MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 385 big sister head

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"What is this?!"

Terrified screams sounded from the dense forest, and there was chaos among the sea monsters.

That giant python was the worst, with a smile on his face, Zuo Daoqi stepped down from the fire lotus step by step, exuding an ancient and wild aura, and lightly stepped on the giant python's head.

The giant black python seemed to have encountered an unrivaled natural enemy. Its whole body was lying on the ground, not daring to move, as if it had lost its soul.

The rest of the leaders of the sea-monster clan retreated subconsciously.


After seeing the strangeness of the giant python, all the sea monsters retreated. As if out of instinct, all the creatures in the mountains retreated, and even the barnacles clinging to the rock wall in the distance were twisting. Move back.

It's just that there are too many barnacles, and the densely packed barnacles are piled up layer by layer, and I don't know how many fall to the ground.

The savage spirit emanating from Zuo Daoqi is so terrifying?

Jiang Liyan looked astonished, she was ready to use the knowledge of Jiulongjing, but she didn't expect Zuo Daoqi to have such a means.

She was vaguely familiar with this breath. When she was in Ling County, she was rescued by Zuo Daoqi. At that time, she had seen the body of the Hades snake in the Demon Locking Tower.

Was that so-called Underworld God, who looked so weak but had deep heels, so terrifying at his peak?

Her heart was slightly fixed, and her gaze swept across Zuo Dodge unobtrusively. It had to be said that being around this guy always made people feel a wonderful sense of security, even if his cultivation was not high.

Although he is hateful at times and always uses Yan'er to tease himself, but at critical moments, he is still very reliable.

Zuo Dodge pressed his palm on the giant python below him, swallowing his mana.

The monsters became more and more frightened, the most powerful giant python among them was like a plaything at the mercy of others.

The giant python was still struggling slowly.

"Boy, quickly refine his body, this **** will temporarily suppress his soul with divine power."

Zuo Daoqi's heart twitched slightly, and his mana spit out more quickly, and even Dao Ji unfolded directly, and the almost infinite mana surged like a sea, pouring into the giant python's body.

Fortunately, this guy should be of the bloodline of an ancient alien beast, but the bloodline has not yet been fully awakened. In the state of being suppressed, Zuo Daoqi's mana was easily instilled in him, and he kept imprinting on his body.

Then the body of the giant python was controlled to shrink slowly, and was swallowed by the fire lotus.

This scene made the group of monsters who were already retreating quickly become more panicked.

In the mountains and forests, the group of monsters was in turmoil, and the four-legged monster fish were not used to being on land. At this moment, some of them were crushed under the body of the group of monsters due to the panic formation. The strange seahorse roared to the sky, awakening the power of the wind; The turtle retracted its limbs into the shell, rolling around...

At the same time, Zuo Daoqi saw countless flying swords criss-crossing in the distance, like a thousand swords criss-crossing.

The sword is like a dragon's chant, and it has been passed down for thousands of miles.

Zuo Daoqi always thought that after meeting the Eighth Prince, he thought that there was no sword fairy in the world who could move him.

Fighting with Qiu Su a few days ago, I feel that Qiu Su has some temperament, which can be counted as half, and these vertical and horizontal swords floating in the sky, even if their masters are not seen, can be counted as the upper half.

A look of joy appeared on Jiang Yueluo's face.

Obviously, he knew the person who came.

Zuo Daoqi remembered that he had said before that after leaving Linqingzong, he joined Wanjianzong.

So, this is asking for help from my senior brother?

But seeing swords flying in the air, the group of monsters became more panicked.

"Where are you, the Siren, who dare to cross the boundary between the sky and the sea!"

Contrary to Zuo Dodge's expectations, the voice of the person who came came was a female voice, a very heroic and unique voice, I don't know how to describe it, for a moment, it seemed that only those female generals in the past and ancient times could make him think of it as a metaphor, Such as Hua Mulan, Mu Guiying and the like...

That's not right, the owner of this voice is a sword fairy after all, and there is a sense of refinement in it that is far away from the smoke and fire of the world.

Wan Jian is like flowing light, wandering back and forth in the air, full of a strange sense of beauty.

This scene made Zuo Daoqi, who was refining the giant python, think of something. After the battle with the three immortals of Fu Lu Shou that day, Daoxu was completely alienated by the alienation of the sky, and he realized a trick similar to supernatural powers .

Cruise the opponent's body back and forth with alienated energy.

The name is [The time has not come]!

It is taken from 'The King of Hades told you to die at the third watch, and dare not keep you until the fifth watch. '

Hades won't let you die, and you can't die either.

This supernatural power actually didn't help Zuo Daoqi very much, the key was that it was a bit tasteless, and it was just that when Fuxian was severely injured that day, Daoxu used it to deprive him of his mind.

What if the alienated spirit of Daoxu is attached to the sword?

Can Daoxu become a sword cultivator?

Zuo Dodge pondered slightly in his heart.

But suddenly heard a sound from the side.

"Senior Sister, save me!"

Jiang Yueluo's voice made Zuo Daoqi look weird.

This guy, it seems that when he was called Jiang Liyan's sister before, he didn't seem to be so 'wronged', right?

Could this be the person he admired?

Didn't this guy say that he and Miss Sun's family are in love?

Li Yinglian looked at the group of retreating monsters in surprise, she was not so narcissistic that she thought that these monsters left after being reprimanded by her.

Of course, she didn't really kill this group of sea monsters. After all, she had already seen her junior brother, and she came here to save people.

As a real person, Li Yinglian still has this amount of capacity.

So Wan Jian returned to the sect, turned into a blue-red sword and went straight into the scabbard behind him.

It was also at this time that Zuo Daoqi finally met Jiang Yueluo's 'senior sister'.

She has picturesque eyebrows, but she doesn't have the gentleness and weakness of ordinary women. Her eyes are bright, her facial features are beautiful, and she is a perfect person.

But it can't be described with the words that describe women, perhaps it should be described with words such as handsome and handsome to describe men.

This is a very handsome woman, with a heroic appearance and a kind of air that is beyond the dust.

"Xiao Yueluo, why did you do this?"

Li Yinglian spoke carelessly, which sounded very inconsistent with her handsome appearance.

Zuo Dodge inevitably had a strange expression on his face.

Jiang Yueluo's face was aggrieved, much richer than when he saw Jiang Liyan.

"I was plotted against in Nansu City, senior sister, you want to help me take revenge."

Li Yinglian acted like an elder, reached out and tapped Jiang Yueluo's shoulder, "You didn't mention my name, Li Yinglian? Is there anyone else who dares to plot against my junior brother?"

Jiang Yueluo seemed to be used to Li Yinglian's tone, and lowered her head when she heard the words.

"Let you go out, mention the name of Senior Sister more, and wait for Senior Sister to avenge you in the future."

Jiang Yueluo nodded in the attitude of a little girl.

"Yue Luo, why don't you introduce me?"

The interaction between the two inevitably made Jiang Liyan look a little unhappy, after all, she was her real sister.

Zuo Daoqi could see that Jiang Yueluo's feelings for Jiang Liyan were actually not that deep. Maybe it was because he was defeated when Lin Qingzong chose the 'Saint' in the past? Or he went to Wanjianzong when he was very young.

"Master Li Yinglian, the head of the Wanjianzong Yujian Hall!"

Jiang Yueluo's voice sounded, making Zuo Dodge look sideways.

It wasn't until this moment that he felt the majestic and undetectable aura in Li Yinglian's body.


He couldn't help being surprised.

Jiang Yueluo continued to introduce, "Senior sister, this is my sister, Jiang Liyan, this..."

He hesitated to introduce Zuo Dodge.

Just at this time, Zuo Daoqi had completely controlled the giant python, and put it into the fire lotus to nourish it, and then took a step forward, "I am his brother-in-law."


In a word, the expressions of everyone present instantly changed.

Jiang Liyan's eyes were murderous, "You are talking nonsense, I tore your mouth off."

"Okay, I won't say anything."

Some of them seem to be flirting, at least in Jiang Yueluo's view, so it is.

So he looked at Zuo Dodge with a bit of admiration.

But he knew how difficult his elder sister was to deal with. When he was young, he was so outstanding in practice that he once thought that his elder sister would not marry.

Zuo Dodge looked at Jiang Liyan dotingly.

So Jiang Liyan felt uncomfortable being watched by him, and a weak flame rose up.

Zuo Dodge turned his gaze quickly, and when he saw the gazes of the other two, he coughed slightly in embarrassment.


In the southeast area, there are actually many alien races. This land is mountainous, and many people have never seen them stepping out of the mountains in their entire lives.

Most of the people in the mountains are somewhat different from those in ordinary cities, and they even have their own practice system.

Coincidentally, the practice systems of these alien races in the mountains are somewhat similar to the way of totems of the barbarians in the west, except that the barbarians in the west like to hunt wild beasts as totems, while those in the south worship various cult gods.

Even after tens of thousands of years of development, the mountains here are still wild.

The vertical and horizontal forces are intertwined, the tyrannical powerful clans and several giant-like clans firmly occupy the rich and prosperous land in the southeast.

Even though Ji Wuji, the Taizu of the Great Jin Dynasty in the past, ruled the world tyrannically and surrendered openly in the southeast, but the power of the imperial court was really involved in it, very few.

Just like the boundary between the sky and the sea that separates the sea race from the human race, it is guarded by the southeast sect and the clan in turn, and the imperial court only assists in defense.

The existence of alien races is a common phenomenon in the southeast.

The same is true for the vicinity of Nansu County.

In a misty mountain full of white miasma, there is such a powerful barbarian force.

A tall, non-human figure stood on the top of the mountain with deep eyes, as if he could see the scenery beyond the mountain through the endless fog.

This is the characteristic of the barbarians in the south. They are tall and self-proclaimed descendants of demon gods. Their personal combat power has reached the peak that ordinary people can't match. The monks in the same land actually have a headache for these southern barbarians.

This is also different from the barbarians in the west.

"Patriarch, the sons and daughters have surrounded Nansu City and are lurking down."

Behind the tall figure stood dozens of barbarians who were about the same height as ordinary people.

Their faces were cruel, and they looked at the leader with admiration and longing.

Barbarians respect the strong, but like to challenge the strong.


The figure swallowed the surrounding white mist and miasma, and the miasma that filled the sky seemed to be slightly thinner at this moment.

It is a terrible thing to move the whole world with one breath.

But the people of the Lishan tribe have long been used to it, and they know whose breath it is, the patron saint of the Lishan tribe-Gladan Falcon.

A demon **** fighter at the peak of the third rank is equivalent to a real person of the great heaven, but according to his blood of the demon god, who can be his opponent for an ordinary real person of the great heaven.

He turned around slowly and looked at the soldiers behind him. Facing the desire in these people's eyes, not only was he not angry, but his eyes were filled with relief.

As a barbarian warrior, challenging the strong is something engraved in his bones, and no one is allowed to discard it.

"Boys, we're going to chase a stag with those wolves in the east, are you—afraid?"

A simple sentence, like thunder, spread throughout the entire foothills.

All the people in the Lishan Tribe were excited by the sound. They roared in response to the leader's words.

Gradan Falcon had a stern face, and he looked at the subjects who were exuding courage wantonly with satisfaction, and he turned and walked out into the distant mist.

Across the fog, there is a scarlet carpet stretching out from the unknown world.

Connected at the end is a magnificent palace, which is the underworld palace where they worship Lishan Demon God.

After the Gradan Falcon also entered the Nether Palace, it was illuminated by the torches on both sides of the palace, allowing people to see his face clearly.

This is an extremely fierce-looking existence. Its huge body is covered with dark blue hair, and a layer of blue-black **** carapace grows on the surface of its body, like a marine animal. The two sharp horns on its forehead are bent towards the sky.

In this palace of the underworld that few people from the Lishan tribe can step into, he unscrupulously shows off his aura, and he rarely hides his strength, but the tribe's people are too weak.

In the empty hall, a statue of Lishan Demon God whose face cannot be seen stands in the darkness. The face of the Demon God cannot be seen by ordinary people.

Gradan Falcon glanced at the Demon God Statue without much respect, passing through the dark area illuminated by the torch.

A huge coffin appeared in front of my eyes, which was dark red, as if countless blood had dried up and formed criss-cross marks on the surface of the coffin.

"Tie Yuehan, my son, soon, I will find a way to revive you."

The coffin seemed to flicker at a certain moment, as if responding to the words of the Gradan Falcon.


Under the leadership of Li Yinglian, Zuo Daoqi and others came to a cave to analyze and ponder various suspicious points in Nansu County.

Except for the identities of Zuo Dodge and Jiang Liyan, they didn't have much to hide.

Li Yinglian said a little high-pitched, "You said that the entire city of Nansu City has now been reduced to a dead city?"

Zuo Dodge looked at Jiang Yueluo, who nodded slightly.

After all, he came earlier and knew more news than Zuo Dodge and the others.

"I don't know what they are planning, but when I was in the Sun family, I heard Sun Nan say that the ancestor of the Sun family seems to have a breakthrough opportunity. I wonder if there is a relationship between the two?"

Zuo Daoqi thought of something, and asked, "Li...Nvxia, Wanjianzong is located in the southeast, have you ever heard of Nansu County's specialty - Fengyuncao?"

Li Yinglian reached out and patted him on the Zuo Dodge, right? You are Xiaoyueluo's brother-in-law, you don't need to be called a heroine, if you really want to, you can just call him big sister. "

Left Dodge twitched.

"Fengyun Grass? What is this?"

When Zuo Dodge was outside Nansu County, he dug up one and immediately took it out and handed it to Li Yinglian.

Li Yinglian put it in her hand and twisted it lightly. She frowned with a confused expression.

"Why is it a bit like the blood soul grass, a magical medicine poured with human blood and soul, but it seems to be a little different."

These words flashed across Zuo Dodge's mind like a ray of light in an instant, making him stand up on the spot.

"It's the lack of souls! Since you said that the blood soul grass was poured out of human sacrifices, but now Nansu County is a ghost town, does it mean that they haven't poured souls yet?"

Li Yinglian suddenly realized.

Read The Duke's Passion