MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 347 Da Jin

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Falling in love with you reading network, after the empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be nine thousand years old

This school field is very large, and it looks a bit empty because there is no one there, and the cold wind howls past from time to time.

Yan Chixia said, "The Tianyuan Festival is approaching, so my senior sister brought a school field."

He casually explained to Zuo Dodge.

Zuo Daoqi smiled and said nothing, and didn't mind it, "It's okay, I also have a lot of entanglements with you, you big sects have really deep foundations, there is no one, but you have such a big school, I don’t know, but I thought you guys wanted to rebel.”

Yan Chixia just didn't like to use his brain, and he wasn't stupid. When he said this, his face turned pale instantly. Fortunately, there was no one around, and it was just a joke between the two of them.

If it is in public, this sentence will definitely cause quite a disturbance.

"Hahaha, the courage of the second brother is not as good as before. Back then, you were the 'heroes' who dared to attack the three thousand army formation with three people."

Yan Chixia rolled his eyes at him, "I said Brother Zuo, can you stop exposing your shortcomings, and you like to hurt me when you co-author, right?"

Zuo Daoqi couldn't help laughing, he suddenly found that when he got along with this Yan Xiaoer, he really liked his tongue a little bit.

However, it is also reflected from the side that Yan Chixia is a very easy-going person, and he is very simple.

In the howling wind, Yan Chixia started to dance to the Great God again.

Zuo Dodge stood not far away, watching extremely seriously.

A series of strange fluctuations were born, different from any energy system that Zuo Dodge knew, but it came to him with a very strange fluctuation.

In an instant, his face changed slightly.

His eyes seemed to be seeing higher-dimensional existence through a three-dimensional world. He could see the somewhat 'flat' Yan Chixia in front of him, and he could also see the strange black shadow rippling in the air. He wondered what it was something, so I reached out to grab it.

The black shadow suddenly disappeared.

But Zuo Dodge could feel that a certain part of his body seemed to become lighter.

It's a pity that before he could perceive it carefully, this sense of extraordinaryness across dimensions disappeared, as if everything just now was just a dream.

"Spell! It's definitely a spell!" Hades snake's voice was frantic, "You must go to that monk, he has definitely been in close contact with Deng Xianmen."

Zuo Daoqi frowned, and Liu Huanxi looked at his words, like an old yellow dog who had encountered a bone, and immediately rushed in front of the snake, "Bold! Master doesn't want to listen to you, shut up!"


Liu Huanxi's figure was thrown away by the Hades snake.

Zuo Dodge said softly, "Okay, if I meet Master Han Shan in the future, I will ask him about this matter."

Hades just calmed down.

Yan Chixia's voice came at the right time, "Brother Zuo, do you feel it?"

Zuo Daoqi nodded, and looked at Yan Chixia with a very puzzled look, "I just entered that mysterious state because of you? What are those black shadows I saw?"

This time, it was Yan Chixia's turn to be surprised. He looked at Zuo Dodge with a strange and jealous look, "Can you perceive that world?"

"Master Hanshan told me before that if you have enough aptitude, you can use this method to enter a magical world and see your own flaws. Presumably, the black shadow you see is a flaw in your body. "

Zuo Daoqi's expression was startled, and he muttered to himself, no wonder Hades is so concerned about things related to spells and going to the immortal gate.

It is impossible for the human body to be perfect. After all, the cells of the body are dying all the time. Where there is death, there is imperfection.

In theory, only infancy can be called perfect.

Knowing the key to this spell, Zuo Daoqi immediately asked Yan Chixia to teach him.

What made him a little disappointed was that Yan Chixia himself was just a dissatisfied bastard, and Zuo Daoqi was a little bit chilled by the great jumping **** he created by himself.

Zuo Dodge could clearly feel that it wasn't that he couldn't learn it. With his incomparable Dharma talent, it was not difficult to comprehend these methods.

But when observing Yan Chixia's jumping master, he can always feel a faint barrier surrounding him, and he doesn't want him to come into contact with those things.

The most interesting thing is... this estrangement is more like a kind of protection.

His current power is not enough to touch this high-end power.

After figuring out this joint, Zuo Dodge didn't put much effort into training.

Yan Chixia is a bold person, and now that there is no one in the large courtyard on the upper road, he thought about taking Zuo Daoqi around and finding a place to drink.

Zuo Dodge didn't refuse either.

Just as he passed by the main hall, his footsteps faltered slightly.

I saw a huge "正" character hanging behind the main hall. What attracted Zuo Daoqi's attention was not the "正" character written like a fairy handwriting, but under the orthographic character, there was a small The seal is like a comment.

It says... Rare goods to live in!

"Before the last one, whose yard was this?" Zuo Dodge asked pretending to be innocent.

Yan Chixia didn't take it to heart at all, and shouted loudly, "I don't know, but I heard that it is a certain prince's Befu, who knows?"

He was heartless, but Zuo Dodge felt a thump in his heart. It seemed that the deaths of Cai Shu and Wei Si were not over yet.

However, it is also conceivable that the king of a country was assassinated in Xiyuan. No matter which emperor he is, he would not tolerate such a thing, right?

He shifted his gaze to the words 'rare goods to live in' again, and thought flashed in his eyes.

Is it a coincidence, or is it inevitable...

Fortunately, it has nothing to do with him, he just keeps this matter in his heart, and will tell Mo Tu this clue later.

Coming out of the school yard on the previous road, Zuo Dodge narrowed his eyes.

The encounter with Yan Chixia today made him understand many things.

He personally tested the word 'God's presence', and it is very mysterious. With an understandable explanation, it is like... asking God to come to you, but this God is yourself, a very strange kind of power.

As a result, he had to start contacting the 'Xianchui' he heard in the imperial mausoleum in the past.

Xianchui... As the name suggests, immortals fish, and the imperial tombs are full of dead people. Who is fishing and what are they fishing for?

According to the experience of "God's Promenade", those black shadows are not what they are fishing for, are they? Is it possible that you want to resurrect many emperors?

probably not.

Zuo Daoqi's mind was running fast, but he walked towards the inn.


Zhengming Emperor Ji Lingjun looked at the girl standing below the stage with amazed eyes.

Before Emperor Yuanji was in power, he summoned many princes back to the capital. It was not that he had never seen Princess Xiyuan before him, but this meeting, the change in her temperament and appearance still surprised him.

Ji Lingshu's voice was cold and flat, even if the person in front of her was the most powerful person in the Jin Dynasty, the aura emanating from her was not inferior in the slightest.

Liu Xi squinted at this scene.

"Chenmei has seen the emperor's brother."

Ji Lingjun recovered from the shock, looked at Ji Lingshu and laughed, and took a few steps forward.

"It's really a girl's 18th change, I almost dare not recognize the emperor's sister."

Ji Lingshu smiled reservedly, her pale yellow palace attire was very decent. "Where did the emperor say that?"

Ji Lingjun comforted, "Father left too suddenly, the situation was turbulent during that time, not only you, Liang..."

"Anyway, don't take it too seriously."

"By the way, in a few days, it will be the death day of the father, and then you and I will go to see the father."

Ji Ling nodded slowly, and said with a concerned face, "On the way back, I heard that Brother Huang encountered something..."

She didn't say it completely. After all, Cai Shu's assassination was an insult to Ji Lingjun.

Ji Lingjun smiled, "Sister Huang is still interested in these things? Don't worry, Brother Huang can handle it well."

He has already decided what to do next. Thinking about it, the person he sent at this moment has already arrived at the place where he should go, right?

From Wei Si's suicide, in just three days, Emperor Zhengming of Jin Dynasty Ji Lingjun made his decision.

Very simple and rude response.


Extremely strong, extremely domineering war.

Use a kind of unquestionable victory to crush everything and tell the world that the Great Jin is still there!

This was not only Ji Lingjun's own decision, but even the clan's mansion, which had always been a hindrance to the emperor, fully agreed to launch this war.

The Chaos Demon Sea is actually a collection of small islands scattered all over the place, and these islands are collectively called the Chaos Demon Sea.

The Great Jin is located in the Central Plains, and Confucianism enlightens the wisdom of the people, so the whole Great Jin goes up and down, and it is a proud and overlooking way to observe the places outside the Great Jin.

As the emperor, he didn't need to care about who Cai Shu and Wei Si belonged to. He only needed to know that Cai Shu was the one who killed Shenzong, and that was enough.

Since Killing Shenzong was so daring and daring to get involved in the big event of assassinating the King of Jin, he should be prepared not to continue to exist.

Three thousand Xuanwu guards set off from Xuzhou, and under the leadership of King Yangchun, crossed the state and entered the boundless sea.

On the tenth day of the assassination.

Great victory came from Yuezhou.

Martial arts master Duan Li even conquered nine cities and seized hundreds of miles of land.

After another three days, when they arrived at Chaos Demon Sea, everyone they met surrendered and went straight to the land of killing God.

It was a day when blood flowed like rivers.

The countless forces in the sea of ​​chaos looked up to the east, to the great eastern country that had been sleeping all this time.

The report of this incident shattered the so-called "false emperor" from the root.

After all, the false emperor once came from the mouth of Cai Shu who killed Shenzong. Now not only Cai Shu died, but also Shenzong was completely destroyed. The truth is clear at a glance whether it is a false emperor or not.

When the news came back, Zuo Dodge's eyes froze a bit.

Others can see from this incident that the power and power of the world today is unparalleled, and a small number of people will get a glimpse of the horror of the Great Jin Dynasty from it.

Although he has no official position in the imperial court now, he is clear about the responsibilities of the various ministries of the imperial court.

It took a total of thirteen days from strategizing in the capital to exterminating Shenzong.

Killing Shenzong is not a soft persimmon, it can be destroyed so easily, in addition to the strength of Xuanwuwei, there is another point, because Dajin has dispatched enough real people!

From this, Zuo Dodge saw that the chief assistant Zhang Weizheng now controls the chessboard of Dajin.

In a few days, many real Yinshen were summoned to lead the Xuanwu Guards...

Martial Arts Marquis Duan Li and others took root in the outskirts of Chaos Demon Sea after killing Shenzong.

This battle not only got rid of too many unpredictability, but also got rid of the disobedience of many sects who were not going to the Tianyuan Grand Meeting.

Now that Emperor Zhengming is enthroned, he has a lot of trusted followers of Zhang Weizheng. Except for royal affairs, Zhang Weizheng has extremely dreadful rights over all matters including diplomacy, government affairs, etiquette, military affairs...etc.

This can be seen from the fact that the Clan Mansion wanted to impeach the Shang Shu Mansion over and over again.

Ji Qianzhang, the Zongzheng, was much more active than when Emperor Yuanji was in power.

Suppressing his thoughts, Zuo Daoqi stood beside Ji Lingshu, looking at the girl in pale yellow palace attire.

"The Chaotic Demon Sea is not a good place, what are you doing there?"

Zuo Daoqi looked at Ji Lingshu with some doubts.

Ji Lingshu called him over and told him that the emperor would send her to guard the Chaotic Demon Sea. The Chaotic Demon Sea has always been a place where monks thrive, and there are very few powerful forces such as Dajin intervening in it. The power was taken away by Da Jin in a way that was almost a sneak attack.

According to some neurotic temperaments in that group of casual cultivators, troubles are bound to be inevitable.

With silky eyes, Ji Lingshu said in a slightly provocative way, "Uncle, don't you want to go?"

Zuo Dodge thought for a while and said, "Will you let me go?"

Ji Lingshu rolled his eyes at him, turned his hips and walked towards the back of the hall, "I'm going to worship that man in a few days, do you want to go?"

"That's your father!"

"I don't have that kind of father."

Zuo Dodge curled his lips, this girl is getting more and more individual.

A while later, Ji Lingshu changed into a strong outfit, grabbed Zuo Dodge's and ran out of the hall.

"Let's go, go catch fish."

Zuo Dodge is naturally willing to accompany her.

After not returning to the cold palace for a long time, Zuo Daoqi couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, and Ji Lingshu also had a touch of nostalgia in his eyes.

So I quickly went into the water to fish, light a fire and cook...

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Zuo Dodge, who was grilling the whitebait, frowned slightly, and then looked into the distance.

I saw dozens of eunuchs running towards this side in a hurry, the leader was not an eunuch, but had a thick beard.

"What a handsome woman..."

Zuo Daoqi frowned, and Guang Mo's wind blew, and he would retreat backwards for the head of the big man with thick eyebrows.

"How dare!"

The big man looked cold, and was carefully supported by several eunuchs, and he broke free with a wave of his hand.

"Do you know who I am?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his hand suddenly turned into a tiger's claw, and he patted Zuo Dodge suddenly.

Zuo Daoqi looked at Ji Lingshu, and even though he was speechless, there was an expression on this girl's face that she was eager to try.

He turned around, and a strange trapezoid-shaped magic weapon appeared in his hand. He grabbed it tightly with one hand and smashed it down with all his strength.

"Then do you know who I am?!"


The two retreated a few steps at the same time, and Zuo Dodge's eyes suddenly became sharp.

The monster clan of the twelve-storey building...

"I'll tell you who I am right now!" The big man became extremely ferocious, first his forehead, and then his exposed skin, all had tiger stripes manifesting...

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