MTL - After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong’s Uncle’s Destined Omega-Chapter 25

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After many years, Su Liang never thought that she would recognize each other at a glance.

Probably because the memory of that year is too deep, of course, it may also be because the man's indescribable handsomeness and temperament are too special. Or, after so many years, the other party doesn't seem to have changed much at all. Of course, compared to the young man who was still a little green at the time, the aura on a man today is more indifferent and colder.

It is like a long knife that has been thoroughly polished, sharp and full of blood.

It seems that just looking at it will cut her eyes by the sharp blade.

However, when Su Liang looked at him, he could still clearly outline in his mind the outline of the big brother who was forbearing and gentle in the dilapidated garden of the Lu family, with a cold face and a soft heart.

Although it is really embarrassing to hang up and down the tree, but what happened just now still made Su Liang feel a touch of intimacy.

"I've always wanted to say thank you, I never thought I'd see you's great that you're still alive, I mean...I'm glad."

Su Liang raised her head and stared at the man in front of her, her cheeks were slightly warm, and her words were a little incoherent.

His heart was beating fast.

Lu Taipan lowered his eyes and looked at the boy in front of him whose eyes had become wet, and after a long time he whispered softly, "I know."

After a brief silence, Lu Taipan said again, "I was the person that day too."

He said it very briefly, but it was strange that Su Liang realized the meaning of this sentence in an instant.

The person that day refers to... the kind inspector who talked to him on the communicator?

Su Liang's whole portrait was like a short-circuited robot and instantly stuck in place.

The young and slender Beta raised his head blankly, but his face was already flushed, and even his neck had turned pink.

According to the situation, the well-meaning inspector is undoubtedly aware of all the conversations between him and the housekeeper.

And how he described to the butler…

It seems to be emphasizing that the other party is very handsome, very reliable, looks cold-hearted and good-natured.

If Su Liang is really lucky enough to be able to become a short-circuit robot, his ears are probably smoking out now.

The expression on the boy's face was unpredictable, and he was bubbling with shame.

"Yes, sorry—"

He opened his mouth and muttered at the man blankly.

"You don't need to say sorry." Lu Taipan paused for a moment on Su Liang's flushed face, and then said, "You just asked my whereabouts legally and compliantly. .and you've given me a lot of positive reviews - but most of them are not very accurate. I'm not a good person, and the help you did in the first place was just a matter of convenience. You don't need to thank me in return And I also suggest that if you meet people like me in the future, it’s best to stay away from them to avoid unnecessary trouble.”

"Huh? But..."

Lu Taipan looked at the stunned young beta, and a strange worry flashed in his cold heart.

In fact, in Lu Taipan's plan, he didn't plan to appear in front of Su Liang at all.

He just came to adjust the defense facilities near the villa. After all, the previous snake masters were all elites, and their level was only S at most, and if they wanted to resist The attack of the double S-level Alphas that had entered an out of control state, the original protection strength was somewhat insufficient.

Of course, similar work can also be handed over to the housekeeper, but even the most powerful manpower can't really estimate Lu Taipan's true combat effectiveness. Thinking of this, Lu Taipan still needs to do it himself. more secure.

He didn't expect that the first time he arrived at the villa, what he saw was nothing but the crumbling figure of a certain teenager sitting on a tree.

Before he had time to think, he rescued the other party reflexively.

It really is nothing.

As before, everything went smoothly.

Lu Taipan didn't think he was really a gentle and kind person, but the boy in front of him didn't seem to think so.


No wonder he was coaxed by an Alpha like Lu Zhizhao and became dizzy.

Lu Taipan's eyes on Shang Su Liang were a little tricky.

At this moment, Su Liang finally slowly recovered from the shame she had just now.

He also sensed a little bit of indifference from Lu Taipan, which was normal, he thought, just like when he met in Xingchuan University, he was too familiar, so he didn't care if he met him. The younger brothers and sisters also feel embarrassed.

The viper warrior born in the "Snake Cave" is even more unlikely to accept the inexplicable closeness of a stranger at will.

The truth is this…

I could finally see the person from the beginning, and my heart became light, but suddenly a stone fell, and it was heavily pressed back to my chest.

"I see, I...I didn't think too much about it. Anyway, it's really nice to see you again, by the way, thank you for saving me from the tree, and I too I didn't expect that cat to be more dexterous than me hahaha."

Su Liang forced a smile and said to the man.

"Be careful in the future."

The man in front of him said coldly.

"Well, I know I know, thank you."

Su Liang answered dryly.


Silence fell under the tree.

Then Su Liang suddenly realized that he was still holding the other person's hand tightly, and he quickly let go of his hand to get a little distance. But just at this moment, the faint scent of the faint came from the wind again.


He made a quick apology, and then involuntarily fell towards the man in front of him.

He fell into a cold, hard embrace.

The man who speaks indifferently and looks indifferent, but his arms are extraordinarily strong and strong, holding Su Liang firmly.

Su Liang's face was pressed against the other's chest.

Yes, it belongs to the pectoral muscles of men.

"I didn't mean to."

Su Liang was breathing rapidly, blushing and choking.

He feels that his current behavior is no different from some clumsy suitors he has seen before, but the abnormality of his body makes him unable to argue at all.

The moment she fell into the man's arms, her body was as if her bones had been pulled away by an invisible hand. Su Liang was powerless to hold up and end this extremely embarrassing situation.

Can't move...

Even the fingers are soft.

The subtle, moist and icy scent of incense wrapped around his nerves, and if it was absent, it made him feel like a drunken dizziness.

Even the back of his neck began to respond, and somewhere deep in the wound that had not healed became hot and itchy.

When he reacted, he realized that he involuntarily rubbed lightly on the man's chest.

It's like acting like a baby...

Su Liang was so embarrassed that she almost fainted.

The next second, he suddenly felt his body light-

"You are in a state of pheromone dysregulation caused by gland development."

He clearly heard the man whisper.

"I'll take you back to rest."

Perhaps because of dizziness, the man's icy voice seemed a little lower than before.

Su Liang was directly picked up by the "Viper" warrior, and then sent back to the villa.

The other party put him on the sofa and brought him water.

Because Su Liang was shaking slightly at this time, although he knew that it was not due to the temperature, Lu Taipan took off his shirt and put it on Su Liang's shoulders after a brief hesitation.

Su Liang was dizzy, and her hands clung to each other's coats unconsciously.

He drank a small half glass of water with the other's hand, and the cool and cold water poured into his throat.

"Thank you."

Su Liang had already given up on herself at this time to the point where she didn't even bother to care about her shame, so she could only hang her head down and repeat those two words pitifully.

"I didn't expect the dizziness caused by the development of the glands to be so serious." He wished he could shrink himself into his coat, "...I really didn't mean it."

A long time ago, Su Liang also met an Omega suitor.

That is a beautiful and delicate young man. When talking to him, he is always about to fall, and it is obvious that he is thrown into his arms.

At that time, Su Liang had a splitting headache in the face of such a clumsy pursuit method. When he got to the back, even if he accidentally caught a glimpse of the figure of that person, he would sweat coldly behind his back, for fear that the other party would "accidentally" pounce on him again. Come in your own arms.

Su Liang didn't expect that he would become like this - although he was really unintentional!

"I know."

The man stood beside Su Liang with his head bowed, his body straight and his breath calm.

It doesn't seem to be affected much.

He leaned over slightly and looked at the back of Su Liang's neck with extreme restraint.

"You need to rest. Someone will come to check on you later." The man said, paused, and then said, "Don't be too nervous."

After setting up Su Liang, the other party is obviously ready to leave.

Su Liang hugged her coat, feeling very desperate.

He has completely screwed up today's meeting...

In self-defeating, Su Liang rushed towards Lu Taipan's back with incomparable difficulty and muttered.

"I...I don't know your name yet."

It will probably be impossible to meet again in the future.

Su Liang thought.

If that's the case, at least, he wants to know the other person's name.

Lu Taipan's footsteps paused, then he turned his head, and was slightly startled when he saw Su Liang's dejected expression, as if he had even shrunk in size.

He suddenly remembered that he seemed to ignore the question of the young man behind him and left.

Su Liang was behind him back then, did he still look like this now?


He was silent for a few seconds.

As he insisted before, he didn't want Su Liang to be too frightened.

Lu Taipan is very aware of his terrible reputation and too embarrassing position. Once he reveals his identity, like a shy and frightened little guy in front of him, he will probably completely panic.

Lu Taipan didn't forget the shame and intolerance shown by Su Liang just now, he couldn't help but glance at Su Liang again: Because of being too nervous, the boy's eyelids were even reddish, and his eyes were glowing Wet water light, breathing is also a little short.

A bit pathetic.

"My name is Si." Finally, Taipan Lu said in a deep voice, "You can call me Mr. Si."

This is not a common word, and Su Liang looks a little dazed.

"Four... sir?"

Lu Taipan sighed softly, he took off his dark leather gloves, grabbed Su Liang's hand, and lightly outlined the word "si" on the other's palm.

When he did all this, his expression was indifferent and his eyes were lowered.

For a moment, the icy aura surrounding him seemed to fade away, and it seemed vaguely gentle and focused.

Su Liang held her breath involuntarily.

At this moment, his palm was itchy.


My heart beats.

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DramaSlice Of LifeSupernatural

Chapter 458:

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Chapter 457:

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