MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 380 Changyi

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Today's imperial palace is extremely noisy, outside the Meridian Gate, many officials are queuing up to present gifts.

Although the queen mother's birthday banquet was held in the harem, the emperor had already released the news. In order to please the emperor, the queen mother and the people behind the queen mother, all the officials rushed to present gifts.

But for some reasons, this gift cannot be too good. After all, if the queen mother's gift is too good, how should the emperor's gift be given in the future?

Baihua Palace, no, it is now in Baihua Palace.

Changyi propped her elbows on the table and raised her head, waiting feebly for something.

When Zuo Daoqi came, Cai'er was reporting to her what gifts the Empress Dowager received today, which made Changyi even angrier.

Because now the Baihua Palace has been downgraded from a hall to a palace, she is considered to be enmity with the queen mother, and today is such a day, she naturally wants to know the popularity of the queen mother.

"I have seen Her Majesty the Princess."

Changyi waved his hand, and said weakly, "You came just in time, I ask you, do you think the big mother's birthday party will be well organized this time?"

Zuo Dodge glanced at her expression, and tentatively said, "It should be possible, with His Majesty's support..."

"Sooner or later, one day, this palace will be more beautiful than her."

Zuo Dodge was speechless.

His Dao Changyi will not let go of any chance for this kind of publicity.

But when he entered the palace today, besides celebrating the Queen Mother's birthday, he still wanted to persuade Ji Lingshu and Changyi to leave the palace temporarily. A few days ago, he had guessed because of the memory of the wild ghost in Jiang Liyan's hands. It makes him uneasy to this day.

As for the queen mother, there should be no danger. After all, she is not from the royal family, and there is an eighth prince behind her. No matter which side she is, she must not want to offend a second-rank sword fairy who has proven herself in the world.

This kind of old silver coin that has been planned for hundreds of years is hidden in the palace. Whether it is Taizu Ji Wuji or Emperor Yanqing, Zuo Daoqi is not at ease with the Queen Mother and the others.

Changyi suddenly asked, "I heard that you had a duel with a flying sword successor a few days ago? Did you win?"

Her eyes were bright, as if she was very interested in the battle process.

Zuo Daoqi was taken aback for a moment, Changyi was a self-proclaimed lady, and was not interested in this kind of fighting and killing.

"The princess is curious about this?"

"Of course, when I was young, I also dreamed of a sword fairy. Flying swordsmanship was called a sword fairy in the past, wasn't it?"

Zuo Dodge nodded, "Qiu Su is a very good opponent, but he is not in good condition."

"How to say?"

Zuo Daoqi said softly, "The way of the sword pays attention to cultivating momentum and the determination to win. During the battle with me, he walked all the way and drew his sword many times. He didn't have enough momentum. He had other ambitions but no determination to win. "

"Unsatisfied with the momentum, it is hard to express, and it is only natural for him to lose."

This is also the reason why he invited Qiu Su to come again at the end.

Changyi nodded half-understood, and then said, "When I was young, I wanted to become a Sword Immortal, but the world is impermanent. Mr. Chen took me to the Demon Slaying Mansion, saying that I am not suitable for cultivation. .”

Zuo Daoqi smiled and persuaded, "But the princess is also a Confucian scholar now, and she is a rare female Confucianist, which is also excellent."

Changyi's tone was slightly low, "Yes... When I was young, my mother and concubine were not favored by my father. During a conversation with my mother and concubine, my mother and concubine told me that I am just an ordinary person. I will marry in the future and want to change. This kind of ending requires me to practice hard."

"But I...couldn't stand the pain of martial arts cultivation, so I begged my father to send me to the Imperial Academy. That was the first time I begged my father, Zuo Daoqi, do you know how I felt when I went to Hanyuan Hall? A sort of…"

Changyi didn't know if he drank some wine, and stimulated by the Queen Mother's gift, he talked about the past with Zuo Daoqi.

She continued, "Later, my mother and concubine told me that as long as I become a practitioner, my father will like me... I have been in the Imperial College until now."

Zuo Daoqi looked sideways slightly, Changyi's life seemed to be going smoothly, but behind the unknown, there was so much sadness hidden.

So he finally understood why Changyi always liked to show off and pirated his poems to read to Emperor Yuanji.

Beneath that flailing fangs and claws, the tea-like appearance is an extremely lonely and insecure soul.

She was lonely since she was a child, and her mother and concubine were not favored. She watched her sisters marry people she didn't like or even met.

So she wanted to change, and tentatively begged Emperor Yuanji to enter the Guozijian.

Zuo Daoqi said softly, "Everything is over. The princess is now a sixth-grade Confucian scholar. After a few years, His Majesty will grant you a piece of princess territory. At that time, the princess..."

"But I don't like this, I don't like..." Changyi whispered.

"I'm very envious of Xiyuan."

Ji Lingshu, who was about to enter the Baihua Palace, paused slightly, and a flash of emotion flashed across her face. She also remembered the past.

Zuo Dodge was at a loss, and Changyi's outbreak caught him off guard.

He is not a qualified subordinate, at least his backer has such rich emotions in his heart, and he didn't know anything about it before.

A long time ago, when he was an unknown little **** in the palace, he only used Changyi as a springboard.

Thinking of this, I can't help feeling a little ashamed.

So he recalled a little in his mind the "Taishang Induction Immortal Sword (Building the Foundation that Qiu Su gave him.

A wry smile appeared on his face, Qiu Su couldn't be calculating, right?

"If the princess doesn't want to learn anymore, don't learn it in the future. The minister will definitely help the princess on the road of cultivation."

Changyi raised his head slightly, looked at Zuo Dodge with doubts on his face.

Zuo Daoqi smiled calmly, "The road of life is long, and today's wind and frost may be the scenery of the sword fairy Princess Changyi in the future."

In the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor, there should be a way for people to obtain spiritual channels, right?

Zuo Daoqi thought in his heart that after the Tianyuan Grand Meeting, there must be a decisive battle between Zhang Weizheng and the black hands behind the scenes who cut off the fortune of the Great Jin Dynasty.

This is the judgment made by Zuo Dodge from many aspects.

"Uncle is here, shouldn't it be time to make a statue for me?"

Ji Lingshu's voice came from outside the hall.

Changyi raised his head suddenly, and the confusion on his face was swept away, replaced by a delicate face full of tea.

She has always been such a delicate person.

Hearing Ji Lingshu's words, Zuo Daoqi felt a little headache, why didn't she forget it?

Just when he was thinking about how to prevaricate, Chang Yi said suddenly.

"That's right, if Zuo Qing is going to make a statue, you shouldn't mind making one for me, right? Sister Xiyuan will definitely not be angry."

Zuo Daoqi was astonished, and the familiar tea smell returned. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether the Changyi that he had just confided in was real or not.

Watching the two standing there arm in arm.

"How about this posture, uncle will help us do it together?"

Suddenly, Zuo Dodge felt as if he had fallen into a trap, and the clown was actually me.

He looked at Changyi in disbelief, thinking that Changyi just now was performing.

"I... didn't bring any wood..." he murmured.

Changyi responded, "There are still some leftovers from the craftsman who repaired the roof last time in the bedroom of this palace. It's just not very good. It's definitely not as good as the one of the big mother, but who made me and Xiyuan inferior?"

Ji Lingshu seemed to be infected, and said in a strange way, "That is, if the mother is angry, uncle will be angry with us."

Zuo Dodge had a headache, he really didn't want to enter the palace at this time.

But because of that terrible guess, he had to enter the palace, "Okay, okay, I'll do it for you, but I have a few words to tell you."

"What words?"

Zuo Daoqi looked solemn, "In the future, there may be some changes in the palace. If possible, you'd better live outside the palace for a while."

"It just so happens that Her Royal Highness Princess Changyi is about to open the palace, why not just in the next few days."

Changyi wanted to ask something.

Ji Lingshu had already nodded directly. She had been in contact with Zuo Daoqi for a longer period of time, and knew that Zuo Daoqi would not be lost, so she said, "Okay, it just so happens that we don't want to visit Damu every day."

Speaking of this, Changyi was obviously a little angry, "That's right, the eldest mother is so bad, she even made a rule that we have to visit her every day!"

Who told you to mess with her first...

But Zuo Dodge also felt that the Queen Mother was going too far...

But this is not the reason for him to carve statues of the two princesses on the day of the queen mother's birthday banquet. This is too lacking in emotional intelligence.

"Ahem, you are all princesses, and you deserve better. How can the wood for repairing houses be allocated to the two princesses who have lost their fish and wild goose to make statues? How about I send it when Princess Changyi opens the mansion?"

Ji Lingshu smiled sweetly and cast her eyes on Changyi.

Changyi put on a show for a long time, then nodded and agreed, but made the same request, "My palace is bigger than Damu's!"

"Okay~~" Zuo Daoqi regretted that he made a statue for the Queen Mother that day in order to test "Killing Heart".


On the queen mother's birthday, he was not supposed to enter the palace to celebrate her birthday. With his current status, he was not qualified to attend the banquet.

But after all, it was the Empress Dowager's birthday party, so she could invite some people, and Zuo Daoqi was one of them.

When he walked into the Yuchen Palace with the two princesses, everyone focused on the three of them, and most of them focused on Zuo Daoqi.

The inheritor of the ancient flying sword technique appeared in the city of Kyoto and asked Zuo Daoqi about the sword.

It seemed that the two didn't know whether there had been a fight, but Qiu Su admitted frankly that they were defeated.

Zuo Dodge's reputation is already very famous, at least within the scope of Kyoto, there are almost no practitioners who have not heard of his name.

The queen mother's natal family is the Zi family, and it is also one of the many monk forces in the world, and it is the most powerful one. A large part of the people she invited are monks.

So they were extremely curious about Zuo Dodge.

Of course Zi Li was also among them, he was quite familiar with Zuo Daoqi, so he nodded slightly at him.

Zuo Dodge nodded back.

The sun was shining brightly and it was warm.

"I have seen the Empress Dowager."

Zuo Dodge stood nearly ten meters in front of the Queen Mother, clasping his fists slightly.

This banquet was actually a bit casual. At the request of the Empress Dowager, this banquet did not involve too many political factors.

Therefore, in less than half an hour, Changyi, who had an exquisite face, orderly conversation, and gorgeous and complicated jewelry, naturally became the center of the topic.

In such a scene, she regained her usual arrogance, so she looked left and right, sometimes looking at the Queen Mother sitting at the head of the seat, and sometimes turning her head to look at the 'stupid' Xiyuan.

It seemed to be showing off to Ji Lingshu.

It has to be said that Ji Lingshu is a very unsocial princess. She is proud and independent, and her cold face makes it impossible to see the thoughts in her heart.

But the eyes of many monks swept past her from time to time.

‘Worthy of being a princess, she has so much aura of a real person on her body. '

Ji Lingshu was so valued by Taihuang Mountain that he even specially sent a real person to protect the way. Everyone was shocked by the real person's aura in him.

The emperor also behaved very decently at the banquet, giving enough face to the empress dowager, and the emperor's grandmother was commensurate between opening and closing his mouth.

How much of it is true and how much of it is fake, only I know.

The banquet quietly disappeared amidst the floating of people's hearts.

Among them, the empress dowager stood out the most, followed by Changyi and Ji Lingshu, because the empress dowager's extremely detailed statue, Zuo Daoqi also got some limelight.

Although he is not happy.

For a while, the guests laughed and chatted, the emperor smiled, and the queen mother smiled like a lotus.

in the garden.

Left Dodge stood behind the Queen Mother.

"Are you going out of Beijing?"

Zuo Dodge nodded, "Mr. Zhang asked me to go to the southeast, and I need to investigate something."

The queen mother didn't ask anything, but said in a low voice, "Are you sure you've dealt with the matter on Leng Yue's side?"

Zuo Daoqi nodded, "I have met Leng Yue, she promised me that she would not enter the palace for a short time, and now she is the disciple of Xu Yuan, the world's gun king, and she used practice as an excuse, and those people would not say anything."

"It's good that you have a plan." The Queen Mother's cold voice came, a bit sour.

Zuo Dodge heard it and pretended not to hear it.

Today's situation does not allow anything to happen between him and the queen mother, and he will leave the palace soon.

Zhang Weizheng saw him a few days ago and asked him to go to the southeast to investigate something that made him feel strange.

Although the Tianyuan event was approaching, Zuo Daoqi still agreed.

Yuelou was captured by Emperor Zhengming, so Zhang Weizheng also noticed Yuelou because of this, but he found something strange.

Yue Lou and Yue Chong, governor of Nansu County in southeast Huzhou, are brothers, but Yue Chong presided over and implemented a strange policy some time ago.

He ordered to plant a spiritual creature called Fengyun Grass in Nansu City.

Planting elixir in rice fields of mortals is obviously beyond the cognition of ordinary people.

But the point is, he seems to have succeeded!

Zhang Weizheng then suspected that there was someone behind Yue Chong, most likely someone from an unknown force.

What Zuo Dodge has to do is to clear up these investigations.

The reason why Zuo Daoqi invited Jiang Liyan was because of the magic of Jiulongjing, which allowed him to inquire about the memory of ghosts, and Zuo Daoqi could see through the golden fingers of other people's scripts, which was undoubtedly a match made in heaven.

The second is that the Linqing sect where Jiang Liyan is located can be regarded as a local snake in the southeast, so it should be easier to find Based on various factors, Zuo Daoqi invited Jiang Liyan.

Three days have passed since the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet.

Zuo Daoqi also prepared the wood for the two princesses. He probably couldn't catch up with the opening banquet in Changyi, so he had to tearfully pirate the poems from his previous life.

In fact, he doesn't really like plagiarism like this, at least when his cultivation level has risen and he no longer needs to rely on this kind of "wit" packaged in poetry to protect himself, he has rarely done this kind of thing.

He can't go out of Beijing without any scruples, after all, he has too many people around him now.

Whether it was Zhu Hongyan, Tantai Jing, or even Jiang Liyan who was going to the southeast with him, they needed to be appeased one by one.

Xiao Ying and the others are very good at making arrangements, and Zhang Weizheng will also help him with arrangements.

However, just as he was about to leave, someone sent a letter.

Read The Duke's Passion