MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 395 Incarnation of reincarnation, help out

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Chapter 395 Incarnation of Reincarnation, A Helping Hand

The sword in Li Yinglian's hand and the shadow of the sword beside her are too iconic.

Everyone who can come to Nansu City today is naturally from the southeast area, and naturally has respect for Wan Jianzong, the almost uncrowned king.

No one is willing to kill Wan Jianzong's true biography in public.

As for how to judge whether it is true or not...

Li Yinglian is a real person at such a young age, and some brains should be able to judge it.

When Li Yinglian protected Zuo Daoqi, everyone thought that Zuo Daoqi was Li Yinglian's lover, but he was involved in it by accident, and it was reasonable to selectively ignore them.

In the melee.

The strength of the Gradan Falcon is vividly displayed in this kind of melee combat that is almost in a meat grinder.

He turned into a demon god, with a savage aura on his body, and his terrifying aura shot straight into the sky. A pair of emotionless eyes swept across the group of 'alliances', and then he took the lead in attacking.

When the fist is released, the earth trembles, and countless layers of clouds are collapsing and dissolving.

The strongest method of Lishan Demon God - Jiuli Zhantian!

The talent of Gradan Falcon is among the top existences in the tens of thousands of years of history of the Lishan tribe. The talent here refers to the degree of compatibility with the Lishan Demon God.

With one punch, the target was the ghoul king who was hidden in the black robe.

The method of this person's cultivation is also quite strange, he seems to be able to see the future for a moment, at the moment when the Gradan Falcon punches, he senses that the person is going to attack him, and the rushing momentum blooms on his body, which is almost the same as the Gradan Falcon Same origin.


The vertical and horizontal fists meet in the air, but the ghoul king has already retreated behind everyone.

He seems to be much stronger than the first unlucky Taoist priest who died before. Gradan Falcon punched too fast, and the demon monk and the four dragons hadn't caught up. With this hard blow, he fell into a safe place.


The battle here fell into the eyes of Jiang Liyan and the others in the distance.

Jiang Li was covered with a veil, standing on one of the few complete high walls outside Nansu City, quietly standing and watching, like a withered sculpture.

Jiang Yueluo looked worried.


Xue Cheng walked into the city, but from the beginning to the end, he did not look up to see the god-like battle in the distance. The aftermath of the attack was not aimed at him after all. With his means , is enough to resolve.

So under the background of almost a raging war, I saw a strange young man in brocade clothes walking on the empty streets of Nansu City.

A somewhat illusory shadow passed by him, Xue Cheng stretched out his hand to grab it, but he passed through the body of the dead soul like a mortal without a hand that mustered magic power.

This is a somewhat older dead soul. The moment Xue Cheng stretched out his hand, he seemed to have sensed it. Turning his head to look, his reaction seemed to have decayed. The too fragile power of the soul made it extremely difficult for him to make an expression. When he flew away from the intersection, he smiled at Xue Cheng.


A yin energy containing strange power captured the soul of the old man, and Jiang Yueluo looked at Jiang Liyan, who had been frozen before, in surprise.

"Sister, you are..."

Jiang Liyan remained silent, looking at the sky in the distance, as if he saw the man who turned into a Buddha with his body and sealed the demon with his life just now.

"I'm not helping you, I'm just helping Yue Luo get revenge."

She murmured in her heart.

This scene made Xue Cheng realize something, and another ghost flew out, and he reached out again.

as before.

He was not discouraged.

"Look at its whole appearance, know its whole cause, contemplate its whole nature, measure its whole benefits, and obtain its whole way..."

"I always thought that my way is perfect, but I found..."

"Not everything."

Xue Cheng looked at Jiang Liyan, and he looked at the Yin Qi around Jiang Liyan with a profound gaze.

"I seem to...understand."

"The five perfections are not all in the world. I am only me, and I can only be me. Since I am me, I should observe the Tao."

At this moment, Xue Cheng's eyes, one big and one small, no longer looked funny, and his high forehead seemed to contain infinite wisdom.

He stretched out his hand again, but it seemed that he had penetrated into an invisible and unknowable alien space.

"Today I am lacking, and I have to rely on you, so I will pay back to you."

"The master taught me that there is reincarnation in the world, and it can accommodate the souls of the dead. If the reincarnation sky collapses, I would like to become reincarnation!"

Like a crescent moon, wonderful things outlining countless mysterious talismans emerged from Xue Cheng's body, without a trace of yin, without a trace of violence, without a trace of emotion.

He is like an emotionless machine, turning his soul into a light of reincarnation, each soul seems to have found a more suitable place for him.

At the beginning, only one dead soul was absorbed from the mother root, and then the second...the third...

Jiang Liyan's eyes were slightly startled, and Jiang Yueluo had already yelled out.

"He! He! What the **** is he doing!?"

He seemed to have seen something unbelievable, something beyond his own conception and imagination. At this moment, the horror on his face could almost affect one area.


A somewhat surprised voice emerged from the void. It was an old man with white beard and hair. He stood up straight, like a long spear, falling beside Xue Cheng.

No one knows how he appeared, nor did anyone see when he appeared.

"I thought this time I was here to fight, but I actually found so many interesting juniors."

Jiang Liyan and Jiang Yueluo seemed to be facing a scourge, standing still on the ground, especially when the old man's eyes swept over Jiang Liyan, she felt an urge to escape.

Fortunately, Xu Yuan saw that the soul of the dead was incorporated into Jiang Liyan's magic weapon and nourished his body, so he smiled slightly.

"I have a good relationship with that kid."

Jiang Liyan was slightly stunned, and the tension in his heart eased.

"I didn't want to enter the venue so high-profile, but..."

Xu Yuan didn't stay too long, he stretched out his hand, and his evil spirit rose to the sky, as if announcing his arrival to the world.

It's just that Jiang Liyan discovered that Xu Yuan's departure also erased Xue Cheng and her aura.

He is to seal the breath for them.


In the fierce battlefield, under the joint attack of the three great heavenly figures, a terrifying war machine such as the Gradan Falcon took the lead, at the terrifying speed of a monk fighting in the real world.

In just ten breaths, after fighting countless times, the second fallen real person finally appeared.

It is the existence that climbed out of the ground and was distorted and polluted by the power of alienation.

In fact, it is not too unexpected, because the power of pollution, even the "allies" are unwilling to get too close to him.

Death is just the punishment of greed.

At the time of this person's death, the slight changes from the mother root that had not yet completely transformed into alchemy attracted everyone's attention, but they did not wait for them to delve into it.

I saw a monstrous evil spirit coming from the sky.

Accompanied by an indifferent, but extremely brutal and bloodthirsty voice.

"Before coming, Zhang Weizheng told me that there might be a fight this time. I didn't refuse, but said that if there is someone worthy of my shot, I will help him."

"It's just that what surprised the old man was that there were so many people."

"A big fight? The old man likes it the most!"

The spear is still there, and the first shot is fired.

This was the first time that Zuo Daoqi saw Xu Yuan, a top master who was almost famous all over the world, make a move.

The gun is like a dragon, it is a real dragon, and it is more like a dragon than the four dragons!

The evil spirit soared into the sky and turned into a dragon shape.

This is a more powerful aura than the Gradan Falcon.

Xu Yuan stabbed out with a spear, and stood peacefully, gazing at the many masters of the Yin God, his eyes like hooks, and his hair like snow.

"What a Blood Soul Heavenly Pellet, I want a piece of the pie, how about it?"

A word is spoken and there is no sound, a shot is fired and there is no move.

The world seemed to be silent for a while, and everyone seemed to be convinced by Xu Yuan.

Invincible momentum so far!


Zuo Daoqi couldn't help cheering for Xu Yuan in his heart. In front of so many third-rank powerhouses, it was as if he had entered the land of no one, and he almost suppressed the heroes with his own strength.

What a style.

What a confidence.

How... tyrannical!

The Ghoul King has always been very cautious, but just now he was targeted by Gradan Falcon and squeezed out by several "allies" because of his reputation. He had to reveal more strength, almost comparable to the strength of the Great Heaven, which has already made everyone more fear.

Not surprisingly, if Xu Yuan hadn't appeared just now, he would be the next to die.

Therefore, he had to become a person who was qualified to share the wealth again. Then, choosing Xu Yuan and the rest was a choice in his heart.

In this case, he chooses the first shot.

"Senior is an extremely great master. It takes only a short while to enter the second rank. Why wait with me..."



The fine dragon chant stirred the wind, and the ghost king who spoke, seemed to be sucked into a sea of ​​knives and guns, with nowhere to escape.

At the critical moment, he activated the stolen power of the demon god, and his whole body instantly became ten feet in size, taller than the Gradan Falcon.

But this kind of tallness could not bring him the slightest sense of security.

After a while, the wind of the gun disappeared, and the figure of the ghoul king disappeared, only a transparent shadow running for his life hundreds of miles away.

The power of one blow almost killed the ghost king who was comparable to the Yin God of the Great Heaven, leaving him running wildly with only his soul left.

All the rest were shocked.

The highest among the three ranks of the Great Heavenly Rank, called Jueding Daoist or Jueding Grandmaster, is a very special existence. Apart from being immersed in the realm of the Great Heavenly Rank for many years, there is another characteristic, that is, they have found their own Dao source, but they do not Satisfied, I want to set foot on the second grade with another Dao source.

Such an existence, logically speaking, would not be able to **** a blood soul elixir that is only a breakthrough in the existence theory of the Yang God.

But Xu Yuan is here.

The fear on the demon monk's face could hardly be restrained.

His face twitched, and he got the clue of the Blood Soul Heavenly Pill by rushing from the Buddha Kingdom to Dajin. He thought that his strength was enough for him to get this heaven-sent opportunity.

But looking back at the remaining strong players in the field, he was a little disappointed to find that besides Si Longzi, he was the weakest...

No matter how crazy and arrogant he was, he didn't think that he would be the opponent of the reckless Gradan Falcon in this kind of almost hand-to-hand street fighting.

There was a bit of retreat in his heart.

Then he looked at Zuo Daoqi, who was protected by Li Yinglian, with his eyes exuding a strange scarlet color.

He made up his mind that if someone challenged Xu Yuan again later and caused a scuffle, he would take Zuo Daoqi away. With Zuo Daoqi's Buddhist inheritance, he would not be in vain.

Xu Yuan's name is still somewhat resounding, even though he hasn't made a move for many years.

Someone present already recognized him.

This is one of the only two big heavenly powerhouses among the five later, he slightly bowed his hands.

"It's the senior, but the junior is abrupt. Since the senior wants it, the junior should retreat."

This is a very decisive person who cultivates the magic way, so before he left, he bought a trap very schemingly and did not reveal Xu Yuan's true identity.

And one after another, someone recognized Xu Yuan, and they all backed away.

So, in the original battlefield of nine real people, two died in battle, one fled, and two retreated.

So, apart from Xu Yuan, the rest were the original three and a middle-aged man who exuded black energy, and he was also a martial artist.

In the past, Xu Yuan might have killed the demon, but today...

He just stood there, his eyes as calm as a lake.

Li Yinglian stood beside Zuo Daoqi, seeing the happy expression on Zuo Daoqi's face, she asked in a low voice, "People from the imperial court?"

"A somewhat familiar senior."

Li Yinglian's eyes showed some seriousness. This kid in front of him has a lot of secrets. Not only does he have various methods of inheritance, but he also seems to have a very strong background.

Xu Yuan walked towards the mother root that was about to transform into alchemy as if no one was around, and said softly, "This old man loves to kill, but he doesn't kill indiscriminately. The people in a city are so innocent. Today, I thanked this magic herb."

A burly figure stood in front of him, Gradan Falcon lowered its head halfway, and its figure blocked all the light, like a wall.

"Extreme master, I want to try."

In a sense, most of those who are able to step up to the third rank, especially the Great Heavenly Rank, are beings who are so determined that they are almost paranoid. They can do any horrible things for their own goals.

He even fights with his life for the goal.

I heard that in the morning, I died in the evening, that's all.

Xu Yuan raised his head slightly, sensing the terrifying aura coming from the Gradan Falcon, "Okay!"

As for the four dragon sons and the demon monk, at this moment, they actually retreated at the same time.

But at the moment when Xu Yuan and Gradan Falcon fought, the two rushed towards Zuo Dodge at the same time.

A big seal appeared in Silongzi's hand, and under heavy pressure, the black bowl in the demon monk's hand produced a strong suction force, trying to engulf Zuo Daoqi's body.

The extremely cumbersome inscriptions fell from the sky like a flood in an instant, almost suppressing Zuo Dodge's whole body time.

"Ao Kun!

! "The demon monk bared his eyes!

Silongzi laughed loudly, UU Reading seemed not to care at all, and smashed the big seal in his hand that had faded from the inscription and turned into a mundane thing.

"Huang Ersan, revenge for Daoism, I will help you catch this kid right now, don't be polite!"


It is naturally the third-rank formation that can be treated so seriously and preciously by Silongzi.

Huang Ersan was almost insane, but as the battle between Xu Yuan and the Gradan Falcon intensified, he had lost the courage to continue to stop.

In an instant, she went crazy and wanted to kidnap Li Yinglian!

It's a pity, a bright yellow phantom suddenly flew out between the blue rainbows!

"Who dares to touch my disciple!"

"Your uncle, Yang God!"

Huang Ersan ran faster than the ghoul king.

It's a pity that the shadow that flew out of the Qinghong sword chased after it like it was immortal.

Zuo Daoqi stood silently in the formation arranged by Silongzi, he didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky.

The formation of Silongzi is obviously a third-rank, and it also has a strong defensive force. The third-rank formation foundation should already be considered a treasure, right?

Don't you think it's shabby to use it on your own body?

He was slightly disappointed in his heart, and glanced at Hades, who had returned to a lazy state again.

To what extent has the strength of this dog recovered?

The earth-shattering battle took a shorter time than Zuo Dodge imagined.

Xu Yuan held a gun in one hand, with blood oozing slightly from the corner of his mouth. The huge body of the Gradan Falcon was pierced by the spear and stuck in the air.

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