MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 13 Only Long Ge is perfunctory in the world

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It has been nearly a month since I returned to Yanshi from Zhushi.

In the past 20 days, Jiang Dao has not received any decent work arrangements. Except for being taken out to shoot a print advertisement at the end of May, the rest of the day is at two o'clock and one line every day—either in the company's training classroom or back to practice. Student apartment to stay.

Of course, Jiang Dao is not fishing for water.

He listens carefully to every class that the company arranges for new artists, and tries to keep up with the teacher's rhythm, including shaping classes, dance classes, vocal music classes, and acting classes.

These courses are very interesting to Jiang Dao, something he never dreamed of having the opportunity to touch before.

Although, these things are "useless" to his established worldview... But this is not a world that needs to be fought after all, so learning some such fancy things is quite a novel experience.

As for his spare time, apart from completing the homework assigned by the substitute teachers, Jiang Dao spent all his free time on exercising...and looking for delicious food.

On this day, Zhu Yao finally finished his work on the newcomer group and remembered Jiang Dao's apartment to take a look.

"What are you doing?" As soon as he entered the door, Zhu Yao's eyes widened in shock from the fragrance of milk that filled the room.

Jiang Dao turned his head from the oven and smiled at Zhu Yao: "You're back? I'm making egg tarts, and they'll be ready soon."

Zhu Yao seemed almost suffocated.

"Egg tarts?" He looked in disbelief, "You still dare to eat egg tarts? I haven't seen you for less than a month, look how fat you are! How dare you eat egg tarts?!"

Jiang Dao looked at Zhu Yao speechlessly: "The teacher in the shaping class didn't even say I was fat."

He has eaten a lot these days, but correspondingly, his exercise has increased by more than two or three times. Although there are no obvious muscle lines on the body, the overall state of the person is obviously much better than the thin and weak appearance before. Why is it called "fat"?

People in this world really like to look for trouble when nothing happens.

Seeing Jiang Dao's face full of disapproval, he obviously didn't want to repent, and Zhu Yao didn't know what to say, so he simply put the question aside.

He smelled the smell of milk all over the room again, and was suspicious: "When did you learn to cook? You even bought your own oven?"

"I met Miss Wu Lan in the cafeteria two weeks ago, and she told me about a food blogger when I praised the egg tarts in the cafeteria." Jiang Dao said, taking out the baked egg tarts from the oven. It's not difficult to learn from the main video...Try it?"

After gradually mastering the technology of this world, Jiang Dao discovered that it is really easy to learn new skills here.

Just like Weibo, he didn't want to pay attention to the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry at first, and he almost never opened this software. Until later, he found out that there were still many food bloggers and pet bloggers on it, and he quickly became addicted to it. After working out every day, he always had to watch a few videos before going to bed.

As for the skill of cooking, he knew it before. It's just that the world outside the book doesn't have so many kinds of kitchen utensils and electrical appliances, let alone the assortment of ingredients here. Most of the time, he just cooks the food and it's over.

Now, the apartment has electricity and space, and he also has money and time, so he naturally needs to learn how to cook well so that he can enjoy delicious food at any time.

Seeing that Zhu Yao hesitated for a long time and finally picked up an egg tart, Jiang Dao smiled with satisfaction.

Then he asked, "Can the apartment run on natural gas?"

Zhu Yao almost got stuck in his throat with a mouthful of egg tart.

After a long while, he swallowed what was in his mouth, and said expressionlessly: "It's enough that the dormitory doesn't restrict your electricity usage, and you still want natural gas? Do you really want to change your career to be a cook?"

Jiang Dao shrugged and took a bite of the egg tart, noncommittal.

If there is any profession in this world that he wants to try, chef can definitely be ranked in the top three.

Zhu Yao finished eating an egg tart, patted the crumbs on his hands, and said, "Okay, I just want to remind you that Longqi Entertainment will send a car to pick you up tomorrow morning, you should prepare early, don't make people wait."

"Well, I remember." Jiang Dao nodded.

Tomorrow afternoon, the variety show "Taoyuan Dreamland" will start filming. Jiang Dao was invited by Chu Yinlong, and he was in Yan City with the other party. In addition, the work schedule of the newcomer group in Zhu Yao's hands was relatively tight recently, and there was no time to accompany Jiang Dao to record variety shows. The two companies discussed , temporarily hand over Jiang Dao to the care of Chu Yinlong's team.

For this reason, Zhu Yao also asked Jiang Dao to confirm and repeatedly told him not to try to have an affair with Chu Yinlong. Because, the first few artists who did this eventually became clowns that everyone laughed at.

"Remember to be polite to Teacher Chu." Sure enough, Zhu Yao reminded again, "Show a little awe, a sense of distance is not a bad thing."

Jiang Dao sighed: "Got it, don't worry!"

Is he that like someone who would sell himself for glory?

Uh, it seems... In the original book, the villain Jiang Dao did do such an inconspicuous thing in the end, committing himself to a benefactor...

But that's not him.

Even if he wanted to find a partner, he wouldn't find it in the entertainment industry.

Seeing that Jiang Dao did not seem to be distracted, Zhu Yao was satisfied, and got up to pick up Jiang Dao's mobile phone on the table: "Come here, put on gloves, and hold the baking tray."

Jiang Dao was confused: "Why?"

Zhu Yao was speechless: "Take a picture and post on Weibo, how long have you not updated your blog?"

Jiang Dao: ...

It seems that since he took over this body, he has never posted on Weibo again.

"Although you are not popular yet, you still have fans. Remember to interact with them frequently." Zhu Yao said, and suddenly frowned, "Smile, take pictures, don't be so stern."

Jiang Dao pulled the corners of his mouth and put on an impeccable smile. Fortunately, he has been working hard in class recently, and his expression control has been very effective.

Zhu Yao tapped several photos and threw the phone back to Jiang Dao.

"Pick two of them to post on Weibo, don't forget." After finishing speaking, he got up and was about to leave, and then said, "Don't eat too much dessert, even if you make it yourself, you will get fat. Remember to exercise!"

"Oh, I got it...I ran an extra two kilometers at night!"

After sending Zhu Yao out, Jiang Dao returned to the dining table, picked up his phone, picked a random photo and sent it to Weibo.

Then he buckled up the screen and began to concentrate on enjoying the freshly baked egg tarts.

Who knows, before he finished eating the egg tarts, Zhu Yao's phone call came.

"Go to Weibo and reply to Tang Yao and Chu Yinlong's forwarding." Zhu Yao's voice sounded a little tired, "Pay attention to politeness, thank you, and simply interact with each other."

Jiang Dao was confused, hung up the phone, and opened Weibo again. He was immediately stunned by the red "huge" numbers of reposts and comments.

After a while, he sighed helplessly, followed the Weibo prompt to turn off the push, returned to the original text, and found Chu Yinlong and Tang Yao's forwarding in the hot comment position.

"I thought Kojima could only eat, but I didn't expect to be able to cook [surprised]"—this is Tang Yao's evaluation.

"It looks good." - Chu Yinlong was as concise as ever.

Probably these two popular actors took the lead, followed by the comments of Lu Yun, Yi Bailu and Zhou Wei:

Lu Yun: "Xiao Dao, is it really okay for you to eat so many desserts? Your manager won't be angry, right? Unlike me, I'm willing to help you share these calories [drooling]"

Yi Bailu: "Ah! Egg tarts! I haven't eaten egg tarts for a long time [crying] [crying]"

Zhou Wei: "Can I go to your apartment for dinner?"

After that, there was a series of comments with a "V" sign on them. Jiang Dao didn't know any of them, so he didn't bother to look through them. However, under the comments of Tang Yao and Lu Yun, many people asked whether Jiang Dao would appear in the next issue of "The Man Who Made Rice".

Jiang Dao recalled that when the recording of the variety show was over, the staff seemed to mention that the show would be broadcast in mid-June. If it follows the rhythm of making a preview one issue in advance, indeed, the news of his participation in the recording will be released probably this Saturday.

Therefore, these people suddenly reposted his Weibo collectively, probably doing some warm-up.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Dao replied in turn according to Zhu Yao's request:

"Thank you Brother Yao for your compliment. How can you be a foodie if you don't know how to cook."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Thank you, Brother Lu, for your compliment. The manager has already been **** off by me."

"Thank you, Sister Bailu, for your compliment. I have the opportunity to do it for you."

"Thank you Wei Wei. Welcome anytime."

mission completed!

Jiang Dao turned off Weibo and continued to enjoy desserts.

But he didn't know, because his five replies were almost identical, and a new round of excitement quickly started on Weibo.

A fan of Chu Yinlong took screenshots of these five replies, put them together, and added a title "Only Long Ge is perfunctory in the world" to make fun of his idol who is rarely in business.

At first, everyone just laughed when they saw this picture, thinking it was funny. But then it gradually changed. Some people started to take this picture and accused Jiang Dao of being perfunctory, and the reply to each senior was the same "Thank you for the compliment", which is really not distracting.

Afterwards, gossip accounts in the entertainment industry began to look at the pictures and talk, thinking that Jiang Dao must be at odds with Chu Yinlong, and that's why they didn't "call and thank" Teacher Chu.

Immediately afterwards, some video accounts even dug up a clip of Chu Yinlong reprimanding Xiao Xianrou on the set, and misinterpreted it word by word to Jiang Dao, saying that every word in the video was criticizing a vase artist like Jiang Dao. It was because he was scolded by Chu Yinlong during the recording of "The Cooker" that he held a grudge and disrespected his seniors.

It is conceivable that under the instigation of this kind of gossip account, fans on both sides quickly fought, and the originally harmonious comment area suddenly became smoky.

After finishing the tenth set, Chu Yinlong turned around and kicked, waved his hand at the accompanying bodyguard, and ended today's training.

He returned to the court, picked up a towel to wipe off his sweat, and took the salt water handed by his assistant: "By the way, are you going to Galaxy Media tomorrow?"

The assistant nodded: "The driver has been arranged."

But Chu Yinlong said: "Don't bother. Take my car, pick up Xiaodao, and go directly to the airport."

"Okay." The assistant responded, and added, "The conditions in Taoyuan this season are relatively difficult, do you think you need to bring some ingredients?"

Chu Yinlong has no objection to this: "That's fine."

After the words fell, he seemed to think of something, and asked, "Is there an oven in Taoyuan?"

The assistant was taken aback, then shook his head: "No. As far as I know, they only have an iron pot... Oh, and there is also a homemade barbecue grill, which can only cook relatively simple dishes."

"That's it." Chu Yinlong looked a little disappointed, "Okay, you watch and prepare the ingredients."

After speaking, he picked up his phone from the table and clicked on Weibo.

Seeing Jiang Dao's reply under his forwarding, the corners of Chu Yinlong's mouth could not help but slightly twitch. However, soon, the faint smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his brows wrinkled inadvertently.

"Pay attention to Jiang Dao's Weibo." Chu Yinlong suddenly ordered to his assistant, "In the future, if there is any rhythm between him and me, please let me know as soon as possible."

Seeing that Chu Yinlong's expression was wrong, the assistant was already full of anxiety.

Hearing this, he immediately stood up straight: "Okay! Uh, do you need to contact the public relations department?"

Chu Yinlong waved his hand: "Just let me know."

As he said that, he turned off Weibo, opened WeChat, found the dialog box that he hadn't opened since adding friends, and sent two messages there.

At the same time, Jiang Dao turned on his vibrating mobile phone and saw a message from Chu Yinlong:

"I'll pick you up tomorrow, remember to bring some egg tarts you made."

"Cold ones are fine."

Jiang Dao: ...

Silently looking at the baking tray with only a few residues left, Jiang Dao cursed angrily in his heart.

This Chu Yinlong is here to defeat him, right?