MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 7

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The driver was already waiting outside. After Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu got into the car one after another, the driver asked, "Mr. Li, where are we going?"

Li Ruonan frowned and didn't answer, and the driver didn't dare to ask why, so he had to go around the city first.

Li Ruonan looked at Lan Muyu who didn't stop holding the phone after getting in the car, and felt more and more uncomfortable.

After all - although President Li has many shortcomings, it is the first time in his life that he is said to be poor.

But Lan Muyu didn't notice it yet and asked, "How about I go to delete last night's Weibo now? How about waiting for Xingyao to post a Weibo to welcome me to join?"

Li Ruonan didn't speak, just looked at Lan Muyu like this.

Lan Muyu finally turned his eyes away from the phone, "Or don't bother Xingyao, I can do it myself, I just think that is more appropriate?"

"Let them send it." Li Ruonan sent Lan Muyu the contact information of Xingyao's artist director, "They are still choosing your manager. If you have anything, please contact this person first."

"Well, where are we going now? I don't need to go back to Xingyao to get acquainted?"

"No, your team will configure it for you at that time, and your personal studio is just named Xingyao."

"Personal studio?"

"Well, didn't you read the contract just now? I will set up a floor for you in the office building of the Li's branch in Yuncheng. You can get the film and television resources from Xingyao, and you can be responsible for the rest."

Hearing this, he seems to be a little more free, but Li Ruonan always wants to get something back for what he does. Lan Muyu is vigilant: "Is there such a good thing?"

"Well, your own team pays for it."

Lan Muyu: …

She blamed her for trusting Li Ruonan too much, so she only glanced at the share of the contract, and didn't look carefully at other contracts.

She knew it wasn't that simple!

After the business was over, Li Ruonan finally couldn't help it, and asked the doubts in his heart: "Where am I poor, why did Fu Yao pay in the cafe just now?"

Lan Muyu turned to look at Li Ruonan, a pair of bright peach eyes concealed a bit of slyness, "You won't even let me turn on the air conditioner, where did you get the money?"

"Air conditioning is one thing, just now is another."

"Oh, so you admit that you are rich, but you just won't turn on the air conditioner for me?" Lan Muyu complained bitterly.

Li Ruonan pointed out: "I gave you a chance, but you don't want it."

Make her give up half of the contract, just to turn on the air conditioner? Lan Muyu once again scolded the capitalist's good plan in his heart.

Li Ruonan added: "If you are not convinced, you can also ask your parents to turn on the air conditioner for you. I think they would be very happy to hear about your life in Yuncheng in the past few years, especially about that Miss Fu."

Tell me about the yearly touching love story that she cried so much but was turned green?

Lan Muyu immediately shook her head.

Li Ruonan asked the driver, "Xiao Zhang, isn't the air conditioner on in the car, why am I so hot?"

"It's on, do I need to lower the temperature?"

Li Ruonan sneered: "Turn it down to the lowest level, so as not to be told that we have no money."

The driver took a look in the rearview mirror and found that both of them had no objection, and turned the air conditioner to the lowest level, and the biting cold wind ran out from the various vents of the car.

Lan Muyu: …

But when the city opened, Lan Muyu didn't care so much, and changed the subject: "Speaking of this, you have to be responsible to me."


Lan Muyu said confidently: "When I praised you in front of Fu Yao just now, you answered it yourself. You are on the same boat as me now, so you have to cover me."

"Oh? How to cover?"

The whirring air-conditioned voice filled her ears, Lan Muyu touched her arm, her hair was standing on end, she narrowed her eyes slightly, gritted her teeth and said, "For example, provide me with food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and give me free water, electricity and Internet access. time."

Li Ruonan turned his head and looked at Lan Muyu with some affection, "Do you know what your greatest strength is?"


"No." Li Ruonan shook his head in disgust.

"Looks good?"


"what is that?"

"You are full of a kind of optimism in the face of life, doing things with thoughtfulness, and giving a little sunshine will make it shine. It's good, it's really good."

Lan Muyu nodded knowingly, but she always felt that something was not right.

Then in the next moment, she looked at Li Ruonan and touched her head like an elder: "It's all daydreaming."

Lan Muyu: …

"Driver, turn off the air conditioner."

As soon as the driver's hand turned on the switch, he heard Li Ruonan: "Who pays you?"

The driver retracted his hand, even though he was too cold to turn off the air conditioner, he took Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu around the city.

On the other hand, Fu Yao, who failed to sign Lan Muyu, returned to Tianhao Entertainment and smashed the signed contract about Lan Muyu on the table. The documents were also swept to the ground.

"Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door, and the secretary came in.

Fu Yao turned her back and sorted out her expression, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Fu, the meeting has started early. Do you think you want to participate?" The secretary added, "Vice-president Fu Yiming is also here."

Fu Yao thought for a moment: "You go to prepare first, I'll go right there."

When the secretary walked out the door, Fu Yao threw the glass on the table to the ground. Fu Yiming is only a temporary post, unless the company signs in a group of new artists, Fu Yiming will never take the initiative to come over.

And today, Fu Yiming's purpose is also very clear, because Lan Muyu's contract failed. Fu Yao also learned to perform, and hired professional managers for the management of the company, so her general manager position has been coveted for a long time.

Tianhao Entertainment started out with the funds earned by the Fu family from the coal mining business in the early years, but with the expansion of the economic company, Tianhao spent a lot of money to dig some artists from other brokerage companies, and for the development of the artists After investing in a lot of film and television dramas, the backlog of film and television dramas gradually emptied Tianhao Entertainment's funds.

The update speed of the entertainment industry is too fast, and the artists look at the scenery, but the shelf life is also short. Tianhao must continue to provide them with resources, otherwise it will only be a flash in the pan, and it will be photographed on the beach by the waves in the blink of an eye. Investing on your own is the best way to go when you don't have a network.

Therefore, in order to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, Tianhao signed a three-year gambling agreement at the beginning of last year and accepted a capital injection of 2 billion, accounting for 20% of the shares. If Tianhao Entertainment cannot achieve a net profit after tax of one billion yuan within these three years, it needs to repurchase the two billion shares at an annual interest rate of 15%.

Seeing that half of the date of the VAM agreement has passed, the company has only generated a net profit of nearly 300 million so far, so it cannot be said that it is not in a hurry.

But Lan Muyu's first play was favored by famous directors. With such a big achievement, the potential should not be underestimated. The most important thing is that the contract Tianhao intends to give Lan Muyu can maximize Tianhao's interests. Fu Yao made a big pie for the company's shareholders and temporarily suppressed those doubts.

I wanted to use Lan Muyu to build momentum, let Tianhao gain a wave of popularity, and let other artists show their faces, but Lan Muyu's refusal directly put Fu Yao on the fire.

Fu Yao pushed open the door of the conference room and looked around. There were a lot of people, even shareholders who were often absent on weekdays.

She walked in with her secretary, and just sat down at the innermost position of the long table, Fu Yiming, who was sitting next to him, said, "When President Fu asked Weibo to buy hot searches to promote Lan Muyu, I still felt that Waste of money. Now that Tianhao made his debut overnight because he was rejected, is he really saving advertising costs?"

Someone next to him immediately echoed: "President Fu has a good vision. We only spent the basic hot search fee, and Lan Muyu can occupy the front row of hot search for two days with his own popularity."

"So, it doesn't mean that our gambling agreement can't be completed with Lan Muyu."

"But the hot search for Lan Muyu's unsigned contract is still hanging up. Is it signed or not?"

"What's the relationship between President Fu and Lan Muyu, how could it not be signed, is it President Fu?"

Even though Fu Yao was facing the dilemma of lack of funds, she didn't find it too hard to bear. The blue veins on the back of her hand holding the document bulged, and she clenched it tightly, not knowing how to answer.

At this time, a schadenfreude voice sounded beside Fu Yao: "How about you say something to answer everyone's curiosity?"

"Lan Muyu refused." Fu Yao took a deep breath and stood up: "But I will find other ways, and I will complete the gambling agreement on time."

"It's easy to say, what can you do? We won't have the money to buy back the shares at that time." Fu Yiming reached out and blocked Fu Yao's way.

Fu Yao explained patiently: "Tianhao still has several TV dramas that have not been broadcast, and a movie invested at the beginning of the year will be released in the summer."

"Hasn't the review been done yet? The wind is tight now, and I don't know when these dramas will be broadcast."

"The filming of several of our mobile phone preparations will also start in the second half of the year, and then..."

This time, before Fu Yao finished speaking, he was interrupted, "So now it's just a backlog of dramas that you think you can quickly get back to, and the scripts that you like?"

Another person asked: "I heard that Miss Fu studied acting in college. If it is difficult to manage the company, why not change someone?"

"I agree."

"I agree too."

And just when Fu Yao was helpless, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened, and Jiang Qianrou, wearing a patterned chiffon shirt and a white hip-packed skirt, walked in, full of literary and artistic atmosphere: "I don't agree."

Although Fu Yao didn't understand Jiang Qianrou's purpose, she quickly walked up to meet her, brought her to sit beside her, and introduced, "This is Jiang Yu's granddaughter, Jiang Qianrou, who has just returned to China."

Those present were not familiar with Jiang Qianrou, but Jiang Yu still had some memory of the name. Jiang Yu can be regarded as one of the first directors in China. Many of the films he has shot are familiar to even the younger generation. He is a well-respected director in the film industry with a wide network of connections.

Jiang Qianrou's parents are both university professors. Jiang Qianrou, who was influenced by her family since childhood, participated in the screenwriting competition and won the first prize in high school, and later went abroad for further studies.

Jiang Qianrou asked curiously, "Didn't you call me to sign the contract today? What are you all talking about? Did I come at the wrong time?"

"No, no, we're joking with Mr. Fu." Someone answered immediately. After all, Jiang Qianrou's family's film resources should not be underestimated. With her as a screenwriter, people in the industry would give some face.

"When will we sign the contract with Mr. Fu?" Jiang Qianrou looked at Fu Yao.

"The file is in my office, come with me."

So the meeting ended because of Jiang Qianrou's arrival. As soon as Jiang Qianrou walked into Fu Yao's office, she heard Fu Yao straight to the point: "I broke up with Lan Muyu."


Fu Yao was silent for a few seconds, "She seems to be having an affair."

"You are so good, how could she..."

"It's okay, I'm just a little sad." Fu Yao pulled Jiang Qianrou onto the sofa and sat down, her eyes lowered, "It's really only a little bit."

"I'll help you in the future, just like we agreed at the beginning, I'll write the script and you will act, making Tianhao the most powerful entertainment company."

"Well, let's work together." Fu Yao put her arms around Jiang Qianrou, and slowly lowered her head and kissed it.

After the kiss, Jiang Qianrou asked worriedly, "It's just about Lan Muyu's Weibo, how should we publicize it next?"

Fu Yao smiled indifferently, clicked on her phone, and selected a recording: [—Lan Muyu, did you break up with me because of her? This isn't your sister at all, is it?

- But my sister is indeed prettier than you, and she came to see me from thousands of miles away, and she was dedicated and gentle to me. 】

Jiang Qianrou said in surprise, "This..."

Fu Yao tapped Jiang Qianrou's lips: "As you think, Lan Muyu is the kind of person who cheated and broke the contract with a big name, the pure, kind and inspirational character she established because of that movie will soon collapse. "

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