MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 41

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Since it was a private hospital, after some management, the people from Hof ​​easily took the bodyguards and walked in from the front and walked towards Jiang Qianrou's ward.

Jiang Qianrou had just gotten off the operating table at this time, and she was still awake. According to the hospital nurse, there were two bodyguards brought by Hof people outside the ward that day. Case.

After all, in this private hospital, there are endless scenes of Zhenggong bringing people to teach Xiaosan, and the nurses are already used to it. Even if the mistress was their patient, they wouldn't have any sympathy for her, so they thought about it from another point of view. If they were cheated, they definitely didn't want to be stopped.

Even if something goes wrong, there is an emergency room next door, and there is no big problem. People who can come to this hospital will not care about the medical expenses.

However, unexpectedly, the scene where the nurses were expecting the main palace and the mistress did not come. After the Hof people entered the ward, there was no sound of fighting in the ward. mind, and thus relaxed his vigilance.

It was only after the Hof people opened the ward again and left, when the nurse entered the door, she found that Jiang Qianrou had disappeared...

After that, no matter how much abuse was made on the Internet, Jiang Qianrou never reappeared, as if she had disappeared out of thin air. Jiang Qianrou also became a taboo among those nurses, and no one mentioned the incident of that day again.

After the Hoff people left the hospital, Tianhao Entertainment quickly released a clarification, indicating that although Tianhao took over "Old Shadows of the Republic of China", Fu Yao's previous investment contracts for "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" were signed with Jiang Qianrou, so As Jiang Qianrou's biggest investor, they have no right to interfere with Jiang Qianrou's behavior.

Tianhao Entertainment pushed the responsibility cleanly, but netizens understood it very well. If it was all Jiang Qianrou's actions, how could Jiang Qianrou have the public relations ability to delete all the negative reviews of "Old Films of the Republic of China" on the Internet?

[Jiang Qianrou is not a good thing, and Huo Yuan can't escape the responsibility. The cheating scumbag is more abhorrent than the mistress. 】

[I thought that Tianhao changed his mind and changed his mind, but the result is still this kind of virtue, when will Tianhao close the door? 】

[Boycott the scumbag junior, boycott Tianhao Entertainment! 】

[It's a shame that I watched the trailer and comments before and thought it was a good drama, so it's better to cover your mouth when you co-author it? It's really disgusting to me, why don't you rectify this trend of deceiving consumers? 】

[I'll tell the truth, even my grandmother can't watch Mary Su's dramas like "Old Shadows of the Republic of China". 】

[Which is the best bad drama this year, you have to watch Tianhao, you will regret it if you pass by. 】

This matter has been making a lot of noise on the Internet for the entire National Day holiday. Let alone the filming rate of "Old Films of the Republic of China", it has only dropped. In the end, it was directly withdrawn from many theaters. Anyway, even if the schedule was arranged, no one bought tickets. Better to just withdraw.

Although "Old Movies of the Republic of China" was not popular in the cinema, it made the entire production team a fire, and it became popular all over China. Netizens picked up the producers, directors and other production staff, and they avoided lightning. But all they produce choose lightning protection.

Well, it's black and red though.

Not only the production team, but even several leading actors were asked by reporters why they would pick up "Old Films of the Republic of China" when they participated in the interview. The artists also acted ruthlessly for their stardom, and picked themselves up cleanly, showing that they were also victims, and they did not get the complete script at that time.

After the Hof people dealt with Jiang Qianrou, they went to Tianhao to warn everyone related to Huo Yuan up and down, and issued a lot of banning orders. In the scene of Tianhao's accident, the artists were afraid of being implicated.

After all, Huo Yuan made his fortune from the Hof people, and all the assets under his name are also related to the Hof people. He can only turn a blind eye to the actions of the Hof people as ignorance, and let him hide in a golden house. How do those male and female artists ask for help, Huo Yuan is still very cruel and indifferent.

But his concession did not let the Hof people give in this time. The Hof people cleaned up the assets under Huo Yuan's name overnight. The high-ranking president in front of him instantly became a controlled person and could only stay. Wife and daughter at home.

In just a few days, Tianhao's stock price collapsed again. In the president's office, Huo Yuan, who was wrapping his injured right ear with a white bandage, kept smashing the decorations in the office, and the secretary on the side reported tremblingly: "Mr. Huo, we want to The big IP drama to be bid was intercepted by Xingyu, and the investors who originally cooperated with them all ran away."

The door of the office was knocked open, and the assistant ran in: "Mr. Huo, the variety show group we want to make a debut just received news that the price we offered was low, and they were unwilling to give a position."

The secretary also reported: "Mr. Huo, due to the loss of "Old Films of the Republic of China", the bank refused to provide us with any more loans."

"Mr. Huo, the artists below have made troubles and want to take the opportunity to change jobs. Do they need to be appeased?"

"Mr. Huo..."

Things hit Tianhao one by one, without giving Tianhao any breathing space. In the face of Tianhao's mess, Hof people wanted to stop the loss on the one hand, and on the other hand, to prevent Huo Yuan from looking for other artists, he directly withdrew his capital from Tianhao, leaving Tianhao in the wind and rain.

In the industry, no one dares to take over the state of Tianhao. Tianhao's reputation has been ruined, and from the perspective of metaphysics, no one wants to take over who will break the scandal. In the end, less than a month later, Tianhao officially went bankrupt.

At the same time, the word-of-mouth of "Limited Sales" has risen again and again. All the investment money has been earned back in the first three days, and the film schedule has also risen again and again, becoming the film with the highest attendance rate in the National Day archives.

In mid-October, when Tianhao collapsed, Lan Muyu and Ling Shan joined forces and robbed Tianhao of many useful resources. Relying on the memories of his previous life, Lan Muyu quickly screened and evaluated those items that he had memories of, and handed over the items he liked to Ling Shan to discuss.

Ling Shan has a wide network of contacts in the circle, and her ten years of work experience has made her like a duck to water. Coupled with the sufficient funds given by Lan Muyu, she has successfully torn back the projects that Lan Muyu likes. .

While other entertainment companies that responded more slowly, when they got the news and went to divide up the resources, they found that Tianhao's key projects had already been divided up.

And it wasn't some well-qualified brokerage company who ate those projects. It was precisely because they never paid attention to it and established Xingyu, which only took a few months!

This made the industry's attention focused on Xingyu, and began to inquire about Xingyu. However, I don't know if I don't inquire, I ask for the next jump. When Xingyu was negotiating resources, both the artists he launched and the funds paid were very much in line with the expectations of those project people.

But where did Xingyu come from so many artists?

Another person investigated the artists under Xing Yu, and they were shocked to find that Xing Yu was not the small workshop that Ling Shan brought Lan Muyu as they knew. Now Xing Yu has gathered a group of artists and agents. People, and they are all artists who have made a lot of limelight in the entertainment circle recently.

Xingyu's resources are not only not as bad as they thought, but even directly comparable to Xingyao Entertainment!

In addition, "Limited Sale" is from Xingyu, which made Xingyu out of the limelight for a while.

But all of this was built in just a few months. Even if they were unwilling to admit it, Xing Yu's future... was limitless.

However, Xingyu's footsteps will not stop because of this.

Yancheng Li's Headquarters

Li Ruonan was reading a document when Lan Muyu, who was taking a nap in the cubicle, came out and stretched out to greet Li Ruonan, "Good afternoon."

At the beginning of the month, Li Ruonan returned to Yancheng due to company affairs. He originally thought that he would be able to return to Yuncheng in a few days, but unexpectedly, it was delayed because of a cooperation project - a cooperation project with Lanshi.

Lan Muyu only needed to accept some interviews recently, and she didn't need her to cooperate with reporters. As long as she made an appointment with the city, her own reporters would come to her door, and she would follow Li Ruonan back to Yancheng.

Li Ruonan was reading a document and waved at Lan Muyu: "Good afternoon, why don't you sleep more if you're sleepy?"

Lan Muyu pointed to the real-time box office on his hand, "Gu Yan's phone call just woke me up, he said that the box office of "Limited Sales" has exceeded one billion, so shouldn't I tell the investors immediately? "

The more Lan Muyu said, the more proud the small expression on his face, with the words "Quickly praise me" written all over his face.

Li Ruonan pulled Lan Muyu to sit on his lap face to face, and boasted without hesitation, "My Mumu is awesome."

Lan Muyu felt a little warm on her face, she glanced over and avoided Li Ruonan's gaze, "Well, you know."

"These days, I have heard many employees in the company discussing "Limited Sales", and the response has been very good, and..." Li Ruonan's fingertips pinched Lan Muyu's chin, "They all like you."

"They all like me, what about you?"

Li Ruonan proved with practical actions whether she likes Lan Muyu or not.

At the moment when their lips and teeth were intertwined, the memories of the two bodies were quickly awakened, and they quickly matched each other's movements, and their heartbeats became faster and louder. While responding to Li Ruonan's kiss, Lan Muyu was kissed softly into a puddle of water, paralyzed in Li Ruonan's arms.

After hearing Lan Muyu's uncontrollable purring, Li Ruonan lightly bit Lan Muyu's lips and gradually changed his movements.

Li Ruonan's kiss became deeper and deeper, and the intense kiss at the beginning gradually became gentle and tender. This lingering kiss made Lan Muyu very comfortable, and her arms around Li Ruonan shrank more and more tightly. , even if the air in his mouth is getting thinner and thinner, he is not willing to let go of Li Ruonan.

Before Lan Muyu was about to reach the critical point, Li Ruonan finally let go of Lan Muyu with a full face.

Lan Muyu's eyelashes trembled slightly, the ends of her eyes were red, as if she had painted eye shadow, her lips were slightly red and swollen, she opened her mouth slightly when she was released, her eyes gasping for air, as if she was inviting Li Ruonan. .

Lan Muyu's mist-covered eyes glared at Li Ruonan fiercely, but Li Ruonan asked, "Do you know if I like it now?"

Lan Muyu turned her head and refused to answer.

Li Ruonan's eyes darkened, he lowered his head again, just kissed Lan Muyu's lips one by one, and only let go of Lan Muyu after Lan Muyu's lips were stained with her breath again, "Answer me? "

"I know, you like me the most, and you like it to the point of death." Lan Muyu replied angrily, "I hate you to death."

"Children should respect their elders."

"The eldest child has to take care of the younger generation, look at you, you will treat me... hum." Lan Muyu pursed her lips, not wanting Li Ruonan to be complacent, and brought the topic back to the seriousness at the beginning, "Actually, I only thought " "Limited Sales" can be a small explosion, but I didn't expect to achieve such a big achievement in the end."

After all, because of the lack of funds for "Limited Sales" in the previous life, Gu Yan's filming and adaptation were simpler, and it was more in line with the big online movies. The increasing number of broadcasts also made Gu Yan a lot of money. But despite Li Ruonan's investment in this life, Lan Muyu is not so sure.

After all, sometimes, when the investment is large, the rate of return may not be able to double up according to the increase in investment.

In addition, Fu Yao and Jiang Qianrou have been obstructing the filming of "Limited Sale", Lan Muyu has been worried about this movie for a long time. But fortunately, "Limited Sales" was very competitive, and even Lan Muyu couldn't believe the box office results.

At the same time, Jiang Qianrou, who used the script to help Fu Yao win the actress in the last life, the first script "Republic of China" in this life would be written like a Mary Su, which Lan Muyu did not expect at all.

Thinking about today's news that Jiang Qianrou had won an award during her school days and had someone write it for her, then the script in her previous life might not have been written by Jiang Qianrou herself. After all, the sky in the previous life was like a duck to water, and the Jiang family had no accident, and there was no major problem in operation.

Li Ruonan said with a smile: "It seems that I don't have to work in the future, just stay at home and wait for Mr. Lan to take care of me."

"No, no, no, no, how can I afford you?" Lan Muyu is also a self-aware man. When he compared Xing Yu with Li Shi, he immediately stopped.

Does she take care of Li Ruonan? Li Ruonan raised her almost!

Li Ruonan has been with Lan Muyu in recent days. Except for the last step, she has become more daring in other aspects due to Lan Muyu's influence.

Li Ruonan bit Lan Muyu's ear: "Since you can't support me, why not... Miss Lan give me a chance to support you?"

Lan Muyu's eyes began to flutter, and he hesitated: "No, the relationship between the two of us should be that I support you."

How can anyone rely on support?

She, Lan Muyu, must resolutely defend her position.

Li Ruonan didn't hear Lan Muyu's words clearly, and used her teeth to grind Lan Muyu's earlobe again. The slight heat in her ears made Lan Muyu shrink back for a while, but Li Ruonan hugged her from the back. , there is no escape.

"Let's not discuss this for now." Li Ruonan finally let go of Lan Muyu's ears and carefully arranged Lan Muyu's messy hair, "When are you going to come home with me?"

Lan Muyu fell silent for a while, she licked her lips, and escaped: "This...isn't it in a hurry?"

Although it was a matter of time before she met her parents, she regretted her marriage at the beginning. Her parents and Li Ruonan had a better time, but with Li Ruonan's parents, she really didn't know how to deal with it.

Although Li's parents and Li's mother have been very fond of her since she was a child, how can any parents in the world not feel sorry for their daughter?

She was very worried that she would be thrown onto the road by the bodyguards before she entered the door of Li's house. The gifts she was carrying were scattered all over the floor, a car sped past, and dust was all over her. If it rains again in the sky, wouldn't she just be a dog?

"What are you thinking about?" Li Ruonan sighed, "My parents are not that kind of people. They also told me that you are young and ignorant, so let me not take anger on you."

Lan Muyu reacted abruptly, she just said the last words in her heart involuntarily?

Fallen dog... She would rather be a fallout dog than stay in Li Ruonan's office.

Simply humiliated.

Lan Muyu lowered her head and covered her face, refusing to communicate.

Li Ruonan rubbed Lan Muyu's head, "They have always liked you, don't worry about it, okay?"

Lan Muyu removed his hand from his face, opened Li Ruonan's hand, and said fiercely, "Don't touch me like this, or I'll bite you next time!"

"Well, the puppy is about to bite again."

Lan Muyu: ...she doesn't say anything about "biting", and there are so many ways to punish her, why does she just do it?

Forget it, a wild wolf like her shouldn't care about little things with rabbits, and teach the big rabbit to be a man when she goes to bed.

At this time, the secretary made an internal call, explaining that Lan's father and Lan's mother had arrived at Li's, and were going to continue to discuss cooperation matters with Li Ruonan. Having received Li Ruonan's eyes, Lan Muyu shook his head and consciously slipped back into the lounge in the compartment.

The Li family and the Lan family have been cooperating since their parents, and it is precisely because of this that the two parents had the urge to get engaged to Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu. After Lan Muyu repented of their marriage, Lan's father and Lan's mother also felt embarrassed, and always gave in more to Li's cooperation, hoping that the two would not lose closeness.

And Li Ruonan also understands the good intentions of Lan's father and Lan's mother. Although the Lan family offers more concessions each time, she does not accept it. For her, she will strive for the benefits she wants in a proper way. Not for such reasons.

Projects that require the cooperation of Li and Lan are often more important, so Li Ruonan personally took over. The two companies joined forces to eat the project together.

Li Ruonan thought of his current relationship with Lan Muyu. When drafting the contract, he took the initiative to cede the benefits as Lan's father and mother once did, which shocked Lan's father and mother. Blue father and blue mother naturally refused, and did not deliberately take advantage of Li Ruonan.

But her relationship with Lan Muyu still had to rely on Lan Muyu to tell her parents that it was not appropriate for Li Ruonan to tell her, and Li Ruonan was just sloppy when she signed the contract, indicating that she accepted Li's over the years, With a lot of help from the Lan family, she also wanted to find an opportunity to thank Lan's father and mother.

But Lan's father and mother, who were already guilty of Li Ruonan, felt embarrassed after Li Ruonan insisted on sharing the contract, and tactfully put forward the appeal of wanting to invest in Li's other projects.

Li Ruonan simply discussed his recent investment projects with Lan Muyu and Lan Muyu. At first, these investments were proposed by Lan Muyu. Li Ruonan originally planned to cater to Lan Muyu and make a little investment. After all, Lan Muyu took an acting class at university. Even if those projects were well-spoken by her, Li Ruonan's cooperation was one aspect, and the amount of investment was still up to Li Ruonan to decide.

However, after investigation, Li Ruonan found that those projects were indeed as Tulan Muyu said, with excellent prospects. Li Ruonan also became excited and made a lot of private investments.

After that, for the projects that Lan Muyu chatted with Li Ruonan from time to time, Li Ruonan would participate in more or less, and he believed in Lan Muyu's vision very much. Therefore, when Lan's father and mother made this request, Li Ruonan did not hesitate to join. They also pulled into the investment camp.

Li Ruonan went in and out with Lan's father and mother from time to time these days, which made other entrepreneurs in Yancheng who had been looking forward to the broken relationship between Li and Lan rested their minds.

Being repented of marriage and still working together so happily, the camps of these two families cannot be broken, the relationship is good, very good!

If you can't get a foot in it, you can make good use of it. As a result, some people who had a good relationship with Lan's father and mother, but wanted to seek cooperation with the Li family, went to the Lan family after the two left the Li family.

"Brother, sister-in-law, as you all know, I've been eyeing the land sold by Li's family for several weeks, and the company has finished planning after acquiring the land."

Father Lan didn't know why: "Isn't it a good thing when you're done? When you get the land, you can start work and make money. I have to congratulate you in advance."

"Congratulations, I'm still a long way from here." The friend joined up mysteriously, "But brother, I have limited funds, I just want to know the opening bid of the Li family, and I also Be prepared in advance."

Lan Mu frowned: "This is all a secret within the Li family. It's useless for you to find us. How can we know the price?"

Father Lan echoed: "Yes, and if you go this way, don't you also know Li Ruonan? Why don't you go to the Li family to make an appointment?"

The friend sighed, "sister-in-law, you don't know how busy Mr. Li is. You don't need to ask me the specific price, just help me make an appointment for Mr. Li, and when I have dinner, I will bring my son with me. Talk to her."

"Bring your son?"

"It's not that we are all guessing, Mr. Li is in his thirties, and there has never been anyone around. Since she was divorced by your daughter, maybe she likes a man because of it?" The friend said more and more excitedly, and finally said After realizing his purpose, "My son has just graduated from abroad, and he is Mr. Li's junior and junior brother. Maybe the two of them can get along very well."

Father Lan himself was so angry because he couldn't be a relative with the Li family, and his friends were so openly looking for him as a matchmaker?

Father Lan asked angrily, "So do you want to talk to Li Ruonan about cooperation, or do you want to give your son a blind date?"

The friend smiled: "These two are not in conflict at all, I naturally want both."

After that, Lan's father's friend took Lan's father and Lan's mother to praise Li Ruonan incessantly, and said how good his son was, and he and Li Ruonan would definitely be in harmony.

When Father Lan came home, he didn't eat anything for a whole night.

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