s not over, it’s just that the other roles of the protagonist must be performed first

And if you want Fu Jiang to die in this life, it's a bit difficult for the time being... Otherwise, I don't care what the plot is, how about packing and feeding the sharks hahaha

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