MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 45

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Li Ruonan quickly took out a few tissues, wiped the tabletop wet with tea, and wanted to cool off the topic.

But Lan Muyu on the side was still chattering and counting: "By the way, have you watched any small literature videos secretly behind my back?"

"What?" Li Ruonan didn't react at first, but looking at Lan Muyu's sneering eyes, he knew that this person was saying something inappropriate, and immediately refused: "No."

Lan Muyu said excitedly: "Impossible, how could there not be? You clearly taught me how to kiss, how did you, how did you do it last night..."

After all, Lan Muyu herself had never had such a close relationship with anyone, and at most she knew how to use oil, but she didn't know that there were so many other things to pay attention to. But Li Ruonan, a person who has always been more innocent than her, how could he do it?

She immersed herself in it last night and didn't think much about it, but now that she has time to think about it, Li Ruonan shouldn't have peeked at any small information by himself, right?

Thinking of Li Ruonan, it is very likely that he would hide and watch private movies secretly, and Lan Muyu's eyes were full of disbelief.

Li Ruonan threw the tissue into the trash can, turned his head and said with a smile: "Last night, how could I make you so satisfied?"

It was obviously Lan Muyu who started her own head. After Li Ruonan said that, Lan Muyu's ears were dyed a touch of pink involuntarily. She turned her head and took the chopsticks for herself, "You're fine, it's alright."

Li Ruonan placed it on the dining table for two weeks, as if giving a speech: "Well, I actually found that this is not difficult, as long as you have patience and willingness to learn. In order to prevent you from getting hurt, I have to keep watching you before proceeding. "

"You... stop talking, why are you starting to talk nonsense?"

Seeing Lan Muyu lowered his head, Li Ruonan explained softly, "I didn't talk nonsense. I remember that when I bumped into you, you suddenly screamed very loudly and bit too hard..."

"Li Ruonan!" Lan Muyu finally couldn't listen anymore and interrupted loudly.

Between her and Li Ruonan, Li Ruonan is often ridiculed. And she found that it turned out that Li Ruonan, who used a serious expression, talked about important cooperation, and talked about their bed affairs, was the most deadly.

Lan Muyu was eager to find a hole to dig into.

"Did I say something wrong?" Li Ruonan's expression still remained the same, and he began to analyze it seriously, "Don't you like that, but you are still twisting your waist to cooperate with me, although you still say to be slower?"

Lan Muyu covered her face with both hands, and said sullenly, "Li Ruonan, just say one more word, and I'll go back to Yuncheng."

Li Ruonan immediately closed his mouth and sat quietly beside him. From time to time, he secretly glanced at Lan Muyu's blushing face. With vegetables, she piled up her bowl.

After calming down, Lan Muyu finally took down his hands and looked at Li Ruonan with a complicated expression.

How did things turn out like this? Didn't she just lay there lazily at the beginning of last night and let Li Ruonan be like this, why did she become the one who has been oppressed all the time?

And just when she wanted to resist, she was paralyzed and didn't have the slightest strength, let alone pressing Li Ruonan. Why is she, a wild wolf, even inferior to a rabbit?

Lan Muyu quickly picked up the chopsticks on the side and ate the food in the bowl with big mouthfuls. Li Ruonan also served Lan Muyu again.

Lan Muyu didn't reject Li Ruonan's kindness either, but deliberately made a crisp and loud chewing sound when eating, forgetting the upbringing he had cultivated since childhood.

After all - you have the strength to fight back when you are full.

She Lan Muyu will never compromise.

The meal ended in an atmosphere full of embarrassment and ambiguity between the two.

Since the relationship and the abolition of those boarding-style routines during the student days, Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu's daily way of getting along has become more harmonious in the mutual running-in.

On weekdays, Lan Muyu would obediently follow Li Ruonan to bed early, and on weekends Li Ruonan would accompany Lan Muyu to sleep until noon. In addition to these, the activities of the two people's night exploration are also more abundant, unlocking a lot of new poses.

During this period, both of them left a lot of ambiguous marks on each other, Li Ruonan had nothing to do with it, but Lan Muyu was poisoned by Ling Shan's eyes several times.

After all, Lan Muyu was an entertainer, and it was normal for her to wear a strapless dress to an event occasionally. And every time when the stylist handed Lan Muyu clothes, after Lan Muyu showed an embarrassed expression, Ling Shan wished that she could change to another artist immediately.

The days were spent in a calm and warm atmosphere, until more than half a month later, Fu Yao's case was finally settled, and Fu Yao was officially sentenced.

The police used the evidence in their hands and Fu Yao's confession to uproot the money laundering industry in a gray area. Fu Yao was sentenced to eight years because of the huge amount of money laundering. The Fu family illegally mined and hidden ores in the early years, which also made Fu Yao. Yao's father and uncle were all imprisoned.

When Fu Yao was in the detention center at first, she did not have the degree of cooperation later. At that time, nothing about the Fu family was dug up, and the Fu family had already arranged for her. She wanted to seek medical parole and secretly bail Fu Yao out. , and then use the evidence in his hand to threaten the relevant persons involved in order to keep Fu Yao.

But later the Fu family's abacus was in vain. Seeing that there was no hope, the lawyer had to propose to Fu Yao and take the initiative to confess something she knew in an attempt to reduce her sentence. Fu Yao had no other way to get out, so she had to follow the lawyer's advice and actively cooperate.

But Fu Yao's time in the detention center was miserable. Since Fu Yao can remember, the Fu family has developed the coal mining business. Fu Chengwen's wife died young, and he has only one daughter, Fu Yao, who grew up holding them like jewels. When Fu Yao entered the society, Tianhao was behind her to **** her, so she never suffered material grievances.

How can people who are just detained in the detention center be so good? Although the crimes committed by female criminals are generally lighter than those of male criminals or they are easier to get on the table, they are sinners, and their insides are always more dirty than normal people.

Fu Yao couldn't stand this kind of atmosphere very quickly, adhering to the idea of ​​confessing earlier and going to a formal prison earlier, the evidence provided by Fu Yao, and the person who bit it out, can be regarded as a lot of credit.

It wasn't until she was put in prison that Fu Yao's life got a little better, at least she didn't have to live in a Datong shop with more than 20 people, and her family was able to leave money for her to buy some daily necessities and food.

When the visit was allowed, Fu Yao was being arranged to step on a sewing machine to become a female celebrity, and was notified by her family to visit.

Fu Yao was a little surprised when she saw Fu Yiming and Fu Yitong. The faces of the two were full of exhaustion. The brothers and sisters who used to be well-dressed when they traveled in the past, could not lift their spirits at this moment. After the Fu family accident, although the two of them didn't need to go to prison, they also gained a layer of freedom. The Fu family owed a lot of money, and those who wanted the debt were about to drive them crazy.

Fu Yao wanted to complain about the bitterness, but she didn't know how to start it at that moment. Instead, Fu Yiming was very excited, "Fu Yao, tell me quickly, is there any other money in our family? We are going to be forced by debt collectors. Crazy, my dad and uncle went in again, we are really desperate, please help me."

Fu Yao raised the shackles on her hands mockingly, "Do you think I would still be here if I had it?"

Fu Yiming was silent, and Fu Yitong, who was beside him, scolded: "It's all that Lan Muyu. I have long seen that she is not a good stubborn, and she caused our family to be destroyed."

"If we had known now, we should have been strong in the first place. Grandma's birthday banquet would not let her go, and she would be put under house arrest and tortured."

"I don't know why she is so lucky. Now she has more and more fans, but she was nothing at the Fu family back then, how could she!"

Fu Yiming and Fu Yitong became angrier the more they talked, but were interrupted by Fu Yao, "By the way, how is Jiang Qianrou? She has a background in her family, and I have been with her, and I have some videos in my hand, maybe you can borrow them. machine…"

"Jiang Qianrou? What's the use of Jiang Qianrou, she can't protect herself."

"She, what happened to her?" Fu Yao was a little surprised.

"Sister, you have been imprisoned here for too long. Jiang Qianrou's family has long been in trouble, and she also gave the third person to take over Tianhao. I heard that she is still pregnant. It's just that she was discovered by her first wife later, and the ghost knows she was taken away. Wherever I went, I don't know if I was sold or banned, or if I was... Anyway, there is no news."

Fu Yao was stunned, and Fu Yitong continued, "Jiang Qianrou can't count on it, you have been with Lan Muyu, have you had any relationship, do you have any information on her?"

"No. She's more conservative, and we haven't gone any further." Fu Yao recalled with a frown. Although she didn't have a good relationship with Fu Yiming and Fu Yitong, these two were also her only relatives outside.

Fu Yiming slammed the table, "It was you who provoke Lan Muyu at first, and then involved the people behind her. If you hadn't taken the initiative to provoke her, where would our family be like this?"

"Wait, brother, do you know the person behind Lan Muyu?" Fu Yitong looked at Fu Yiming excitedly, "Why is she still a big star now? It's hard for us, and she shouldn't think about it."

"But that person took good care of Lan Muyu."

Fu Yitong said with a smile: "As far as her ordinary background is concerned, the Fu family didn't like her at the beginning, let alone her financial master. Don't all her fans say she works hard? I want to see if they know that Lan Muyu is being How will the caregiver react?"

Thinking of the phone call he made to Lan Muyu that day, Fu Yiming could vaguely guess who the caller was. Li Ruonan was far more interested in Lan Muyu than he thought at first.

He hesitated: "But what if they are really in a relationship?"

Fu Yitong smiled and said, "Isn't that better? We just happened to be short of money, so let Lan Muyu's concubine use money to cover our mouths. Isn't she rich?"

At this time, Fu Yao also said: "I should have some photos there that can prove that I have been with her. If it can help you, just use it."


After brother and sister Fu Yiming and Fu Yitong left the prison, they began to work on related matters. They didn't startle the snake, but used another method to first attract the attention of netizens - they released the news of Fu Yao's imprisonment.

Fu Yao's imprisonment made netizens applaud, and the discussion was extremely high:

[It's really good reincarnation, Fu Yao used the entertainment company to launder so much money, I feel a little cheap for her for eight years. 】

[Fu Yao is sentenced, shouldn't the forces behind her also be sacked? There's a good show here. 】

After the popularity increased, Fu Yiming did not hesitate, and took the opportunity to release a set of Fu Yao's photos, and began to sigh that such a young and beautiful person would spend the most brilliant years of his life in prison.

When beautiful things fall into the dust, netizens may sympathize on weekdays, but in this case, netizens' reactions have been applauded.

In her previous life, if Fu Yao was able to obtain an actress, external help was one thing, and her own conditions were the biggest bonus. Or in other words, someone who can make Lan Muyu give up in his last life is not bad at all.

At first, netizens just praised Fu Yao's photo, and then regretted that it was a pity that Fu Yao had such a good time, but in the end, it was their own fault.

But as the popularity continued to rise, everyone's attention was shifted to Fu Yao's former ex-girlfriend. As we all know, Fu Yao's two predecessors are Lan Muyu and Jiang Qianrou.

It's a pity that the memories of netizens are cruel. For Jiang Qianrou, who has been out of the public eye for a long time, no one wants to join in the fun. Instead, they all focus on Lan Muyu, who is hot these days.

When public opinion began to change, Ling Shan, relying on years of intuition, began to feel that something was not right, and immediately arranged for an investigation. But who would have thought that, before the results of the investigation came out, the Internet was really implicated in Lan Muyu as she thought.

A lot of photos of the two of them taking selfies have been released on the Internet. The two people in the photos are like other young couples who are in love, and their relationship is very good at first glance.

At this moment, Ling Shan urgently notified Lan Muyu to check the trend on Weibo. After Lan Muyu posted on Weibo and saw the exposed photos, she had a rough idea, "Sister Ling, if I can guess. That's right, this should be the Fu family doing things, they should be coming for me."

In Lan Muyu's memory, these photos are from a previous life. At that time, Lan Muyu and Fu Yao were both small and transparent. Naturally, no one would secretly take pictures when they were in love. These photos were also taken privately by Lan Muyu and Fu Yao. In the group photos taken by Yao, besides her, only Fu Yao will have it.

After Ling Shan got Lan Muyu's answer, she led the public relations team on a 12-point vigilance and kept an eye on the trends on the Internet.

This matter is indeed as Lan Muyu expected, it is directed at Lan Muyu.

Immediately afterwards, it was revealed that Lan Muyu relied on Fu Yao to come to power at the beginning, and played the role of Director Qi in "I Love You Whispering in My Heart". Later, she climbed up to a bigger gold master, and through the power of the gold master not only washed the white She did not hesitate to destroy Tianhao. When Tianhao was shaky, she signed Tianhao's runaway artists into her own Xingyu.

As a little star who has only been in the entertainment industry for a year, she not only started her own entertainment company, but also signed many seniors with more seniority than her. There is something tricky about it.

Some time ago, on the premiere day of "Limited Sale", the overwhelming LED advertising light screen proved this point - what kind of innocent star Lan Muyu is, he is obviously a non-stop gold owner to squeeze others away resource cafe.

For the first half, netizens still have some memories. They still vividly remember the way Tianhao treated Lan Muyu at the beginning. It is not easy to fool netizens for the fact that Lan Muyu is sorry for Tianhao. A screeching voice:

[It's true that as soon as Fu Yao went to prison, Fu Yao's leg hair couldn't complain, so he could only come out and sink in together, right? 】

[Take away Lan Muyu, the big beauty just fell in love, so she has to be bound by you for a lifetime? Can you stop lying? 】

[Don't you know what Tianhao does? Fu Yao's eight-year sentence is because Tianhao laundered money, don't you know? Is it worth your sympathy for such a depraved character? 】

However, these are just the beginning. In the following time, more and more people came out one after another, focusing on Lan Muyu's later gold master.

There are a lot of people who claim to be classmates of Lan Muyu University on the Internet. They all claim that Lan Muyu lived in the school for four years in University, and they have never met her family. Children of the rich family.

Therefore, for such an ordinary person, who can have Xingyu now, there must be someone behind him.

Lan Muyu can go smoothly all the way, anyone who opposes her will have no good end, it is all related to the gold master behind her.

However, Lan Muyu's fans are not vegetarians. The scene when Lan Muyu was confessed is still vivid in their minds. They firmly believe that it is love, and they all hold injustice for Lan Muyu:

【Why do you say that Lan Muyu has a gold master, so he can't be the target? 】

[Who have you seen coaxing a little lover to make such a money-consuming confession? This is clearly love ah ah ah ah ah. 】

[Don't say it, if there really exists such a person, I will respect it first! 】

Netizens who are not used to the fandom also responded: [So Lan Muyu's fans admitted that there is indeed such a gold master on behalf of the master? 】

[It turns out that the little girls nowadays are so clueless? Can we be together for money? 】

[Lan Muyu's fans are helpless, and when the time comes, an old man will come out and see if you can do it? 】

Lan Muyu's fans also shot back:

[Now that the truth has not come out, why do you say it is a foster relationship? Can't it be normal love? 】

[They just say that the grapes are sour because they can't eat the grapes. 】

The two sides were quarreling, but because there was no direct evidence, Lan Muyu's fans went to the person who broke the news to verify.

The person who broke the news also seemed to have been waiting there for a long time. When the fans came to the door, they immediately exposed a few more photos. This time, the people in the photos were Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu.

These days, Lan Muyu and Li Ruonan are inseparable. Lan Muyu will follow Li Ruonan to the Li family when he has no work. On weekends, if Lan Muyu wants to go out to shoot or participate in activities, Li Ruonan will also accompany him.

In addition, Lan Muyu explained to Ling Shan how to deal with the flow before, but it gave others a lot of opportunities to take advantage of.

The two people in the photo did not have any intimate actions, but the relationship between the two people who appeared at the same frequency so many times at different times and places must be unusual.

Just when netizens were curious about the identity of the people around Lan Muyu, a screenshot of the financial section was posted, which clearly stated Li Ruonan's identity, and the Internet exploded, especially for Lan Mu. Yu's fans all raised their eyebrows:

【my God! This, this person is Li Ruonan, right? I said, why is it so familiar, I have seen the outstanding young entrepreneurs on TV several times. 】

[So the Li family in Yancheng belongs to Li Ruonan? That confession of "Lan Muyu, I like you" was also made by Li Ruonan? Then I'm not surprised, Li Ruonan is indeed very rich. 】

[That's Li Ruonan's confession to Lan Muyu, Lan Muyu is actually with Li Ruonan! 】

【Why is Lan Muyu so lucky! ! 】

[So this is the real version of a domineering president who falls in love with a little star? 】

[I announce that I will stand on the CP of Lan Muyu and Li Ruonan starting today. 】

However, it was revealed that the purpose of Fu Yiming's siblings was obviously not to support Mu Yu, the red and blue, and they quickly threw out evidence that Li Ruonan's name was in the investor column of "Limited Sale". In addition, Xingyao Entertainment, which Lan Muyu signed in at the beginning, is also evidence that it belongs to the Li family.

As for Lan Muyu's Xingyu, although Li Ruonan did not hold shares, everyone easily thought that it was Li Ruonan who directly threw money for his little lover, just to make people happy and not need anything in return.

After these evidences came out, Lan Muyu's fans were still revelling, but the winds of passers-by began to change.

For fans, after learning about Li Ruonan's identity and what Li Ruonan has done for Lan Muyu, they are naturally very happy to see that their fans can be treated gently.

But other netizens don't think so. They may sympathize with the weak at first, but when they see Lan Muyu being targeted again, they can't help but say a few words for Lan Muyu.

But it does not mean that all of them will be willing to see Lan Muyu as an ordinary person, just like what Lan Muyu fans want to see, soaring into the sky in the bright and bright entertainment circle because of climbing up Li Ruonan .

Qiu Fu's mentality and jealousy from the bottom of their hearts made them end up besieging Lan Muyu one after another.

[Lan Muyu fans, please wake up, just Li Ruonan's identity, it's already very good for you to play with your idol, and you still fantasize about being in a serious relationship? 】

[This is the biggest joke I've heard today. If you give some resources and some heat, you will think it's true love? The rich second-generation people spend so much money on tickets, how many celebrities have you seen marry into wealthy families? 】

【I now believe more and more that Lan Muyu climbed up on Li Ruonan and kicked Fu Yao, Tian Hao is really miserable. 】

[Lan Muyu's fans don't have big dreams in spring and autumn. Your sister is a person who sells herself for glory and relies on the gold master to be in the top position. Don't make yourself so noble, clearly understand the resource coffee, don't struggle. 】

Keyboard warriors express their opinions generously on the Internet, as if occupying the commanding heights of morality. Even people who are usually shy in real life may become different people when they come online, and all kinds of swear words will pop up unsightly.

This cyber violence, as planned by Fu Yiming and Fu Yitong, officially kicked off.

The author has something to say: This chapter specially added a sentence, this time Fu Yao could not be released from the detention center on bail, so he would not run out like in his previous life.

Then I checked on Baidu, and I could only be sentenced to 5-10 years. The timeline of this article will not be written eight years later. If you mind the little cutie, can you tell me if there is any better way to follow up?

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