MTL - After the Drama, Action!-~ Work related (8)

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Bai this role! Yaoyao, you look so good-looking, I'm going to blush. "

Chu Yao patted the little girl's head affectionately, and smiled lovingly, "Then you take advantage of this to look at me a few more times and get used to it first."

A group of speechless team members, "..."

031 I just like you being so shameless

The day when Chu Yao promised He Chengyi to audition also came.

The quality of the movies that He Chengyi will take on will not be low, and the configuration is top-notch. The gold medal screenwriter Qin Song and the second gold director Wei Hongying joined forces to produce a commercial blockbuster with large investment and production. As soon as this configuration is released, it is definitely a high box office and high exposure. Such a piece of fat, of course everyone wants to come up and take a bite.

It is said that Movies has invested more than 100 million yuan in service, let alone built a film and television city for movie services. This is a big deal!

The name of the movie is "Dynasty", and this time He Chengyi chose a villain second character to play the role for the first time. The character's name is Shen Ye. From the son of a concubine to the prince to the emperor, he is hypocritical, cunning, cruel, and will do anything to achieve his goals. And the role that Chu Yao came to audition for this time was the mother of He Chengyi's role in the movie, the all-powerful concubine Mrs. Yuzhu.

In the movie, Mrs. Yuzhu's appearance is peerless, and she is even more beautiful with a dance. When he was seriously ill, he refused to see the emperor due to his damaged appearance, which made the emperor so obsessed with it that he empathized and abolished the former prince and made Shen Ye the prince. This episode also shows Mrs. Yuzhu's heart and nature.

Therefore, Mrs. Yuzhu has two requirements for audition actresses, one is to be good-looking, and the other is to have a foundation in dancing.

The location of the audition was set at the film and television studio where "Dynasty" was filmed. Chen Xing equipped Chu Yao with a high-end SUV, and Lu Xingzhou still served as her driver. This time, his assistant He Yuan was also accompanying her.

The area opened up by this film and television city is quite large, magnificent and majestic. It is said that after the filming of "Dynasty" is completed, it will be used as a tourist attraction, or it will be leased to other costume crews.

Chu Yao also happened to meet two acquaintances, Hua Ning and Ren Bing, who were about to leave, and their expressions were worth pondering. Hua Ning's eyebrows were beaming, and he couldn't hide his pride. Ren Bing's face was expressionless, but when he saw Chu Yao, his expression immediately changed, as if he couldn't help but want to pounce on her and bite her, but he was also afraid.

Chu Yao and the two passed by, and the corner of her eye glides over Hua Ning's body. This junior is the one who spread rumors on Weibo that she was assigned a role...Chu Yao couldn't help but click her tongue.

Hua Ning seemed to feel something, and couldn't help shrinking his neck, his expression restrained a bit.

The audition took place in an antique room, and there were only Wei Hongying, Qin Song, and He Chengyi in the room. The first time Wei Hongying saw Chu Yao, she said, "You need to lose weight when you go back."

The corners of Chu Yao's mouth twitched twice. Her current weight is normal and thin in life, but she is normally thin on camera.

The screenwriter Qin Song explained with a smile, "Ms. Yuzhu has two very important dances in the movie, the palm dance and the drum dance. It is easier to shoot if the actor is lighter." Qin Song looked at Chu Yao's body proportions, He nodded and smiled, "Your figure is very good-looking, and the picture should be beautiful when you take pictures... Can you dance classical dance?"

But Chu Yao heard other meanings from Qin Song's words. Why did she have the illusion that the role of Mrs. Yuzhu was her default?

As for classical dance, when Chu Yao was still Chu Yaoyao, she once filmed a movie called "Warring States", in which she played a dancer, dancing from beginning to end. At that time, she was already 25 years old when she took the film, and her bones were already set. She had no dance foundation at all, and she gritted her teeth and learned dance for a year and a half. She continued to dance until her death.

So Chu Yao replied, "I can dance, but I haven't practiced it for a long time. The basic skills need to be practiced again."

Wei Hongying frowned and looked at Chu Yao a few times, then said, "Then go and change your costumes, let's have an impromptu dance."

Wei Hongying is a rather serious middle-aged man, he does things in a rigid manner, and looks very difficult to get along with. But Chu Yao knew that this person belonged to the type of tough outside but soft inside. She had cooperated with Wei Hongying twice before, and they had a good relationship in private. In the past, Wei Hongying was a handsome guy who would blush when he saw her, but now his white hair is showing, which made Chu Yao feel a little bit embarrassed.

Taking advantage of the gap when Chu Yao went to change clothes. Qin Song teased Wei Hongying and said with a smile, "Old Wei, why are you still so straight-faced? The little girl is scared by you." As he spoke, he glanced at He Cheng teasingly, and joked, "Be careful that someone will settle accounts with you .”

Wei Hongying said, "I think this Chu Yao is very courageous. How can she be afraid of me? She looks really good."

He Chengyi said abruptly, "The acting is very good, there will be surprises."

Wei Hongying stroked the mustache at the corner of his mouth, and finally smiled, "Of course I believe in your vision, otherwise, how could I have made a default role? My old Wei has never done such a thing, okay?"

But He Chengyi didn't care much, the corners of his lips curled slightly, "You will be grateful to me then."

While speaking, Chu Yao had already changed her clothes and came out. She was dressed in a bright red dance costume, and came with light lotus steps. It seems that since Chu Yao appeared on the stage, she has an indescribable romantic charm, and there are many kinds of charms in Gu Pan.

The delicate dance steps move slowly like light clouds, and the sleeves are lightly raised, like a cloud of clouds. Chu Yao's movements are not proficient, but her posture is graceful, and her expression is even more seven-pointed. A look that came over by chance, the pupils were slightly raised, revealing the eyes that are full of autumn water, full of charm and tenderness.

Youdao is its shape, as graceful as a frightened bird, as graceful as a wandering dragon, with glorious autumn chrysanthemums and lush spring pine trees. It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind. Looking at it from a distance, it is as bright as the sun rising from the morning glow; when observing it by force, it is as bright as a flower coming out of Lubo.

Mrs. Yuzhu described it as better than Luoshen, but it also added a lot of charm.

When Chu Yao finished her movements, the other people present still hadn't recovered. Wei Hongying and Qin Song were amazed and amazed. He Chengyi looked at Chu Yao with a complicated expression, as if seeing other people through Chu Yao.

Qin Song joked, "Old Wei, you have found a treasure this time!"

Wei Hongying was very proud of himself, but he still had a troubled look on his face, and said after consideration, "It's so-so, and the dance skills need to be strengthened. The crew specially invited a dance teacher, and you will come to the crew to report on strengthening tomorrow." Basic skills."

Chu Yao didn't have any objections, and they chatted happily. Anyway, Wei Hongying and Qin Song watched Chu Yao leave in the end, with expressions of reluctance.

Chu Yao left the audition room with He Chengyi, and Chu Yao suddenly asked, "Why hasn't the role of Mrs. Yuzhu been settled? When I came today, I saw Ren Bing and Hua Ning."

The corners of He Chengyi's lips curled up slightly, "Didn't you see it just now? Director Wei doesn't like anyone. In fact, screenwriter Qin is more obsessed with Yuzhu than Director Wei. Many people auditioned for this role, but he never satisfactory candidate."

He Chengyi stopped suddenly, and Chu Yao also stopped inexplicably, and asked, "What's wrong?"

He Chengyi turned his head to stare at Chu Yao, with a focused expression, and an inexplicably gentle and low voice, "As for Ren Bing and Hua Ning, didn't they say that you had made a default role? Then this time, let them have a look and let them It's hard to speak."

Chu Yao groaned in her heart... He Chengyi, the junior, really won her heart, she just likes such shameless behavior!

Chu Yao stretched out her hand and patted He Chengyi's shoulder, with a teachable look, "Young man, you have a future!"

He Chengyi, "..."

032 live clarification

Chu Yao's team has been planning and preparing for a while. They have a clear understanding of Chu Yao, with good looks, high EQ, and inexplicably strong fans.

So there is also this live broadcast of Chu Yao, which not only clarifies the scandal, but also her first direct interaction with fans.

Live broadcast location: Yihua Live.

Live broadcast time: 20:00 on January 7th.

Chu Yao's team has been building momentum on Weibo several days in advance. No matter how Chu Yao's Weibo fans are over ten million, the popularity of the topic has not faded. There is quite a sense of echo in this campaign.

Chu Yao did the live broadcast directly in the bedroom without even turning on the light, all she wanted was this down-to-earth feeling. When Chu Yao was still lying on the table eating snail powder, she was directly tricked by Lu Xingzhou and turned on the live camera.

Before Chu Yao could react, she stared at the phone screen for a few seconds with her eyes wide open, and immediately pushed the screw powder in her hand to the side. With his big eyes staring in the direction of the camera, he begged for mercy to the audience who had entered the live broadcast channel, "Everyone forget that scene just now, and don't take screenshots!! The director of the new play said I was too fat , if you know that I eat supper at night, you will kill me alive!"

As soon as Chu Yao finished speaking, a row of bullet screens flew out on the screen.

[Poison in the middle of the night! I want to report! 】

[Hahahaha everyone, hurry up and take a screenshot, and I will post it on Weibo Aite Director 233333 in the future]

[Does Goddess have a new drama? 】

【Started early? Thankfully I came early! 】

[QAQ, is Yaoyao without makeup? so beautiful! 】

[Which brand of screw powder is it? It looks delicious! 】

[Hahaha Yaoyao, you are not fat at all, are the requirements for new dramas so high? 】

[Slut woman dares to broadcast live! Spicy chicken character! Get out of the showbiz! 】

Chu Yao quickly scanned through the messages, picked out questions and answers, and said brokenly, "Good XX brand screw powder, it's so poisonous, I can't stop it for a moment! I don't think I'm fat, but I have There's a new movie about dancing, so lose weight!!"

When it was officially 8 o'clock, the live broadcast room was stuck, and then the number of viewers in the background increased exponentially! The screen was also stuck for a minute before the problem was resolved. You must know that Yihua Live is the largest live broadcast website in China, and it is rare to encounter such a situation, so it can be seen that the situation of Chu Yao's live broadcast is very hot this time.

When the picture returned to normal again, Chu Yao seemed to be sitting upright. The new audience was taken aback by her appearance, but she suddenly changed her face and said with a smile, "Hi~ I'm Chu Yao, everyone is welcome. My live broadcast room. If you have any questions, you can ask them as much as you want. This live broadcast is going to share some news with you while chatting. Let me make an announcement first. I have terminated my contract with Chentian and signed a new agency .”

During Chu Yao's live broadcast, her expression was particularly vivid and contagious, her voice was playful and sexy, and the fans watching the live broadcast were completely attracted by her, and their emotions also changed with Chu Yao's changes!

Chu Yao was talking on her own, the news had already been revealed between the words, and then a crazy barrage flew by.

[Why did you terminate the contract with Chentian? White-eyed wolf! 】

[Chentian has treated Yaoyao coldly many times, it is right to leave Chentian! 】

[Is it because of Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan? I heard that Ren Bing's family has shares in Chentian? 】

【Meddling in the relationship between Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan, bullying Tian Xin, you can't get along in Chentian! 】

[It’s great that the goddess has a new plan~ Blessings! 】

Chu Yao continued to answer, "I mainly clarify three issues today~ First, I have never been involved in the relationship between Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan. We were together two years ago and broke up this year. Of course, I have evidence in my hand." " Chu Yao directly took out the ipad, opened the photo album, and there were intimate photos of the original owner and Tang Mingyuan when they collaborated on "Be Careful", as well as screenshots of WeChat conversations displayed by time.

Chu Yao smiled, with a rather lonely expression, "As for why it was not made public before, some of the reasons are unclear."

Chu Yao didn't say anything bad about Tang Mingyuan, Ren Bing and Chentian Film and Television in her words, but she produced evidence, which seemed to have led the audience to think about it.

Since Chu Yao and Tang Mingyuan had been together for two years and only broke up this year, it was obvious that someone had backfired when it was said on Weibo that Chu Yao had intervened with Tang Mingyuan and Ren Bing!

Why Chu Yao was attacked so badly at that time, but she didn't dare to release these evidences, it was not due to Chen Tian's despotic power. Now that she finally left Chentian, she finally dared to expose the truth.

The ability of netizens to make up brains is very strong. With just a few words from Chu Yao, they have completely restored the facts. Netizens felt very sorry for this girl when they saw Chu Yao's face pretending to be strong and calm.

Even though she had been involved in her feelings, she still had to be labeled as a mistress! Being chased and scolded by so many people!

Netizens remembered that they had eaten melons from the three of Chu Yao on Weibo, and felt a little ashamed when they thought about it, so they began to collect gifts.

Seeing so many people giving her gifts, Chu Yao immediately stopped her and said, "Don't waste your money, sell some food for your parents. It's the end of the year, and it's snowing in many places, so buy yourself a better quality down jacket. If you If you want to support me, when the movie I act in is released, everyone go to the cinema to support me~"

What Chu Yao said was sincere, and many viewers were very moved and ironed... This little girl really makes people feel distressed.

Chu Yao continued, "The second thing is that there is absolutely nothing about the default role in "A Sword in Allure". If I was preset, I should have joined the group by now, okay? This world is so difficult, is it because I look so good? Mei, my acting skills are good, so people will suspect that I have been assigned a role by default? Will I be said to have been appointed by default for any role I get in the future? Then I am really wronged, more wronged than Dou E!" Although she has just been appointed by default got a role~

Chu Yao's rather playful words immediately made the audience couldn't help but smile knowingly, yes, Chu Yao is good-looking, and her acting skills are not bad. Isn't it normal for the producer to ask her to act in a play? There are too many people with rhythm on Weibo before! People who follow what others say don't even know that they are using their brains.

Just as Chu Yao was about to say something, it suddenly appeared on the page that someone had smashed 20 luxury yachts for her, and the price was calculated according to the gifts on Yihua Live. A luxury yacht is equal to 1314 yuan, and this rich fan gave her five-figure gifts at once.

Chu Yao was stunned for half a second, then smiled, "My little friend from yaoyao1234, I have received my wish, but I still follow the stars rationally~ If you regret it, you can private message me, and I can refund the money to you at that time."

Netizens who watched the live broadcast were dying of laughter, how the **** is Chu Yao so cute... and this local tyrant fan who donated rewards, Chu Yao even said that there is no need to reward and still reward, maybe it is because she wants to attract Chu Yao's attention Did it on purpose!

Then they can only lament that this wave of operations is too coquettish and exposed ####give me a kiss~

033 Stars who don’t want to be beauty bloggers are not good stars

As a loyal fan of He Chengyi, Wu Xingxing still couldn't help climbing the wall in front of her beauty. That's right, she has completely fallen in love with Chu Yao since watching the scene of her cousin in "Under the Moon in Chang'an"! How could there be such a pure and lovely woman as Meidi! ! In the last scene where the cousin got the bento, Wu Xingxing's tears were all dried up, and he was still sentimental for several days.

Since she fell in love with Chu Yao, Wu Xingxing has added all her previous works. But Wu Xingxing couldn't find the thumping feeling in "Chang'an Moonlight" and "Actor" at she felt that this was an extremely unsolvable problem.

This time Chu Yao was broadcasting live on Yihua Live, Wu Xingxing had already moved the small bench and waited. The live broadcast started two minutes earlier than the scheduled time. Wu Xingxing entered the live broadcast room and saw Chu Yao's embarrassment after stealing snail powder... Hahahaha burst out laughing!

How could there be such a cute girl as Chu Yao!

Then seeing Chu Yao clarify the facts, Wu Xingxing couldn't help but feel sorry for Chu Yao. Chentian Film and Television is simply a black-hearted workshop! Chu Yao's beautiful acting skills are so good, to be ravaged and wasted by the company just because of a relationship, it's a waste of money!

When Chu Yao clarified Tian Xin's revelation, she couldn't help laughing. His eyebrows are curved, and his slender eyelashes tremble slightly. Wu Xingxing can see the beautiful arc of those eyelashes, which inexplicably tickles everyone's heart.

Chu Yao said with a smile, "Actually, I don't like chicken soup very much. Even if I drink chicken soup, I usually cook it myself. My cooking skills are not bad. I can cook live broadcast when I have time... Also, if the chicken soup is very hot, I will If it is splashed on her, it will definitely leave scars. If the ex-assistant is willing to tan the scars of burns, then I have nothing to say."

Chu Yao shrugged her shoulders and said helplessly, "Besides, the red dress that Guoyi wore on the red carpet was lent to me by the brand. Should I take the initiative to give it up to others? Am I not a fool?"

When Wu Xingxing heard what Chu Yao said, he couldn't help but laugh!

Ahhhhhhhhhh! How can there be such a cute girl as Chu Yao, you are not stupid! It's your ex-assistant with a black conscience!

Chu Yao supported her pointed chin with her hands, and blinked towards the camera, her eyes were charming, and her brows and eyes looked bright. Chu Yao has been in front of the camera for decades, and the concept of showing her charm with every move has been engraved in her bones. At this moment, Chu Yao's hormones erupted, and men and women shot indiscriminately, causing the audience watching the live broadcast to see their little hearts beating wildly and their noses bleeding.

Clearly Chu Yao didn't make any provocative gestures on purpose, but just one look from her can make you so dazed that you can't find things.

Wu Xingxing, who was watching this live broadcast, never knew that a female celebrity could still get red-faced while watching a live broadcast. She was clearly oriented towards normal, okay? And now Chu Yao has surpassed He Chengyi's position in Wu Xingxing's heart, and has risen to become her natal idol!

"As for what she said about hiring me a big-name makeup artist, it's even more false. Because I did the makeup on the red carpet day by myself, and I even curled my hair." Chu Yao took out her cosmetics basket and The curling iron said solemnly to the live broadcast audience, "Okay, then we will officially enter the theme today. I will teach you a simple and coquettish red carpet makeup, which is especially suitable for the company's annual meeting and girlfriends' gathering at the end of the year. Please take out your small Make good notes~"

Countless viewers who were lying on the bed watching the live broadcast couldn't help laughing because of Chu Yao's words, their mobile phones and iPads hit their faces directly.

Just now officially getting into the topic?

Chu Yao demonstrated with her life that a star who doesn't want to be a beauty blogger is not a good star!

But Chu Yao obviously didn't just talk casually, she really taught makeup seriously. Chu Yao picked up a bottle of liquid foundation, and while using a wet makeup sponge to apply the base makeup, she emphasized, "I have already applied a moisturizing mask before applying the base makeup, and it is better to moisturize before makeup. Dry, if the moisturizing work is not done well, the sides of the nose are easy to get powdery. Of course, pay attention to sun protection in autumn and winter."

Chu Yao didn't turn on any filters or beautification at all in this live broadcast, and she showed up without makeup. There were no blemishes visible on her skin, it was as white and smooth as a tender egg that had been peeled off its shell, with a warm luster. Chu Yao's face looked more refined and flawless after putting on the foundation makeup, and the liquid foundation perfectly matched her skin tone.

So a group of bullet screens below were frantically asking her what kind of liquid foundation this was. Even the black fans who were crazy about Chu Yao's content in the bullet screen at the beginning couldn't help but change their tone and ask the question.

Wu Xingxing is also a small beauty expert. He is keen to collect popular online beauty makeup products on the Internet. He has never seen this liquid foundation. He thought that this liquid foundation is either a niche brand or a big brand. unknown series. But seeing Chu Yao's makeup effect after applying this liquid foundation, Wu Xingxing also immediately planted this liquid foundation.

Chu Yao glanced at the barrage and replied, "This is ME's celebrity liquid foundation. I use the whitest color number #01. The makeup effect of this liquid foundation is heavy, but the makeup will look delicate. It’s not too everyday, suitable for going out to disco, taking photos or attending red carpets.”

Although Chu Yao said so, Wu Xingxing was still so excited that he was planted gorgeously, so he couldn't help but chop up his hands and go to the ME cosmetics flagship store to order a bottle. Wu Xingxing's order was fast enough, but she glanced at the inventory and was glad that she was fast.

Viewers like Wu Xingxing are obviously not in the minority, because she has seen a bunch of barrage messages saying that this liquid foundation in the flagship store and official website has been sold out.

Wu Xingxing's journey of chopping hands has just begun. Because Chu Yao's products, whether it's setting makeup, drawing eyebrows, eye shadow, highlighting eye shadow, and lipstick, Wu Xingxing has been planted almost all of them. Except for a few popular products that she owns, all others have been ordered.

Wu Xingxing's heart was bleeding, and her hands were aching, but she... loved it!

Countless viewers were doing the same thing as Wu Xingxing, and the tens of thousands of bullet screens flying by made the screen freeze for a few seconds, and the aspirations of the masses could almost be seen.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! It's already a small one thousand! 】

【Yaoyao is poisonous, why can't my hands stop! 】

[Allbuy! ! Aobai is in pain and joy! 】

[Kneeling and begging Yaoyao to go back to acting! If you are a beauty blogger, I really can't bear it... trembling and clutching my empty wallet! 】

【Lipstick looks good! All shades are included! 】

Chu Yao flicked her wavy hair that she had just permed with a curling iron, and flirted with the camera in a coquettish manner, saying, "Chu Yao's red carpet imitation makeup is over here today. I need to remind you here Everyone, you need to be cautious when planting grass, and be more careful when chopping your hands. Beauty makeup is not a necessity, just buy what you need, don’t blindly follow the trend of planting grass~”

Yes yes yes yes! Everything you say is right!

Wu Xingxing cried and gave Chu Yao a thumbs-up to buy presents. Although she knew what Chu Yao said was right, she just couldn't help but buy it, woo woo woo!

Chu Yao was wearing simple home clothes. She stood up, put a scarf on the table over her body, and began to imitate her posture on the red carpet that day. Don’t forget to teach the audience, “The most important thing to walk on the red carpet is momentum! No matter what kind of clothes you wear, you have to give yourself a psychological hint: I look the best in my clothes, and I am the most beautiful in the audience!” Walked up on his own.

Chu Yao's delicate and glamorous red carpet makeup is in sharp contrast with her casual look, which is very funny. Countless netizens once again experienced the sourness of being hit by a mobile phone on the face... Hahahahahaha!

Another wave of crazy gifts came.

【User xingzhou sent a luxury yacht 30】

[User yaoyao1234 sent luxury yacht 50]

[User Willow sent diamond 666]

[User Yuanyuan sent a luxury sports car 20]

[User Flying Dragon sent roses 666]

【The user, I am mike, sent the golden man 666】


After the live broadcast ended, Chu Yao said to the few people who were not in the camera with a speechless expression, "How about keeping a low profile? If you have spare money, please call my Alipay directly?"

Lu Xingzhou and the others stared at Chu Yao dumbfounded, their eyes shone with surprise, as if they had discovered another side of Chu Yao.

Lu Xingzhou smiled meaningfully, "Chu Yao, I didn't expect you to be quite talented as an anchor... If the entertainment industry can't survive in the future, you will have a bright future as a beauty blogger~"

Chu Yao's little assistant, He Yuan, looked like a girl, looking at Chu Yao with deep admiration, "Sister Yaoyao, you are really amazing! I will download all the products you promoted just now. Single!"

Chu Yao, "..." Hehe, thank you!

034 Being Candidly Photographed

For Chu Yao's live broadcast debut, Chen Xing obviously pushed a lot behind her back.

The number of viewers online that night exceeded 15 million. When Chu Yao was halfway through the live broadcast, she had already been on Weibo's hot search, ranking from fifty-three all the way to eighth. With the increase in the number of viewers of Yihua's live broadcast, the number of Chu Yao's Weibo fans is also soaring.

Chu Yao's Weibo fans rose to 15 million that night.

The team's positioning of Chu Yao is correct, Chu Yao's personal charm is unstoppable. Compared to posting righteous clarifications on Weibo, it is better for Chu Yao to stand in front of the camera and clarify the facts. The result was just as they expected, whether it was fans who liked Chu Yao, passers-by fans, black fans who hated her, or passers-by who were attracted by the gimmicks of the celebrity's live broadcast, as long as they entered Chu Yao's live broadcast room, there was almost no resistance Live her charm.

The entertainment industry is a place where people look at their faces and their emotional intelligence. If Chu Yao uses these two killer weapons to the extreme, who else would not like her?

Chu Yao has a strong ability of empathy and contagion. If Chu Yao goes to pyramid schemes or scams, it will definitely be the kind that can make people feel grateful after selling people.

A few days ago, when Chu Yao said that she would broadcast live on Yihua, Ren Bing and Tian Xin didn't take this matter to heart at all, and kept running around to announce. They feel that live broadcasting is something only Internet celebrities do. It's very low. A star's live broadcasting makes people laugh out loud. Chu Yao's reputation is so bad, will anyone still watch her live broadcast? Don't scold Chu Yao all over the screen, it's better if you can't get off the stage when the time comes!

In the end, they slapped them in the face severely!

On the night of Chu Yao's live broadcast, Tian Xin was still eating with the patron in the western restaurant, when she suddenly received a call from her manager, she was so frightened that she knocked over the goblet full of red wine. The middle-aged man sitting across from Tian Xin's face was not very good-looking, Tian Xin observed his words, immediately apologized in a low voice and went out to answer the phone.

Tian Xin looked flustered, and whimpered, "Brother Zhang, is that woman Chu Yao trying to kill me? How could she be so cruel?! Am I going to die this time?"

The manager over there comforted Tian Xin with a somewhat impatient tone, "You have to leave a bottom line in life. I told you not to talk nonsense last time on the show. You just opened your mouth to slander Chu Yao. Now where are you looking for burns? To clarify?"

Tian Xin was a little guilty, but she still quibbled, "She really poured chicken soup, I didn't leave a scar."

"Okay, okay! Now that Chu Yao has terminated the contract with the company, it is not easy for the company to restrain her in this matter. You'd better contact her and apologize to her seriously. It would be best for her to take the initiative to clarify. Anyway, you There is still Ren Bing blocking the front, the company will never let Chu Yao ruin Ren Bing... I am a bit busy now, communicating with the PR side, you'd better go home now and stay at home for the time being and don't go anywhere. After the agent finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

As long as Tian Xin thought that she would be like Chu Yao before, being hidden by the company and being spurned by everyone, she shivered abruptly. She had done psychological construction for herself for a long time, and finally dialed Chu Yao's mobile phone number. She almost endured great shame to do this. After all, it was the best she could do to be inferior to the person she hated the most.


A cold mechanical female voice mercilessly came from the other end of the phone, "The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later..."

Tian Xin dialed Chu Yao's number again as if he didn't believe in evil, but unfortunately there was still a call from the other end of the phone, "The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please call again later..." Tian Xin realized a reality at this time ... She has been blocked by Chu Yao.

Tian Xin felt chills all over her body for a moment. Judging from her manager's tone just now, it was obvious that she had already given up on her. As for the economic company she works for, Chentian Film and Television, the lessons learned by Chu Yao are right in front of her eyes. Who else can she rely on?

Tian Xin thought of her benefactor, and finally summoned up some courage and confidence. As long as the benefactor's heart is always on her, Chentian Film and Television cannot give up on her. Tian Xin immediately took out the lipstick and powder from her bag, and began to carefully touch up her makeup. She adjusted her best posture and walked into her seat in the restaurant, showing the most perfect smile she could show to the man opposite.

The man didn't know what happened on the Internet yet, so he was in a good mood after being coaxed by Tian Xin's sweet words. Tian Xinyan smiled and took the man's arm, and went to the shopping mall next door to buy a few designer bags. The man drove Tian Xin home in a luxury car, and the two played and made out in the car. When they got out of the car, the two wished they could become conjoined twins, and Tian Xin almost hung on the man.

When Tian Xin walked away with the man, two low-key paparazzi with cameras in their hands sneaked out.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm so hungry and thirsty, I can't help it in the car...Brother Zhao, do we want to follow?"

"No need, these are enough. This field heart is really not enough to dig, and after two days of digging, you can dig such a strong material!"

"It's not because she offended someone, otherwise we wouldn't follow such a little star."

"After Lu Xingzhou broke up with his ex-girlfriend, the first time I saw this clay figurine, I would also be angry... He was quite protective of the star under his hands."

"Brother Zhao, you said Chu Yao! I am also her fan, she is super beautiful!"


035 Tianli cycle retribution is unhappy

When Tian Xin woke up the next day, the whole world changed!

Tian Xin woke up in a daze, and saw the man putting on his pants in a panic, she smiled and asked charmingly, "What's the matter, is there something urgent? Can't you stay with me today~" Tian Xinchi-naked He leaned over and made a gesture to hug the man.

The man looked constipated, and avoided Tian Xin as if he was hiding from some pest. Speeding up the action of dressing, after putting on the coat, he took out a bank card from the bag with a look of embarrassment on his face, and threw it on the bedside table casually, "There are half a million in the card, and there is no password... Let's get together and break up .”

Tian Xin was taken aback, tears fell down immediately, Lihua was crying like rain, "Chen Dong, what happened, why did you do this to me?"

The man frowned deeply, "Go online and check it yourself, don't contact me in the future." When the man finished arranging his clothes, he turned his head and left without even looking at Tian Xin.

Tian Xin immediately searched for his name on the Internet, and seeing the latest news on the headlines, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

[Actress Tian Xin has a passionate scuffle with a married man in the car. 】

[The director of Chentian Film and Television cheated on actress Tian Xin. 】

[The junior assistant was originally a femme fatale, so Chu Yao slapped Tian Xin in the face during the live broadcast. 】

In the middle of the night last night, Chasing Wind Studio posted a video of Tian Xin dating her benefactor on Weibo. However, in just one night, Tian Xin became completely popular on the Internet, not because of her superb acting skills, but because of vicious scandals like "Car Shaking the Door". As the saying goes, good things don't go out and evil things go thousands of miles. Tian Xin, a 18-tier girl who has just gained popularity, became popular because of this kind of thing, and her stardom in the entertainment industry was almost ruined.

When Tian Xin was shocked and flustered and couldn't help herself, her manager's phone call came, and the manager didn't restrain his anger at all, "I asked you to **** me to stay here last night, don't go anywhere! You're fine , made me a 'car shocking door'! Now let us Chentian also follow you to discredit!"

"Don't go anywhere recently, just stay at home and reflect on yourself! The company is already in public relations."

Tian Xin asked cautiously, "When something like this happens, is the company going to hide me?"

The agent couldn't help but sneered and said, "I'm only thinking about the consequences now? When you followed Mr. Chen, I told you to be careful. If a reporter caught you, I wouldn't be able to keep you. Mrs. Chen has already said hello to the senior management I'm going to block you! What else do you think I can do?" Director Chen is a well-known insider in the circle, and his family also relied on Mrs. Chen's natal family to make a fortune. Usually, Mrs. Chen would turn a blind eye when Mr. Chen would turn a blind eye when Mrs. Chen went out to play around. But if any scandals were revealed, the face-saving Mrs. Chen would be the first to stand up.

Tian Xin's manager sighed, "If the paparazzi usually took pictures like this, they would have to walk around Chentian's side before they were announced. This time, there must be someone behind you who wants to punish you...During this time you It also happens to be resting at home to hone her acting skills, Chu Yao was banned before, isn't she still doing well?" The agent hung up the phone hastily after finishing speaking.

What is meant by tree falling and hozen scattered? Tian Xin can only understand the true meaning of this sentence today.

Her eyes were red and her face was ferocious. How much did she pay to be able to embark on this path in the entertainment industry?

youth? dignity? flesh?

Why can Chu Yao make a comeback after being hacked so badly? Why can she not be given up by Lu Xingzhou? Why does she have so many nobles to help her? Why does she have so many people like her?

Tian Xin has completely entered a state of bewilderment. She suddenly remembered what her agent said just now, that someone was behind her back for the 'car shocking' this time! If it is said that she really has a deep hatred with whom, is there anyone else besides Chu Yao?

Tian Xin gritted her teeth and said, "Chu Yao, I won't let you go!"

Ren Bing's team here is also like ants on a hot pot, dizzy in a hurry.

Ever since Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan made their relationship public half a year ago, the two of them and Chu Yao have been on opposite sides. The stronger they are, the worse Chu Yao will be. The opposite is also true, as long as Chu Yao has a bright future, Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan will be completely restrained.

After Ren Bing finished filming "Under the Moon in Chang'an", she traveled abroad with Tang Mingyuan. During the period, her agent mentioned that Chu Yao was going to live broadcast. . When Chu Yao's live broadcast became popular, with the exposure of Tian Xin's "Che Zhenmen", the relationship between Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan was pulled out again.

The matter of Tang Mingyuan stealing the little tender model had been dealt with coldly before, but this time it was brought up on the hot search again.

There is a gossip blogger who specially compiled the timelines of Chu Yao, Tang Mingyuan and Ren Bing. Two years ago, Tang Mingyuan and Chu Yao were both on the 38th line and no one paid attention to them, but as long as they are together, there are still traces to follow. Whether it's the photos taken by the paparazzi at the time, or the secret poking of the two to show their affection on the Weibo trumpet, it can prove that the two have really been together.

This also proves that half a year ago, the three of them made a big fuss about Chu Yao's involvement in the door, and Chu Yao, who was cheated on, was abruptly established as a mistress by the public relations.

This incident was so frightening to think about, many people who had scolded Chu Yao before ran to Chu Yao's Weibo to apologize.

[Put on a mask every day: I was scolded by the public opinion on the Internet before, and now I am sorry. 】

[A cup of coffee, a cup of love: I'm here to apologize... Chu Yao, you must be happy! 】

[Have some supper in the middle of the night: Chu Yao is lucky that you have already left Chentian, I hope your new company will love you well, and this kind of thing will not happen again. 】

[Confessions of an art student: I'm sorry Chu Yao~ I've lost fans of Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan, and I've never seen such disgusting people! 】

Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan returned home immediately, so there was no time for vacation. With Chu Yao leaving Chentian, Ren Bing can no longer treat her as he pleases.

Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan's team were really overwhelmed this time.

036 Chu Yao's Propaganda Effect

If you want to ask Chu Yao what is the most memorable in this live broadcast, it must be her heart that wants to be a beauty blogger!

On the night of Chu Yao's live broadcast, Wu You was taking her