MTL - After the Drama, Action!-~ Work related (2)

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It's time to play, but both of them are worried, and they can only bite the bullet.

Lemon Satellite TV spent a lot of money on "The Actor" this time, and all the stage art was created with huge sums of money. The effect presented can only be described as magnificent. The huge IED display at the back of the stage shows the multi-faceted performance of the actors, even the micro-expressions of the actors and the pores on their faces are not overlooked. The clarity is enough for the three judges present and the public judges in the auditorium to see clearly.

Therefore, if the performance of the actors on the stage is slightly flawed, the judges can see it clearly.

He Chengyi sat extremely upright, Wei Wei looked at the IED display screen with a considerate gaze. As Ren Bing and Feng Shanshan's performance became more intense, his handsome brows furrowed more and more. As Ren Bing smashed the prop teacup to the ground, He Chengyi couldn't help but twitched his brows.

Even Chen Yushuang, who was sitting next to He Chengyi, couldn't help being taken aback, and the perfect smile on his face was restrained by two points.

When the play was almost over, a newcomer appeared on the stage, and only then did He Chengyi's eyes change slightly.

As soon as He Cheng saw the actress in palace costume pouring Ren Bing a cup of tea with low eyebrows, Feng Shanshan suddenly said in a strange way, "Sister, this Yuxi Palace is really outstanding, even a little maid can climb a dragon." Bed, you really have a bright face as a master."

Ren Bing, who had already been aroused by Feng Shanshan, immediately slapped Chu Yao. Ren Bing, with his vindictive temper, of course used ten percent of his strength to slap Chu Yao. As a result, as soon as Ren Bing's palm touched Chu Yao's face, Chu Yao immediately fell down. She was so embarrassed that she thought how badly she was beaten!

Ren Bing was stunned by this slap, she glanced at Chu Yao who fell to the ground, for a moment she suspected that she had beaten Chu Yao like this.

Chu Yao covered her face, her eyes were filled with tears, but the tears did not fall from her eyes, like herself, she was afraid of Concubine Lin played by Feng Shanshan from the bottom of her heart.

Chu Yao is so pitiful, and there is a bit of caution hidden in her words, "Madam, there is no servant. The servant has always been loyal to you."

Feng Shanshan fanned the flames again, Ren Bing wished to take Chu Yao's face off. Chu Yao was so frightened that she subconsciously hid behind her, "Mother, the slaves are unintentional."

Ren Bing waved his hand, commanding the actor playing the **** behind him, "Drag on."

When Chu Yao was dragged down, she seemed to know her end, her eyes were red from crying, the tears in her right eye flowed down her cheeks, and she cried pitifully and desperately, "No, ma'am!"


The audience has clearly watched the performances of the actors for two performances, and they have become somewhat immune to such roaring performances. But I don't know why Chu Yao's sound made them all goose bumps, as if they could feel Chu Yao's feeling of despair.

When the scene of "The Prosperous Age" came to an end, the host was already giving a speech, and the audience in the audience came to their senses, and they all asked quietly who the actor who just played the little palace lady was.

Ren Bing and Feng Shanshan didn't expect Chu Yao's explosive power to be so strong on the scene, and the two of them suddenly looked a little ugly, and they both secretly pushed Chu Yao away in their words.

After seeing the scores from the audience judges, the smiles of Ren Bing and Feng Shanshan became sincere.

Ren Bing: 121 votes

Feng Shanshan: 106 votes

Chu Yao: 73 votes

1 vote of each live audience is equal to 1 point, and each vote of the three main judges is equal to 50 points.

The audience present and the public judges all looked a little nervous. Many public judges voted for Ren Bing and Feng Shanshan because they were more familiar with their faces. There are also people who did not vote for Chu Yao because of her bad reviews on the Internet, although they feel that Chu Yao seems to be acting a little bit better.

Of course, more people think that Chu Yao is insignificant because she only has three sentences.

The red envelope group really exploded because of this vote—

[Screenwriter Li Baibai]: Damn, do these audiences have aesthetics? With my eyes closed and my toes, I can see that the goddess is acting well, the kind without a filter!

[Intangible Director Jack]: You may be blind, I suggest installing an electronic prosthetic eye!

[Chu Yinghou leg pendant Zhao Xiaomei]: I want to complain to the interstellar court, there are fakes here!

[Chu Ying Empress Little Miss Girl Alice]: The actress acted so well, the little palace lady is so pitiful, my tears couldn't stop flowing. Now I have the robot nanny buy me eye drops.


The three judges on the field discussed for a few minutes, and seemed to have a little disagreement on the voting results.

Yang Mengqi thought for a while and said, "I vote for Ren Bing. Ren Bing's performance is very aura. He interpreted all of Lin Bing's laughter and scolding on the stage, which is very touching. I am a girl The children were almost attracted."

After Yang Mengqi voted for Ren Bing, it seemed that the result was almost coming out. Ren Bing was far ahead with a score of 171. If nothing happened, she would be the final winner.

Ren Bing breathed a sigh of relief at this time, she seemed not to take He Chengyi's evaluation very seriously, as long as she was the final winner anyway.

With a sweet smile on Ren Bing's face, he bowed to Yang Mengqi, "Thank you, Teacher Mengqi, for your review."

There were three people standing on the court, Feng Shanshan seemed a little angry, but Chu Yao was still smiling, as if the score on the court didn't affect her at all.

There are people in the scenery under the stands, but there are also people in the scenery in the stands. He Chengyi didn't know why he couldn't help looking at that corner of the screen.

This girl is exquisite and good-looking, with innocent eyebrows and eyes, but there seems to be a glamor in her eyes, pure and contradictory, she wants people to find out.


Chen Yushuang in the audience seemed a little restless, her eyes wandered back and forth between Ren Bing and Chu Yao, and finally fell on Chu Yao. This Chu Yao gave her a very familiar feeling, but it was not a feeling of intimacy, but a feeling of disgust spontaneously.

Chen Yushuang was looking at Chu Yao, and Chu Yao was also looking at her, although Chen Yushuang couldn't see Chen Yushuang's expression clearly from a long distance. But Chu Yao stared at Chen Yushuang with a smile, and silently said to her, "Chen Yushuang, wait for me, I'm back!"

All eyes were on Chen Yushuang to announce her answer, but she only felt a chill in her neck. She changed her expression and announced, "..."

006 promoted

Chen Yu's eyes skipped over the three of Chu Yao, with a gentle and tolerant smile on her face, and fine lines at the corners of her eyes, which made her seem to radiate a soft light. Chen Yushuang has been able to stand still for so many years, and she still has a certain standard.

Chu Yao on the stage felt that Chen Yushuang's eyes finally fell on her, and she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly. Sure enough, she heard Chen Yushuang say, "I decided to vote for Chu Yao in my hand, although she didn't have many lines in her final appearance. , but being able to leave such a deep impression on me in such a short time, I think Chu Yao is worthy of being an actor."

It's just that when Chen Yushuang said the word "Chu Yao", his tone seemed to be slightly hesitant and uncertain, but Chu Yao caught it. Chu Yao smiled and narrowed her eyes, the two people beside her were about to explode with anger.

Chu Yao bowed obediently to the judges' seats, and said simply, "Thank you for the judges' comments." Although she didn't have a fit on the surface, it was because of her good acting skills. But if you really want to have a sisterly relationship with the murderer Chen Yushuang, I'm sorry that she really can't do it.

Chen Yushuang was stunned, Chu Yao's operation was not right, shouldn't the blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah? Why are you so alienated?

When it came time for He Chengyi to vote, the staff present had no hope, they only hoped that He Chengyi would not be too vicious this time and scare the three little girls on the stage.

He Chengyi leaned forward slightly, focused his eyes on the stage, and said in a calm tone, "I vote for Chu Yao, she is a very good actress, her performance has attracted me... I am very happy." Looking forward to further exchanges with her.”

He Chengyi had just finished speaking, and everyone on and off the stage was amazed.

Is this still He Chengyi, the best actor? Wasn't he possessed by someone? ! !

So it turns out that He Chengyi is so gentle when he doesn't criticize others?

Even the host on stage was stunned for two seconds, completely caught off guard by He Chengyi's move, she was ready to speak after He Chengyi gave up voting.

The expression on He Chengyi's face softened by two points, and his tone was a bit like a strange uncle who abducts children. He sent an invitation to Chu Yao, "The other two mentors are already famous, please choose me as your mentor. I Will pick a good script and let you shine in the following short film."

In "The Actor", the tutor will shoot a 15-minute short film with the artist, and put it on the Internet. After netizens vote, the actor with the highest number of votes will win the final victory and get the chance to star in Chenxing Entertainment's big-budget movie next year. .

When He Chengyi's words came out, there was an uproar in the audience... Their film king He must have been possessed by something! Now this person must be a fake.

Ren Bing and Feng Shanshan are really stupefied now, they don't understand why the two of them have so many roles and their performances are not bad, why did He Chengyi choose Chu Yao?

The corners of Chu Yao's mouth turned up slightly, because of He Chengyi's choice, she finally became more certain in her heart. She also relaxed a lot, she smiled, and that smile was very contagious, "The mentor I chose is Film Emperor He, and we are happy to work together."


Chu Yao was in the waiting room. She had just received a freshly released script. She put the script together and quickly called her manager to share the good news with him.

After the call was connected, Lu Xingzhou seemed to be in a good mood, "It's over? Then I'll pick you up."

"It's over." Chu Yao suddenly wanted to play a prank, her tone of voice was slightly depressed, but the expression on her face was very vivid.

When Lu Xingzhou heard Chu Yao's tone, he immediately comforted, "It's okay, continue to work hard next time." He hesitated for a while, and finally said, "As long as you don't lose too badly."

But Chu Yao suddenly changed her tone, and said to Lu Xingzhou with a smile, "I've been promoted, guess who is the mentor I'm going to cooperate with?" With the sound of breathing, she replied slowly, "It's He Chengyi, He Yingdi! Are you excited? Are you excited?"

Hearing the sound of the glass breaking on the phone, Chu Yao's smile deepened, as if it was the first time since she was reborn that she was so comfortable and carefree.

Lu Xingzhou on the other end of the phone gave a few words of advice like an old mother, and Chu Yao hung up the phone.

Chu Yao picked up the script and was about to go to another lounge to find her partner He Chengyi, but when she turned around, she saw He Chengyi sitting not far from her, waving the script in her hand... So who is this guy? When did you come? Did you see the scene where she was showing off to Lu Xingzhou excitedly?

Hehe, she has lived for so many years, and she has never felt so ashamed of herself.

Chu Yao only felt that the expression on her face was a little stiff and couldn't be maintained anymore. She fake coughed twice and said, "I'm about to read the script."

As soon as He Cheng approached and sat on a chair next to Chu Yao, he flipped through the thin script with his knuckle fingers, and said, "I picked the script "Blind Man", which is the script that Chu Yinghou used to rely on. "Blind Man" won 9 trophies."

He Cheng glanced at Chu Yao, and said, "The queen of Chu's name is Chu Yaoyao, and your name is Chu Yao. You two have similar names." He Chengyi has a pair of beautiful and affectionate eyes. When looking at a person intently, the other person can't help but drown in this fleeting tenderness.

Chu Yao was a little embarrassed as the object to be watched. As a senior, she was evaluated by a junior in front of her face. She also has face, okay? But as an extreme voice controler, Chu Yao only felt that He Chengyi's voice was clear with a hint of magnetism, which was her favorite tone. Chu Yao couldn't help leaning against He Chengyi's position, her ears itching slightly. Chu Yao said modestly, "I'm still far behind Chu Yinghou, but I will continue to work hard."

The shooting date of the short film of "Blind Man" is set for tomorrow afternoon. It is quite difficult to understand a character in such a short time.

He Chengyi said quite empathetically, "Actually, you don't need to put too much pressure on yourself. You go back and read the script a few more times. It's good to have your own understanding. You don't need to go to the movies. It's perfect, but you're completely different individuals."

Added another sentence, "If you have any difficulties, you can find me, this is my contact information."

Chu Yao recorded He Chengyi's phone number on the phone with a completely confused face... Is this completely different from the He Chengyi in clothes? What about being cruel? What about being unsmiling?

Where did this man in front of her come from?

He Chengyi didn't move much until Chu Yao left the lounge. On the contrary, He Chengyi's manager Lin Sen was terrified, "Boss, do you know Chu Yao? Do you know how many bad reviews Chu Yao has on the Internet?"

After Lin Sen said this, he scolded himself for being an idiot in his heart. His boss is a complete primitive. He seldom uses Weibo or the Internet. How could he know such nonsense?

He Chengyi responded casually, "Oh, then give me my Weibo account and password."

Oh, forgive He Chengyi's Weibo since he registered, he hasn't posted a post...

007 New Announcement

When Lu Xingzhou came to the TV station to pick up Chu Yao, his steps were a little brisk. He asked with some uncertainty, "You really gave Miss Ren a PK? Are you really going to play with He Cheng?"

Chu Yao's eyes were like water, and she pulled a lazy and comfortable smile, "Really, it's more real than pearls."

Lu Xingzhou asked casually, "What script? Is it difficult? Do you want to find an acting teacher for you to train urgently?"

Chu Yao threw the script directly to Lu Xingzhou, "You can read it yourself."

Lu Xingzhou took the script and looked at it, and he was stupefied, "Fuck! "Blind Man"? A masterpiece of my goddess Chu Yaoyao? Who chose the script for you, does it have something against you?"

Hearing Lu Xingzhou say that Chu Yaoyao is his goddess, Chu Yao smiled meaningfully. She replied slowly, "Film Emperor He gave it to me. He probably wants to test me."

"He Chengyi, no wonder, he's very demanding." Lu Xingzhou looked mournful, his eyes lit up as if remembering something, "Go, go to my teacher Zhao's house, and I'll cook you a small stove."

Lu Xingzhou graduated from the Drama Academy of S City. His head teacher, Zhao Qinhua, is a well-known boss in the industry, and he has really achieved success in the entertainment industry. Lu Xingzhou used to be the monitor of Zhao Qinhua's class, and he has a very good relationship with her.

Zhao Qinhua lived in the staff quarter of the Drama Academy, and it was the first time for Chu Yao to come here. Lu Xingzhou is very familiar with the way. Zhao Qinhua was making dumplings in the kitchen, and heard her angry voice from afar, "Xingzhou, did you know that I was making dumplings today and you just made an excuse to come here."

Lu Xingzhou replied with a playful smile, "Yes, yes, I have a good dog's nose...Old class, look at I brought you a student today, you can teach her."

"The dumplings are ready, let's eat first, and we'll talk when we're done." Zhao Qinhua brought out a plate of steaming dumplings from the kitchen.

Because she was going to come to Zhao Qinhua's house for training, Chu Yao turned on the live broadcast function before entering the door. Originally, the group was discussing that Chu Yao's performance today was an interstellar anecdote, but when Zhao Qinhua brought out the dumplings, the group immediately swiped the screen.

[Screenwriter Li Baibai]: What is this? The legendary ancient earth food dumplings? Looks so tempting, I've only seen it in history books.

[Chu Yinghou leg pendant Zhao Xiaomei]: The goddess looks at me! Tell me is it delicious? The interstellar people who take nutritional supplements every day expressed envy and hatred.

[The Most Handsome Actor in the Interstellar Allen]: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! I seem to smell the fragrance! Tell me if it tastes amazing!

[Chu Yinghou's little girl Alice]: The saliva is all over the floor, and the robot lady has cleaned the floor twice...


Chu Yao thought for a while and replied.

[Ancient Earth Chu Xiaoyao]: It's delicious. I'm good at cooking, I will make dumplings and send red envelopes for everyone to eat~

Chu Yao ate this meal very happily. When she thought that six thousand years later, the interstellar netizens were watching her doing food and broadcasting, she was so greedy but couldn't eat good food, she felt very happy like a prank.

Lu Xingzhou, who was sitting across from Chu Yao, immediately realized that Chu Yao had eaten too much, and couldn't help saying, "You've already eaten 20 dumplings... Remember to keep fit and don't get swollen again."

Zhao Qinhua became unhappy when he heard this, "Hey, you don't care if you eat more, little girl. I think Chu Yao has a good figure. Don't be misled by the ribs in the entertainment industry. What's so good about being dry?" ?”

When Lu Xingzhou saw Zhao Qinhua singing along with Chu Yao, he really couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhao Qinhua is a kind old lady in life, but she is meticulous when it comes to her job, and immediately turns her face away. On this point, Chu Yao felt that Zhao Qinhua and He Chengyi were similar in purpose.

Zhao Qinhua's home is not too big, but a body rehearsal room has been specially opened up. At this moment, the expression on her face was a bit serious, even Lu Xingzhou didn't dare to joke with Zhao Qinhua casually.

Zhao Qinhua said, ""Blind Man"? It's interesting to cooperate with He Chengyi."

"Blind Man" is Chu Yaoyao's work when she was 30 years old. In the movie, she plays a blind chivalrous woman Qing Shui. In the first half of his life, he was free and unrestrained, rebellious and unruly. After being blind for the second half of his life, he was depressed and desperate, and disappeared in the world.

The role played by He Chengyi is Chen Yi, a fledgling chivalrous man who is sincere and simple, and hates evil like a vengeful. He traced a massacre case all the way, and met Qing Shui, who was suspected of being the murderer, halfway. As a result, the two began an interesting love-hate relationship.

The actor who played Chen Yi back then was Chen Ran, Chu Yao's fellow apprentice. At the age of 18, he became popular with this film and became a hot top actor. Now Chen Ran is already in a state of half-life, and has not filmed a film and television drama for many years.

Thinking of this, Chu Yao felt a little melancholy. After 20 years of vicissitudes, all the friends around her have changed.

Zhao Qinhua is a very strict teacher. She knew that Chu Yao was not born in a major, and without systematic performance training, she directly took the most ruthless trick. Blindfolding Chu Yao's eyes, she directly felt the feeling of blindness. She set up many roadblocks in the rehearsal room and let Chu Yao walk over blindfolded.

In Chu Yao's career, she has played the blind man several times, and she also used this rough method when she first learned to act. Today is just a start all over again, Chu Yao walked with her eyes blindfolded to find the feeling she had back then. During the process, she fell down five times and broke her knee.

Lu Xingzhou on the side stared at the wound for a long time, seeing Chu Yao get up without saying a word, feeling a little distressed for no reason. He said, "Teacher, I think it's almost done."

Zhao Qinhua glanced at him, and said speechlessly, "Who told me to be ruthless just now, don't you feel guilty for saying this now?" However, Zhao Qinhua looked at Chu Yao softly, with a little appreciation and He sighed, "But this little girl is really good, and now she has survived, and her temper is more determined. Don't look at her walking in a mess, I think she has already mastered the skills, and a child can be taught."

Zhao Qinhua whispered to Lu Xingzhou, "Take care of the little girl, her future is limitless."

Lu Xingzhou had a new orientation towards Chu Yao in his heart, and he couldn't help looking at her with complicated eyes.


After training until midnight, Chu Yao and Lu Xingzhou were finally ready to leave Zhao Qinhua's house. Even though she was wearing heavy clothes in winter, it seemed that Chu Yao's knees were broken.

Zhao Qinhua saw something from Chu Yao's walking posture. Seeing that Chu Yao was silent, he felt that the little girl was resolute. And Lu Xingzhou felt inexplicably sour.

On the way back, the two were speechless for a while, and Lu Xingzhou spoke first, "Half good news, half bad news, do you want to hear it?"

Chu Yao remembered that while eating dumplings at night, Lu Xingzhou went out to answer the phone. She rubbed her eyes, yawned, and asked, "About my next announcement?"

In fact, Chu Yao also thought it was quite miraculous. She was refrigerated by Chen Tian for half a year because she offended Ren Bing, and now she was thawed because Ren Bing wanted to punish her? Could it be that Chu Yao's life and death fell into the control of a little girl?

Chu Yao couldn't help sneering in her heart.

Lu Xingzhou noticed that Chu Yao's temper had changed a lot, and even her personality became much more transparent. He thought to himself that maybe he repented after being heartbroken.

Lu Xingzhou couldn't help but see himself from Chu Yao, but he fell down, but Chu Yao stood up and seized the opportunity.

Lu Xingzhou's tone was a little low, and he said with a dejected expression, "Ren Bing was recently filming on the crew of "Under the Moon in Chang'an", and she recommended you to play a supporting role to the crew?"

Chu Yao laughed, Ren Bing didn't feel good after being slapped in the face this time, is it itchy again?

Chu Yao asked, "The role of the vicious female supporting role?"

Lu Xingzhou looked worried, "Bai Lianhua is the cousin Shuang Bai of Bai Yueguang in the hero's heart."

Speaking of "Changan Moonlight", this web drama is adapted from a novel. Speaking of the novel "Under the Moon in Chang'an", it is quite strange. This ancient suspenseful love novel is the best-selling novel in recent years. The smart and wise heroine Jian Rong, who disguises herself as a man, has been the most popular heroine for three years in a row, while the cousin Bai Yueguang in "Changan Moonlight" has been the most hated female character by readers for three years in a row. name.

Cousin Bai Yueguang cried miserably from the beginning of her appearance in "Under the Moon in Chang'an", and finally died in order to save the hero. The person who indirectly killed Bai Yueguang's cousin was Jian Rong's father, so even if the hero and the heroine were in love with each other, but they were still BE because of the cousin. Resentful readers absolutely hate the character of the cousin.

It is self-evident what Ren Bing asked Chu Yao to play such a role.

Chu Yao thought about the plot of "Under the Moon in Chang'an" and nodded in agreement, "I'll accept this web drama, don't worry, I will definitely make Miss Ren's 'fulfillment'!" Chu Yao raised her eyelids, revealing a hint of A charming smirk came.


Before going to bed, Chu Yao took out the script and read it again. She suddenly remembered the phone number He Chengyi gave her during the day, and she casually saved the phone number in her phone.

He Yingdi's WeChat ID was linked to his mobile phone number, so Chu Yao applied to be added as He Chengyi's WeChat friend. When she interacted in the red envelope group for a while and was about to quit WeChat, she seemed to find that He Chengyi had passed her WeChat friend application and was lying quietly in her WeChat friend list.

Chu Yao rubbed her chin... Where's the agreed-upon actor Gao Leng?

Probably a lie.

008 Shooting

When it came to the day of the filming schedule, Chu Yao was in a very relaxed state, and she didn't feel tense that she was about to have a scene with the big devil.

Instead, Chu Yao's manager, Lu Xingzhou, looked anxious, not to mention he suffered from insomnia until midnight last night.

Chu Yao could only soothe Lu Xingzhou's wounded heart with delicious food, and made fried egg dumplings for Lu Xingzhou's breakfast with the leftover dumplings made last night. Chu Yao developed her culinary skills a few years ago, so her cooking is quite delicious. Lu Xingzhou ate the love breakfast that Chu Yao made for him, and immediately threw away the emotions that shouldn't be there. All that was left was to admire the superb cooking skills, and even wanted to give Chu Yao a gourmet variety show on a whim.

Arrived at the location where the TV station set up the scene. Chu Yao and Lu Xingzhou were 15 minutes earlier, and 15 minutes had passed by the time Chu Yao was almost familiar with the environment.

He Chengyi arrived at the scene on time. He Chengyi has always been punctual, he is strict with others, and even stricter with himself, especially when it comes to punctuality. Therefore, the staff who have worked with him have never been late, even the big-name celebrities never dared to be late in front of He Chengyi.

The two of them had to put on makeup first. The TV station had a dressing room specially prepared for He Chengyi, as well as a separate bathroom and lounge. However, the TV station didn't dare to slack off on He Chengyi during the one-day shooting time, which showed He Chengyi's big name.

Chu Yao said hello to He Chengyi, and was about to go to the dressing room to get her makeup done, but He Chengyi stopped her, "Let's go together, let's talk about a line by the way."

Chu Yao was also a person who once stood at the top of the entertainment industry, and she didn't make any fuss about He Chengyi's invitation. On the other hand, Lu Xingzhou looked confused... His artist was actually invited by He Chengyi, the best actor, to make up and match his lines together? !

It must be the wrong way for him to open it? Or was he hallucinating from going to bed too late last night?

Then Chu Yao, an entertainer from the Luda Economic Family, nodded with a smile and said, "That's fine."

Lu Xingzhou watched helplessly as Chu Yao left with He Chengyi. Lu Xingzhou and Lin Sen, He Chengyi's manager who was also standing there blankly, looked at each other, and the two of them spread their hands in a tacit understanding... There is no solution.

He Chengyi's dressing room is really spacious and bright enough, it looks like he has spent enough money.

The TV station arranged a big scene for him, but He Chengyi himself didn't have a big scene. Entertainment news often reports that big-name entertainers travel with a lot of ostentation, with a dozen staff members, such as bodyguards, life assistants, stylists, and drivers. He Chengyi doesn't have this problem, he usually only has a manager and an assistant by his side. His style is simply simple and powerful, which is very inconsistent with his title of He Dayingdi.

He Chengyi and Chu Yao were styled by Lin Yang, an industry leader specially invited by the director of the cast and crew. Of course, Lin Yang did the styling for He Chengyi. Although the modeler for Chu Yao is not as famous as Lin Yang, she is also a very powerful senior. Everyone calls her Sister Zhao.

Chu Yao took out the pastry she was going to bribe the staff. It was cute and beautiful. It was in the shape of a rabbit that girls like very much, and it had a sweet and fragrant taste.

Chu Yao smiled and said to Sister Zhao, "Sister Zhao hasn't had breakfast yet, please eat."

Sister Zhao fell in love with her right away, she was full of girlish hearts. Sister Zhao didn't have a good impression of Chu Yao because of the fight between Chu Yao and Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan on Weibo. But because of Chu Yao's good looks and this box of good-looking pastries, Sister Zhao immediately became a fan of passers-by.

He Chengyi, who was sitting aside and being put on makeup, smelled the sweet smell, and couldn't help but glanced to the side from the corner of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth, which were sternly pursed into a straight line, changed a little.

Chu Yao seemed to be aware of He Chengyi's gaze, and magically took out several boxes of snacks from her bag, and distributed them to other staff present, including He Chengyi.

He Chengyi didn't move, Chu Yao opened the box and handed it over, "Do you want to try one?"

He Chengyi's assistant David didn't seem to like Chu Yao very much, he frowned and said, "Miss Chu, I'm sorry, our boss doesn't like sweets."

"It's okay." He Cheng said these words abruptly, and David's face froze.

He Chengyi didn't seem to notice, he took a toothpick and poked a piece of dessert into his mouth. The sweet but not greasy taste immediately swept through the mouth... He Chengyi's eyes became softer.

"Is it delicious?" Chu Yao asked with a smile.

He Chengyi gave a rather indifferent "hmm".

The entire dressing room fell into silence, only Chu Yao and He Cheng were left talking to the lines one by one. The two recited lines full of literary and emotional emotions in a calm tone, and there was always a weird style of painting.

Both Lin Yang and Lin Sen couldn't help laughing.

With a cold face, He Chengyi glanced at the two of them inexplicably...

He Chengyi and Chu Yao went through dozens of pages of the script back and forth, and the two of them didn't get stuck on a single line, which shows that the two of them are already familiar enough with the lines.

At this moment, Lin Sen and Lin Yang couldn't laugh anymore. Lin Sen and Lin Yang were very familiar with He Chengyi, so they naturally knew about He Chengyi's abnormality... But Chu Yao could keep up with He Chengyi's rhythm?

This is too scary.

"I remember the lines well, and I look forward to the next cooperation." He Chengyi said this to Chu Yao solemnly.

Lin Sen and David, who were familiar with He Chengyi, were stunned. They had worked with He Chengyi for so many years, and they had never seen him express his emotions so directly. For a moment, he couldn't help but become really interested in Chu Yao.

At this time, the make-up and hair were almost done. Sister Zhao finished the make-up for Chu Yao in one go. She only felt that the little girl had good skin and a good foundation. After the make-up and hair were completed, when Sister Zhao looked at Chu Yao in the mirror again, she was so surprised that she was speechless.

Sister Zhao has walked through large and small crews and put on makeup for stars of all sizes, but she has never seen a person so beautiful and clean. She only felt that Chu Yao's face was destined to be born for the big screen, no corners were redundant, it was exquisite and beautiful but not overwhelming, after putting on makeup, she completely integrated into the character in the script.

Sister Zhao quickly took out her mobile phone and said to Chu Yao, "Let's post a photo together on Weibo...Of course this is allowed by the director, and proper publicity is also necessary."

During the group photo, Chu Yao was still standing close to the camera... showing a big face.


Sister Zhao is a well-known beauty blogger on Weibo. Because she is good at making high-quality beauty tutorial videos, she has attracted a large number of fans, with a total of 1.2 million, which is more than the 18th-tier artists in the entertainment industry.

The Weibo account named "Sister Zhao who loves makeup" did not post a beauty tutorial today, did not post a lipstick test, did not post a photo of the latest cosmetics... Instead, it posted a photo with Chu Yao.

Sister Zhao's Weibo immediately exploded.

[I want to drink a little bit: Sister Zhao is really getting more and more scheming, and she hides behind in the group photo. Don't think that this makes her face appear smaller. Even if this young lady in ancient costume is in front of you, she is still smaller than your face? 】

[I just want to sleep in winter: Damn, this young lady looks so good, please give me your Weibo name to show me the way! 】

[Coke is not soaked: Based on my experience of watching movies for many years, this young lady cosplays Shimizu from "Blind Man"? 】

[Innocence: Young lady looks good in ancient costumes! I feel like I'm falling in love at first sight. 】

[Tang Jiajun: Fuck, blogger, why did you take a photo with Chu Yao, a little bitch? Pink turns black! 】

[Want to talk about Xinchou: Hey, the upstairs said that the young lady's name is Chu Yao? I went to pay attention! 】

009 interpretation of "Blind Man"

Lemon Satellite TV has done a great job in restoring the scenes in "The Blind Man" almost one-to-one, giving Chu Yao the illusion of returning to the past.

In order to restore the sense of the camera, the ancient costumes prepared for Chu Yao and He Chengyi are quite light and elegant. Now that the temperature outside is below zero, the two of them shivered uncontrollably after taking off their thick down jackets when they got to the set. Even though Chu Yao wore two pieces of thermal underwear, the baby was still cold after putting on several warm underwear.

One of the disadvantages of shooting in winter is that the actors will produce fog when they speak, which will destroy the beauty of the scene. Therefore, when shooting winter scenes, actors sometimes put an ice cube in their mouths to alleviate this situation.

Chu Yao has been in the entertainment circle for 20 years, and she is almost perfect in acting. She has already figured out a series of routines by herself. Today's shooting of "Blind Man" involves outdoor scenes, and this situation will definitely occur. When Chu Yao was in the dressing room just now, she revealed to He Chengyi in an unintentional tone how to pronounce words and how to control her breath so as not to produce white mist, which can be regarded as thanking him for his various actions.

When Chu Yao and He Chengyi appeared on the set, the set was immediately silent for a few seconds, and they all burst into exclamation. Chu Yao and He Chengyi stood together, no matter in temperament or appearance, they were completely different from Chu Yaoyao and Chen Ran, but they gave people an inexplicable sense of aura, which made people feel that the two of them were "" Shimizu and Chen Yi in Blind Man.

The director asked his assistant to take a few photos of Chu Yao and He Chengyi, and prepared to pretend to be passers-by and send them to Weibo to hype them up. The director's gaze fell on Chu Yao's watery eyes, and he was a little worried about the effect of her playing the blind man.

The original host became popular because of the school idol drama, and the series of film and television dramas he took on afterward were all similar with minor differences. The original owner has received very superficial acting training, and his acting skills in idol dramas can be held, but a little bit of acting skills is enough.

All the staff present had inquired about Chu Yao's promotion process, and heard that she played a passer-by first-class court lady with only three lines, so they all thought that Chu Yao might have gotten lucky. Now it's 100% timid to play with a super powerful party like He Chengyi. At that time, the actor will get angry, and the filming will not be completed in one day, and it will be their staff who will suffer.

These people couldn't help complaining a little towards Chu Yao, and even the sense of surprise from seeing her ancient costume for the first time just disappeared completely.

The scene is ready, the camera is ready, just waiting for Chu Yao and He Chengyi to play.

The first scene of the classic "Blind Man" was set at a herbal tea stand on the side of the road. Chen Yi followed Qing Shui for a month, and finally met Qing Shui face to face here for the first time.

The filming officially started, and Qing Shui Fengchen, played by Chu Yao, appeared in the camera. The shape of her eyes is very beautiful, but the focus seems to be lost in the pupils, like a dusty jade that has lost its luster. At this time, the cameras from several angles were shooting at Chu Yao, and the staff behind the camera who was taking a close-up of her face froze for a moment.

There is nothing superfluous about the face that appears in the shot, no matter what angle it is from, it is perfectly stunning. But this kind of beauty is not empty like a vase, but full of aura in every move. There is no focus and brilliance in her eyes, but her lips pursed into a straight line faintly revealed the strength of determination. There was a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, but her expression was lazy and cold, and there was an inaccessible barrier all over her body.

A complicated blind man.

Qing Shui asked the tea shop to serve her a pot of tea and some dry food. She stretched out a pair of slender and white hands, which were originally exquisite like works of art because of calluses and wounds, which ruined some of their beauty. Qing Shui looked into the distance with his eyes, and his fingers landed on the rim of the cup accurately. She raised the chipped old teacup and took a big sip of tea. The movements are elegant, but not stingy, with the chic and uninhibitedness of the people of the rivers and lakes.

Qing Shui turned her face slightly, as if she heard something, the man came quickly and landed at the same table as hers. Qing Shui just wanted to get up, but the other party held down her hands to stop her movement. Qing Shui only heard the other party shout, "After following for a month, I was finally caught

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