MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 66 Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Chu

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An apartment building is no better than a single-family villa. Although it is a high-end community with one apartment per elevator, there is no guarantee that the neighbors who go upstairs and downstairs will find that there is a celebrity living here.

So, without hesitation, Jiang Dao stretched out his hand and dragged Chu Yinlong into the door.

The lights in the room were not turned on, and the dim light of street lamps penetrated through the curtains in the living room. The two stood in the narrow place of the entrance, so close that they could hear each other's breathing.

For some reason, Jiang Dao suddenly had an urge to hug Chu Yinlong.

There seemed to be no reason for this thought, but the current situation was not abrupt at all, so he obeyed his sudden impulse without thinking much, stepped forward half a step, wrapped his arms around Chu Yinlong's body, and gently pressed his face against the his shoulders.

Chu Yinlong froze immediately.

This hug was very short because—Chu Yinlong was too cold.

Jiang Dao let go of his hand and frowned: "It's cooling down today, why did you come here in the middle of the night? Is it cold?"

Chu Yinlong's voice was hoarse: "'s not cold anymore."

Jiang Dao turned on the soft wall lamp in the restaurant, took a cup of hot water and handed it to Chu Yinlong: "There is only white water here, you can make do with it."

Chu Yinlong took the water glass and put it on the dining table: "Don't be too busy, go, go back to bed and lie down."

Jiang Dao was only wearing a thin pajamas, and the heating in the room hadn't been turned on yet. It was the coldest time of the year, and he had just come out of the warm quilt, so it was easy to catch cold after staying outside for a long time.

Remembering that this apartment was originally Chu Yinlong's house, he should be familiar with everything, Jiang Dao nodded, and obediently went back to the bedroom, wrapped himself in the quilt, and raised his hand to turn on the bedside lamp belt.

The warmth in the quilt hadn't dissipated yet, he breathed a sigh of relief, wrapped himself so that only his head was exposed, looked at Chu Yinlong who had entered the room after drinking hot water, and then suddenly realized a problem: "You also have to sleep here?"

"En." Chu Yinlong looked calm, opened the closet, and took out a set of pajamas.

"Oh, good." Jiang Dao turned over, moved the pillow to the side of the bed, and then moved over with the quilt in his arms, making room for half of the bed.

Seeing Jiang Dao's action, Chu Yinlong was momentarily stunned.

His Adam's apple rolled, his eyes turned back, and then he withdrew the hand that was going to take the portable sleeping bag, moved aside, pulled out the neatly packed pillow and quilt, and put them at the foot of the bed.

Watching Chu Yinlong finish the relatively noisy preparations, Jiang Dao snuggled under the quilt and yawned.

After changing clothes, washing, and burning incense, Chu Yinlong sat cross-legged at the end of the bed and began to chant clear Sanskrit sounds.

Jiang Dao stared at the man with downcast eyes and a peaceful face for a while, then slowly took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and concentrated on brewing sleep.

After reciting the last syllable, Chu Yinlong looked at the sleeping Jiang Dao and exhaled slowly.

After sitting quietly for a while, he turned around and lay down lightly, and turned off the light belt.

Only then did Chu Yinlong feel the absurdity belatedly.

This kind of plot, which seems to be in a love brain romance drama, is actually something he can do? The person who completely lost his common sense after receiving the news at two o'clock in the morning was actually him? !

He drove for half an hour at three o'clock in the morning, just to chant scriptures to lull people to sleep. Even if he told the media and published this kind of thing himself, everyone would think it was a marketing account making up jokes—how could this be possible! How could Emperor Chu do such crazy things? It's so funny!

But he did such a ridiculous thing.

Chu Yinlong couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and hummed a silent self-mockery from his nasal cavity.

He turned over, looked at the blurred outline of Jiang Dao's face in the dim room, and felt that this sudden irrational behavior tonight...was worth it.

Early the next morning, Jiang Dao was woken up by the alarm clock, turned on the phone sleepily, and turned off the sound.

There are two messages hanging on the screen, both of which were sent by Jing Yu not long ago, one is a joke forwarded from nowhere, and the other is to wish him a happy "General Attack Day" on Double Eleven.

Seeing the meme of "General Offensive Day" on November 11, Jiang Dao suddenly realized something and suddenly woke up.

He turned over and turned to the other side of the bed, and saw that Chu Yinlong had just woken up and was looking over with half-opened eyes.

Jiang Dao smiled and said, "Happy birthday!"

The voice is lazy and hoarse just after waking up, and the tail tune also has some nasal sounds, like a cat just waking up.

Chu Yinlong lay on the opposite side, looking at Jiang Dao quietly, with tenderness in his eyes.

Jiang Dao subconsciously looked away, looked at the twilight morning light outside the curtains, cleared his throat, and said, "I haven't paid much attention to the date recently, I forgot... Actually, I should have congratulated you yesterday, and I only remembered it when I saw the calendar in the morning... Ugh , do you want any gift?"

He remembered that it was written in the book that people in this world value birthdays and gifts very much, so it is best for him to do as the Romans do.

Chu Yinlong took out a hand from under the quilt, and gently scratched Jiang Dao's nose.

He smiled and replied: "No gift is needed, just a word of blessing from you is enough."

"How can I do that!" Jiang Dao disagreed, "I forgot your birthday, and I called you to put me to bed in the middle of the night. I have to at least... at least take care of breakfast. Do you have anything to eat?"

Chu Yinlong shook his head: "Nothing..."

Jiang Dao rolled his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and lowered his voice provocatively: "Then I'll eat it for you?"

Chu Yinlong: ...

This expression, this tone, this sentence... This kid is really messing up on purpose again.

Chu Yinlong really wanted to put him on the bed and give him a lesson, to let him know what to say and what not to say, especially in the morning when the man just woke up.

After Jiang Dao finished the fire, he quickly lifted the quilt and slipped out of bed, went to the bathroom to wash up, and sent a message to his assistant, saying that he would go to the studio later today, and he would take care of the morning exercise and breakfast by himself.

Unexpectedly, the assistant quickly replied: "The boss has asked for leave for you. Happy holidays."

Looking at the WeChat message, Jiang Dao almost sucked toothpaste foam into the air duct.

Happy holidays...was this one for him!

Regarding the origin of the "General Attack Festival" on November 11, in fact, this meme is also related to Chu Yinlong.

Originally, this date was called Singles' Day, and it was a joke, and not many people took it seriously as a holiday. Until Chu Yinlong became famous, and his birthday overlapped with this festival.

So Chu Yinlong's fans are dissatisfied, how can November 11 be Singles' Day? We baby dragons don't know how to be single, and they are so good at fighting, even if they are still a baby, they will definitely grow up to be a master in the future—that's right, when Chu Yinlong was still a child star, he already had a master's aura.

Therefore, on November 11, under the relay of Chu Yinlong's mother fans, girlfriend fans, wife fans, and "daughter fans", it gradually became a "general attack festival" recognized by the circle.

...However, this name soon radiated to the G circle, and gradually evolved into a festival where the little zeros concentrated on having fun.

All of the above knowledge comes from the science popularization of Xiaohua Laojing Yu who sometimes gets windy.

So, when the assistant said "Happy Holidays", Jiang Dao was speechless.

Even if the original owner is indeed zero, he doesn't want to accept this position at the moment.

But...if the target is Chu Yinlong, it's not that he can't be the next one...

...Damn, what was I thinking?

Jiang Dao rolled his eyes at himself in the mirror, thinking that his idea just now was crazy.

After quickly washing up, Jiang Dao ran into the gym opposite the bedroom to vent his youthful energy. After running five kilometers in half an hour, all thoughts ceased.

After taking a shower, he saw Chu Yinlong standing by the bedroom window on the phone. Jiang Dao didn't bother him, turned around and walked into the kitchen, and began to prepare breakfast for the two of them.

Dried noodles are ready-made, and there are just two eggs left, but the other things in the refrigerator were almost collected by the assistant when he decided to lose weight. Jiang Dao searched for a long time, and only found a bag of dried shrimps and a Unopened laver.

It's okay, I can make up a seaweed and egg noodle soup, although it's a bit crude.

Stir-fry the shrimp skin, use cold water to stimulate the umami, boil the soup, lay an egg, then boil the noodles, break up another egg and fly in, finally boil the washed seaweed, and add two drops of sesame oil.

The whole process took only ten minutes, and the delicious smell wafted from the kitchen, filling the entire apartment.

"Very fragrant." Chu Yinlong stood at the door of the kitchen, smiling as he watched Jiang Dao fish the noodles into a bowl.

"There's nothing left at home, let's make do with it." Jiang Dao was also polite, and handed over the bowl directly.

Chu Yinlong took the noodles from Jiang Dao, carefully brought them to the dining room, put them on the table, and stared at them for a long time without moving his chopsticks.

Jiang Dao sat down opposite Chu Yinlong: "What are you looking at? Afraid it won't taste good?"

Chu Yinlong shook his head, turned his chopsticks over, fished out a poached egg hidden inside from the bottom of the bowl, placed it on the top layer, and then picked up his mobile phone to take a photo of the noodle bowl.

"Tweeting?" Jiang Dao was curious.

"Well, we always have to open for birthdays." Chu Yinlong smiled, "Of course, if you don't want to, I'll post something else."

"It's okay, post it as you like." Jiang Daoman didn't care, but joked instead, "As long as Yingdi Chu is not afraid of shame, and is known to make a bowl of noodles like this on his birthday morning, your fans should feel sorry for him."

"No." Chu Yinlong tweeted and put the phone back on the table, "They won't feel bad, but they may start a noodle competition in Chaohua."

It has to be said that Chu Yinlong still knows his fans very well.

It was clearly before seven o'clock in the morning, Chu Yinlong's Weibo was posted for a minute, and there were endless comments below, which made people suspect that these fans might have bought a house under his Weibo.

"Dragon's birthday [cake] is so early this year [Bixin][Bixin]"

"Ahh, Brother Long, have a good birthday! This year, it's Changshou Noodles for breakfast! I'm going to get up and go downstairs to learn how to ramen with the noodle shop grandpa!"

"Happy Birthday Chu Yingdi! Sure enough, Changshou Noodles only celebrates the orthodox birthday [Deyi]"

"Happy Birthday Long Ge [the cake] looks so down-to-earth, did you cook it yourself?"

"Reply: Daddy Long cooks his own noodles? You're probably telling a horror story [doge]"

"Reply: Hahahaha Long Ge Tianke's kitchen, how could he cook noodles by himself!"

"The host replied: Then... who cooked it for him?"

A question stirred up waves, and this reply soon began to discuss whether this bowl of noodles was cooked by Chu Yinlong himself, or by his mother, or by his assistant...and then Chu Yinlong was involved. Long’s old Boli, he would take the initiative to mention anything related to his mother, so he inferred that this bowl of noodles was not made by his mother; then Leeuwenhoek among the fans discovered that the pattern on the surface of the table in the photo had appeared before. This photo was 100% taken at Yingdi Chu's own home...

It is rare for Jiang Dao to open Weibo to follow the dynamics on the Internet, and flipped through a few comments at random, and he was immediately amazed.

Chu Yinlong smiled and said: "So, if you want to take photos and post on Weibo in the future, don't take pictures of this table. I haven't used the kitchen much, so you can take photos of the countertops. And... reflective metal surfaces, glass surfaces Be careful, sunglasses are the hardest-hit areas, and even pupil reflections can be used, remember to be careful."

Jiang Dao: ...

"It's okay, I haven't posted on Weibo for a long time, and didn't I say I want to calm down a little bit recently?" Jiang Dao said, and clicked into Chu Yinlongchao's words casually, "Hey, they really started a competition to make noodles!"

Less than 20 minutes after Chu Yinlong posted on Weibo, there have been several posts about breakfast noodles on Chaohua, including dried noodles, longxu noodles, and instant noodles. Happy birthday to Brother Long".

Jiang Dao read a few posts, and said with a smile: "It's over, I lost! Your fans are so talented, look! The video of making knife-sliced ​​noodles is out!"

Chu Yinlong praised: "You cook the best."

Jiang Dao was speechless: "You can't eat what others make..."

A day off suddenly comes, and there is an unexpected person around him, Jiang Dao has no plans. Due to their identities, they couldn't go out to celebrate casually. In the end, the two made a very tacky decision-watching a movie together at home.

In terms of professional relationship, Chu Yinlong's involvement in movies is very extensive. He has watched movies with a little bit of word-of-mouth and topicality, no matter whether it is domestic or foreign or new or old. On the other hand, Jiang Dao is just the opposite. Although he has added a lot of films after coming to this world, they only focus on domestic classics, and he has not come into contact with foreign films for the time being.

Chu Yinlong secretly selected a foreign classic romance film, and found an excuse that "it allows Jiang Dao to observe the way the emotional drama is performed".

It was cold in the apartment where the heating hadn't started yet, so Jiang Dao simply took a quilt from the bed and put it on the sofa, and spread the corners of the quilt to cover himself and Chu Yinlong.

The length of the quilt is limited, Jiang Dao wrapped half of it, and half was given to Chu Yinlong. Under the quilt, the two were almost stuck together, with shoulders next to each other. As long as Chu Yinlong wanted to, he could hug Jiang Dao into his arms with a movement of his arms. .

As soon as Chu Yinlong reached the tip of his mouth, "you can turn on the air conditioner", he swallowed it back.

The film opens with an intimate scene.

Of course, intimacy is not the key point, but the lines and kisses are the key points. The close-up is fixed on the character's face, and the light control also shows the teasing and interaction between the lips of the two as much as possible. The hoarse foreign words flow from the lips and teeth, With a dreamy little gasp...

Jiang Dao's Adam's apple rolled, and he subconsciously licked his lips.

Looking at the picture on the screen, he seemed to suddenly realize that when he was filming a kissing scene in the future, he really wanted to kiss Chu Yinlong.

At that time, all the plots will no longer be just dry words on the script, nor the illusory impressions constructed in his mind, but will be transformed into scenes that are almost real, with every movement of his body, Every facial expression, every line that blends emotions is interpreted.

Kiss scenes are of course included.

Thinking of this, Jiang Dao turned his head slightly and glanced in Chu Yinlong's direction.

The other party didn't notice it, and was watching the TV screen seriously, without the slightest emotion on his face.

Sure enough, professional actors are different from those who came out halfway.

Jiang Dao expressed admiration in his heart, looked away, and decided to learn from Chu Yinlong, and he had to be serious when watching movies.

Under the quilt, Chu Yinlong loosened the corners of the quilt which he had folded several times over and over again, and smoothed it silently.

Although the opening is a critique, the tone of this movie is actually calm and sincere. It tells the story of a shy boy who uses his most sincere heart to save a girl who has lost her way, and finally the two walk towards the light side by side.

But obviously, this kind of story is not very attractive to Jiang Dao.

Before halfway through the film, Chu Yinlong felt his shoulders suddenly sink, and Jiang Dao leaned over in a daze, and fell asleep holding his arm.

Chu Yinlong lowered his eyelashes, quietly watching Jiang Dao's sleeping appearance, and watched for a long time without moving.

Xu was uncomfortable sleeping with his body tilted, Jiang Dao suddenly snorted twice in a daze, stretched his legs to the side, his head slid along Chu Yinlong's chest, and fell into a powerful arm. bend.

Knowing that Jiang Dao hadn't slept well for several days, Chu Yinlong naturally wouldn't wake him up.

Supporting Jiang Dao's head with his arms, Chu Yinlong moved down slowly, and Chu Yinlong let Jiang Dao rest on his lap, and stretched out his arms to wrap around the boy's waist, helping him change into a more comfortable position.

Jiang Dao was in a daze, half asleep and half awake, he grabbed Chu Yinlong's fingers and held them in front of him.

Chu Yinlong looked down at the big boy lying on his lap, and couldn't help stroking his soft hair gently.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze fell on Jiang Dao's undefended lips, stared at it for a while, then hurriedly moved away, pursed the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were drawn back uncontrollably again...

Until the movie's ending song sounded, Chu Yinlong suddenly realized that he had watched Jiang Dao fall asleep for more than an hour.

Seeing that Jiang Dao showed no sign of waking up, Chu Yinlong found another literary film to continue, and then put his arm on the armrest of the sofa, closed his eyes, and planned to close his eyes and rest for a while. He tossed around in the early hours of this morning, and got up very early in the morning, but he was actually a little sleepy.

However, the result was—

When Jiang Dao woke up in a daze, he found himself wrapped in a quilt, holding Chu Yinlong's hand, lying on Chu Yinlong's lap, and Chu Yinlong was curled up in the corner of the armrest of the sofa , frowning, looking uncomfortable in sleep.

Jiang Dao turned his head and stood up cautiously.

But Chu Yinlong woke up immediately, opened his eyes, looked at him with a little confusion, and soon regained clarity.

Jiang Dao cleared his throat: "If you are sleepy, go to bed, last night was too much trouble..."

But Chu Yinlong said: "I'm not sleepy, I've rested just now."

Jiang Dao nodded, yawned and stretched, took a look at the phone, it was almost eleven o'clock.

As a result, another major question in life was placed in front of the two: "What do you eat for lunch?"

"The house is really out of stock now, even the eggs are gone." Jiang Dao scratched his hair, "Is it possible to ask the assistant to buy it and deliver it, or order takeaway? Or... find errands to buy vegetables, buy them and make them yourself? "

"It's up to you to decide." Chu Yinlong said that he was not responsible for this.

"That won't work, it's up to you to decide. Today is your birthday, so you can do whatever you want." Jiang Dao threw back the right to choose, and had to say, "Even if you say you want to eat me, then I will...cough, don't let me eat you." you eat."

Chu Yinlong raised his hand and flicked Jiang Dao's head lightly: "Zaipi."

Then he reached for his phone, opened the takeaway app, and said, "Don't bother, let's take away, what do you want to eat?"

Jiang Dao thought for a while: "I bought a set of cake molds when I lived in the dormitory, and I only used it once...Hey, why don't you go shopping and buy some cake materials by the way, and I'll make you another cake! Buy food, buy food!"

With that said, he opened the app for running errands and grocery shopping, and began to choose ingredients.

Chu Yinlong: ...

Who makes the decision on who's birthday?

Chu Yinlong laughed, and reached out to rub Jiang Dao's head.

Forty minutes later, the errand brother brought Jiang Dao's selected ingredients and put them at the door according to the notes.

Watching people leave from the door, Jiang Dao brought the ingredients into the house, sorted them into categories, and said with a smile: "It's over, I agreed that the refrigerator at home will not be stocked during the weight loss period, now it's jam and cream, it's hopeless. "

Chu Yinlong did not enter the kitchen with self-knowledge, but stretched out his hand and beckoned to Jiang Dao: "Give me the cutting board, and I will help you chop vegetables in the restaurant."

Jiang Dao was not polite to him either, and put the washed vegetables and kitchen knife on the chopping board, and handed them to Chu Yinlong: "Chop potatoes and carrots into pieces, and break beans into small pieces."

The two cooperated and cooked faster than one person. When the potatoes were stewed and the cake embryos had been taken out and started to cool, Jiang Dao prepared the dishes to be fried later, and Chu Yinlong was whipping cream in the restaurant.

"Come and see, is this okay?" After beating for a while, Chu Yinlong stopped the machine and showed Jiang Dao the cream in the bowl.

"It doesn't seem to work, let's beat it for a while." Jiang Dao instructed while twisting the piping bag with one hand.

Soon, the cream was beaten, and Jiang Dao stretched out his fingers to wipe off the tip of the egg beater: "This is enough..."

After he finished speaking, he rolled his eyes, and suddenly felt bad, he stretched out his hand and quickly wiped the cream on the tip of Chu Yinlong's nose.

"Hey!" Chu Yinlong was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "You must be naughty!"

He raised his hand to wipe the tip of his nose, and then took out a wet tissue to wipe his hands. Unexpectedly, just after tidying up, Jiang Dao smeared a small dollop of cream on his face again.

"Okay, you still dare to come!" Chu Yinlong squinted his eyes, pretended to be angry with a smile, hooked a large piece of cream from the egg beater with two fingers, and was about to paste it on Jiang Dao's face.

Jiang Dao grabbed Chu Yinlong's wrist and begged for mercy cheerfully: "Oh no! No, Mr. Chu! Hey... Brother Long! Brother, I was wrong!"

Seeing him begging for mercy with a confident expression on his face, Chu Yinlong suddenly became playful and said nothing: "No, let me wipe it too."

"Don't wipe it! Hey, don't make trouble, there won't be enough cakes in a while..." Jiang Dao pushed Chu Yinlong's wrist, but he couldn't match his strength, and was finally forced to the corner of the restaurant, with his back pressed tightly against the wall.

Seeing the two creamy fingers getting closer and closer to the tip of his nose, he might not be able to escape this time, and Jiang Dao didn't know where the idea came from, so he directly came up with the preemptive words—

He raised his chin, stuck out his tongue, and quickly licked the lump of cream from Chu Yinlong's fingertips into his mouth.

Warm and moist soft touch away.

Chu Yinlong felt as if an electric current was transmitted from his fingertips to the bottom of his heart in an instant, and he was frozen in place, unable to move.

Jiang Dao stretched out the tip of his tongue and twirled it quickly on his lips, licking off the cream that accidentally got on the corner of his mouth.

Then he smiled at Chu Yinlong with crooked eyebrows: "Thank you for the hospitality, Mr. Chu."

Chu Yinlong's Adam's apple rolled suddenly.

He stretched out his hand to pinch Jiang Dao's chin, and exerted some strength with his fingertips; he stared at Jiang Dao's eyes, and the emotion in his eyes could hardly be suppressed anymore; he moved forward bit by bit, and the distance between Jiang Dao and Jiang Dao was getting closer...

Suddenly a timer beeped from the kitchen, and the two froze at the same time.

Jiang Dao's eyelashes trembled, and he said in a low voice: "...The potatoes are stewed."

Chu Yinlong let go, took half a step back, and exhaled slowly.

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