MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 51

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Of course, Lan Muyu and the others didn't know about the director's actions. They were still immersed in the joy of defeating the director's team, and the atmosphere of talking, laughing and laughing was extremely harmonious.

After a few people had enough rest, they adhered to the good attitude that they had to do things if they took the money, and they did not embarrass the program team, and they were very conscientious and prepared to start working again.

Just to prevent Lan Muyu from working too hard and causing something to happen, the director waved his hand and asked the six people to go fishing obediently at a fish pond with a large number of lush shades.

If you don't have to work, you can still enjoy the shade, so it doesn't count as abusing them, right?

All in all, as long as these six people stay there safely, the director doesn't want any variety show effects. Anyway, the last few seasons were all slow variety shows. Fishing is better to go to the Industry and Commerce Bureau, right?

The six people took the fishing rod, and they found a place to sit down under the arrangement of the staff. After putting on the bait, they threw the line out. It was already late autumn, and there were no mosquitoes. The breeze was blowing slowly, and the fallen leaves were rolled up. It seemed that the years were quiet.

Neither Lan Muyu nor Min Xia knew how to fish, but fortunately, the director team also chose a location and chose a fish pond with plenty of fish. Coupled with the temptation of fishing bait, after half an hour, Lan Muyu's fishing rod was really good. The first shook violently.

Lan Muyu exclaimed in surprise: "Fish! There are fish!"

"Hurry up and close the line!"

"let me help you!"

Lan Muyu's movement here successfully attracted a few other people, who threw down their fishing rods and ran over, but it was also because of this huge movement that the other fish that were about to be hooked were scared and fled wildly.

After the lively fish was taken out of the water, as far as the fishing rods of several people reached, under the crystal-clear water, there were no fish.

Feng Li grinned, "Aren't we the only ones who eat extinct households?"

Lan Muyu shook his head and meant something: "No, mineral water for two yuan is sold for 20 yuan, and those who can't sell it from now on are called "echo."

Lan Muyu's explanation quickly drew hilarious laughter, and several people turned to look for the director's shadow, but could not see the director.

Min Xia joked: "The director is not thinking about how to target Xiaolan, right?"

Lan Muyu waved his hand: "This is a society ruled by law, the director will not embarrass a good citizen like me who abides by the law."

"Hahaha, you know the rules best."

"Xiao Lan, do you want to accept an apprentice? Teach me how to fight against the director team? Later, brother, I will write a song for you."

Lan Muyu waved her hand hurriedly, rejecting Luo Wenxuan: "This kind of thing can only be understood and cannot be described in words, and I'm a tone-deaf, so don't waste your song."

It was Ding Sheng's suggestion: "Okay, it's almost noon, you can fish as much as you can, and don't go hungry later."

After Feng Li heard this, he took his fishing rod and approached Lan Muyu and asked, "If you don't care about meals during working hours, will the Bureau of Industry and Commerce care?"

Lan Muyu raised her eyebrows, thought for a while, and hesitated: "If it's a work-related injury... it seems to be the Bureau of Industry and Commerce?"

Feng Li's face instantly became happy, and he had a face that fascinated thousands of fans, but now he smiled even more warmly, "Then I don't have to worry about waiting for the director team to eat."

After hearing this, the word "Sure enough" quickly appeared in the staff's heart, and looked in the direction of the director with some sympathy. Some things are late but always come.

When it's time for lunch, the staff will decide the quality of their lunch based on the results of their labor.

It was at this time that Lan Muyu listened to Min Xiapu's unspoken rules of the program group: "Don't think that all the delicious food prepared by the program group is for us, they put a few special dishes in front of ours in the last issue. The face is gone."

"It's all done, so it's a waste if they don't take it away?"

Min Xia looked at Lan Muyu lovingly: "Silly children, of course they got into their own stomachs."

Lan Muyu: …

Min Xia looked at the staff's count, and dragged Lan Muyu to complain again: "After a while, the dishes on the table will be clearly marked, and the results of our labor will also be marked with corresponding remuneration, you know how pitiful they are. people."

Lan Muyu first looked at the staff who were weighing and recording, thinking that Min Xia was overthinking. Imagination is beautiful after all, and reality is cruel after all.

The liquidation staff happened to be the one who had just been "forcibly kidnapped" by Lan Muyu's mineral water. It could be said that they reported both old and new hatred together. He raised his head and said aggressively:

"Six bundles of firewood, sixteen baskets of strawberries, four crucian carp, a total of 188 yuan."

One hundred and eighty-eight? Sounds auspicious?

Lan Muyu asked Min Xia in a low voice, "Sister Min, are things expensive here?"

"The eighth achievement is to exchange for a few steamed buns."

The staff member was even more proud, greeting in front of several people, and removing the dishes, leaving only a large plate of white steamed buns: "Because you can't get more pay, this is your lunch. already."

Lan Muyu looked at the dishes being taken away, and took a step towards the staff with an unwilling face: "One hundred and eighty-eight, please bring it."

The staff pushed the plate of big steamed buns in the direction of Lan Muyu, looked at the other dishes that were not far away, and said vigilantly, "Take, what?"

"Money, we don't want the steamed buns, just give the money." Lan Muyu smiled, "I know it's troublesome to make change, and the rounding is two hundred."

The staff looked vigilant: "How can this be rounded up?"

Min Xia immediately helped Lan Muyu: "Yeah, we just finished our work, you've already counted the money, and you still want to default?"

Feng Li followed: "You don't pay for work, you want to go in... Is there any place for Lan Muyu to report?"

Lan Muyu smiled slyly: "Labor Bureau."

Feng Li was instantly emboldened: "Would you like to go to the labor bureau for tea?"

The vicious staff member lost his confidence in an instant, turned his head and shoved the steamed buns into the hands of other assistants, and ran in the direction of the director: "Director! I quit! I want to resign!"

Lan Muyu turned around and waved his hands innocently to the rest of the guests: "Did I say something wrong?"

"No no no, you are helping the program team to improve, hahahahahaha I can't do it anymore."

"You just saw that the staff member's face changed. It's a double blow. It's too miserable. Hahahahahaha."

Luo Wenxuan even hummed a song: "It's not a sin for a man to cry, cry, all kinds of situations are waiting for you to experience~"

The good times didn't last long. The director who was not allowed to call other departments was added to the contract of several people. He quickly "killed" him aggressively, holding a loudspeaker dedicated to the director, and shouting in anger: " No calls to other relevant departments will be allowed from now on."

"Director, what's the point of this?"

"That's right, you are restricting personal freedom."

"Restricting personal freedom, right?" The director put his hands on his hips and directed to the staff behind him. "You six, you are not allowed to use your mobile phone during the recording of the show. Now you have confiscated your mobile phone."

After speaking, he looked at Lan Muyu intentionally or unintentionally, and his eyes seemed to say: 'It's you, don't hide, it's aimed at you'.

As a singer-songwriter, inspiration emerges all the time. Luo Wenxuan, who needs to record it on his mobile phone, is the first to refute the director's words, "Director, you are depriving me of my creative inspiration."

The director sneered: "I believe that the brain of a talented singer can remember inspiration, or I will assign a staff member to record inspiration for your turnstile?"

Luo Wenxuan closed his mouth, but Feng Li replied, "Director, you forgot, this phone is still our sponsor dad."

The director was in a hurry for a while, and was reminded by Feng Li, and Ji Chao stood up to the director at this time, "Director, it is the same for sending out a mobile phone during the event, so there is no delay in advertising."

The director nodded and gave Ji Chao an admiring look.

But this made the others unable to sit still, and they all gave Qu Ji Chao a "traitor" look.

Min Xia pulled Lan Muyu's elbow, "Xiao Lan, is there anything you can do? This variety show goes to sleep from morning to night."

Lan Muyu accepted Min Xia's worried expression, and then looked at the director who was proud of himself. He thought of something, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he said slowly:

"Director, according to the laws of our country, employers are not allowed to seize the property of workers. Arbitrary searches of employees' property will constitute an invasion of privacy. A lawsuit can be filed in accordance with the law. If the circumstances are serious, it can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years."

After speaking, there was a moment of silence in the scene, and only the sound of chickens and ducks could be heard not far away.

Then a few seconds later, even the staff burst into laughter: "Hahahahahahahahaha..."

Min Xia took out his mobile phone and shook it in his hand: "Hahahahaha director, compared to jail time, it is a trivial matter for investors. Do you want a mobile phone?

Feng Li also coaxed: "Director, my phone is here, you can't hurry to get it, hurry up I can't wait."

And Luo Wenxuan also eagerly urged: "Director, are you ready to take over? I will send you to the game immediately, and then the police uncle may give me an award for bravery."

The old actor Ding Sheng was also amused. He solemnly agreed with Luo Wenxuan's words, "You don't need to buy hot searches at that time. As long as you enter because of this, director, our variety show will definitely become popular."

"Brother Ding, will the police give us pennants or something because we obey the law?"

"Goose goose goose goose goose goose goose..."

"Hahahahahaha Director, my phone is here, you hurry up."

The director looked at the people around him, and even his most trusted assistant director fell to the ground with a smile, hammering the floor hard.

The director has been in the industry for decades, and this is the first time he has hit such an iron plate. For other people's variety shows, even if it is difficult to negotiate in private, during the recording process, which guest is not at the mercy of the show team?

Today is a good day. After a while, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau will conduct an investigation and report the case to the police station. The director wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking that he might have to find a lawyer as soon as possible to get people in time. sent in.

Seeing the director's frantic expression covering his heart, the kind-hearted Lan Muyu stuck out his head: "Director, do you need to buy insurance? Can I introduce it to you?"

Min Xia looked at the director wryly: "Xiao Lan, don't ask the director to buy insurance. He doesn't allow him to use his mobile phone. Investors are angry. Where does he have money to buy insurance?"

Lan Muyu nodded and asked the director, "Director, do you still want your phone?"

"Yes!" The director is also an old fritter who has been in the arena for a long time. In the face of the ridicule of the guests, facing the camera, he is anxious and witty, "Please don't misunderstand the audience, our show has a script, and we are all acting. "

The honest person Lan Muyu added another sentence: "Director, but I didn't receive the script?"

The director glared at Lan Muyu, "Isn't the clothes you wear belong to the martial arts world? This is all arranged, so there is no illegal behavior. Our program team never does illegal things. Everything is for the program. The effect, everyone, don't be serious, okay?"

The director's remarks were almost not typed directly on the screen: "The program has a script, please do not imitate" a few big characters.

The assistant director on the side looked at his selfless self, sacrificed himself for the program team, and revealed his dedication to the script. He said that he was moved a bit, but more importantly—

"Hahahahahahahaha, are you serious, director?"

"There is a script for the variety show? Hahahahahaha director, you're going to die laughing at me."

"Hahahahaha my stomach hurts."

"Goose goose goose... Hahahahaha..."

The director felt ashamed. After glaring at the guests present, he turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Lan Muyu: "Director, our two hundred dollars... When do you think you will settle it?"

"What do you want money for?"

Lan Muyu tilted her head and smiled, "Of course I went to the village to buy food."

The director's team is too stupid, aren't they allowed to buy food from other villagers?

The director grabbed the loudspeaker at hand: "Don't go out of the prescribed range of activities."

Feng Li has already learned to be a teacher, imitating Lan Muyu's tone: "Oh, are you still restricting personal freedom now?"

The director suppressed his temper, "I'll give you ten minutes to think about it, if you like it or not, you'll get cold if you don't eat it."

The director gritted his teeth, rushed back to his resting place angrily, took a sip of water, and asked the assistant director, "Why on earth did I agree to Ling Shan and let Lan Muyu be the flying guest?"

The assistant director smiled and said, "Didn't you say that she is good-looking and popular, and can bring fresh enthusiasm to our variety show?"

The director clutched his chest, "How many contracts did she sign with us?"

"Just one issue, director, do you want to renew the contract?"

"Continue what to continue, hurry up and inform Ling Shan to come and invite me away with this big Buddha. You can see that the other guests have been spoiled by her." The director missed the few permanent residents who were silently squeezed by the show team in the previous episodes. Come on, grab a bunch of hair with your hands, "Sooner or later my hair will be mad at her."

On the other side, the six people looked at each other with the plate of steamed buns. Ding Sheng, as the eldest brother, took the lead, "Let's do it now, and we have to record the show in the afternoon."

Feng Li retorted: "Brother Ding, this is not something that will happen in the near future. If it is stipulated that this is a box lunch, I will eat it without saying a word. But we have been busy all morning, and we have done so much work, so they will take a few It's too much to send us a steamed bun."

"The dog is still the dog of the show team. They just want to take pictures of our tears and steamed buns." Luo Wenxuan looked at Lan Muyu, "Xiao Lan, do you have any other way? If you can, start today. You are my goddess."

Min Xia flipped her hair aside and joked, "You said I was your goddess in the last issue."

Luo Wenxuan was stunned, "I..."

"Okay, okay, let's solve what's in front of you first. As long as you can live a good life, who cares about being your goddess?"

Lan Muyu pursed his lips, and in the eyes of everyone's expectations, he tentatively asked: "Do you also think the program team is too much?"

Feng Li knew there was a show when he heard it: "Of course, the show crew is too shameless."

"Catch the thief before the king, we have to start with the director." Lan Muyu followed suit, with a pair of peach eyes that seemed to deceive people, "He is capitalism oppressing the people, we have to stand up and resist!"

"Yes, resist."

"Little blue, what do you say, brother, I will cooperate with you."

"Yes, I want to do it with him."

So a few people gathered together to discuss in a low voice for a while, and quietly touched the director's direction.

So, in the director's monitoring room, suddenly there was a loud noise outside the door. The startled director ran out in a hurry, but he didn't take two steps. A sack fell from the sky, and the moment it covered his head, he was pulled down again, and half of the people were covered.

At the same time, the director's two hands were quickly pulled behind his back and tied tightly together in one go.

- As expected of Ding Sheng, who is used to acting in police and gangster movies.

The staff at the door wanted to rush in after hearing the movement, but was blocked by Min Xia, who smiled brightly, "You guys are busy with your work, haven't you eaten yet? Why don't you hurry to rest after a busy morning? "

The staff hesitated. If the gatekeeper was a male guest, they would do it, but it was a female guest, so they didn't dare to move!

I can only listen to the director screaming inside.

Inside, without the director saying anything, Lan Muyu spoke first: "Director! Kidnapped! You were kidnapped by us!"

The director, whose vision was blocked by the sack, widened his eyes in horror, "Tie Tie Tie... You kidnapped me?"

Relying on the director's sight being blocked, Feng Li rubbed the director's head: "Director, please cooperate with us next, so when will our lunch be delivered?"

"Cooperation?" The director simply stopped cooperating, "It is against the law for you to kidnap me!"

Lan Muyu took off the sack on the director's head, and the director who had reproduced the light cursed again at this moment, "I'm going to sue you!"

Lan Muyu lazily leaned against the table and spread out his hands: "Director, our show has a script, aren't these actions pre-arranged?"

After finishing speaking, he said to the cameraman they brought in specially: "Remember to tell the later stage later, this sentence should be emphasized."

The cameraman nodded with a smirk.

And Luo Wenxuan cooperated righteously and sternly on the side: "Audience friends, this is the script of the show team. We have to help people when we receive money, so don't take it seriously."

"Reality show, everyone is acting according to the script. If audience members like it, please put your love on the screen."

Listening to these familiar words, the director looked at the delayed rescue at the door, and finally realized his situation. With a mouthful of old blood choked in his throat, he just stared at the few people present.

Dare he say it wasn't pre-arranged?

The industry and commerce bureau, labor bureau, and police station were all lining up, staring at him.

But as a director, even if his hands are tied, he cannot lose his aura. The director tried his best to move himself to stand up, and sat on the stool beside him, "Come on, let's talk about the conditions."

"When the staff took out the food just now, I just took a few more glances. I clearly remember our lunch. We had chicken soup boiled all morning? Is there a special fried beef here? And..."

Luo Wenxuan added: "There are also fresh fish and shrimp. My assistant told me that the fish head here is delicious."

"Yes, all of these!"

"Okay, it's all for you." The director gritted his back molars, "Why don't you just let me go?"

Lan Muyu shook his head, "Eating alone is a bit dry, I want to drink Coke, do you want to?"

"That must be ice Coke!"

"I must let the happy water of Coke soothe my wounded heart!"

Lan Muyu then negotiated with the director: "Then add ice Coke!"

Injuried? Who is injured?

But the director has cut out so many dishes, still care about ordering Coke?

So he waved his hand: "Buy, buy, buy, buy everything!"

So in the end, the director arranged for the staff to deliver the food, handing over food and letting people go.

In this scene, even the staff present were laughing crookedly, and the variety show effect was full score!

- The only person who is unhappy is the director who has just been released.

While enjoying the farmhouse fun, several people did not forget to emphasize to the camera: "Look, this is a variety show with a script!"

"Yes, this is all arranged by the director!"

"Thank you to the program team, thank you to the director!"

And the director who silently watched the shooting has given up struggling, and can shoot whatever he wants. Anyway, the next issue of Lan Muyu will not be here.

That afternoon, the six of them also discovered an alpaca base, and they looked at the running grass-mud horses, and they all looked at the director with gleaming eyes.

The director has given up struggling, like a parent with six bear children on a spring outing. The strictness at the beginning is gone, and the only requirement is to finish recording this episode quickly. Therefore, the director immediately asked the staff to negotiate and put the six people into the base.

So after eating and drinking enough alpacas, it was time to get off work, and Lan Muyu waved goodbye to the other guests.

As the only female resident guest, Min Xia was originally worried that a female artist would be oppressed by the other party, but now she reluctantly pulled Lan Muyu, "Aren't you going to record a few more episodes?"

"Yeah Xiaolan, we have to be oppressed by the director again when you leave. It's all my fault that my agent signed a long-term contract."

"Xiao Lan, will you go to other variety shows in the future? Let me know when the time comes. I'll go with you, and you won't have to suffer any longer!"

Lan Muyu apologized embarrassedly to several people: "Actually, even if I want to stay... the director doesn't necessarily want me, right?"

Several people looked at the director who turned away immediately, and laughed again.

"Hahahahahaha, how dare the director want you?"

"Variety show directors stay away from Lan Muyu and cherish life."

"It's not very harmful, it's extremely insulting, it's bold, and it dares to provoke the director's authority hahahahahaha."

"Hahahaha, it's important to save your life, and it's important to save your life."

Lan Muyu shouted at the director who turned his back, "Thank you for the director's care, goodbye director?"

The director turned around: "Let's go, hurry up." Don't come back when you leave.

So, amid the laughter of everyone, Lan Muyu got into the car that Ling Shan came to pick her up.

Ling Shan looked at a few people saying goodbye, and looked at her artist in surprise: "I've always been worried that your variety show will not let you go, and I didn't dare to sign a long-term contract for you, but I didn't realize that you are quite good at communicating. Okay? I heard before that Min Xia can be difficult to get along with."

"Maybe this is the charm of personality?" Lan Muyu leaned against the car window and said in surprise, "Am I so weak, pitiful, helpless and isolated in your eyes?"

Ling Shan thought for a while and suggested, "Well, since you are so confident in yourself, why don't I pick up a few more variety shows for you?"

As soon as Ling Shan's words came out, Lan Muyu pursed her lips in embarrassment, "This may not work."

Ling Shan asked: "What's the matter, didn't you just say that you are good at socializing?"

"Sister Ling, I have to tell you something."

"What... what's the matter?"

Lan Muyu hesitantly explained, very self-consciously: "It's... um... about my trip... It's been blocked by all the variety directors..."

Ling Shan: …

The author has something to say: Note: The laws and regulations in this article are all quoted from Baidu

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