MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 49

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The incident of Lan Muyu's smashing caused a lot of discussion on the Internet, and it also sounded the alarm for other crews, and strengthened the security work of the crew.

As the largest investor in the crew, Lan Muyu naturally made a lot of money. When netizens discuss her, they will inevitably be named by the crew, and the crew's publicity work also follows the footsteps of hot searches, which also brings traffic to the new drama in which she guest starred.

But the strange voices on the Internet will never stop. When the fans felt distressed for Lan Muyu, other voices also began to appear.

That night, when Lan Muyu was forcibly pressed into the bathroom by Li Ruonan and asked to take off his clothes for inspection, Lan Muyu thought of Li Ruonan's performance over the past few days and thought that he was well trained, so he immediately took off his clothes.

Who knows that Li Ruonan can really sit back and relax when he does things seriously, and while carefully checking Lan Muyu's body for wounds scratched by fine glass, he complained: "Ling Shan has picked up some mess for you. The work of the protagonist is neither the protagonist nor so dangerous."

When Lan Muyu heard this, it turned out that this was a late autumn settlement?

But as the saying goes, what can't be solved by going to bed?

She reached out to take off Li Ruonan's clothes, but was covered by a bath towel that covered her face. "In the future, you are not allowed to take such dangerous jobs. Wouldn't it be better to invest in whichever drama you liked comfortably?"

Lan Muyu pursed her lips, "The crew was originally Xing Yu's investment and starring role, isn't it normal for me to make a cameo appearance as the boss, and I quite like that character, not a clown, but Bai Yueguang, the starring role. Do you know what Bai Yueguang means?"

"What it means can't hide that you almost had an accident today."

"Actually, today was really an accident, and even if I'm not on the set, maybe that person will chase him elsewhere. I've always listened to your words and brought the bodyguard with me, and it's not the same job."

Li Ruonan sighed, "I can't control what others do, but you, I can still manage. In the future, you can bring a few more people to the crew, and you are not allowed to leave their sight."

Lan Muyu replied obediently and watched Li Ruonan wrap her with a bath towel. Although the expression on Li Ruonan's face was not very good-looking, the movements of her hands were extremely gentle.

Lan Muyu just let Li Ruonan move so quietly, she looked at Li Ruonan and looked at the fluttering slender eyelashes, Lan Muyu leaned slightly closer, but was interrupted by a ringing phone.

At this time, Li Ruonan also raised his head, "I'll go get you a phone."

It was Ling Shan on the other end of the phone, "The trend on the Internet has started to change again, I don't know which side is making the mess this time. Now more and more comments on the Internet think that the film set is controlled by Xingyu, and you The injury is also a self-directed and self-acted drama, you are to hype the new drama.

And you can avoid it so quickly and without any danger because the bodyguards are prepared in advance. "

Lan Muyu couldn't help but feel a little funny, she lay lazily on the sofa and sighed, "It's menacing."

"If something goes wrong today, you can take a good rest, adjust your state, and leave all the comments on the Internet to me."

"Then trouble Sister Ling to work overtime."

The police acted quickly, and they gave the result of the investigation that night that the suspect was taken away. It was an act of intentional murder, and a dagger was found on the woman's body. Subsequent penalties have to be completed on both sides, so only one investigation result has been announced.

Ling Shan immediately arranged for a lawyer, unwilling to settle and demanded legal procedures to resolve the matter, and posted it online. At the same time, the surveillance video of the scene was released. The surveillance video showed that the woman had been secretly waiting in the building at more than three in the morning.

And the surveillance footage also clearly showed that after seeing Lan Muyu surrounded by fans, the woman put away the dagger that was confiscated by the police, and put her eyes on the huge glass vase beside her...

In this way, the motive of the murdering woman is very clear. If Lan Muyu arranged someone, there is absolutely no need to sneak into the crime scene in the middle of the night, let alone bring a weapon like a dagger.

In addition, Lan Muyu's side also demanded legal procedures. As we all know, intentional hurt must be sentenced. If you just want to make a splash, there is no need for Lan Muyu's hired people to make such a big noise. As usual a few years ago, just order leaves and eggs, or take a bottle of colored drinks, and let Lan Muyu make a fool of himself in public.

On the other hand, if Lan Muyu's party is really for hype, there is no need to go to great lengths to sue and go through legal procedures. She can sell a kind person and expose the matter lightly. I believe fans will also He would feel more distressed for Lan Muyu's inaction.

What the monitoring showed and what Lan Muyu's team did was not the case. The real hammer was caught off guard, so the blacks didn't know how to refute for a while, and the remarks about Lan Muyu's self-hype started to decrease. .

But there are still many people who choose to pretend to be blind and refuse to admit these evidences. Instead, they seem to be in a hurry and dance more happily on the Internet.

Lan Muyu's fans and many passers-by felt sorry for Lan Muyu's unwarranted disaster, and at the same time, seeing someone slandering Lan Muyu so much, they couldn't help but scold Heizi.

The sunspots are dead ducks, and one road is black to the end. There is even a black man who said that Lan Muyu has not been in the group since "Limited Sale". As a supporting role, if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't play the lead role, Lan Muyu didn't need to hype himself up to gain popularity.

While Lan Muyu's fans were angry, they couldn't produce evidence that Lan Muyu had joined the group to refute the opinions of the sunspots. They wanted to cry in a hurry, which made the sunspots jump higher.

At this time, the actor of the TV series, which was guest-starred by Lan Muyu, posted a Weibo: [She is the Bai Yueguang I followed when I was young, and she made me strive to become a better person. @Blue Muyu]

At the same time, Yang Qingqing, the heroine of the TV series, reposted the hero's Weibo: [Kiss here is a friendly reminder, the washboard is ready for you? 】

The male protagonist immediately posted an emoji bag kneeling on the washboard in Yang Qingqing's comment area, with the text: [I was wrong. 】

This operation directly blocked the mouths of those sunspots. Although the role played by Lan Muyu was small, it was Bai Yueguang when the male protagonist was young in the play. Generally, the selection of such roles is very important. Lan Muyu It's not trivial to get this role.

The interaction between the male and female protagonists on Weibo also amused many netizens, who all said that they would definitely watch it on time after the broadcast, which also made the popularity of the show continue to rise.

In response to the remarks that Lan Muyu had no drama to film, Lan Muyu's fans also began to collect Lan Muyu's manuscripts after the National Day holiday. I don't know when I don't collect it, but once I collect it, it's an eye-opener for Lan Muyu's fans.

In just over a month, the number of production crews with Lan Muyu's entries as pre-promotion was already in double digits, not including those shoddy low-cost online dramas.

Lan Muyu's fans took screenshots of the marketing accounts, integrated them, and posted them online.

But sometimes the behavior of fans is not the behavior of the crew. It may also be the spontaneous behavior of the star. After trying to gain popularity on the Internet, he forced the crew to sign him. Therefore, this step of the fans was quickly refuted by the sunspots.

Looking at the more arrogant theories of the sunspots, the fans were so angry that they didn't know how to fight back.

Fortunately, Ling Shan's agent is also very powerful. After seeing such a trend on the Internet, she immediately contacted Fu Qian. After all, Lan Muyu's next play has not been decided yet, and Fu Qian has to bear half of the responsibility during the few months of vacancy.

After all, Fu Qian has been in the entertainment industry for many years. After winning so many movie stars, he started to be a director. If he changed his agent, even if he signed a contract before, he might choose to change the actor directly to keep the crew secret. Work.

But the person who came here was Ling Shan who was on the same account book as him. Fu Qian, after circling ninety-eighty-one rejections in his mind, faced Ling Shan at the other end of the video, still in tears. nodded.

Therefore, Fu Qian, who has not updated his Weibo for a long time, also updated his Weibo this evening: [Here I want to announce that my new movie will start shooting at the beginning of next year. And Lan Muyu is the heroine I tore from Ling Shan. 】

As soon as Fu Qian's Weibo came out, Lan Muyu's fans were very surprised. Just like the last time Lan Muyu got the endorsement of the C card, everyone couldn't believe that their idols could participate in Fu Qian's heroine.

After the relationship between Lan Muyu and Li Ruonan was made public, some fans of Lan Muyu laughed and said how happy it is to be a fan of a resource cafe. At that time, these remarks hadn't attracted much attention, but this time, Lan Muyu's fans really started to revel.

That's a Fu Qian movie! Not to mention whether Fu Qian participates in the director or will participate in the role of the male lead, which female artist who has played with Fu Qian is not the best?

This also explained why Tonglan Muyu was reluctant to join the group. If you can get Fu Qian's heroine, the bonus you will get at that time will definitely be worthy of several other crews. Isn't it worth taking the time off?

Although Fu Qian is an acting school, his popularity was no less than that of any traffic niche. Although his fans did not build a team on weekdays, after Fu Qian posted on Weibo, he directly sent Fu Qian to the top of the hot search. one.

In the eyes of Fu Qian's fans, it is rare for the male **** to post on Weibo, but it is still for Lan Muyu's platform, so they must follow the footsteps of the male **** and fight against the black together for Lan Muyu.

Fu Qian's fan fighting power has always been at the forefront of the entertainment industry. Although he hasn't fought against anyone for a long time, his fighting power is not comparable to that of Lan Muyu's fans. He quickly drowned out all of Heizi's remarks, so that Heizi didn't have time to say the next rebuttal. Has been overwhelmed by Fu Qian's fans.

After everything was settled, it was past nine o'clock in the evening, Ling Shan sent a message to Lan Muyu, informing her that all the comments on the Internet had been suppressed.

Lan Muyu had just finished taking a shower, chatting with Ling Shan while enjoying Li Ruonan's hair dryer service, the hair dryer's warm whining sound was interspersed with Li Ruonan's fingertips, making Lan Muyu so comfortable He opened his eyes, lay back slightly, and rubbed Li Ruonan's neck with his half-dry hair.

Li Ruonan not only wanted to dry Lan Muyu's hair, but also straightened Lan Muyu's head. After some hectic movements, he turned off the hair dryer, "Blow yourself."

Lan Muyu immediately sat up straight, pulled Li Ruonan's fingertips and kissed him in a pleasing manner, handed over the hair dryer, and blinked at Li Ruonan.

"Then you're not allowed to move?"

"Hmmmm, don't move, I'm so lazy, I like you to move."

Li Ruonan froze for a moment while holding the hair dryer, and reprimanded: "Don't keep your mouth shut all day."

Lan Muyu didn't mean anything else at first, but after Li Ruonan said this, he carefully recalled what he just said...

It seems that there is a little bit, not serious.

But no matter how much he wanted to laugh in his heart, Lan Muyu's expression was still restrained, and he said innocently, "What did I say? Why do you have such a big reaction?"

"You..." Li Ruonan looked at Lan Muyu and suddenly didn't know what to say. Maybe, maybe it was her relationship with Lan Muyu these days that made her too sensitive to this kind of edge-off topic?

Li Ruonan had to turn on the hairdryer to hide his embarrassment.

But obediently turned around and let Li Ruonan play with Lan Muyu, a smile overflowed from her lips.

After Ling Shan's reminder, Lan Muyu quickly drove the tuba and ran to Fu Qian's Weibo to respond: [Thank you, Brother Fu, for your recognition of me, so I had to bring Sister Ling to defect. 】

Fu Qian and Ling Shan have a lot of CP fans, and Fu Qian's fans are also very accepting of Ling Shan. After all, they all see Ling Shan's work ability, and more importantly, Fu Qian's fans also have A lot of Ling Shan's face fans, and even more fans laughed and said that Ling Shan delayed herself because of Fu Qian, otherwise she would have gotten a place in the entertainment industry.

Lan Muyu's reply was quickly sent to the No. 1 position by her fans and Fu Qian's fans, and there were tens of thousands of comments in the building, especially the CP fans of Fu Qian and Ling Shan. :

【啊啊啊啊啊啊蓝沐羽到时候能不能偷拍几张照片,我真的好馋。 】

[Hahahaha I didn’t pay attention to Lan Muyu before, so I became a matchmaker for her, and I decided to start following her today. 】

[When I was a fan of Fu Qian, I was looking forward to him posting selfies. Later, when he and Ling Shan fell in love, I didn’t expect a single person, but a double person. But who would have thought that I would now have to rely on Lan Muyu to get Fu Qian to post on Weibo. 】

[I can already imagine the scene where Fu Qian and Ling Shan have to go out to eat with Lan Muyu, a light bulb, after the filming starts, hahahaha. 】

【Lan Muyu: Are you polite? 】

Lan Muyu looked at the remarks of these fans, and accidentally let herself stumble again. Her hair was almost dry. Li Ruonan turned off the hairdryer and said with a bit of coldness, "Is it so funny?"

"Yeah, let me tell you, Brother Fu is worthy of being a famous actor for many years. I rubbed against his popularity and not only managed to shut up those sunspots, but also earned a lot of fans."

"Oh, is he that good?"

Although Li Ruonan's tone was normal, as Lan Muyu, who got along with each other day and night, he still heard a bit of sourness.

Lan Muyu suddenly became teased, and then provoked Li Ruonan: "Yes, look at Brother Fu, he looks good, has a successful career, and married Sister Ling when he was still popular, so it's no wonder he can fascinate Wan Wan. Thousand girls.

And I didn't have any contact with him before. Although I promised to take part in his new movie, I didn't expect him to take the initiative to post on Weibo for my team. He was bewildered. "

"Well, he's really nice." Li Ruonan rarely had a cold face. Anyway, he smiled at Lan Muyu, which made Lan Muyu's back feel cold.

"Actually, he's not that good either." Lan Muyu quickly admitted his mistake.

But Li Ruonan flicked Lan Muyu's arm away and walked out, "I remembered that I still have a document to deal with, you go to bed first."

"Li Ruonan, you... Then you won't come back, right?"

Li Ruonan's footsteps stopped, and he turned around and said fiercely, "You want to be beautiful."

Hearing this reprimand, Lan Muyu's heart calmed down, and she replied, "Then you should read it sooner, I'll wait for you to sleep together, you know that I like to lie down and don't like to move."

Li Ruonan didn't answer, but his footsteps were a little flustered, and he quickly disappeared around the corner.

Lan Muyu didn't want to disturb Li Ruonan's office, so she flipped through the variety shows that Ling Shan sent her to let her choose.

Lan Muyu had seen the variety show sent by Ling Shan before, and it wouldn't be too difficult if she just participated as a flying guest for a few episodes. Just when Lan Muyu was doing her homework, Ling Shan's WeChat popped up.

Is there a new situation online?

Lan Muyu turned on the phone as if resigned, and saw the message sent by Ling Shan: [Mr. Li has posted on Weibo. 】

Lan Muyu: ? ? ?

Didn't her big rabbit go to the study to read documents?

The original office is Weibo?

Lan Muyu opened Weibo with curiosity:

[Li Ruonan: With me here, Lan Muyu needs to use his own safety to hype? 】

Lan Muyu glanced at the direction of the bedroom door and couldn't help but laugh.

It turned out that the big rabbit came to encircle her territory again, and it was really cheap that no one else would take it.

And Li Ruonan has learned a lot of Weibo operations since the last time his relationship with Lan Muyu was made public. With the release of Li Ruonan's Weibo, the opening screen of Weibo became Lan Muyu again!

This time the opening screen was not for advertising, but simply using Lan Muyu's personal photo as the opening screen.

Afterwards, before the netizens could sigh, someone discovered that the LED displays of all the shopping malls under the Li family had been replaced with huge posters of Lan Muyu!

This scene is not unfamiliar to netizens. Didn't the confession of "Lan Muyu, I like you" occupied the LED screens in the central business districts of China and other countries?

The memories of netizens were instantly awakened. In such a comparison, isn't this what Li Ruonan did now?

In just ten minutes, plus the popularity before tonight, the front row of the hot search was finally occupied by Lan Muyu, but Li Ruonan's sentence was fulfilled, "With me here, Lan Muyu needs to use his own safety to hype. ?"?

The other passers-by and netizens who ate melons were also shocked by this situation, and those sunspots who were still delusional to escape from Fu Qian and Lan Muyu's fans, who wanted to make a comeback, also shut their mouths.

What is this black?

With an object like Li Ruonan around, Lan Muyu will fry himself?

How unthinkable did Lan Muyu want to hype up her own safety?

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly 】

[This is too relieved, do we Mumu use this to hype it? The person who murdered Mu Mu thought that Mu Mu was too red. I think all these sunspots have pink eye, right? You continue to dance, why don't you talk? Didn't you just enjoy it? 】

[Mr. Li is domineering, every day I have to shout that President Li Mumu is locked to death, the CP I knocked is really, really, really true! 】

[Is this the world of the rich? I was shopping with my mother just now, and suddenly the LED screen was replaced with Mumu, and the beauty crit gave me a complete stun. It's so nice to have money. 】

【You can do whatever you want with money. Although I don’t have the beauty of Lan Muyu, I don’t have high requirements. Just give me someone who is a little less rich than Li Ruonan. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Lan Muyu watched the content of Weibo and digested it for a few seconds, still unable to restrain the rapid beating of her heart.

Looking at the long list of hot search entries that she had dominated the screen, Lan Muyu stood up and walked in the direction of the study.

Halfway through, the message alert sounded on Weibo again, and Li Ruonan updated another Weibo: [Does she need it? 】

Lan Muyu can seem to think of Li Ruonan's angry and mocking demeanor at the netizens, and then look at the comments under Li Ruonan's Weibo:

[No need, no need, Lan Muyu is enough to have you. 】

[No, what else is needed? The sunspots are going to laugh at me, I have to worry that they are busy tonight, and the people behind them will not give money hahahaha]

[Hei Zi, remember to use your brain next time, Mumu is not one of those celebrities who are easy to bully, don't always use the same set to get rid of the stone. 】

[Li Ba Ba is mighty! 】

At this time, Lan Muyu also walked to the door of the study, the door was hidden and not closed.

Lan Muyu pushed open the door, looked at Li Ruonan, who had a stinky face inside, tapping something on the computer, relaxed his movements, leaned on the door frame lazily, and teased with a smile: "I Why don't you know that Li's business can be handled with Weibo?"

Li Ruonan was looking at the comments of netizens, but didn't notice that the door was pushed open. Hearing Lan Muyu's words, his expression froze and he froze there.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lan Muyu walked over to Li Ruonan quickly, "Ah... So your office is just swiping Weibo and fighting with Heizi, and then filling up my photos?"

Before Lan Muyu came over, Li Ruonan quickly closed the lid of the computer, "Why did you break in suddenly, why are you fighting with Heizi? I have the final say in Li's shopping mall, I can hang up whatever I want, is there a problem? "

"No problem, no problem, I'm just curious, if time doesn't allow it, do you want to fill the streets and alleys again?"

Li Ruonan snorted lightly, "It's not impossible."

Seeing that Li Ruonan was about to start to play his righteous "prodigal" attribute again, Lan Muyu couldn't help laughing: "Oh, that's really hard work for my rabbit. In order to repay, I decided to treat her well tonight, what do you think?"

"Why don't you talk properly all day long. The weather turns cold, and you don't know how to put on a coat and come back at night."

Lan Muyu chuckled lightly, and simply sat in Li Ruonan's arms, and the originally spacious computer chair was instantly crowded.

She reopened the computer cover, and Li Ruonan's browsing records all jumped out.

Feeling the stiffness of the people behind her, Lan Muyu was not in a hurry, she browsed Li Ruonan's Weibo slowly, and said, "With you here, Lan Muyu doesn't need to hype up her own safety. It's enough that she needs you."

Lan Muyu was wearing a suspender nightgown, the room was ventilated in time, and the central air conditioner was turned on 24 hours a day. The two were close to each other. Li Ruonan smelled the fragrance after bathing from Lan Muyu's hair, and her eyes were filled with tears. Lan Muyu was attracted, and with Lan Muyu's eyes turning around and provoking her, her hands around Lan Muyu's waist gradually tightened.

After feeling Li Ruonan's actions, Lan Muyu continued to ask, "Mr. Li's office has been busy for me for so long. I wanted to spend a time with you, but I don't know if you still have the strength..."

Li Ruonan became angry, and the lid of the poor notebook was slammed shut again. She broke Lan Muyu's face and kissed it.

Lan Muyu turned slightly to the side, hugged Li Ruonan's waist, and the restless fingertips began to swim away...

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2021-09-09 21:46:46~2021-09-1416:01:20~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 485454841;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 50601663, 28090122, Ice Shake Peach, 1 Bluestone in the south of the city;

Thanks to the little angel who cast mines for my author column: 53243650;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 41772614128 bottles; lily yyds 58 bottles; 50 bottles for the first place, stinky and poor; 20 bottles of wsc; 11 bottles of waste; 10 bottles; Unknown, 5 bottles of Wendy; Ruanqin, 248496484 bottles; ANTHAN 3 bottles; 2 bottles of Li Tianyi, An Zhiruosu, La La La La; 164534221 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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