MTL - After the Drama, Action!-~ Works related (10)

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Falling in love? And why do you think so? "

He Yuan was right when he thought about it, and patted his head embarrassingly.

Lu Xingzhou, who was driving, said suddenly, "You don't even need to meet each other to fall in love. In the Internet age, online dating shouldn't be too convenient."

Inexplicably, Chu Yao felt that Lu Xingzhou's words were a bit sour, and she laughed, "Brother Lu, hasn't this plump Chinese cabbage of yours been kicked by a pig yet? I really haven't been in a relationship, and I don't know why you guys are doing this." talk?"

He Yuan was a little embarrassed and explained, "Yaoyao, have you checked Weibo? It's the Weibo posted by He Yingdi!" His tone was inexplicably excited, as if he was really looking forward to something happening between Chu Yao and He Chengyi. what.

Chu Yao looked confused, "I saw it, I saw it just now when I swiped Weibo this morning, and it's still in the top search. If I didn't see it, I must be blind!" After Chu Yao said this After a few words, he came to his senses, and said with a speechless expression, "Did you think that He Chengyi was in love with me just now? Didn't he just post a Weibo? It's not a show of love, so don't be so excited?!"

He Yuan's eyes widened, and he said excitedly, "But this is Film Emperor He. Film Emperor He even reposted Weibo saying that he looks forward to working with you. He has never done anything to anyone else! Could it be that you can't even see such a deep love?" come out?"

Chu Yao thinks that He Yuan's joke is too cold, posting Weibo is a relationship? Then if they hold hands, in their understanding, wouldn't they have to directly get married? In the past, she even had friends of the opposite **** go **** swimming to promote her movies, what's so strange about that!

Chu Yao tapped He Yuan's forehead, and smiled harmlessly, "Yuan Yuan, read less novels about domineering presidents in the future, it's too poisonous to the thoughts of pure girls."

He Yuan let out an "oh" with a look of disbelief.

Chu Yao's WeChat rang, and she took a really said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

[He Chengyi: Have you had breakfast? There is a pan fried shop here in the film and television city, and Lin Sen said it was delicious. 】

Chu Yao, who likes to cook and taste food so much, of course can't miss it, and immediately replied to the message.

[Chu Yao: Go eat! 】

He Yuan seemed to catch a glimpse of the word "Congratulations" out of the corner of her eye, which immediately revived the excitement in her heart, "Yaoyao, why did actor He send you a WeChat message so early in the morning?"

Chu Yao laughed and said, "About me to eat raw fried rice. Do you want to come together? I'll treat you."

As soon as He Yuan heard the invitation to dinner, He Yuan had long put aside all the love and love, and his eyes lit up, "What? Fried! It sounds delicious!"

Lu Xingzhou cut it... He Yuan is really worthless!

Sure enough, there is a new pan-fried restaurant at the entrance of the film and television city. There are quite a lot of people queuing up, but most of them are group performers who are catching up with the announcement. half.

Chu Yao then led her manager and assistant, and walked in openly. Chu Yao glanced over and saw He Chengyi wearing a hat in the crowd. Some people are born radiant, no matter how low-key they are dressed, they can always be seen in the crowd at a glance. He Chengyi undoubtedly belongs to this type of person.

Chu Yao couldn't help but think of the disguise that He Chengyi made when she went to the movies last time, and couldn't help laughing.

After Chu Yao sat down, He Chengyi asked the waiter to serve the food. As soon as the steaming pan-fried buns came up, everyone's attention was attracted. The aroma of the food was the greatest comfort for waking up in the winter morning.

Chu Yao said politely, "Actually, you don't have to wait for me, you can eat first."

Lin Sen looked up at Chu Yao several times, swallowed, and said with a smile, "Actually, we haven't been here for long."

Chu Yao propped her chin with her hands, looked at Lin Sen with a smile, the corners of her eyes were charming, and asked softly, "Manager Lin, since I entered the store today, you have looked at me 13 times in total, it's because of my outfit today. What's the problem?"

Lin Sen was drinking soy milk, and when he heard Chu Yao's question, he almost spit out soy milk in shock. Lin Sen couldn't help touching his chin, and said awkwardly, "No problem, I just think you look very good-looking today, so I took a few more glances. By the way, where did you buy this coat? I think it looks pretty. I can buy one for my sister, if she knows that she is wearing the same style as Chu Yao, she must be very excited."

Lin Sen wiped away the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead...Why is Chu Yao so sharp? Sometimes there is an illusion that he feels that facing Chu Yao is more terrifying than facing his own actor. Yes, it must be his illusion!

Chu Yao glanced at He Chengyi, who was very calm, and asked in a drawn-out tone, "Oh~ I thought it was because of the incident of He Yingdi's Weibo post last night, so I was thinking too much..."

Seeing that Lin Sen almost choked on drinking soy milk, Chu Yao burst out laughing, everyone couldn't help being so funny. Chu Yao felt refreshed all of a sudden, picked up a pan-fried bun just out of the pan, the bottom was charred, the top was sprinkled with crushed sesame seeds, and it was still steaming, it looked very delicious.

Fried in the mouth, the soup splashes in the mouth, the aroma of meat, oil and green onion spreads on the tip of the tongue, it is so delicious that it almost makes people swallow their tongues!

When He Cheng saw Chu Yao, he directly took a mouthful of raw fried food. It was hard to imagine that Chu Yao could take a mouthful of raw fried food with such a small mouth. But He Cheng subconsciously said, "Be careful of burning."

Chu Yao has finished eating. The skin of this bun is soft, the bottom is crispy, the meat filling is tender, and the soup is delicious. Chu Yao didn't wear lipstick in the morning, she licked her lips, there was still a faint fresh fragrance on it. She raised her head and smiled at He Chengyi, "It's actually okay, thank you~"

Chu Yao's smile was playful and coquettish, her smiling eyes were curved, and her whole body seemed to be glowing vividly.

He Cheng was taken aback when he saw it, and the others on the table were also taken aback.

If you want to blame it, you can blame Chu Yao for emitting hormones all the time, and sometimes Chu Yinghou also likes to play Ming Sao~

The fried rice in this shop is really delicious, Chu Yao served several plates to this table in a row, and left after everyone was satisfied. They each got into the nanny's car again, and before getting into the car, He Chengyi couldn't help but glance back.

Lin Sen on the side caught He Chengyi's movement and felt his scalp go numb...

Lin Sen and Lu Xingzhou drove into the film and television city in tandem, and the two cars were parked together in the parking lot. Chu Yao and He Chengyi went to the crew of "Dynasty" together.

Chu Yao was chatting with He Chengyi about the script when suddenly she saw a figure rushing towards her, splashing an unknown liquid directly at her. Why did Chu Yao go through interstellar tempering, her body's stress response was already a step ahead of her thinking, she pulled He Chengyi on the left, and He Yuan on the right, and she already got out of the way.

"Bitch! Go to hell!"

042 spring is here

Although Chu Yao dodged in time, a drop of liquid was still splashed on the back of her hand, and Chu Yao immediately felt a burning and tingling skin on the back of her hand. Chu Yao realized that the unknown liquid was sulfuric acid.

The woman who poured sulfuric acid had been subdued by He Chengyi's bodyguards, and she looked at Chu Yao with hatred in her eyes, as if Chu Yao had slaughtered eighteen generations of her ancestors.

"How is it? Is there any injury?"

"Chu Yao!"

"Yaoyao, are you okay?"

The moment the crisis happened, He Chengyi was the first to react. He subconsciously took Chu Yao's injured hand and looked at it. A few black spots were abruptly burned on the porcelain white and flawless skin. yellow dots.

He Chengyi's eyes turned red in an instant, and he wiped the back of Chu Yao's hands lightly with the sleeve of his high-end suit a few times, took the mineral water that Lin Sen handed over, and washed it back and forth on the wound Many times.

"Go to the hospital."

Chu Yao could feel the tenderness and kindness released by He Chengyi, she gently held He Chengyi's hand, and said, "I'm fine, wait a minute."

There was panic in Lu Xingzhou's eyes, and the expression on his face was full of fear. He half hugged Chu Yao, patted her on the back, his voice trembled slightly, "Chu Yao, it's fine."

Seeing that the place next to Chu Yao was taken by He Chengyi and Lu Xingzhou, He Yuan was at a loss as to what to do. He immediately cried, his eyes turned red, and he whimpered, "Yaoyao, don't be afraid!"

Chu Yao softly comforted the three people, Chu Yao was injured, but others were more distressed than her, which made Chu Yao helpless and pity... The hearts of the younger generation are so soft that it makes people feel distressed.

Tian Xin, who had been completely ignored, was restrained by the bodyguards, and her arms were directly dislocated. She looked at Chu Yao, who was surrounded by stars, with red eyes. The scene in front of her broke her psychological defense... Why can Chu Yao save everything? Why is Chu Yao so evil and so loved by so many people? Why can she only live like a bug in the ditch, never recovering?

She refuses to accept it! !

Tian Xin roared angrily, "Chu Yao, you bitch, you will die! I'm going to ruin your face and see how charming you are!"

Only then did Chu Yao think of the culprit. Hearing Tian Xin's every word of accusation, Chu Yao almost laughed angrily. She stepped forward and slapped Tian Xin directly, Chu Yao's slap was terrible, Tian Xin's face was distorted by her, and the five fingers on his face were red and showed through the skin.

Tian Xin spat out a tooth stained with blood with a "poof".

People who watched Chu Yao's unexpected move were stunned, not to mention Chu Yao's acquaintances, even the bodyguards who had seen the world were stunned... Chu Yao's limbs are slender, soft and weak. People are so scary! This is really unbelievable!

Chu Yao crossed her arms and stared at Tian Xin coldly, as if she was looking at a bunch of bugs. She sneered, "You call me a slut? Look at what you have done, you are worse than a slut. Why not! Repay your kindness with revenge! Betrayal! Unscrupulous! Desperate!"

Tian Xin covered her face, cried and laughed, and stared at Chu Yao with red eyes, as if she was about to eat Chu Yao, "Chu Yao, you have finally revealed your true colors! You are a femme fatale!" Poisonous woman, you found someone to secretly take pictures of me, ruining my future, and I will never let you go in my life!"

Lu Xingzhou stepped forward, glanced at Tian Xin, then looked away, and said in a cold voice, "I recruited people to shoot, and this matter has nothing to do with Chu Yao."

Tian Xin froze for a moment, then stared at Lu Xingzhou and laughed, "Brother Lu, aren't you the most fair and gentle? You would do such a thing for Chu Yao, do you like her? She seduced you, Have you ever slept?!"

"Shut up!" Lu Xingzhou snapped.

Tian Xin burst into tears with a smile, "Hahahaha, are you angry? But you have been greened! He Chengyi has also become her servant, you are all a bunch of idiots! She is a vixen, a slut, Have you forgotten that she was abandoned by Tang Mingyuan? She is a junk that no one wants..."

Chu Yao stared at Tian Xin dumbfounded, is there something wrong with this person, lost his mind?

He Chengyi felt that Tian Xin's voice was too harsh, and the words she scolded Chu Yao made him feel extremely painful. He waved the bodyguard to gag Sweetheart.

All of a sudden the world is finally quiet.

He Cheng sneered at Tian Xin, "Do you think that if you ruin Chu Yao's face, you won't be locked up for a few years even if you go in? If you issue a mental illness certificate, the law can't help you?"

Obviously what He Chengyi said was right in Tian's heart, and she showed a complacent expression. Tian Xin had obviously thought about the consequences before doing this. Anyway, it only ruined Chu Yao's face and didn't kill her. The most serious consequence would be to be imprisoned for a few years, but the pain Chu Yao endured was for a lifetime.

The calculation in Tian Xin's heart is well done, which is not a loss to her at all.

But now that He Chengyi met him, he obviously couldn't do what Tian Xin wanted. His face was expressionless and indifferent, "Since you want to pretend to be crazy, then just keep being crazy."

Tian Xin understood He Chengyi's meaning in an instant, her face instantly showed a look of fear, and she danced and crawled towards Chu Yao, but was subdued by the bodyguards. At this time, the siren sounded, and Tian Xin's face was ashen, she was still afraid.

He Chengyi whispered a few words to Lin Sen, telling him to follow along and deal with the matter. When He Chengyi faced Chu Yao, his mood had calmed down a lot, and he said with a gentle and restrained expression, "Chu Yao, I will accompany you to the hospital."

Chu Yao glanced at the wound on the back of her hand, and said with a light smile, "You have several main shows in the morning, if you accompany me to the hospital, Director Wei will come back and hunt me down. I'll go with Brother Lu and the others. It's alright, just a small injury."

He Cheng watched Chu Yao leave, feeling inexplicably lost.

It was the first time that David on the side saw such a bewildered expression from his actor, so he said bravely, "Miss Chu doesn't like to trouble others. If she knows that you are worried that she will delay the filming, she will feel guilty."

He Chengyi muttered to himself, "Anyone else?"

David instantly understood He Chengyi's meaning, and immediately corrected himself, "Of course you are different, and your meaning to Miss Chu must be different, otherwise when she was in danger just now, her first reaction would not be to think of pulling I'm sorry." David flattered He Chengyi and completely excluded the other party, He Yuan.

Sure enough, when David said this, He Chengyi showed a happy expression on his face, "You are right, she is always so gentle and kind."

David heheed in his heart... As long as you are happy, actor, you are right in everything you say.


It didn't take long for the creators of "Dynasty" to know that Chu Yao was maliciously attacked.

He Chengyi has just finished a scene, and he is usually the most strict with his works. Every time he plays a scene, he will carefully review the video several times, but He Chengyi did not do this for the first time. An anxious look next to him.

Wei Hongying asked Zhang Chengyao privately, "What's wrong with him today, why is he so restless?"

As a veteran in love, Zhang Chengyao naturally saw the crux of the matter, and said with a smile, "I'm absent-minded, so naturally my mind is flying elsewhere."

I don't know what message He Chengyi received, but the expression on his face immediately turned cloudy, and unexpectedly he showed a happy smile.

Wei Hongying looked at He Cheng with a smile, and suddenly his scalp went numb, "What's wrong with him?"

Zhang Chengyao said, "Well, spring is coming..."

043 The So-Called Iraqis Are on the Water Side

This time, Chu Yao did not suffer any substantial harm, but the people around her were terrified. Lu Xingzhou even considered applying for bodyguards from Chen Xing.

This is Chu Yao's first scene after joining the crew of "Dynasty". She also showed 11 points of meticulousness and seriousness, joining the group in advance to study the script and discuss the plot. In the first scene, she appeared dressed as a fisherman's girl, which gave Chen Wang a glimpse.

Chu Yao put on the costume of the fisher girl, with light makeup, only painted her eyebrows, and put a little lip gloss on her lips, but her whole person was very eye-catching.

The main character of "Dynasty" is Chen Hao, the son-in-law of King Chen. King Chen was framed by Mrs. Yuzhu, who personally offered it, and was convicted and executed, implicating the nine clans. The prostitute Chen Hao was desperately sent away by the guards, and the grown-up Chen Hao staged an ancient version of Hamlet's Revenge.

Therefore, the roles of father and son Chen Wang and Chen Hao are both played by Zhang Chengyao.

The weather at the end of January this year is almost the coldest time of the year, but the movie is set at this time in spring and summer, so the actors are very sad. Especially Chu Yao, her dressing ability interpreted a sentence: demeanor not temperature.

The tip of Chu Yao's nose was red from the cold, and He Yuan, who was watching, felt very distressed.

Zhang Chengyao has also been waiting for the staff to adjust the camera early on. As a vagabond among thousands of flowers, Zhang Chengyao himself is quite a gentleman and considerate lady. Seeing that Chu Yao was frozen like this, she opened her arms towards Chu Yao generously, and smiled tenderly and affectionately, "Sister Chu, my down jacket is warmed by my temperature, do you want to hug? Or you Putting your hand in my pocket is also good, it’s very warm.”

Chu Yao touched her nose, and said with a smirk, "Farewell, I'm afraid that you will be beaten to death by your confidante and female movie fans."

It was clear that Chu Yao said it in an understatement and teasing tone, but Zhang Chengyao had an inexplicable sense of oppression facing his own father. Zhang Chengyao still didn't believe in this evil, and smiled with a smile on his face, "How can I? I was just playing on the spot. To you, sister Chu, I am sincere."

Chu Yao didn't like Zhang Chengyao's flirtatious eyes at all, and these glances were completely thrown to the blind man.

"Chu Yao doesn't need your hypocrisy. If you feel lonely in your life recently, I can call my cousin for you." Cheng Yao was scared to death.

Zhang Chengyao immediately looked serious, as if the look of that prodigal just now was just an illusion, "Cheng Yi, how can you be so ruthless?"

He Chengyi sneered, "I've always been like this." After saying that, he handed the newly charged hot water bottle to Chu Yao, and his tone softened a bit, "It should be better if you cover it."

Zhang Chengyao suddenly felt that the cold wind blowing over his cheeks was a bit chilly... This is treated differently!

We are different.

I am really different.


Wait until it's time to shoot.

Although Zhang Chengyao doesn't make many film and television works, every time he cooperates with a super-large production team, even the partners he cooperates with are big players who have long been famous in the entertainment industry. The acting skills of both sides are evenly matched, and the exchanges between them are also very interesting.

Zhang Chengyao has never worked with a fifteenth-line actress like Chu Yao. But he also dated 18th-line starlets before. At the beginning, he was trembling and cautious when facing him. After getting a little familiar with him, he began to ask for this and that. He needed resources and money, and he also had a little luck and strength. There is no shortage of success. But Zhang Chengyao felt very bored.

Zhang Chengyao was quite curious about Chu Yao, he never thought that one day He Chengyi would be so different from a woman. It's hard to imagine that such a serious and weird old man in his family would fall in love with someone like that when he was young. Every time he hears about his father's relationship experience when he was young, he feels incredible.

Chu Yao, she may be incredibly beautiful and interesting, but if it comes to acting skills, Zhang Chengyao thinks there should be something lacking.

Whoever made Chu Yao have a vase face was short of having a few words engraved on her face: I am not good at acting!

But when Zhang Chengyao really played with Chu Yao, he really felt that he was too shallow.

Yuzhu, played by Chu Yao, came from a misty distance in a wooden boat, and that beautiful and slim figure gradually approached.

Just a faint figure has already made people's hearts toss and turns, and they are full of anticipation, looking forward to seeing the real face of this fisherwoman who seems to be born by the Luoshui River.

Chen Wang, who was passing by the river on horseback, caught a glimpse of it by chance, and stopped involuntarily.

It's because of this situation and this scene that this person is so moving that Chen Wang, who is used to seeing beautiful women, also wants to see her demeanor.

He couldn't help but read, "The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Yiren is on the side of the water. If you follow it backwards, the road is long and obstructed. If you follow it backwards, you will be in the middle of the water."

As the fishing boat approached, that figure also revealed the true face of Mount Lu. With a graceful figure, graceful style, and willow slender waist, just a silhouette is already breathtakingly beautiful and unforgettable.

Zhang Chengyao, who played the role of Chen Wang, couldn't help but be addicted to it at this moment. He seems to have understood the amazing obsession of Chen Wang when he saw Yuzhu for the first time in the script, and even had the obsessive worship as if he saw a goddess.

When the mist dissipated, I finally saw the figure of that person. It was not a so-called goddess, but an ordinary fisherman, dressed in coarse linen, but with a peerless grace.

Wang Chen's heart moved, and he called out to the fisher girl, "The **** the fishing boat, is there any fresh fish for sale?"

Yuzhu followed the prestige and saw a majestic man riding a horse on the shore not far away, asking her. Yuzhu was just an ordinary country girl, she had never seen such a majestic figure before, she immediately lowered her head and replied, "Yes."

However, before Yuzhu bowed his head, Chen Wang had already glimpsed that jade-like face, which really deserved the four descriptions of "sinking fish and falling geese". With icy muscles and fine bones, and picturesque features, even if she is dressed in coarse linen, it is difficult to hide her overpowering appearance.

Not to mention in this countryside, even in his fiefdom, it is difficult to find such an outstanding woman in the whole world. In the face of beauty, Chen Wang also wants to be in a golden house, but as an aspiring politician, he obviously thinks longer.

If he dedicates this daughter to the emperor, the glory, wealth, and bright future will be countless.

Wang Chen thought over and over in his heart and had already made a decision, but looking at the black hair and pointed chin of the fisher girl, he felt a little reluctant in his heart.

"Then please give me three fresh herrings, girl."


This scene was over in one pass, and Wei Hongying thought it would be at least three times. Of course, this is thanks to the tacit cooperation of the staff of various departments, thanks to the perfect interpretation of Zhang Chengyao and Chu Yao.

Seeing Chu Yao sneezed, Zhang Chengyao subconsciously picked up the down jacket handed to him by his assistant and walked towards Chu Yao. But his movements were obviously not as fast as He Chengyi's. He Chengyi grabbed the down jacket from He Yuan's hand and put it on Chu Yao.

However, the expressions and movements of the two of them are very natural, and they are not too ambiguous to be criticized.

For some reason, Zhang Chengyao felt a little lost for the first time.

044 Winter Falling Water Play

Chu Yao, who was obsessed with filming on the crew of "Dynasty", received a task from Chenxing Entertainment one day—she was going to perform and sing at the annual meeting.

Sing? ? ? !

Chu Yao repeatedly confirmed several times... let her sing at the annual meeting? The arrangement team of the Chen Xing annual meeting must be joking!

It was the first time that Lu Xingzhou saw Chu Yao's bewildered expression, and he couldn't help laughing, "Chu Yao, why is it that making you sing is like killing you? But don't be afraid, I'm talking about letting you and He Chengyi be together Chorus. If you lose face, both of you lose face together. Is it better to think that way?"

Oh, let's sing together with He Chengyi!

Chu Yao remembered the scene of singing together with He Chengyi in KTV last time, and then contacted the video of the two singing together in Zhang Chengyao's circle of friends, and she already had a solid idea.

Chu Yao also hypnotized herself in her heart, anyway, with He Chengyi accompanying her to embarrass herself, why should she be anxious! So Chu Yao happily accepted the task.

Of course, for Chu Yao, the biggest challenge today is a drowning scene.

The script tells that before entering the palace, Yuzhu stayed in Chen Wangfu for a period of time and received etiquette and dance training. Yuzhu's appearance is outstanding, her manners are elegant and generous, and she doesn't see the vulgarity of a country girl, and her dancing posture is even more charming. Yuzhu is destined to become a bird like this. She was jealous and resented by Chen Wang and his concubines, so they pushed her into the pool in the snowy winter.

Even for someone like Chu Yao who is dedicated to her work and physically stronger than ordinary people, this is a tough battle. Wei Hongying originally saw Chu Yao's slender limbs and wanted to find a substitute for her in the water, but Chu Yao decided to play in person.

This scene of falling into the water made Chu Yao complain a lot.

Yuzhu, played by Chu Yao, is still wearing the red gauze dress she wore when she was practicing dancing, which further accentuates her snow-like skin. Walking through the promenade and walking to the bridge, I met some of Chen Wang's favorite concubines.

Seeing that Yuzhu was alone, wearing a red dress and looking coquettish, everyone immediately ignited the feelings of jealousy in their hearts.

"What a vixen, you wear such cool clothes in winter, but you plan to seduce adults?"

"It's really shameless, the veil is so thick that you can see your thighs! You really are not a good girl, dare to be so dissolute during the day!"

Under the aggressiveness of the crowd, Yuzhu looked weak and pitiful like a little white rabbit, which aroused the intensified ridicule of the concubines.

Chen Ji is the most favored person in Prince Chen's mansion, she is charming and charming, comparable to the bright pearl Qiuyue. Chen Ji smiled and said, "Sister Yuzhu is so bright and charming, it makes even me old and young people very excited."

Chen Ji stroked Yuzhu's cheek with her fingers painted in red Koudan. The freezing temperature made Yuzhu's hair stand on end, as if she was being bitten by a poisonous snake. Yuzhu even had the illusion that Chen Ji would scratch her face in the next second.

Yuzhu took a step back subconsciously, half of her foot was already hanging in the air by the bridge.

Chen Ji winked at the maid beside her, and the maid took a step forward, and with a skillful movement, Yuzhu slipped and fell into the water in a daze.

With a sound of "Plop—" Yuzhu had already fallen into the pool.

Yuzhu's makeup and hair were wet by the river, and she was wearing a light gauze dress that didn't carry a lot of weight. In addition, Yuzhu lived by the water since she was a child, and she was the best at swimming. Although the water in the pool was cold, Yuzhu knew how to swim and would not endanger her life. She endured the severe chill, and found Qiaojin to float up in a short while, her slender hands clinging to the side of the bridge.

However, someone stomped on her foot severely, with ten fingers connected to her heart, and severe pain came from her fingers.

Yuzhu fell into the water again, and she climbed up again, but was stepped into the water again... The concubines dressed up on the bridge played with Yuzhu, and they thought it was very fun, as if they were teasing a dog at will.

With a smile on her face, Chen Ji pretended to be sympathetic and sighed, "No matter how beautiful a lady falls into the water, she will only lose her face and look like a bereaved dog in embarrassment."

Everyone laughed and echoed Chen Ji.

Yuzhu, who was still struggling in the water, had her hands as slender as green onions had been trampled to pieces, red and swollen like radishes. Because of staying in the water for too long, her face has turned blue from the cold. Yuzhu's eyes widened, and she stared at the people on the bridge with red eyes, as if she wanted to keep the mocking gestures of these people in her mind forever.


After Wei Hongying said that this was over, Chu Yao immediately got up from the water, wrapped herself in a thick military overcoat, and immediately went to the lounge. As a result, Chu Yao was stopped by the actresses who played the concubines of King Chen, saying that they wanted to apologize to her.

Chu Yao was so cold that she almost lost consciousness and kept sneezing, but she still had a decent smile on her face, and she replied patiently, "It's okay, it's all performed according to the script, so you don't have to worry about it."

But some people felt distressed seeing Chu Yao like this. It was the first time Zhang Chengyao saw an actress working so hard in filming. She didn't take her body seriously, and her dedication made people feel distressed.

He Cheng who was at the side said abruptly, "Chu Yao, show me your hand." But his tone was soft and outrageous, as if he was afraid of shocking Chu Yao.

Chu Yao was dizzy, sniffling her nose, and stretched out her hands for some unknown reason.

Everyone present gasped.

A beautiful woman looks at her face first, and her hands second. Hands are a woman's second face. Chu Yao not only has a good-looking face, but also has slender and delicate hands. Those who are exquisite and good-looking can be used as hand models. But at this moment, Chu Yao's outstretched hands were red and swollen, and there were a few broken skins. Those who didn't know thought she was pinched by Nanny Rong.

He Chengyi's face immediately changed, and he winked at Lin Sen. Lin Sen immediately took out his mobile phone and took several close-up photos of Chu Yao's hand. When facing Chu Yao, the expression on He Chengyi's face was extremely gentle, and even his voice was soft and soft, as if afraid of frightening Chu Yao, "Chu Yao, go back and rest first, Director Wei said Give you half a day off."

After finishing speaking, He Cheng nodded to Lu Xingzhou whose face was darkened, indicating that he would settle the matter. So Chu Yao, who was already unconscious, was dragged away by Lu Xingzhou half-embracing her.

He Cheng fixed his gaze on the actress Zhong Miaotong who played Chen Ji, and sneered, "Tell me, why did you step on Chu Yao's hand so hard just now?"

Zhong Miaotong's expression was a little unnatural, "Film Emperor He, I don't understand what you are talking about, even if you are worried about Chu Yao, you can't slander me casually."

Zhang Chengyao used to think that even if some women were tricky, they were all harmless and cute to him, but when facing this Zhong Miaotong today, he only felt that this person was hateful and femme fatale.

Zhang Chengyao folded his arms around his chest and stared at Zhong Miaotong coldly. Seeing that she was still arguing, he couldn't help but sneered, "Then why don't we publish the video just now on the Internet and let netizens comment and see if you stepped on it on purpose?" Chu Yao? Maybe you did a lot of this kind of thing in other crews before, and you didn't feel guilty at all."

Zhong Miaotong's complexion changed immediately, and tears fell down. Forget about He Chengyi, why does Zhang Chengyao, a great god, stand by Chu Yao's side like this?

Zhong Miaotong shed tears and looked at Zhang Chengyao pitifully, "Brother Zhang, no, I don't want to suffer from cyber violence. I'm Sister Qin's friend. We had dinner at the same table last time. Seeing that Qin For the sake of my sister, please let me go this time, and help me explain to Chu Yao... I really didn't do it on purpose this time, I just got into the drama too deeply."

The Sister Qin mentioned by Zhong Miaotong refers to Qin Dan from the same crew, and Zhang Chengyao's rumored girlfriend some time ago and this time.

Zhang Chengyao was really disgusted by Zhong Miaotong's appearance, so he said impatiently, "Let me tell Director Wei, you should finish it early. And Chu Yao, you should apologize in person."

Zhong Miaotong didn't expect Zhang Chengyao to be so unfeeling, but after weighing the pros and cons, she still knocked out her teeth and swallowed, and could only agree to Zhang Chengyao's conditions.

Today's affairs come to an end. Zhang Chengyao was worried about Chu Yao, and felt that he had done a good job today.

But when Zhang Chengyao met He Chengyi's eyes, he was inexplicably guilty.

He Chengyi's tone was still a little cold, "What nonsense are you talking to her? If I were to make her famous on the Internet, all the crew would dare not want her. You really are used to being sentimental, and you are so indecisive in how you handle things. " But He Chengyi couldn't help but feel tense when he thought about Chu Yao being thrown sulfuric acid by Tian Xin.

Zhang Chengyao, who was judged indecisive by He Chengyi, "..."

I just feel like I've been shot several times in the knee! #### The second update that is long overdue, okay~

045 Apologize & Sing

Chu Yao took a hot bath. Lu Xingzhou asked the doctor to come over and prescribed a bunch of cold medicines. After being fed cold medicines and cups of **** tea, Chu Yao had a hard time prescribing them, but she was almost fine, and she was not as muddleheaded as when she got up from the water just now.

Chu Yao wore her nightgown directly in the single lounge, and Ge You slumped on the sofa carelessly. She stretched out her swollen and red fingers and asked He Yuan to apply ointment to her.

By the way, she got this ointment by drawing red envelopes. It is said that it is very good for wound healing.

He Yuan applied the ointment to Chu Yao's fingers, with a cautious appearance, and the movements were very gentle, as if a feather had been scratched. He Yuan said worriedly, "Yaoyao, why is this ointment not packaged, has no production date and manufacturer, is it three noes?"

Chu Yao was amused by He Yuan's appearance, "Will I cheat myself? How dare I just rub the wound on the wound casually?"

Only then did He Yuan feel relieved, but she seemed to remember another thing, she said angrily, "Yaoyao, that Zhong Miaotong is really bad! You have no grievances with her, why did she step on you so hard? Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Chu Yao stared at her carrot-like fingers, her eyes were cold, but there was still a smile on the corner of her mouth, "She thinks I'm easy to bully. Brother Lu went to ask just now, and Zhong Miaotong and Qin Dan have a good relationship. I heard that if it wasn't I intervened halfway, the role of Mrs. Yuzhu may belong to Zhong Miaotong."

He Yuan was even angrier when he heard this, "She, Zhong Miaotong, can't even match Yaoyao with a single finger of yours. If she plays Mrs. Yuzhu, how can she overwhelm the country? She dares to avenge her personal revenge, it's simply too hateful!"

This is to say that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, and Lu Xingzhou came in to lead a person. Chu Yao turned her head to look, isn't this person Zhong Miaotong who stepped on her hand?

Chu Yao smiled and joked, "Brother Lu, didn't you say to buy milk tea for me? Why did you bring someone here?"

Speaking of milk tea, Chu Yao burst into tears immediately. In order to fit the role of Mrs. Yuzhu in the movie, Chu Yao has recently been crazy about losing weight and exercising. Who made Mrs. Yuzhu's setting is Yangliu with a thin waist and a coquettish posture? If Chu Yao did some palm dance with a weight of one hundred catties, she would be ashamed to death without Wei Hongying talking about her.

Although Chu Yao asked Lu Xingzhou to buy milk tea for her, she really only wanted to smell the taste and not drink it, but in the end it would fall into the mouths of He Yuan and Lu Xingzhou.

What a miserable word!

Lu Xingzhou said bluntly, "I met you halfway, and Ms. Zhong said she would apologize to you."

Chu Yao raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Oh? Miss Zhong wants to apologize to me?"

Zhong Miaotong bit her lip, she almost couldn't hide the displeasure on her face, she just felt inexplicably ashamed under Chu Yao's gaze, "Yeah, I stepped on your hand when filming just now, I feel really sorry. "

He Yuan and Lu Xingzhou didn't intend to leave, they just stared at Zhong Miaotong blankly, making her feel even more ashamed, wishing she could find a hole in the ground and go in... Will this Chu Yao do things? Why doesn't she have any emotional intelligence at all, is she really required to kowtow and kneel to apologize?

Chu Yao replied indifferently, "I know."

Zhong Miaotong never thought that such a sentence would come out of Chu Yao's mouth for a long time, and she couldn't believe that the matter ended so easily? Zhong Miaotong couldn't help asking, "Is that why you forgive me?"

Chu Yao laughed and said, "I didn't say I forgive you? You stepped on me on purpose and then came here to ask for forgiveness. Don't you think this kind of causal relationship is wrong?"

Zhong Miaotong felt that she was played by Chu Yao, and she gritted her teeth angrily, "Chu Yao, what do you want to do?"

Chu Yao blew on the ointment on her finger, and said with a crooked smile, "Then you must at least tell me the reason why you did this? For example, you are jealous that I got the role of Mrs. Yuzhu? Or for example, your friend Qin What did Dan tell you that you're fighting for her?"

Zhong Miaotong's face changed completely, she never thought that Chu Yao would shake out her thoughts so directly, she subconsciously looked at Chu Yao, but saw the other party's eyes were cold and mocking, oppressing her breathlessly .

At this moment, Miaotong's psychological defense was directly defeated.

"I'm sorry, I don't dare... I won't dare again in the future."

Chu Yao smiled, since this younger generation can know how to turn back when lost, she can't chase after her, "You should act well in the future, and don't do such things, in case you offend someone again, others are not as easy to talk to as I am. Think twice before acting, and don’t foolishly believe everything others say.”

Zhong Miaotong always felt that there was something in Chu Yao's words, and when she got in touch with Chu Yao's mention of Qin Dan just now, her face changed slightly.

After Zhong Miaotong left, He Yuan made no secret of her admiration for Chu Yao, "Yaoyao, you are amazing, you just spoke clearly and logically, just like my university teacher Sixiu!"

Chu Yao, "Thank you, what a unique compliment."


He Chengyi is over

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