MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 343 Follow up

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Falling in love with you reading network, after the empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be nine thousand years old

In the yamen of the inspection government.

The quiet sunlight fell on the room, reflecting all the dust suspended in the air, leaving nothing to hide.

Zuo Dodge was not locked up like an ordinary prisoner, but sat alone in a place similar to an interrogation room.

"You are leisurely and not in a hurry."

A slightly rough voice came from outside, followed by a slight knock on the door, and the sunlight shot into the room instantly.

Zuo Daoqi looked sideways slightly. The person who came was dressed in a five-rank cyan military officer's robe, with a dark face, a tall figure, and a serious face.

"So it's Senior Gongsun."

Gongsun Yong's expression did not change, but a smile appeared in his eyes, "You kid, you only know how to make trouble when you come back."

"It's not me who caused the trouble. I'm still a little confused about everything. I still don't know...Why did Weiss find me before he died."

Zuo Dodge also felt a little wronged.

Gongsun shook his head, moved his body slightly, released the sunlight that was blocked by him behind him, and exactly half of the sunlight fell on Zuo Daoqi's face, splitting his razor-sharp face into two halves.

"You don't need to worry. Zhang Xiang valued you before. I asked him when I came here, and he said let me deal with it fairly."

This... is it really reassuring that I still want to kill me.

"What did Weiss do when he went to your room? What did he tell you?"

Through his protruding body, Zuo Dodge saw several officials in the yard holding pens and paper, and they were describing the conversation between the two.

So he knew what to do.

Zuo Dodge said softly, "I went out to eat, and he took advantage of that time to enter my room. When I returned to the room, I saw him sitting there drinking tea."

"As for what he said... some very inexplicable things, such as about his family, about his past, about the origin of Wei Hu, the imperial secretary of the Qiren Mansion, of course, he personally admitted that he was related to Cai Shu, and said to come to me , to give me credit."

Immediately afterwards, he slowly raised his head and looked directly at Gongsunyong, "Actually, what I'm even more curious about is that he told me so many things that I've never heard of, and even before he personally admitted that he had contacted the Killing God Sect, I never knew about it." this matter.

I'm curious, Lord Chang Tai, how did you know? "

He was willing to tell Gongsunyong these words because of Zhang Weizheng behind Gongsunyong, but he was unwilling to tell Changtai before because he clearly distrusted Changtai.

He is willing to basically tell the truth about his acquaintance with Weiss and even the final intersection, which is also something that can be traced.

Gongsun Yong stared at Zuo Dodge for a while, looking again and again.

Immediately after rushing back and waving his hands, several pretending clerks stepped back.

"How did you cultivate? This cultivation base is almost catching up to me now. If it weren't for the huge gap between the upper third rank and the middle third rank, I feel that you can pose a threat to me."

Gongsun Yong is a master of martial arts, Zuo Daoqi has always been aware of this, facing his obviously personal issue, Zuo Daoqi avoided talking about it.

"There are some chances, but it's still close to death."

Gongsun Yong nodded, feeling deeply, "It is often said in the world that there is great horror between life and death, but the moment of transcending life and death is even more touching. If I hadn't vowed to follow the example of Wu Zu and lead Zhang Xiang's horse, I would actually rather fight in the rivers and lakes. "

Even his very plain words revealed a terrifying murderous aura, shaking the sunlight behind him slightly.

Zuo Dodge smiled, "That's true. Human emotions are sometimes a wonderful thing. They obviously hate killing and fighting, but when they practice together, they have to kill and fight."

"The battle for monk resources inevitably requires killing, especially for you warriors, otherwise you won't end up with the title of a man."

"Hahaha, I'm still enjoying talking to you. Although Zhang Xiang's words can always wake me up, I'm dull and can't always understand." Gongsun Yong smiled on his dark and stern face. , looks a little permeable, that kind of... the feeling of smiling on the surface.

Zuo Dodge shook his head, "You are flattering me too much, how can I be compared with Zhang Xiang."

While the two were chatting, there was commotion outside.

There was a crisp voice with a bit of savagery.

"You people in the inspection department are too courageous. Zuo Daoqi was personally named by the emperor's brother to fight against Tianyuan, and you actually took people at random! I must lead the people from the Imperial College to impeach you."

Gongsun shook his head, "It seems that today's conversation can only end here."

Zuo Dodge smiled, "It's so good, this inspection department, after all, makes people feel a little uncomfortable."

"Come here, **** Zuo Daoqi out and hand him over to Princess Changyi." Gongsun Yong shouted.

It was said that he was being escorted, but in fact Gongsun Yong's eyes did not fall on Zuo Daoqi.

Zuo Daoqi's complexion was as usual. He naturally knew why Changyi was able to come. The restaurant was originally found for him by Changyi, and it seemed to be the power of Changyi's concubine's family.

Zuo Daoqi actually knew very little about Changyi's mother and concubine, at least not as well as the noble concubine.

After walking a few steps, he saw Chang Yi with a savage face, followed by Mo Tu, a strong man, like a fox pretending to be a tiger, with a haughty face on his small face.

Chang Yi pointed at Gongsun Yong and said, "Did you catch Zuo Daoqi, you black-faced bad boy?"

Zuo Dodge hurriedly stopped him, "Princess, calm down, Zuo was taken away by Captain Chang, and has nothing to do with Captain Gongsun."

Maybe it was to ease the atmosphere, or Mo Tu's ability to observe words and expressions has improved a lot, and he said quickly, "Princess, it is most important to return Mr. Zuo's innocence."

Thinking of this, Changyi also nodded, "That black face, if you have anything else to ask, just ask quickly."

Gongsun shook his head, "I've already asked what I should ask, but after all Zuo Daoqi was invited by Captain Chang. If he wants to leave, he has to wait for Captain Chang to interrogate him."

"Interrogation?" Changyi raised his voice a few times, feeling disgusted with that Captain Chang who had never been masked.

Zuo Daoqi glanced at Gongsun Yong with a strange look. It seems that Gongsun Yong also has some opinions on Chang Tai. Who knows that Changyi is unruly, capricious and daring.

You thick eyebrows and big-eyed black guy, I thought you were a reckless man, but I didn't expect to learn a little bit of Zhang Weizheng's scheming.

Coincidentally, another group of people came in at the door, and the leader was Chang Tai.

Changyi's current position is with his back facing him, and because of his petite stature, he is firmly blocked by the big man Mo Tu.

From Chang Tai's position, he just couldn't see Changyi. He only saw Gongsun Yu and Zuo Daoqi, and Zuo Daoqi didn't have any restraint measures.

"Captain Gongsun! Do you know that Zuo Daoqi is now a suspect? You want to let him go without permission?"

Gongsun gave him a cold look, and a sneer flashed on the corner of his mouth, "The person you arrest will be interrogated by yourself."

This smile made Chang Tai frowned, until now, he suddenly remembered where this Gongsun Yong came from, and what kind of name he was in the world.

He didn't dare to fight with Gongsun more, so he walked to the left Dodge.

"Master Zuo, please go back to the interrogation room first."

At this time, his eyes were suddenly attracted to Changyi. The inspection department did not have female officers, and a woman who was obviously dressed in the palace appeared at this moment.

"Interrogation?" Chang Yi turned around and looked at Chang Tai with angry eyes.

"Do you need me to avoid it?"

Chang Tai recognized it instantly, and quickly bowed his head to salute, "I have seen Her Royal Highness Princess Changyi."

Cold sweat dripped slightly on his forehead, "It's not an interrogation, Mr. Zuo is not a prisoner, it's just a normal questioning, but the inspection department's facilities are simple, there is no..."

"Huh? It seems that Chang Xiaowei is very dissatisfied with the inspection department. After all, Da Jin is the Da Jin of the world. After I return to the palace, I will definitely convey Chang Xiaowei's opinion to the emperor's brother."

Zuo Dodge was a little surprised, this Changyi is talking now, one thing after another, there is something.

It seems that I haven't been here for the past two years, and I have read a lot of books in peace without my poems.

Chang Tai bowed in panic, his figure became more submissive, "Your Highness misunderstood, I didn't mean that..."

Changyi was aggressive, "Then what do you mean?"

Chang Tai was stunned, he understood that Princess Changyi came here to cause trouble.

So he resolutely decided not to bother, and quickly said, "Your Highness finally came to the Inspection Department, why don't you take a good look around with Captain Gongsun?"

"What? You interrogated Zuo Dodge and asked Ben Gong to avoid him?"

"Of course not."

"Then the trial is still pending? Zuo Dodge will go out with Bengong later."

Chang Yi said lightly, waved his hand, and the attendants behind him took out two stools with great insight.

She didn't care about Chang Tai's face at all, so she sat down by herself, looking quite chic.

What's more, since Chang Tai appeared, from the beginning to the end, he has never had any communication with Zuo Dodge.

'This is indeed much smarter than Tantai Jing's stupidity. '

Zuo Dodge sighed in his heart.

In such a state, Chang Tai actually withstood the pressure.

"Don't blame Mr. Zuo, this incident has too much impact, His Majesty, the clan's mansion, and even the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are all paying attention..."

Changyi frowned and interrupted, "Captain Chang thinks it's inconvenient for me to appear here?"

Chang Tai was tired, "Including Her Royal Highness Princess Changyi."

"And Xiyuan!"

"And Her Royal Highness Princess Xiyuan."

Zuo Dodge wanted to laugh, and Chang Tai was really stupid.

But it's no wonder, he now wants to understand why Chang Tai can suddenly sit on this high-ranking inspection department captain. Before that, he guessed that there was a tacit agreement between King Yangchun and Emperor Zhengming, and the emperor sent the son back, but The princess is already married, so it is natural to compensate the princess.

Before Duke Cheng's mansion, he was dissatisfied with Princess Jiqing. After all, the fetus had 'fallen'. After King Yangchun came to power, this dissatisfaction with Princess Jiqing was transferred to Princess Consort Changsu. After all, he is a bronchitis.

In this case, the resources of the princess, after exchanging with Cheng Guogong, finally fell on Chang Tai.

Everything makes sense.

"Mr. Zuo? Are you listening? Can you explain why after I arrived, Weiss was left with only a wreckage. Did you kill him to silence him, or simply because you couldn't stop?"

Zuo Dodge frowned. This Chang Tai had a fair psychological quality and withstood the pressure from the princess, but he was too impatient.

Can't help but put the blame on himself?

"Zuo once again reiterates that Wei Si's death has nothing to do with me. He sneaked into my room, said some inexplicable words, and then spontaneously ignited his body and Dao blood, and then cut out a sword."

"I heard from others that that sword is very powerful, enough to kill most of the climbers..." Chang Tai couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Zuo Daoqi's face was indifferent, with a bit of arrogance on his face, "Lieutenant Chang also said that he killed most of the people who went to the building. Obviously, I am not in this group."

Chang Tai: ...

He didn't seem to be able to say anything to refute. After all, Zuo Daoqi's combat power was awarded by the double certification of the emperor and the clan's mansion, so he couldn't refute it.

So the scene fell into this embarrassing situation.

Changyi made up the knife at the side, with a look of eagerness to try, "This is something that the whole palace knows, Captain Chang, do you want to try it?"

Chang Su didn't dare to answer, he stood up directly, cupped his fists and said, "Everything is for His Majesty, and Chang is not targeting Mr. Zuo, please forgive Mr. Zuo."

Zuo Daoqi heard the words, and smiled, "Lieutenant Chang is loyal to the country, who can say no, I think His Majesty also likes Captain Chang's serious temperament."

After a pause, he said vaguely, "I just don't know how Captain Chang explained to His Majesty why you were the first to bring someone to the scene."

Chang Su's complexion changed slightly, but he seemed to have a plan, he clasped his fists at Changyi and Gongsunyong, and turned to leave.

After watching the excitement, Gongsun Yong was about to leave, but was stopped by Changyi.

"Black face, don't go away, Zuo Daoqi has suffered an unreasonable disaster, that Changtai, you help me teach him a lesson later."

Gongsun Yong's face twitched slightly, he hated people saying he was dark the most.

Hearing Changyi's words, his face seemed to turn darker, so he also waved his sleeves and left.

This matter seemed to end in an anticlimactic manner.

Changyi took Zuo Daoqi out of the inspection department, looking like a big brother, "This inspection department is really unlucky, Zuo Daoqi, stay away from the palace."

Zuo Daoqi chuckled, this... seems to be the Changyi he knew.

"What are you laughing at?" Seeing his smile, Changyi became furious, "I don't know if you are a troublemaker, you can meet anything."

As she talked, her eyes rolled, "By the way, are you going to pick up Xiyuan?"

Left Dodge nodded.

"Then hurry up ~ Take advantage of your current bad luck and bad luck, and pass it all on to her. When she enters the palace, I will watch her make a fool of myself."

Changyi seemed to have thought of some brilliant idea, and quickly distanced himself from Zuo Dodge, as if he was carrying some kind of virus.

Zuo Daoqi was speechless, sent Changyi back to the palace from a distance, and walked out of the city with Mo Tu.

Counting the time, Ji Lingshu's side should indeed arrive.

As he was walking, Zuo Dodge suddenly felt that something was wrong. When he turned his head, he saw Mo Tu, an idiot, who was tens of meters away from him, with a black line all over his head.

"Brother Mo, you are..."

"The princess said that I was too close to you, and I will not feed the horse for three months after I go back."

Left Dodge's face twitched.

The gratitude to Changyi for standing up for him today disappeared instantly.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think, could it really be that he had bad luck?

But then throw that thought out.

He is the person who bears the luck of the Northland. Although he doesn't know how to use the bowl of luck so far, it is still there.

So he began to think about the context of the whole thing, wondering if he would leave something that the emperor suspected from it.

After he entered Beijing, his whereabouts were actually very simple, except for going to the Empress Dowager and Tianxian Pavilion to find happiness, everything else could stand investigation.

Everyone in the inn could testify, but what Weiss said to him at the end made him feel a little uncomfortable.

‘Give me credit? '

'What is the credit for sending it? '

After thinking about it, everyone left the city.