MTL - After the Drama, Action!-~ Works related (16)

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Chu Yao raised her eyebrows and smiled, and there was a hint of enchanting agility in that smile. She waved her hands and said modestly, "It's so-so."

The corner of He Yuan's mouth twitched.


Lin Fei is the assistant to the deputy director of the film crew. She watched a group of young girls running into the studio from a distance. She saw her little sister Tiantian in the crowd. Lin Fei stepped forward and grabbed Tiantian curiously. Asked, "Why are these little girls so crazy? Is there any traffic niche who came to the crew to make a cameo? I saw Liu Changze taking a makeup photo yesterday, and I didn't get this kind of treatment?"

Tiantian picked up Lin Fei with one hand and followed the group to the studio, panting as he ran, "I'm not a trafficker."

Lin Fei, "Could it be some superstar emperor? Let me think about which veteran actor is so attractive to little girls?"

Tiantian shook his head again, "It's not a superstar emperor either! You'll know it when you get to the scene!"

When Tiantian said this, Lin Fei was really curious. When she came to the studio, she saw that she was surrounded by those **** girls, even the cleaning lady from the crew. He looked over there with a faint light.

The protagonist is neither some handsome and popular niche, nor some super big-name superstar, but he has such a great charm that the female compatriots of the whole crew bow down? Lin Fei was always curious. She was 1.76 meters tall, and she stood on tiptoes and was able to stand out from the crowd. She stood on tiptoes and stretched her neck to look towards the focus of the crowd.

The photographer was facing the camera, and the white light illuminated by the lighting was bright. The man was wearing a costume and smiled slightly at the camera. He was personable and graceful.

For some reason, Lin Fei thought of a line of poetry, Moshang is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

Lin Fei stared at that person without turning her eyes. She felt that this person looked familiar, but she couldn't match her face with that of a young male star. She heard Tiantian on the side say to her in a low voice, "I didn't expect Chu Yao's men's clothing to be so handsome, I want to switch to Chu Yao's sect to be her girlfriend fan!" Tiantian's tone was full of excitement.

Chu Yao? ? ? Men's! !

Lin Fei suddenly realized, staring at the man's face for a long time before realizing that the person dressed as a scribe was really Chu Yao! But forgive her for not recognizing her just now. She has seen Chu Yao several times in the film crew. The extreme beauty of the other party left a stunning impression, but it is definitely a style that belongs to women. However, Chu Yao, who is taking a photo with fixed makeup, has no femininity in her body at all, she is handsome and gentle, with a beautiful voice and appearance. Whether you look at it at first glance or carefully, you will think that Chu Yao is a handsome young man.

The photographer took pictures for a long time, Chu Yao rested for a few minutes, leaned over to chat and laugh with the photographer, as if discussing the photos taken just now, I don't know what they said, the photographer pointed in the direction of Lin Fei and the others .

So Lin Fei saw that Chu Yao suddenly turned her head to look this way, and waved her hand at them. A wicked smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she gave them a wink. Lin Fei heard the screams of a group of little girls around her, and Tiantian covered her little heart obsessively, and shouted, "My God! I didn't expect Chu Yao to be so handsome. I feel like I'm about to fall in love, and looking at her face, I can eat an extra bowl of rice today. From now on, when I read novels, I can make up images of overbearing presidents and gentle gentlemen!"

Lin Fei nodded solemnly, deeply agreeing, because her heart was beating a little faster... This Chu Yao is really a monster, a **** monster who takes everything!


He Chengyi was still filming on the set of "Dynasty" in full swing. When it was his turn to take a break, he turned on his phone and saw a short video sent to him by Shen Jiamu.

In the picture, it happened that Chu Yao was taking a makeup photo, and then was watched by a group of little girls, who were crazy and **** calling. Chu Yao waved at them, and the little girls were extremely excited, as if they were about to faint.

[Shen Jiamu: Tsk tsk tsk, in ancient times there was Wei Jie who was thrown melons and fruits, but now there is a Chu Yao who disguises herself as a man and attracts a group of fans. 】

【Shen Jiamu: Didn't you see that group of little girls chattering around Chu Yao after taking the makeup photo. Let me tell you, I'm not as popular with girls as she is in the crew, I'm very jealous. 】

The corners of He Chengyi's lips curled up into a smile, and he could almost make up that scene in his brain.

[He Chengyi: She looks pretty good in men's clothing, prettier than you, she should be popular. 】

Shen Jiamu, who was on the opposite side, was so **** off when he saw this sentence... Hehehe, he made friends carelessly.

071 Both Civil and Military

The official shooting started on the second day after the makeup photo was taken, and Chu Yao's first scene was against Shen Jiamu.

Chen Yi, played by Shen Jiamu, was a landlord in the village when he was young, and his life was rich. It's a pity that the world is in troubled times, and Chen Yi's family was burned, killed, looted and tortured by the rebels and refugees, and he was left alone in the end. Chen Yi hates that the sky has no eyes, and even more hates that the world is chaotic and disorderly, so he rose up without hesitation. Chen Yi gathered 3,000 disciples to respond to the uprising, and quickly captured Chen County, Hongcheng and other places. His army expanded to 30,000 in just three months, and he was quite famous among the rebellious troops. Voice.

Zhou Li, played by Chu Yao, came to surrender at this time. Zhou Li was born in the famous Zhou family in Jiangzuo. His son Ruyu wrote the famous "Chen Yan" and "Spring and Autumn Fu" at the age of ten. It is rumored that he is both civil and military, with an elegant temperament, and is the dream of thousands of girls. lover.

Chen Yi's confidantes are the group of people who were with him first, most of them are close friends he made when he was young, among these people are hooligans, traffickers and pawns, these people have a rough personality, and they look down on Zhou Li the most A little boy with no strength to restrain a chicken. So when Zhou Li came to surrender, he was ridiculed by Chen Yi's subordinates. Chu Yao's first scene today is this scene, and then she will slap these people in the face with her amazing and superb equestrian skills and archery skills.

Most of the first part of "Jiangshan" tells about Chen Yi's battles in the world, so the scenes are mostly marching and fighting and camping tents. Most of these were not filmed in the film and television city, but rented a location in the outskirts to re-arrange the scenery. Chu Yao changed into costumes and stepped into the set. It was the first time for most people to see Chu Yao's appearance. She caused a little commotion when she appeared.

Shen Jiamu was also on the set. He was wearing armor, mighty, tall, and extremely handsome. Unfortunately, there was no one on his side, but Chu Yao was greeted by female compatriots on the set. This was the first time for Shen Jiamu to experience this face-seeking world. different treatment of...

He used to be in other crews, he was a big guy, handsome, and humorous, he was not a celebrity anywhere. It's a pity that this time he kicked the iron plate in the "Jiangshan" crew. He was obviously the real male lead of the crew, but Chu Yao, the second female lead, stole all the limelight. Shen Jiamu suddenly felt like crying.

Shen Jiamu carefully looked at Chu Yao's appearance, that is, the ordinary scholar's attire in film and television dramas, but she wore it on Chu Yao's body, and she gave a feeling of being handsome and graceful, as if she was really That son of a famous family has attracted women from all over the world to bow down. Shen Jiamu sighed silently, he really had to admit that Chu Yao's masculine appearance was indeed better than him, although he was more masculine.

The first scene was about to start filming, and a group of fans around Chu Yao still looked reluctant to part, Shen Jiamu felt a toothache watching.

The filming officially started. Zhou Li, played by Chu Yao, was standing in the tent. Sitting at the top was Chen Yi. Below, everyone glared at Zhou Li viciously. People who have led soldiers and fought in battles are different, they all carry a sinister aura.

And Zhou Li was wearing a Tsing Yi, she stood there casually, her whole body was full of elegance, and there was a warm smile on her mouth, like a breeze blowing on her face. Standing in front of these people, Zhou Li looked so innocent and pitiful like a little sheep that fell into a pack of wolves.

Chen Yilu looked at Zhou Li who was sitting down, and showed a playful smile, "Oh? You are Zhou Li from the Jiangzuo Zhou family, that noble son who is famous all over the world. You see, all of us are reckless men who are marching and fighting, but no one Accompanying you all day, chant poems against each other, Mr. Zhou family, have you come to the wrong place?"

Fang Chengyun, Chen Yi's deputy general, laughed even more, "What kind of famous son, why do I only see a white-crowned chicken talking loudly? I don't even look at the place in the barracks? You, a weak chicken, should come here?"

All the people below talk to each other.

"Hahaha well said, it's not a weak chicken, it will be blown away when the wind blows!"

"You have such a small body, you can't carry it on your shoulders, did you come to the barracks to study for us?"

"Look at that little face, which is white and tender, and looks more handsome than a woman. I don't know, but I thought it was a **** hole seller in that brothel?"

The more these people said, the more ugly they sounded. Zhou Li's majestic and majestic expression did not change, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. Not to mention whether she was weak or not, but her demeanor was unmatched by others. .

Chen Yi, who was in the first seat, looked at Zhou Li a few more times, and his expression became a little serious.

Zhou Li raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Zhou is not talented. He has been familiar with the art of war since he was a child, and has been involved in the formation of troops. Of course, it's good for you to talk about military affairs when Zhou is on paper. Zhou has learned the six arts of a gentleman since childhood, rites, music, and archery. Among them, Yu, Shu, and Mathematics are best at archery and Yu, and I have also studied swordsmanship with Master Wang Yue for ten years."

Zhou Li said this in an extremely flat tone, but everyone in the room was shocked. Wang Yue is the number one swordsman in the world, with superb swordsmanship. Chen Yi once challenged this master a few years ago, and he was far behind. Everyone was looking at Zhou Li's expression, and they had put away the contempt just now.

Master Wang Yue's apprentice should not be neglected like this.

Chen Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou, you said that you are the best at archery and defense, and our team lacks such talents the most. I wonder if Mr. Zhou can show it?"

Chen Yi is the commander, Zhou Li is in his territory, she has to obey whatever Chen Yi says. So Chen Yi led a group of people to the shooting range, and asked someone to bring Zhou Li a horse.

Don't look at Zhou Li's slender limbs and weak writing. Just now those people were still laughing at her as a coward, but Zhou Li ended up with a bow and arrow on his back, and suddenly rolled onto the horse's back. His clean and neat movements surprised everyone. Zhou Li quickly reined in the horse, galloping like lightning, she suddenly bent down on the horse, took out a few arrows from the quiver, and shot several arrows in succession, the arrows seemed to be off the string, the five arrows she shot, all of them were shot Hit the heart.

Zhou Li rolled over from the horse, raised her chin slightly, raised her eyebrows and eyes, and the bright smile on the corner of her mouth dazzled people's eyes.


Chu Yao's sudden movement of turning down from the horse's back startled everyone. The martial arts director and horse trainer in the crew raised their hearts. Let out a sigh of relief. After all, in Chu Yao's previous experience, she has never made a similar film, and she has never had the experience of riding a horse and filming a movie.

Shen Jiamu joked to Chu Yao, "The scene where you rode a horse and shot an arrow just now was really cool. If you would rather not be in another group to film a drama, you will definitely scream **** when you see that scene just now."

As soon as Shen Jiamu finished speaking, a group of little girls gathered around, calling out, "Chu Yao, you were so handsome just now! I have been to so many production crews, and I have never seen such a handsome person riding a horse!"

Shen Jiamu, "..." Hehe.

072 Announcement of fixed makeup photos

Lin Tingting is a member of Chu Yao's fan fairy group. Fans know that Chu Yao has recently taken on a new play. Her latest play is "Jiangshan". Lin Tingting also watched the video of the media visiting "Jiangshan" a few days ago.

But at that time it was just a preliminary publicity, none of the materials of the actors were released, even the makeup photos were not taken, and the roles played by the actors were kept secret. At that time, the video just came out, and more people who eat melons paid attention to the gossip about Chu Yao and her ex-boyfriend Tang Mingyuan in the same crew, and didn't pay attention to which role she played at all.

In the afternoon, Lin Tingting was checking Weibo at home, and suddenly saw a video on her homepage. It was a beauty blogger she followed who reposted a video post from an entertainment blogger. Lin Tingting clicked on the video to see, Two words popped out of his mouth in an instant, "Damn it!" Then he stared at the screen with a bewildered face.

Lin Tingting fell into Chu Yao's pit when she saw the stills of Mrs. Yuzhu. She fell under the skirt of Chu Yao's prosperous beauty and couldn't extricate herself. Both women are extremely ashamed. In Lin Tingting's heart, she felt that her goddess was a woman who was full of femininity. Lin Tingting never thought that the goddess would dress up in men's clothes and let men live.

In the video, Chu Yao is dressed in men's clothing, with an elegant and gentle temperament, but the movement of Chu Yao turning over the horse is extremely clean and neat, and she is extremely handsome, as if she has done this movement thousands of times. The body is chic and unrestrained, with high spirits, and two strands of hair on the side of the forehead are flying randomly in the wind. She is as beautiful as a demon and a fairy. This is already a beauty that transcends gender.

This video was shot with a mobile phone. It may be because the hand-held ground is not stable, so the video screen is a little shaken, and the background is also a little messy. The on-site command staff were all shot in. Judging from the shooting angle, this video should be The staff who were on the scene at the time or the group performers cast the filming. But this can't affect anything, Lin Tingting has been addicted to Chu Yao's prosperous beauty, deeply unable to extricate herself. She was afraid that it would be deleted if the crew found out that it was cast by a group of performers, so she immediately saved the video. She watched the video more than ten times, and still felt unsatisfied...

If Chu Yao was a male in the entertainment industry, those popular niche students would hardly want to live in front of her. With her beauty, her professional ability, and her all-around temperament, she wouldn't be able to instantly kill these popular niche students ? No one, from an eighty-year-old grandmother to an eight-year-old child, can resist her extraordinary charm.

Lin Tingting wanted to transfer this video to Chu Yao's fan group, but when he saw that someone had already transferred it, the fan group had already been flooded with hundreds of confessions.

[Fairy from Yaochi: Awow, oh, oh, my Yao is beautiful and handsome! I have confessed my love a thousand times and ten thousand times. After watching this video, I abandoned all those fresh meats on the wall. It looks like Yaoyao can still fight! 】

【Yaoyao's chest pendant: Yaoyao recently followed Ning Ke and Shen Jiamu on Weibo. The two of them play the male and female protagonists. Yaoyao's appearance can't be acting... Zhou Li, right? ? ! 】

[Chu Chu smiled: Ahhh! Zhou Li!!! Zhou Li is my goddess! My three-dimensional goddess is playing my two-dimensional goddess! Before, I never thought that anyone could perform the three-point charm of my family Zhou Li, but I just saw Yaoyao's appearance, and now when I think of Zhou Li, Yaoyao is all in my mind!]


Lin Tingting was also surprised when she saw this. "Jiangshan" is the most popular IP novel in the past five years. There were rumors that the copyright was taken by Chen Xing. It was not until the end of last year that the news of the filming started, and then the media visited the class a few days ago. The cast broke out. Every character in "Jiangshan" is a classic among the classics. Among them, Zhou Li is the most popular character. He had a rough life when he was young, but he was amazing when he was young. Probably the author of the original book also loved this character. She described Zhou Li in the most extreme and moving language, and the personal charm of this character is absolutely unstoppable, and she has been ranked as the most popular character by readers for four consecutive years.

Several times, 18th-line starlets tried the role of Ci Zhou Li, but it turned out to be self-defeating, and was scolded **** by book fans and netizens. Even Qin Dan, one of the four young actresses rumored on the Internet, was going to play Zhou Li, fans were extremely resistant, which shows that Zhou Li is the white moonlight in many people's hearts.

When Lin Tingting thought of this incident, she immediately became a little worried about Chu Yao, but when she thought about seeing Chu Yao's appearance just now, she immediately felt relieved, as her goddess is as beautiful as a flower, with this appearance, there are still people who are willing to insult her ?

She looked at the group and seemed to be very open to Chu Yao playing the role of Zhou Li. There were several book fans in the group who were fans of Zhou Li's role, and they all said that Chu Yao's appearance was really qualified.

Even Lin Tingting saw that the group has already begun to organize fan crews to visit the set.

Suddenly, someone in the fan group dropped an explosive message that the crew of "Jiangshan" officially released the fixed-makeup photos of the leading actors. Lin Tingting was so excited that she almost threw her phone away. She quickly opened Weibo and clicked on the homepage of "Jiangshan" official Weibo. The latest Weibo was the Weibo where the makeup photo was released. She glanced at it and it was posted two minutes ago. Yes, but the forwarding volume has exceeded 10,000.

Lin Tingting saw the makeup photo belonging to Chu Yao at first glance, and the third photo after Ning Ke and Shen Jiamu was her solo makeup photo. Lin Tingting took a closer look and was completely amazed this time. The dynamic video she just saw was shot with a mobile phone. After all, the picture resolution is not that high, but this makeup photo is a high-definition large picture, which can be used by Lin Tingting to lick the screen.

In the photo, Chu Yao is dressed in men's clothing, her face is almost plain, and she is facing the sky. Chu Yao is holding a roll of bamboo slips in her hand, and she is smiling towards the camera. ...Oh my god, her goddess is full of hormones!


Li Yue has never been obsessed with gossip in the entertainment industry. In her daily life, she is a bit of an old cadre. She doesn't like to check Weibo or Moments. She especially hates the gossip in the online entertainment industry.

She is a librarian by profession, and her biggest hobby is reading books, and she covers a wide range of subjects. Her colleagues and friends all think that her favorite books are the kind of Chinese and foreign classics with high standards, but in fact Li Yue's favorite The book is a novel "Jiangshan", and her favorite character is Zhou Li in "Jiangshan". She is very resistant to the materialization of the role of Zhou Li in her heart, and she can't imagine anyone who can play Zhou Li at all.

In the past, there was a little star who spent the role of Zhou Li on the Internet. Angrily, Li Yue, who usually doesn't like the Internet, chased this little star and scolded him dozens of times. The crazy side of chasing stars.

Several book fan groups of "Jiangshan" and Li Yue, Zhou Li's character fan group, all paid attention, but she who doesn't like to browse Moments will regularly check in in several groups. A few days ago, the media visited the group and finally realized the fact that "Jiangshan" has become a film and television film. The star lineup of Ning Ke and Shen Jiamu can be called luxurious. Both their looks and acting skills are obvious to all, so there are not many objections from the fan base. They are all on the sidelines. But the fans also tacitly avoided the question of who would play the role of Zhou Li. Of course, in the media interviews, among the few actresses present, Li Yue seemed to have no one who could play Zhou Li.

Today, Li Yue refreshed the fan group as usual before her lunch break, and suddenly saw a fan posting a photo of the lead actor in "Jiangshan" in the group. When she refreshed, the page happened to be Chu Yao's. Open your eyes and see clearly the big characters on the makeup photo—Chu Yao as Zhou Li.

She subconsciously took a deep breath, turned to look at Chu Yao's appearance but was stunned for a moment... Eh? Much better than she imagined. It is completely different from the female stars she imagined with heavy makeup and red lips. In the photo, Chu Yao is refreshing, with a refreshing light that is as warm as jade, and the effect of this set is also very good. , I can't see any femininity, but there is a clear and bright youthful atmosphere, noble and dignified, a gentleman is just like jade.

Looking at Chu Yao's smiling eyes in the photo, Li Yue couldn't help but feel hot... She is so handsome and beautiful!

Li Yue saw that the group was also flooded with compliments on all the actors' makeup photos, especially when many female fans praised Chu Yao in an extremely idiotic tone.

[The cloud is light and the wind is light: ah ah ah ah! The young lady is so handsome, when I think of Zhou Li, the image of Chu Yao in that makeup photo just now is in my mind! 】

[Slightly smiles: QAQ, no wonder everyone in the novel loves Zhou Lang, if Zhou Li really looks like this, I will too! 】

[Jiangshan Duojiao: The appearance is really good-looking, and I can't see the feeling of Chu Yao playing Shuangbai at all. 】

Li Yue immediately opened Weibo and went to the "Jiangshan" official Weibo to find the original picture to lick the screen. This Weibo that announced the makeup photo has already exceeded 200,000 reposts. She saw that the comments below were all from the fan group. Much the same, they all praised Chu Yao's beauty and flourishing age, and all the staff's online appearances. She took a look at the trending searches, and #楚瑶周厉# was already ranked second, and the first place was #江山定zhuang照#. It can be said that Chu Yao completely stole the limelight by herself.

Li Yue didn't care about these things. She set the makeup photos as the screensavers of her computer and mobile phone. Looking at the photos, she looked better and better. Under special circumstances, this is the first time that I did not take a nap for this reason.

073 The song is wrong Zhou Langgu

Chu Yao has been shooting in group A these days, rather than shooting in group B. In the past few days, Chu Yao concentrated on shooting the scenes of marching and fighting in the barracks. All the actors she played with were male actors. Chu Yao felt that she had been in the crowd of men for too long, and her gestures became masculine. That's enough.

After so many days of filming, Chu Yao finally has a rival scene with Ning Ke to film, which is also a very classic scene in "Jiangshan". In the script, following Chen Yi to conquer the world at this time, with the expansion of his power, the overlord Chen Yi and the military advisor Zhou Li have already become famous all over the world, and when their careers are established, it is time to talk about marriage. Of course, Chen Yi's marriage cannot be hasty After all, even if Chen Yi agrees, his subordinates will never agree.

As the person in power of one side, Chen Yi's marriage is not only his own business, but also represents the combination of all parties, and he needs to pursue the maximization of interests.

The scene shot by Chu Yao filmed today is about Chen Yi and Zhou Li going to a spring outing party, which is similar to a modern blind date meeting, and Meng Rong, the daughter of the prefect played by Ning Ke, also officially appeared in this scene. Before Chen Yi and Zhou Li were invited to the prefect's mansion to discuss important matters, Meng Rong glanced at Zhou Li in shock, secretly promised, and fell in love at first sight. At this party, Meng Rong learned that Zhou Li would also come, and that she might meet his future wife, so she tried a trick to get Zhou Li to notice her.

This is also the first strategic wisdom of Meng Rong in "Jiangshan". She will be Chen Yi's wife and Chen Jun's hostess in the future. She also has outstanding political and military talents and is a very outstanding politician.

Chu Yao came out of the dressing room, still dressed in an ordinary scholar's attire, but no matter how ordinary clothes were worn on her body, it could not conceal her full of grace and elegance.

Ning Ke was not in the same group as Chu Yao before, and this is the first time seeing Chu Yao's appearance in person, and couldn't help but exclaim, "Tsk tsk, no wonder Meng Rong fell in love with you at first sight in the play, and I'm going to like you outside the play!"

Chu Yao shook her head quickly, and said in horror, "Forget it, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death by your boyfriend."

Ning Ke snorted coldly, "He dares!"

Shen Jiamu sighed after watching this scene of deteriorating world, "Hey, people's hearts are changeable. I'd rather you tell me how many times I have cooperated with you and how much friendship there is between us. I didn't expect that you only look at your face and look at your face." Yao looks good and changes her heart!"

Ning Ke grinned and stabbed Shen Jiamu in the heart, "I am the only one who has changed his mind now. When the show airs, the audience will all change their minds. Then you can just wait and cry!"

When Shen Jiamu heard this, he sighed, "Hey, who made this a world of appearances? Especially you lesbians, you change your mind when you look at appearances. Can you pay attention to the connotation?"

Ning Ke and Shen Jiamu are not familiar with each other anymore, and the two of them are completely unfriendly, so Ning Ke directly joked, "Do you have this thing?"

Shen Jiamu couldn't say it at all, and was immediately KO'd.

A few people chatted and laughed again, walked carefully and corrected the lines several times, and after confirming that there were no problems, the filming of the scene finally started.

At this time, the spring is bright and beautiful, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the garden is full of flowers, colorful and colorful. In the name of appreciating the spring, this party is actually meant to be a bridge between the noble lady and the gentleman. When Chen Yi and Zhou Li walked into the garden, they immediately attracted the attention of all parties. Both of them were talented young heroes, and they were already famous all over the world at a young age. Chen Yi was taller and more heroic. There is a bit more of the dignity and gentleness of a noble son on her body, and the two are both talented and beautiful, and they are a good match.

There are many noble ladies in the garden who are interested in the two of them, but most of them are too reserved, and only occasionally let the maids lift the curtain, and sneak a glance at the handsome man, with two red clouds flying on their faces. However, Chen Yi and Zhou Li did not stop before any noble ladies, which broke the hearts of these girls.

Suddenly, the sound of the qin came from the garden. The sound of the qin was thick, long-lasting, and fascinating. It was not limited to the melodious tone that the literati loved most at this time, and it was different from the babbling tune that the women in the boudoir love most now. The sound of the zither reveals a chic and grandeur of "waving your hand for me, like listening to the pines in a thousand valleys", like the gurgling water in the mountains, like the unrestrained breeze between the heaven and the earth, sending the mayflies in the sky and the earth, like a drop in the vast sea , life is short, but you have to be free and easy.

The originally very coherent and unrestrained piano sound played a few wrong tunes, which appeared to be very abrupt. Zhou Li stopped and walked towards the curtain, and Chen Yi also followed behind Zhou Li.

A young woman dressed as a maid came out from inside, and smiled at Zhou Li, "My lady has invited Mr. Zhou's family to enter the curtain."

Chen Yi couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this, and winked at Zhou Li and said, "This girl is interested in you, Ziqing, you are not too young, it's time to make a big decision for life." Ziqing is Zhou Li's Biaozi, that's what Chen Yi called her in private.

If Zhou Li rejected Meng Rong's invitation, then the face of Meng's parents and daughters would be damaged, and they would surely become Ning Cheng's joke tomorrow. Zhou Li nodded slightly and walked into the curtain, which really broke the hearts of all the girls present.

Sure enough, Meng Rong was not an ordinary woman. Ever since Zhou Li came in, she hadn't looked away from him. Chen Yi was ignored by the side, but she refilled several cups of tea.

Meng Rong and Zhou Li talked about poetry, poetry, astronomy and geography. Zhou Li occasionally talked about some interesting things he encountered when he traveled all over the country, which made Meng Rong smile knowingly. At the beginning, there was a slight liking, but now it has evolved into admiration and admiration, and a daughter's heart completely falls on Zhou Li.

And Zhou Li's attitude towards Meng Rong has always been reserved and polite, and he hasn't stepped out of the thunder. Zhou Li also admires Meng Rong very much, but she can't really be with a woman, so she can still be sure when talking and laughing. Properly, a thoughtful woman like Meng Rong naturally felt Zhou Li's deliberate alienation and indifference, and her heart was broken.


Ning Ke and Shen Jiamu are worthy of being powerful factions. The rivalry between her and Chu Yao and Shen Jiamu has been over once. This part of the literary scene is not simple. The large dialogue between Zhou Li and Meng Rong is fully written in the script. Occupying two large pages, neither of them has forgotten their words, and they also controlled this kind of sympathy but restrained emotion to the woods.

The dialogue between the two was a bit eloquent, with some uncommon allusions, and a few sentences in classical Chinese. It can be said that the difficulty factor is five stars. It is a test of the actor's ability to memorize the lines, and it also requires the actor to do a lot of preparation . Ning may memorize the lines word by word, and she can pass it over and over again. Everyone praised her for saying that a big name is a big name, but this matter is very eye-catching when it comes to Chu Yao. She showed such a move that completely surprised everyone. , Chu Yao played with Ning Ke and Shen Jiamu with ease, without any stage fright, they were evenly matched and even more attractive.

I would rather see Chu Yao sighing, "It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead. One generation is stronger than the next. I thought that Chu Yao could conquer the audience just by her looks, but I didn't expect her acting skills to be so good. I felt it." Stress..."

Shen Jiamu gloated at the side, "Hey, I made you gloat just now, but now you feel it too."

Ning Ke immediately hooked up with Chu Yao, laughed and said, "That's different, I feel sorry for Yaoyao, unlike you who are jealous of others."

Shen Jiamu was once again KOed by Ning Ke.

He Yuan came over and handed Chu Yao a bottle of mineral water, and said in a low voice, "Yaoyao, the fairies from your Yaochi have come to visit."

Shen Jiamu, "What is a fairy in Yaochi?"

Chu Yao smiled, "It's my fan code."

074 visit class (1)

Chu Yao's fan group members came to visit the crew of "Jiangshan". This is also the first fan visit organized by the Chu Yao Fan Support Club after its establishment. Although Chu Yao's fan support club has not been established for a long time, it has already begun to take shape and become standardized.

Wu Xingxing is also one of the fans who visited the class today. They came today with a total of fifteen people, all wearing bright yellow sweaters. On the sweaters, the six characters "Yaoyao Beauty and Prosperity" are shamelessly embroidered. Fifteen of them Coming to the set in a uniform dress, it is quite cool and pompous.

Of course, Chu Yao fans didn't come here empty-handed, they ordered 300 pieces of fried chicken and coffee for the crew. After Wu Xingxing and the others communicated with the crew, they asked the staff to put down the points for food and drink.

As Chu Yao's assistant and big fan, He Yuan has a very high status in the fan support club. The fans came to visit He Yuan this time, told Chu Yao, and also asked for opinions. Chu Yao's fans arrived on time, and He Yuan went to pick them up. When he saw fifteen people wearing uniform bright-colored sweaters, he still couldn't help laughing, "You really put these clothes on? It's pretty cool looking at it this way." Cool."

When He Yuan saw the fans carrying fried chicken and coffee, he couldn't help frowning, "Yaoyao is very happy when you come here, why do you want to buy these things? Yaoyao will feel stressed when she sees it."

Wu Xingxing spoke on behalf of the fans who came today, "Our fans are also Yaoyao's face, so let's save face for her when we visit the class for the first time."

He Yuan didn't say much, she smiled and said, "Yaoyao just finished filming a scene, I asked her to come over, please wait a moment."

It took only two minutes for He Yuan to go back and forth, and Chu Yao was brought here. Although Wu Xingxing and other fans have watched Chu Yao's videos and photos countless times, this is the first time they have actually met each other face to face. Seeing Chu Yao approaching from a distance, they were super excited. When they saw Chu Yao's monstrous face, Wu Xingxing and the others couldn't help but gasp... This real person is too good-looking Come on! The beauty of a real person is more aggressive and more radiant than on TV!

A group of small fans instantly turned into fans, staring at Chu Yao intently, as if they couldn't get tired of watching.

Chu Yao saw that the time was past eleven o'clock, she smiled at the fans, "I still have two scenes to shoot, you go with me and wait for a while, and then we will have dinner together at noon. "Chu Yao's tone was extraordinarily gentle, and it was even more persuasive.

Chu Yao's little fans were immediately fascinated by Chu Yao. Not only was Chu Yao good-looking, she even had such a nice voice. When Chu Yao spoke, their ears almost became pregnant.

Chu Yao was about to take her fans back, when she received a call, she saw that it was Chen Ran calling, Chen Ran told Chu Yao on the phone that he was here to do business, and by the way, he came to visit the crew, and the person had already gone this way Hurry up... Well, is it some kind of auspicious day today?

Shen Jiamu and Ning Ke were drinking coffee and eating fried chicken, when they saw Chu Yao leading her fans over in a mighty manner, it was called a pull.

Shen Jiamu said with a smile, "Thank you for the fried chicken and coffee."

Both Shen Jiamu and Ning Ke were very polite to Chu Yao's fans, and took photos with them patiently. At this time, Chen Ran also came to visit the class with a bunch of food and drink.

Shen Jiamu saw that something was wrong, why Chu Yao not only came to visit the class with fans, but also had male friends, of course he also knew Chen Ran, he could be regarded as his senior. But he saw that Chu Yao and Chen Ran were talking and laughing too tacitly, and there was an indescribable atmosphere.

His heart skipped a beat, and he immediately took out his mobile phone and secretly took a photo of the two of them and sent it to He Chengyi directly on WeChat.

[Shen Jiamu: Chen Ran came to visit Chu Yao's class, they looked very familiar, how did they know each other? 】

He Chengyi replied immediately, almost in seconds.

[He Chengyi: Help me keep an eye on it! I'll be at your crew right away, what time does Chu Yao's morning show end? 】

Needless to ask, Shen Jiamu almost always imagined how anxious He Chengyi was. Could it be that Chen Ran also likes Chu Yao? Or did He Cheng regard him as an imaginary rival in love?

Shen Jiamu didn't reply—

[Shen Jiamu: Be sure to keep an eye on her, she finishes at the same time as mine, at 11:50. 】

[Shen Jiamu: Why did you react so strongly? Chen Ran is interested in Chu Yao? I have never seen who he is interested in. I thought he was frigid? But if it was true, Chen Ran should be serious. He came to visit the class and brought a lot of food and drink. 】

He Chengyi's message was still replied quickly.

[He Chengyi: Did you bring food and drink? That's really wolfish ambition... I've already rushed over, please remember to keep an eye on it for me. 】

Shen Jiamu made repeated promises to reassure He Chengyi. Shen Jiamu couldn't help shaking his head... Tsk tsk tsk, love really makes people blind.

In the past, He Chengyi was so cold and cold, he didn't even bother to talk nonsense to him, and his daily life was as simple as a monk.

Now just Xia Zhen completely turned him into another person. Shen Jiamu had known He Chengyi for so many years, but he didn't even know that he still had such a side. If someone told him a year ago that He Chengyi would fall in love with a woman, would be jealous for this woman, would break all the principles for this woman, he would not believe it if he was killed. I didn't expect such a miracle to happen to He Chengyi.


Here, He Chengyi had just finished filming the morning scene, when he saw the WeChat message from Shen Jiamu, he immediately asked David to drive him to the film and television city where "Jiangshan" was located.

Seeing He Chengyi's anxious look, David knew that this must have something to do with Chu Yao even if he didn't ask. David peeked at the back of the car through the rearview mirror, saw He Chengyi was looking down at his phone, and suddenly He Chengyi suddenly said, "By the way, is there any famous cake brand on the market now? "

David was surprised. Could it be that today is Chu Yao's birthday, and his boss forgot? To make up for it, I am now ordering cakes.

David thought for a while, and quoted an expensive brand, "White Swan, it seems that many young girls like this brand

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